Triggering Motion file keyframes in Keynote

I am able to place a file from Motion in Keynote. My next step is to trigger the keyframes in the motion file as part of a slide build. Any ideas?

Can't be done directly but if you have a little patience there's a work-around. I use this method a lot with content I produce in Motion.
Let's say you have one Motion project with four phases, each of which you want to start individually. You need to export each one of these separately from Motion as its own movie (using play range is simplest and gives you precise frame positions). Make sure you use same settings on each export.
Now in Keynote you simply use builds for eash of the movies - 'Appear' is the best one and makes it look as though it's just one long sequence. You need to make sure that each movie is exactly on top of the previous one - use the build inspector and guides to help, and I usually lock (Apple+L) each one as I place it to avoid unintentional moves later. Because Keynote holds on to the last frame of a movie, when the new one appears and starts on the mouse click, viewers won't know it's two movies.
This works really well for me, but my clips only have one or two keyframe points. If you had loads then this may be too cumbersome to do, but I'm not aware of any other way.
Hope it helps.

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            <parameter name="Text" id="369" flags="8606777344">
                <text>Andrew and Claudia</text>
            <parameter name="Render Text" id="360" flags="8590000146" default="0" value="0"/>
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            <parameter name="Top Margin" id="325" flags="12901679120" default="100" value="100"/>
            <parameter name="Path Options" id="329" flags="8589938704">
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                <parameter name="Align to Path" id="333" flags="8589934610" default="1" value="1"/>

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    As a matter of fact i still haven't found the way to validate these xml files for i was unable to find th OZXMLSCENE DTD for it
    Could you help me please?

    The enabling part will have to be done with LiveCycle Reader Extensions, which is also available from Datalogics as the PDF Java Toolkit with Reader Extensions.
    If you can get all of your users to move to Reader 11 and don't use digital signatures, consider:
    1. Appligent's AppendPDF Pro, perhaps along with FDFMerge.
    2. Debenu's Quick PDF Library
    3. iText

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    please explain this to me as you would a 4 year i can get it:)
    mac book pro   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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    thanks for helping me out...i am new to this program...
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