Turn audio to midi and send

Hi Folks
I need to put some kick drum sounds onto my roland TD8 Electronic drum kit... the only thing is, is that i can only put midi onto the electronic drum kit brain. I dont have that much experience with midi, can anyone tell me how to get an audio file of a kick drum, turn it into midi and then output that sound through my midi device to my electronic drum kit brain??? or the correct way of doing this at least, ive seen it done but no idea how to do it myself.

You cannot load samples into the TD8.
Instead, you need to get the pad to trigger the TD8, which sends a MIDI event to Logic, which plays a kick sample. The TD8 just sends MIDI notes, so you just use those to play an EXS24 or Ultrabeat or whatever samples/kits you want.

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    I'm sorry maybe I don't understand everything you are sayng... but I can replay to the titles of the Topic!
    Actually recording a MIDI instrument and an Audio Track symultaneously comes with serious bug!!!
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    Provide a Logic feedback
    I suggest you to use Logic 7 when you need that!
    Thank you so much for remember me this..
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    How old was this backup? It sounds like it was at least several weeks old.
    You can look directly in the TM backup for the music.
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    The server -- Peter's iMac (8) does exist;
    The server -- Peter's iMac (8) is available at this time;
    The server name -- Peter's iMac (8) -- is correct, as specified in the system sharing preferences;
    The server IP address is correct, as specified in the system sharing preferences;
    The network connection is active when I attempt to connect.
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    Enable all audio tracks (R) you wish to record. Then make sure you select the audio instrument you are using on the left of the arrange page (track list). If you here your input, hold shift, then highlight (gray) the mentioned audio tracks you wish to record on. When R is red, and the proper tracks are grey, you can record. Hope that made sense!

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    ** Similarly, in the client side I've used RandomAccessFile to save the received array of bytes.
    public void sendFile(File f)
       ChatServer cs=(ChatServer)Naming.lookup("rmi://localhost/ChatServer");
       cs.readsAndStoreTheFileInTheServer(f); // In the Server Implementation the contents of the file is read and saved in an array of byte. later method is invoked by the client to get the array of the saved byte.
       cs.message("-Accept-"); // When a client receives this word then a JComponent with accept and cancel button will be constructed from where other clients can save/cancel the sent file.
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  • Error when synchronising MIDI and audio

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    First up your *Audio I/O buffer* (to 1024) in Logic>Preferences>Audio>Devices. Leave the I/O safety buffer off. Perhaps try to freeze some tracks.
    Also have a look at these:
    regards, Erik.

  • What are the differences between Turn in Final Timesheet and the other option: Send Progress for Selected Tasks?

    The resource filled his/her timesheet in PWA. 
    Now : 
    What are the differences between Turn in Final Timesheet
    and the other option: Send Progress for Selected Tasks?

    You are partially correct and partially wrong.
    in Final Timesheet sends
    the timesheet to the Timesheet Manager for Approval
    but task update always goes to Status manger of the task. Taks manager you can see in MPP(insert status manager field then check)
    after approval progress will be available in MPP as well as in Projectweb app as % complete . 
    Progress for Selected Tasks 
    Send progress of selected task to status manager after approval update will be available in both MPP and Projectweb
    app as % complete.
    In Send
    Progress for Selected Tasks Timesheet
    Manager doesn't receive anything in his Approval center
    because all the update directly go to Status manager Approval center.
    Here you have to understand
    that there are two role Timesheet Manager(for timesheet approval) and Status manager(for task
    actual approval) 

Maybe you are looking for