Troubles importing after upgrade (not my pc)

i updated the wifes pc. now that everything is running peachy, i cant seem to get her itunes to function correctly...
i copied all her backed up itunes music back into the itunes folder, along with the xml files... but when you open up itunes, only 60 of her 200+ songs show up. is she gonna have to import each and every other file back into itunes? is there something else i can try? her computer is authorized. i had this problem on my PC back when i upgraded... but for the life of me, cant remember how i fixed it...

Thanks all, i solved the problem yourself.
I helped this one topic:

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    Does your sony cam appear in iphoto as an icon when connected?
    After upgrading my canon cam would not appear in iphoto. I had to quit iphoto several times, restart the computer, try several different cables, and then as mysteriously the cam finally appeared and I was able to download pics. I even trashed the iphoto plist and started afresh.
    hope this helps

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    What Aperture version are you running exactly? Aperture 3.4 or 3.4.1? The 3.4.1 update has some important bug fixes. If you did not install  the last update, I'd recommend to update.
    Some posters had problems with the image capture preferences, after upgrading to 3.4, and that caused troubles during import. Try if removing the image capture preference files helps:
    To remove the image capture preferences:
    If Aperture is running, quit Aperture,  and log off and on again.
    Open your user library from the Finder's Go menu: Hit Command Shift G (⌘⇧G) and then type in: ~/Library/Preferences/  then hit return.
    In the window that opens remove ""
    and look into the subfolder "ByHost": if there are files named  something.plist  remove them too.
    then try again.

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    Hi Samantha,
    If you haven't changed anything on your computers lately, such as new software, then Apple has no way to influence what has been happening. Do you have sufficient hard drive space available? iMovie consumes about 13GB per hour of video and you should always have a "buffer" of at least 20GB to avoid problems, such as slowing down, or quitting unexpectedly.
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    Anyone any ideas? Any help is appreciated!

    So I just went through the install.log.
    First of all, there I found out that I have a MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2010):
    Feb  3 14:31:12 suhelperd[336]: GetModel: model = MacBookPro; major rev = 7; minor rev = 1
    I think it was indeed the upgrade to Yosemite 10.10.2:
    Feb  3 14:31:18 softwareupdated[334]: SoftwareUpdate: Added foreground transaction [0x1] for OSXUpd10.10.2-10.10.2
    but there was also a firmware update included:
    Feb  3 14:31:21 installd[363]: PackageKit: packages=(
         "PKLeopardPackage <file:///Library/Updates/031-17157/OSXUpd10.10.2Patch.pkg>",
         "PKLeopardPackage <file:///Library/Updates/031-17157/FirmwareUpdate.pkg>"
    The last messages in this log are:
    Feb  3 14:33:07 Software[2747]: Running /sbin/reboot
    Feb  3 14:33:07 softwareupdated[334]: Removing client SUUpdateServiceClient pid=2747, uid=0, installAuth=YES rights=(,,,, transactions=1 (/System/Library/CoreServices/Software Update)
    According to the system.log, the shutdown happened 14:33:08. The boot time is 14:33:24, no log entries between 14:33:08 and that time. 16 seconds seems awfully long for a reboot:
    Feb  3 14:33:08 larsmbpro kernel[0]: Kernel requests now disabled.
    Feb  3 14:33:24 localhost bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1422970404 0
    Feb  3 14:33:46 localhost syslogd[19]: Configuration Notice:
      ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
      Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.

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    Check for TNS Errors in Listener Log and CCM Log
    We were able to workaround this issue by following DocID 391239.1 - Services Do Not Start Properly With GSM Enabled
    Disable GSM by setting the profile option "Concurrent:GSM Enabled" to 'N'.
    Stop all middle tier services and start them again.
    Please note:-  the above solution  is  a temporary workaround   other service depend on gsm  like Workflow 
    If its on windows, we sometimes have success with relink, step 7 of Doc ID: 555081.1 (After Doing a Clone All the Concurrent Managers Do Not Start)
    and if you are using terminal client to do the upgrade steps take note of this :
    Doc ID:      77627.1
    +" Starting a Listener on Terminal Server+
    +(Bug 1458669) The LSNRCTL START command does not return a prompt and hangs+
    +when run from the Terminal Services Client. The listener service is started+
    +but is unusable. A workaround is to start the listener service by using the+
    +NET START command at the command prompt if the listener service is already+
    +created. Note that the LSNRCTL START command works when run from the Terminal+
    +Server console.+
    +Net8 Configuration Assistant hangs when trying to start the Net8 listener on+
    +Microsoft Terminal Server. If this hang occurs during installation, exit Net8+
    +Configuration Assistant and start the listener service by using the NET START+
    +command if the listener service is already created."+
    Just to be sure try running any upgrade/clone steps, batch scripts that executes " LSNRCTL START"
    on the server console itself (don't use Terminal client)

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    any thoughts on how I get the old behavior back?

    If you want Aperture to open when connecting your card, camera or devices when plugged in, just connect that device/card/camera to the computer. Then, open Image Capture from the Applications folder. You'll see the device in the left column and select it. Then toggle open the option at the very bottom of that column (Connecting this camera opens:). Change the pulldown from Photos to Aperture. you just do this for each device.

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    This is what PYRO's Technical support told me. I plan on getting back to them with follow up questions let me know if you have one you would like to pass on.
    Tech Support (18 Tech) - 7/26/2006 1:41:45 PM
    Tihs is not likely to be happening because of anything on your system (the pattern would be a bit different usually.) This happens because the hardware is dropping frames that cannot be properly translated.
    Analog tapes may often contain spots where the magnetism is weak, the tape is stretched, warped etc where the signal that is read off of it when sent from the VCR incorrectly. The reason is that the VCR doesn"t build the signal; it simply does a straight electronic conversion of the signal on the tape to signals on the wire. The problem is that in order for a computer system to understand it as video, the signal must adhere to a strict structure.
    When the signal becomes out of order or a part of the signal drops out, a video computer will have a problem and will lose frames unless hardware is present that can anticipate and fill/repair the missing component (most commonly, time-base correction.) These bad signals don"t typically manifest themselves visibly on an analog monitor unless the defect is prolonged (such as distorted video at a bad warp on the tape or the bad video between multiple recording sessions) but they are still there and anything that is trying to compute data from those signals is going to have a problem.
    The only thing you can do is try to clean the heads of your VCR or Camcorder using a cleaning cassette or try to run the video through hardware that can do video enhancement/time-base correction, which will repair the signal thus allowing it to be captured uninterrupted. Every time the signal is interrupted, the video processor and DV compressor will take about a second to sync up and resume capture and that is what you"re seeing in those drop-outs.

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    True, which is what I think I did.
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    Hi spoiled247gal,
    The increase in your iCloud storage does not free up space on your device. If you don't have enough free memory on the device to download an app, then you will have to free up some space on it. iCloud is not related to that at all.
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    <Chat transcript removed per the Verizon Wireless Terms of Service for proprietary information.>
    Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

    To send her a Direct Message:
    ArnettH_VZW click on her username here and go to her profile page. Then click on the follow request. She has to approve the request and send one back to you. You will have to accept that follow request before you can send her a direct message.

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    Since I'm having no real problems, I'm curious what could possibly be a problem. Any help?

    May be worth trying the general iOS Wifi troubleshooting first. I don't think they've updated it yet for iOS7, but all the steps should be pretty much the same.
    = L.I.

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    Go to Solution.
    Just download,open and follow the steps provided to repair.Backup your data before.
    All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us - J.R.R. Tolkien

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    before upgrade 10.5.2 with sidebar finder i could connected at xserve with kerberos AFP, after upgrade not possible connected sidebar with kerberos only use connected the server in the menu bar finder.
    where it is problem

    You are not alone, I have seen the same issue.
    If however I click on the "all .." option in the sidebar, and then on the server name from the subsequent list it works for me.

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