Trouble setting action on RichCommandToolbarButton from bean

I’m creating RichCommandToolbarButton from java bean. The issue I’m running into is setting action on the button.
I expected RichCommandToolbarButton to work like other UIXCommand, RichCommandLink for example. But it does not. Doing the following does not work on RichCommandToolbarButton (and again, does work on RichCommandLink):
RichCommandToolbarButton button = new RichCommandToolbarButton();
String expr = ="#{backingBeanScope.MyBean.doSomething"
MethodExpression me = getExpressionFactory().createMethodExpression(getElContext(), expr, String.class, new Class[]{});
The ONLY way I’m able to set action on RichCommandToolbarButton is the following:
buttonn.addActionListener( new DoSomething() );
private static class DoSomething implements ActionListener
public DoSomething ()
public void processAction(ActionEvent actionEvent)
String expr = ="#{backingBeanScope.MyBean.doSomething"
MethodExpression me = getExpressionFactory().createMethodExpression(getElContext(), expr, String.class, new Class[]{});
I really want to set the button's action based on an expression and doing it this way seems very unexpected to me.... Is this the known and expected way that RichCommandToolbarButtons work?
Edited by: user12869467 on Mar 11, 2013 4:35 PM

This is a way you can try , kind of a mixed approach-
See section Adding Action and Action Listener to a command component
RichCommandMenuItem menuPage1 = new RichCommandMenuItem();
menuPage1.setText("Page 1");
RichCommandButton button = new RichCommandButton();
MethodExpression me = getMethodExpression("#{bindings."+item+".execute}");
button.addActionListener(new MethodExpressionActionListener(me));

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    It is a known problem in the current jsf-ri implementation. There is a component of the third party library that sovles this problem.
    You can use this library (it is free) or take the javascript code and insert it into your page.

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    Sorry for the late response.
    We can log off and log on again to see whether the setting gets applied.
    According to
    Policy Settings that require a reboot or logon section in the following article, this setting needs a logon.
    Deploying Group Policy Using Windows Vista
    Best regards,
    Frank Shen

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    Have you tried passing the Component instead of null in my previous code?
    here is the sample i tried and it works fine.
    jspx code snippet
        <af:inputText label="Label 1" id="it1" binding="#{pageFlowScope.attributeValuesBean.rtx}"/>
        <af:commandButton text="commandButton 1" id="cb1"
                                      actionListener="#{pageFlowScope.attributeValuesBean.throwMessage}"/>backing bean snippet
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        public void throwMessage(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            // Add event code here...
               FacesMessage fms = new FacesMessage("A value is required");
                FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
                ctx.addMessage(getRtx().getClientId(), fms);

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                                       <span>Esportes Selecionados</span>
                                       <h:selectManyListbox id="esportes_selecionados" size="10" value="artigoDetailsBean.esportes"/>
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                                       <button value=">" name="one_right_hand">></button>                                   
                                       <button value="<" name="one_left_hand"><</button>
                                       <button value="<<" name="all_left_hand"><<</button>
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                                       <h:selectManyListbox id="esportes_cadastrados" size="10">
                                            <f:selectItems value="#{artigoDetailsBean.esporteList}" />
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    private Collection<String> esportes;
         public Collection<String> getEsportes() {
              return esportes;
         public void setEsportes(Collection<String> esportes) {
              this.esportes = esportes;
         public List<SelectItem> getEsporteList() {
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              return esportes;
    Thanks in advance,
    Sergio Stateri Jr.
    [email protected]

    This blog shows an example of what you are trying to do - when the user clicks the left arrow it triggers an action event that puts the value into the left list, and vice-versa:
    Ignore the 'JSF 2.0' in the header - it's not JSF 2.0 in this example!
    Also - don't post your email address on the forums - you might get spammed :)

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                                          style="position: relative; margin-right: 5px;"
                                <h:inputHidden id="jsfHidden" binding="#{backing_CustSearchBean.jsfHidden}" />
                                  <a4j:status id="wait">
                                    <f:facet name="start" >
                                      <h:graphicImage url="images/SpinGear2.gif" style="position: absolute; left: 378px; top: 216px; width: 19px; height: 18px;"/>
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    I know nothing about a4j, but if you want to pass new parameters from JSF to the backing bean, then use f:param for commandlinks or f:attribute for commandbuttons.
    The h:inputHidden just saves backing bean properties from request to request. You can't set or change it from within the JSF.
    Not sure if the f:attribute will work for the a4j commandbutton (check if they have a support forum at their website?)
    Also see about passing parameters and accessing objects and beans in the facescontext.

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    No. Your CNAME setting is not correct. The CNAME and are correct with being your host. However, your domain name is incorrect - don't understand why you have put mobileme before it? You just enter either your domain name on its own so or you need to set up two separate CNAME entries, one being for www, CNAME, and then one being @, CNAME, The @ stands for your domain name and the www is your sub domain.
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    How do you connect to the internet?
    Most of the time, the problem lies here. You can try a couple of things. First, try only 3G or carrier data. Then, try only wifi. If that still doesn't work, your only other option is to try a different hotspot.
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    <af:commandButton text="commandButton 1"
    Action is handled programmatically in managed bean
    public String commandButton1_action() {
    ExternalContext ec = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();
    return null;
    The sample application works fine.
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    The part of provider.xml:
    <showPage class="oracle.portal.provider.v2.render.http.ResourceRenderer">
    Action is handled programmatically in managed bean
    public String commandButton1_action() {
    ExternalContext ec = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();
    return null;
    Unfortunately, the jsf page doesn’t call an action after submit of the button. It’s impossible to call any handler in managed bean. Although, it’s possible in usual jsf app.
    I wonder that af:goLink on the page1.jspx works fine:
    <af:goLink text="goLink 1" binding="#{backing_page1.goLink1}"
    destination=" http://<hostname>:7778/portal/page/portal/SampleGroup/Sample6"/>
    The ask: why jsf page can’t call an action handler in managed bean in case of a portlet development?
    Thank you. Andrew

    Thank you, Frank! I’d expected an answer from you:) I and my colleagues is your big funs:)
    I’d understood Portal intercepts any event on a portal page before jsf event.
    But, it’s possible to use struts for portlet development. I’d hoped there is the same approach for Faces too (oracle.portal.provider.v2.render.http.FacesRenderer -
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    Thanks, Andrew

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    Perhaps create a software RAID? You can do it in Windows through Control Panel --> Administrative Tools --> Computer Management --> Disk Management.
    A quick guide:

  • How do you change the default setting for RTF documents from TextEdit to MS Word

    How do you change the default setting for RTF documents from TextEdit to MS Word, I download forms from the Canadian government and they use RTF as a standard, they are supposed to open as MS Word documents (Yes I have Office for MAC 2011) but when download the document it goes to TextEdit which messes up the form format. I can down load it right click and go "open with" MS Word but how can I get the default chnaged to save this step.

    richr604 wrote:
    Thanks I knew this, I like Safari as I want to keep everything MAC, but if I use Firefox the documents open in MS Word straight away, I was just curious if there was some setting I could change?
    In Firefox > Preferences, click the Applications tab. If RTF is there, use the pulldown menu in the Action column to pick MS Word. If RTF is not there, there are instructions here for how to add file types.

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    Variable name: Classpath
    Variable value: set classpath=.;
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    I'd appreciate any help.

    I am running on XP (unfortunately), but also win2000 and win98.
    Setting up the classpath is not a problem, although if you are logged in as root, then it does not always show correctly.
    Try logging back in as yourself and then checking the classpah through the set command.
    Altrnatively, if this is not the problem, actualy try a reboot. which should not be necessary.

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    This forum is focused on consumer level products.  For the Designjet you may have better results posting in the HP DesignJet forum here, that is where the DesignJet experts can be found if the above did not resolve your issue.
    Bob Headrick,  HP Expert
    I am not an employee of HP, I am a volunteer posting here on my own time.
    If your problem is solved please click the "Accept as Solution" button ------------V
    If my answer was helpful please click the "Thumbs Up" to say "Thank You"--V

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