Trouble installing iPhoto 9.4.1 update

I installed the iPhoto 9.4.1 update. But it still shows in my updates window, albeit with "installed" on the right, along with a "1 update available" message in the upper left, and a little red 1 in my dock. Can't get rid of the notices or find the supposed update.
Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Hi all,
Here's what an Apple support person told me to do (she was very quick to respond and extremely polite, so kudos to her and Apple on that. I haven't tried to reinstall iPhoto yet, so not sure if it's a real fix.
Good luck!
My name is Karen and I understand your concern regarding your iPhoto update. Though helping with technical issue is beyond my area of expertise as an iTunes Store advisor, I assure you that I'll address your concern to the best of my ability.
To fix the issue, please try to uninstall the software and re-install for free.
To uninstall apps you purchased from the Mac App Store, hold down an app’s icon in Launchpad until all the icons begin to jiggle. Click an app’s delete button (x) to uninstall the app. If an icon doesn’t have a delete button, that app can’t be uninstalled. For example, apps that come with OS X can’t be uninstalled.
To learn how to redownload apps on the Mac App Store, please refer to the steps in this article:
Mac App Store: Backing up your app purchases
If you continue to have difficulty downloading any applications, please reply to let me know or consult this article:
Troubleshooting the Mac App Store
I hope everything will be fixed. If you need more assistance, please let me know. Thank you for being an iTunes Store customer.
iTunes Store/Mac App Store Customer Support

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    You cannot.
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    Thanks Terence,
    I did get it working finally...and your last advice was what I needed.
    I am embarassed that I was an early adopter...SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER and read the problems before creating some for myself.
    This was an excercise in frustration, because of the obtuse division between the appstore and Apple Support downloads... it was a bit of a circuitous route...strange that with all the security reciepts and tracking that Apple goes to to prevent piracy... which Steve by his own admission used to build Apple...
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    Can you please clarify - are you able to start up your system and login - or not?
    As I recall, the configuring installation screen comes up when you are running the install from Software Update - after logging in successfully.
    _*If that is the case*_ - then you simply need to delete everything in yourharddrive/Library/Updates/ and run Software Update again. It will then work.
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    Hi All
    I have a mini mac (G4 PPC) bought second-hand last July. It came with iLife pre-installed and all the built in apps worked fine. Recently, I found the video ones refused to launch, but iPhoto and iTunes (which I use all the while) caused no problems.
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    If your problem persists get yourself a micro USB cable (sold separately), you can restore your Apple TV from iTunes:
    Remove ALL cables from Apple TV. (if you don't you will not see Apple TV in the iTunes Source list)
    Connect the micro USB cable to the Apple TV and to your computer.
    Reconnect the power cable (only for Apple TV 3)
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    Apple TV Software Restore 5.1.1 (2nd generation)
    Then hold down the option key while choosing restore and select the downloaded file when prompted.
    If you have the Apple TV 3, use the following file.
    Apple TV Software Restore 5.1.1 (3rd generation)

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    Power Mac G5   Mac OS X (10.4)  

    Here is the update you want:
    Make sure to repair permissions with Applications -> Utilities -> Disk Utility before and after.
    Dismount and disconnect any third party peripherals you have before updating.
    If it doesn't work, try creating a secondary user in Apple menu -> System Preferences -> Accounts with Admin access and logging in to it to see if the update doesn't like something installed in the current user.

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    Welcome to the forums, NorthVanMan! It's always good to see a fellow Canuck.
    Just to clarify, you have tried to install Pages 1.0.2 on your new hard drive? And you can launch it but not update it? Are you trying to update to Pages 2? If so, that won't work, because Pages 2 has to be purchased.

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    Victor Katkowski

    You are right John. I have iPhoto 5.0.4. They don’t make it easy for you. I suppose that is the reason the download was not in the free Apple Software Update menu.
    Thank you very much for your help. This is the second time you have given me the correct information.
    Victor Katkowski

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    thx for any replies

    Hi Terence, thanks for the reply (i'll wait with the downgrade for now ;-p).
    I made a small step by step report of my findings:
    1. Attach camera to imac
    2. iPhoto starts up with previews of the pictures (so far so good)
    3. Give event-name and start import ( so far so good)
    4. 'Latest Import'-report all fine, previews ok, check with event : previews fine. All seems well
    5. disconnect camera, stop iPhoto. As far as now all seems normal.
    6. Restart iPhoto : Message 'iPhoto Library contains photo's which havent been imported. Import Y/N?'.!!!???
    7. Option Y : IPhoto imports photo's imported in step 3 in a new event box (shown as a 'black box' on screen). Last made event (step 3) shows up as a black square in overview all events. Double click on event gives empty squares where previews should appear. Double click on photo preview gives large explanationmark on screen.
    8. Drag event-box over screen shows thumbs within square, release event returns to 'black box'.
    9. Shut down iPhoto.
    10. Restart iPhoto jumps back to step 6 as long as i keep answering Y.(Each time creating a new extra 'black box event').
    11. When i now look within iPhoto Library i can find a map Import in which i can find back the last imported photo's from step 3.
    12. Dragging these pictures to my desktop (preview gives no problem at all) and from there back in to iPhoto simply recreats a new 'black box event'.
    13. In step 6 option N gives a message 'creat iphoto Library recovered'. In iPhoto Library map Import has disapeared.
    14.When looking into map 'iphoto Library recovered' i can find my originally iported photo's. However same problem as in step 12.
    I used aperture (trial version) to see wether the problem could be photo-related, but here al goes well.
    So, any idea's???

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    I just installed iPhoto 9.5.1 but it won't open even after downloading the iPhoto Library Updater
    Have you run the iPhoto Library Upgrader? You need to direct it to the location of your old iPhoto Library by clicking the "Choose Library" button in the lower right corner of the panel you are seeing when the upgrade starts.

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    kingdommindset wrote:
    I have a Mac OSX 10.7.3. I am having trouble installing the new 10.7.5 update. Any suggestions?
    Go here, download the update file and run it. Ideally, start up in Safe Mode when you do the update.

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    is it free to upgrade to iPhoto 11, if it automatically appears on my updates, and if I'm using Mac OSX version 10.7.5, pre installed iphoto when i got my Mac.

    Yes. Don't worry, Apple won't let you download something that requires a purchase before actually paying.

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