Try to update ipod and it will only offer a "reset" option

I have an older ipod.....has the 4 buttons over the just fine.....trying to get it to recognize on a new computer I have......I have the new 5 point whatever itunes installed......I try to use the ipod updater and it comes up with the screen that gives a option to update....or restore/reset...whatever ERASES everything!!! I dont wanna Erase...I wanna update but that button isnt functional....any help available??? in the "about ipod" section it shows version 2.3......Serial # jq343hwtnrh....model m8976ll
when I get to the Ipod updater doesnt show any of that info....just a bunch of x's

Version 2.3 is the most up-to-date software available for 3rd Gen iPods.
It has been around since Updater 2005-02-22.
Since the subsequent Updaters don't have anything new for your iPod, it doesn't give you the option to Update.

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