TS1424 I need help, see there is this Digital Booklet that is supposed to be included with the purchase of an album but i still for some odd reason haven't and can't get it, what is going on?!?!

Album: We Can Make The World Stop (by: The Glitch Mob)
Songs: I bought all three songs in the album which counts as buying the album yet the Digital Booklet won't download like it says it should due to the album being bought which is what I did.
Digital Booklet - We Can Make The World Stop - EP
Question: Can someone please help me get this digital booklet that i should have already had a while ago?

Thinking back to when I've seen displays of newsprint that's been greatly magnified, being able to see the halftone screen pattern seems important.  It gives the display a look of authenticity.
You say the library can scan at 600 ppi.  If that's 600 ppi of a greatly reduced image on a piece of microfiche, it may not give you the resolution you're looking for, and it's entirely possible that getting a quality optical print then scanning it would give you better.
I don't see how you can plan how to proceed in anything like specific detail if you don't have an image that represents what you're really going to be starting with in detail.  Perhaps getting one scan might be a good idea.
After that, you just need to figure out what ppi your final overall panel design is going to be at, and upsample the newspaper clippings to match, so that they're the size you need them to be.

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