TS2446 Apple-ID deactivated!!

my name is Abdulaziz Almahmoud. I had a problem that i reported to apple and they tried to help me, but they ended up deactivating my apple-id
My problem was that there has been purchased something with my money without me approving it. After i got the receipt from the bank I immedeatly reported it to appøe support but they didn't help me much. After they deactivating my apple-id i couldn't download or update anything on my ios device. I already know that by making anoter one it could solve my issue, but I don't want to do that because i already have all my paid apps on it and i won't afford making another one. I already tried to contact the support team but it couldn't work. I mean I didn't find the genre of my problem, therefore I am asking for you're opinion about this. please help me get my apple-id back

I don't know whether this is the route you already tried, if not give it a go: go to https://expresslane.apple.com ; select 'More Products and Services', then 'Apple ID' . In the next page select 'Other Apple ID Topics' then 'Apple ID account Security' and click 'Continue'.

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    Have you tried the instructions on the TS2446 page that you posted from ? i.e. resetting the password (e.g. http://appleid.apple.com, then 'reset your password')
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    I suggest trying what the TS2446 article says:
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    You've followed all of the instructions on the TS2446 page that you posted from ? i.e. after resetting your password you've logged out and back into your account on your device ?
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    Go to https://getsupport.apple.com ; click 'See all products and services', then 'More Products and Services, then 'Apple ID', then 'Other Apple ID Topics' then 'Apple ID account Security'.

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    Contact iTunes Customer Service and request assistance
    Use this Link  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact

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    You will need to deauthorise your account on one or more computer before you can re-authorise it on that one.  Individual computers can only be deauthorised directly on them, but as you have multiple computers authorised then you can log into your account on your computer's iTunes (Store > View My Account) and 'deauthorise all' (which you can do once every 12 months) and you can then authorise/reauthorise the computers that you still have and need : authorising and deauthorising.

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