Trouble getting data that I post to my JSC web application

I have some Java code that posts an XML document to my web application. I tried placing the following code in the init() method of my first page.
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
String postData = context.getExternalContext().getRequest().toString();
Instead of getting the XML content that I posted, I get this result in the string :
I wish I knew more about the architecture, and exactly what happens when a request is sent to the application URL with post data.
Joe Paladin

FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
String postData = context.getExternalContext().getRequest().toString();
Instead of getting the XML content that I posted, I get this result in the string :
com.sun.faces.context.MyHttpServletRequestWrapper@1c26895Right - the request object you got is HttPServletRequest implementation, see for example :
Now you can cast to and use various methods of HttPServletRequest to access the data submitted to the servlet. See for example getInputStream or getParameterValues methods:
I wish I knew more about the architecture, and exactly what happens when a request is sent to the application URL with post data.It is HTTP POST request (google for rfc2068) : on the wire it is a stream with set of headers, including such as length of the data being submitted and its encoding, followed by the data encoded in either one of 2 ways, please see and
In particular the content of the submitted file should be streamed as part of "multipart/form-data" encoded data stream.

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    Hi Gary,
    We faced the similar issue and resolved like this:
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    In case user wants to see all the rows we can have another ALV button say "FETCH ALL" on click of which you fetch all the rows and rebind to ALV node.
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    I have an article for you that can help you with that question:
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    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities!

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    If I understand your question correctly, there's an environment variable CPIC_MAX_CONV handles sessions between integration engine and adapter engine (ABAP and Java). By default, the value of this variable is 500, and you might want to increase it to 1000 at least, depends on system throughput. Recommended value from SAP for Production is 5000.
    Hopefully it's helpful,

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