Trouble Backing up Files to Zip or Thumb.  Error "Item .. already exists"

After years of trouble free backup, today when I tried to back up my files to a Zip and to a Thumb drive, every now and then I get the following error message " The item ___ cannot be written because an item with that name already exist. Do you want to stop/continue" Then no matter if I hit stop or continue, the backup just stops at that point. Any ideas?

Hello bneck,
First....welcome to the discussions area. When I get odd problems like this, I look for easy solutions first.
This is what I would do:
1. - Check to be sure that a file with at name is not already on the target disc (Zip or flash)
2. - I would rebuild the desktop file of the main computer.
(Look under the help menu, you hold down the apple and option keys <2 keys> at start-up.
3. - I would rebuild the desktop file of the disk you want to save to. To do this, hold down the apple and option keys when inserting zip or plugging in flash.. This will allow you to rebuild the desktop file of the target device.
4. - If these tips don't work another work around is to open the file you are having trouble with.....then do a save as and select the zip or flash.
I suspect that one of the above solutions will do the trick.........HTH.........mGb.........Jim

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    This is the one error message that I have gotten in years with Encore. In my case, I had created a Project to be used as a "template," and had done the layout, Imported the common Assets, and then used this as the basis for a 17 DVD set, just Importing the unique Assets to each. Everything went perfectly, until disc 15. Maybe I was sloppy, as I had just completed 14 such Projects that day, but when I went to Build, I got that error. I tried un-Linking and re-Linking Assets, and checked all Menus. Nothing - just that error. Flushed Media Cache, and only the error. I posted here, with the details and asking for ideas.
    In the meantime, I just grabbed my "template" Project and Imported those same, unique Assets. Used my altered Menus from bad Project and did my linking, exactly (or so I thought) as I had just done. This time, the Build was successful and # 15 thru 17 went without a hitch.
    I had Saved that bad Project, and several folk offered suggestions. I tried them all, but never could get it to Build. I always got that error. I finally gave up testing and chalked it up to OE on my part, but I never figured out what I had done wrong, as I really thought that it was by the numbers.
    Based on my experience, I would just start a new Project, being careful in the workflow. That was the only thing that worked for me.
    Good luck,

  • Trouble backing up Library to CD-R Disc...Error Message 4261

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    Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
    Gateway FEDORA
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    UpperFilters: GEARAspiWDM (,
    Current user is an administrator.
    Video Display Information:
    Intel(R) 82815 Graphics Controller (Microsoft Corporation)
    Connected Device Information:
    DiskDrive, WDC WD200EB-11BHF0, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [0,0]
    DiskDrive, WDC WD400BB-00CAA0, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [1,0]
    CDROM, LG CD-RW CED-8080B, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [1,0]
    CDROM, _NEC DV-5800A, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [0,0]
    If you have multiple drives on the same IDE or SCSI bus, these drives may interfere with each other.
    Some computers need an update to the ATA or IDE bus driver, or Intel chipset. If iTunes has problems recognizing CDs or hanging or crashing while importing or burning CDs, check the support site for the manufacturer of your computer or motherboard.
    E: _NEC DV-5800A, Rev 1.52
    Drive is empty.
    F: LG CD-RW CED-8080B, Rev 1.04
    Drive is empty.
    Force Optical Power Calibration before burn is turned on in the preferences.
    The last failed data CD or DVD burn had error code 4261(0x000010a5). It happened on drive F: LG CD-RW CED-8080B on CDR media at speed 8X.
    Gateway Fedora   Windows XP  

    I got an Error 4261 message on my computer some months ago while attempting to backup my iTunes music ---about Dec. 2006. Hopefully, the problem is now solved. This was a difficult and time consuming issue to resolve. I shall provide some details of this resolution (worked for me) as I know some others are having the same problem. I hope to post this message to others with 4261 errors.
    I have a Dimension E510 computer bought in 2006. I am using Windows XP. My CD ROM burner is as follows: HL-DT-ST DVD +-RW GWA4164B. I wonder if you have the same type CD ROM.
    At first, several thoughts came to mind. Google? Never listen to music again. Invest in a sledge hammer? I decided to try and fix the problem and would work on this for the next eight months. Recently, I decided that this problem had to go away. I tried various things to correct the problem often with technical assistance as the following indicate:
    Changed copy speed//Did a restore on my computer (no help)// reversed restore
    Updated iTunes files//Did virus scans
    Contacted a company techie—Discovered my warranty was still good. Cdrom driver was updated. We got the iTunes program to copy a disk. Problem solved?? Time passes.
    The problem reoccurs. I contacted a techie again. He was able to get another program to copy on the cdrom I was using to copy iTunes music. I was told that I should contact an iTunes rep. $$. Says cdrom hardware is OK. (One can save files (ex. photos) to a new file created on the desk top and copy them to a cdrom---a test method used.)
    I read suggestions about updating my BIOS and chipset on the iTunes message board. Not being a techie I wasn’t so sure about this. (Also Techies did not go in this direction.) Time passes.
    I didn’t buy music.
    I read messages saying that I should backup my iTunes music.
    Called techie again. Updated cdrom driver. We were able to copy data using the same cdrom used for the iTunes copy. (Again this was not a fix. It was indicative of an intermittent/partial cdrom failure which occurred over time, and one manifesting itself in iTunes.) I asked him to try to copy another. Amazingly, this copy failed. Something was wrong. Now we’re getting somewhere. Techie eliminated some startup files to try to determine source of a software error, if one. This did not fix the problem.
    Techie deleted a couple registry files. I don’t like deleting registry files because they serve a valuable purpose, but I’m not a techie. Later I was told that this is a routine test procedure. (After the fix I would have to do an update of my iTunes program. iTunes has a repair feature which was on my desktop—a holdover from a previous attempt to fix things with an iTunes update. I ran this repair without harming my music files, and this repaired the program.)
    Techie said I may have a problem with my current brands of CD-R disks. I bought and tried other brands---four all total. This did not work.
    I happened to attempt to copy some pictures as I was interested in having some developed. To my surprise, my computer stopped the copy citing an error with the copy process. The problem now manifested itself with another software program. Heretofore, I could successfully copy pictures using the same cdrom but not iTunes music.
    I called the techie again. I told him what I had done and new error in copying other files to the cdrom. We attempted to use other programs to copy music and picture files on the cdrom. (My thinking is, if they had worked, then the cdrom was OK, and the problem was a software problem and likely involving iTunes---software and not hardware Obviously I wanted a cdrom replacement as this would be easier for me than pursuing imbedded software program issues.) We could not get any software programs to copy files to the cdrom in question. This was a clear indication that the cdrom was defective. We likely used up ten CD-R disks in these latest attempts.
    Looking back, there was a subtle indication of a problem with the cdrom. There was a problem with one of the songs I had copied to a new disk (No. 24 of 24 songs on a disk). The song was copied with errors. This shouldn’t have happened.
    The company replaced cdrom free of charge the next morning in about 5 minutes. Wow!
    I tried the new cdrom and began burning iTunes music right away. No 4261 error message. I also copied pictures to the same cdrom without any error messages. I also successfully used other brands of CD-R disks.
    I had problems with iTunes and a photo program after cdrom installation but fixed them with updates. I also experienced problems with Windows Media Player and Roxio/Sonic. They didn’t want to recognize the new cdrom in drive (E:). Restore made things worst so I undid this. I spoke to a tech again about these issues as I wasn’t certain of the scope/nature of problem. Issue of ownership of problem came up again. Software vs hardware. We updated both programs with updates from company support pages. This fixed the problem. Point learned here was the need to keep files updated with the latest and greatest. I am skeptical of too many changes because of risk of problems. Now, it seems, I have no choice but to do this---critical changes at least. Many thanks to Techie.
    The thought in my mind now is whether performing updates and specifically on Windows Media Player would have fixed the error to begin with. Well, I did run an update on my iTunes prior to, and there are no updates for my photo program. Looking back I would try the updates/repair first (the easy stuff) before I replaced the cdrom. I spent about 9 hours on phone with techies(caution not to delete music). Without warranty, I couldn’t have afforded this. Luckily for me it was a hardware issue.
    Replacing the cdrom on my computer fixed the 4261 error on my computer. I hope something here will be of help to some of you who have the same problem.
    Kindest regards. 08/14/07

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    Replaced the drive and got the MBP back today.  Pretty quick and decent service once you get an appointment. 
    Now having trouble figuring how to do the Time Machine  saved files.  Have several applications which I'd like to keep but not sure how to trans the apps from my backup to the new.  Hunting for answers on that on the web.
    Thanks for you help, Eustace.

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    Can I use mu USB to access my phone and read data directly on the the phone.
    Please advise.

    If you can't see anything on the screen, I am not sure how you can work with the phone.  Are you able to get the phone repaired?  I'm htinking about the options here.  I don't know if that will work.  Will you be able to get that phone repaired or replaced?
    If you are trying to read the data in the backup file see these threads for more information (bbb file)
    Please click the Thumbs Up icon if this comment has helped you!
    If your issue is resolved, please click the solution button on the resolution!
    Every BlackBerry should have BlackBerry Protect, get it now! | Follow me on Twitter | Bring Back BBM Music!

  • Bb10 not working and how to restore back up files

    Hi all,
    My z10 keeps restarting itself up to a point where only the blackberry name appears and nothing more. Luckily enough i had a recent back up of my phone. However i tried to reinstall the software, it doesn't work, changed the battery still not working so i decided to make an upgrade to iPhone. I have been trying on how to get my back up files to my iPhone now but i couldn't. Any idea please. I need help.
    Go to Solution.

    Unless your files were stored on your media card, it's going to be tough. If you can get your BlackBerry to turn on, you can visit from each phone's browser to transfer files. If you can't get your phone to turn on, you'd be out of luck.
    - If my response has helped you, please click "Options" beside my post and mark it as solved. Clicking the "thumbs up" icon near the bottom of my response would also be appreciated.

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    How do I back up files and reinstall original disks on my Power Mac G-4 (yr. 2000). I know that sounds basic but I have very few techno skills. So please "talk down" to me. I had a newer PC (2005) but the hard drive crashed and I am trying to resuscitate this old mac until I can afford to buy a new one. I am in the middle of writing a book (based on Steve Job's life) and must have SOMETHING to write with. Anyone have a better one they can loan me? I am in Maine on the coast. BTW this machine seems to have trouble reading or formatting most CD-disks. Can anyone recommend a type and brand that works well with this model? Thanks for any assistance anyone can render. Here is what I have:
    Machine Name:          Power Mac G4
      Machine Model:          PowerMac3,4
      CPU Type:          PowerPC G4  (2.9)
      Number Of CPUs:          1
      CPU Speed:          467 MHz
      L2 Cache (per CPU):          1 MB
      Memory:          768 MB
      Bus Speed:          133 MHz
      Boot ROM Version:          4.2.8f1

    Why do you want to reformat the drive?  Is it because the machine is running slow?
    Be sure to backup you important files, like the book, daily.
    The cheapest approach would be to try to figure out why the machine is running slow.  Be sure to try safe boot.
    You may want to run these "standard" fixes if the problem persists.
    1) Check the amount of free space on your harddrive.  You should have a several gigs free.
    2) You should run disk utility
          Macintosh-HD -> Applications -> Utilities -> Disk Utility
          a) verify the disk
          b) update your permissions.
    3) Try a safe boot.
         Shutdown your machine.  Hold down the shift key.  Poweron.  Wait awhile; wait awhile while you harddrive
         is being checked.
    4) Another way to correct filesystem problems is into single use mode.
         This page will tell you how to get into single user mode.
        Basically, you hold down the command + s key then  powering on your machine. The command key
        has a little apple symbol on the lower left. It is between the alt/option key and the space bar. 
    4) You may want to run applejack to clean up your machine.

    6) Run hardware diagnostics.  It's good for a sanity check.
    The older versions of ccc were donationware.
    Here are two utilities for making a complete backup of your internal hard drive.  I've recommend using one of these so that you can create a bootable system  on your external hard drive. ( PPC require a firewire connected drive. )  Once created, you can run your system from the external drive.  Hold down the option key on your keyboard then power on your machine.  This will bring you in startup manager click on the drive image you wish to boot then click on the arrow key to the right.
    "Clone, synchronize, backup. Schedule and forget it."
    "SuperDuper is the wildly acclaimed program that makes recovery painless, because it makes creating a fully bootable backup painless."

  • Troubles with xmp files not loading...

    I'm having troubles with xmp files not loading with images but are present in the image folders. does anyone know why this is happening and if there is a way to fix this. Also when trying to load the xmp individually they are grayed out and unable to load. I have tried this on different machines (Macs) and still no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated in this issue.

    > The information contained in the XMP file is stored in the DNG file so there is no need for a separate file.
    Aww, yuck!! That's a real drag...
    When editing lots of files (yesterday's shoot produced 8GB) I back everything up to off-line storage and then, after doing all my edits and crops in ACR, I only have to copy over the small XMP files which takes no time at all.
    So if I re-edit the DNG with ACR I have to re-copy ALL the files again to the off-line storage.
    I used to sometimes even save 2 versions of the xmp files when I needed 2 different crops of the same images, such as doing a wide screen 'cinema' crop for a corporate client's Intranet presentation of their event, as well as more standard crops to be used for their newsletters.
    Guess I won't be using DNG any more..
    Thanks for the help Kees :-)

  • Having trouble saving tiff files to server

    Hi all,
    I'm having trouble saving tiff files to our server (a mac pro running OSX 10.5.7 client not server). I get the error message 'could not save "filename" because write access was not granted. The disk in question is set to ignore permissions and the other 3 Macs on the network have no problems.
    Bizarrely this only seems to happen when saving as a Tiff file, I can save as JPEG without issue! The file will usually save after a few attempts, sometimes six or seven save as' are needed.
    This problem comes and goes, but at the moment its pretty bad.
    This is becomming very frustrating as Tiff is our prefered format and we work as a team so have to save to the server.
    Any ideas?

    Just to expand on Buko's correct ansswer, this is the boilerplate text I use in connection to saving to a network (please NOTE the part where it explains that normally, it does work, but that it is impossible to troubleshoot someone else's network remotely, and that's why it's not supported by Adobe):
    If you are opening files over a network or saving them to a network server, please cease and desist immediately in the event you are currently experiencing problems with one or more files. Working across a network is not supported.
      Copy the CLOSED file from your server to your local hard disk, work on it, save it again to your local hard disk, close it, and copy the closed file back to the server.
         Of course, the fact that Adobe does not support working across a network does not necessarily mean it won't work.   It should.
        Adobe's position is that there are too many variables in a network environment for them to guarantee that everything will work correctly in every network, especially given the fact that if something does not work properly, it's probably the network's fault, and Adobe has no way of troubleshooting your network.
      If you can't work locally, you are on your own, and if something happens, you're on your own. If you must work from a server, make sure your network administrator is a competent professional.
    When problems arise, a lot of valuable work can be lost.

  • Hi. i'm having trouble viewing pdf files in safari

    i'm having trouble viewing pdf files in safari.

    Back up all data.
    Triple-click the line of text below to select it, the copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C):
    /Library/Internet Plug-ins
    In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder
    from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-G. Paste into the text box that opens (command-V), then press return.
    From the folder that opens, remove any items that have the letters “PDF” in the name. You may be prompted for your login password. Then quit and relaunch Safari, and test.
    The "Silverlight" web plugin distributed by Microsoft can also interfere with PDF display in Safari, so you may need to remove it as well, if it's present.
    If you still have the issue, repeat with this line:
    ~/Library/Internet Plug-ins
    If you don’t like the results of this procedure, restore the items from the backup you made before you started. Relaunch Safari again.

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    I am having alot of trouble with svg files is there some one well versed with adobe svg file

    Clearing out cookies while in gmail helped me to get all functionality back. One of those sites must have messed with gmail. Thanks so much for the help.

  • Automate renaming files within zip archive

    I have a large number of files where I need to do the following:
    Change the file extension to .zip. (The files are zip archives but with a special extension, and all of the files have their own extension, ie .xx01, .xx02, etc...)
    Extract the zip file.
    Rename a file within. (Alternatively, it'd be great to be able to rename the file without extracting the zip file.)
    Recompress the file.
    Set the file extension back to what it was.
    I've been playing around in Automator to see if I could create a workflow that would do some or all of this. I've figured out changing the file extension, and Automator has an action to compress a zip file, but the other parts are eluding me.
    Does anyone know a way to make this process a little less labor intensive? I'd prefer to automate the whole thing, but even just some way to rename a file in a .zip archive without extracting it first would be hugely helpful. (I know this is possible under Windows.)
    I'm comfortable with delving into new territory in Automator, AppleScript, or shell scripts to make this easier.

    We had a similar problem
    It turned out to be a feature and not a bug
    Actually 'vanilla' XP handles those files and is able to open them and it seems that the problem appears only after updating the XP to fix the vulnerability described in:
    What we have determined is that if the zip file contains '/' at the begining of the path - the compressed folder utility will refuse to open it and will show only a blank pane in explorer. Removing the '/' from path in zip file solves the problem on updated Windows XP.

  • Trouble importing LOA files

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    I called Lenovo support but the rep didn't know where to route my call so someone is supposed to call me back.
    Anyone seen this? Is a log file somewhere that can help?

  • How to bring in back up files/apps after erase and install? Thanks!

    Don't let the first post fool you - new account, long time user; old account login details lost in a keychain somewhere...
    Preparing for Leopard I had a good clean out and got to 21gb of free space on my 40gb HD.
    Backed up files to Firewire AND USB external drives.
    I tried an upgrade installation of Leopard.
    Got the blue screen, tried the APE fixes.
    Couldn't do an archive and install as the message said there wasn't enough space.
    9gb plus 9gb = 21gb+ I guess....!
    (Even tried a Terminal removal of some iTunes files, which I knew I had a back up of, but no luck increasing available space.)
    So, did and erase and install which worked fine.
    But now I am having trouble importing settings from the old files.
    Mail for example wants me to start from scratch, and won't see the back ups I made.
    I realize each application has library files, plists and other files associations - how to I get the virgin Leopard versions to recognize their older cousins?
    Migration Assistant doesn't seem to see external drives except for Time Machine which of course has nothing I want...
    How also to import 3rd party apps. with their previous associations and settings?
    Hope I don't have to start from scratch...
    Thanks so much in advance.

    You can't just replace the user folder with the one from before the 10.5 install. What you have to do is individually drag the items from each folder ie "Music" to their corresponding folders in the new home folder.
    Put the Backup "Documents" files to New "Document" folder
    Mail is located in username/Library/Mail and possibly also username/Library/Mail Downloads, drag both these to the new walts "Library".
    Bookmarks is located in username/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.plst, once you find this go to the File Menu in Safari and go to "Import Bookmarks."
    I would not recommend copying any settings from the backup to 10.5, this causes errors sometimes. These settings are also easily redone. If you must have them spotlight them or search for them in the preferences or Library/Application Support. Applications Mail settings can also be easily reconfigured for example.

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