Trouble with "body" images lining up at the top

Hi, I am having troubles with the #body style in my web page. I have inserted a table into the #body area and the the body editable region will not line up on the top with the sideBar editable region when I add text and apply my css to it. Can you look at the code and let me know what I am doing wrong? Thanks!
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You have your image in the 'body editable region' wrapped in <p></p> tags (paragraph tags). <p> tags have padding and margin set on them by default.
<p><img src="/images/aboutus2.jpg" width="675" height="300" /></p>
You can either just remove the <p></p> tags or you can zero out the padding and margin:
p {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
Unfortuanately the above will target every paragraph on your page which might not be desirable so I would just remove the <p> tags as it is not necessary to wrap an image in them.
If you do want to keep the <p> tags then use some inline css to specifically remove the padding and margin on that particular one:
<p style="padding: 0; margin: 0;"><img src="/images/aboutus2.jpg" width="675" height="300" /></p>

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    Nancy O.

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    I am having some trouble with the following.
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    Here is some of my code:
    CSS of div (I want to put my image inside smallBox01a)
    #Header #rightColumn #smallBox01 {
        height: 90px;
        width: 270px;
    #Header #rightColumn #smallBox01 #smallBox01a {
        float: left;
        height: 90px;
        width: 90px;
          <div id="smallBox01a"><a href="tobi.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('tobi','','Images/TobiOver.jpg',1)"><img src="Images/TobiOff.jpg" alt="Tobi" name="tobi" width="90" height="90" border="0" id="tobi" /></a></div>
    Poor old Tobi cat's face is all squashed up. Any idea what is going wrong? I don't have any padding within the div either.
    PS I also should add that when I tried to simply add in one of the Tobi images instead of the rollover image, it appeared perfectly fine within the div. It is only the rollover that is getting vertically squashed up.

    So, I've been playing around with your page in dreamweaver and I put a <div> container around your entire web page and then set the width to 1200px. That contained all the contents so that when you re-size the web page the contents don't colapse.
    Not sure if that's what Murray or Nancy mean and am curious if their is a better way.
    That would work although 1200px is too wide.  Something along the lines of 1000px would be better, since you want the page to display in a maximized browser viewport on a 1024 screen without dropping horizontal scrollbars.  I still use 960px as a maximum width....
    Re the centering of the page: Good question I would like to know how to do it "properly"
    In the CSS body rule I put:  margin-left: 20%;
                                                margin-right: 20%;
    Again, I'm not sure if that's the correct way to center the page, and would like to know a better way.
    It's not the best way to do this, which would be to use a fixed width container (as you have done) and just assign it left/right margin settings of 'auto', e.g.,
    #container { width:960px; margin:0 auto; }
    You can center *any* block element within its container with this method.

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    Hi Robodisko,
    Thanks for your prompt reply...... 
    I often proof my work in preview then edit images in photoshop and rename from there.  The dsc images are renamed to correlate the name of the class etc.  i.e. dcs_001 is saved as the file name required 7A.jpeg etc.
    The file names are required to correlate what is what and so on..........

  • Having trouble with Aperture images in a slideshow in iMovie

    I've searched for answers to this but can't seem to find out what I'm doing wrong....
    I'm trying to put together a slideshow in iMovie with my images from Aperture. They look horrible, color is way off and they're grainy. It was my understanding that iMovie uses the preview images from Aperture for making the movie so I have my settings in Aperture set to the best quality for previews. Is that right? Is there something else I should be doing?
    Thanks for any help.

    No, thats the right way I do it with my images. I use iMovie 09 and the preview size of my iLife previews are set to 1680 pixel. I do mostly some slideshows in iMovie for displaying on the web and for iPhone, so the output from iMovie will be most times at 480 pixel wide. The colors are fine and images look best as in Aperture.
    What I found sometimes is, some outwashed colors - unsaturated - after I export my movie from iMovie. This comes when I use other settings for exporting the movie than the presets for iPhone or Apple TV. The same behavoir did I recognize when exporting a movie from Final Cut Express or Keynote. This behavoir may be outdated in Snow Leopard, because Quicktime X should use Colormanagement the first time.

  • Trouble with adding images from database

    So I have created this nice little table and want to populate it with an test row and I cant seam to get it to work. I have neber delt with BLOB before and maybe its with that. Well here is the sql code that I am using
    CREATE TABLE Product (name VARCHAR2 (60), price INTEGER,discrip VARCHAR2(100),photo BLOB, quantity INTEGER)
    INSERT INTO Product VALUES ('Inuyasha Final Act', 39.52, 'Join Inuyasha and Kagome as they continue their quest to find the jewel of the four souls and defeat Naraku.', 'INUFinalAct.JPG');
    Did I not put in the images right? how should I load this into the database?
    It creates the table nice and dandy, but it will not populate the table at all. What am I doing wrong here?
    Thanks for any help

    850673 wrote:
    Thanks for the advice I went and changed thing around a bit
    CREATE TABLE Product (name VARCHAR2 (60), price INTEGER,discrip VARCHAR2(500),photo BLOB, quantity INTEGER);
    INSERT INTO Product(name, price,discrip,photo, quantity )
    VALUES ('Inuyasha Final Act', 39.52, 'Join Inuyasha and Kagome as they continue their quest to find the jewel of the four souls and defeat Naraku.', 'INUFinalAct.JPG', 15);
    This seams to have no SQL error, but when I try to put it into the oracle server, it gave this problem
    ERROR at line 2:
    ORA-01465: invalid hex number
    Is this because it does not know where the image is? If that is so how do I get it to know where the image is?It's worse than that... Oracle doesn't even know it's an image.
    All Oracle knows is that you have a column of BLOB datatype, which can be used for storing any type of binary data, not just images, and you are trying to insert something of datatype VARCHAR2 into it (a string with some characters in). That string may be the name of the image to you, but to Oracle it's just a string.
    Follow hoek's link for good examples of how to do it, as it involves you using other functionality first to read the binary file from the file system into a BLOB variable, before you then insert that BLOB variable into your table.

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