Turn off apple advertising tracking!

I just found out that advertising tracking is "on" as a default.  To turn off the tracking, go to Settings, General, About, then Limit Ad Tracking and turn it off.
http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2012/10/12/advertising_identifier_how_to _stop_apple_s_ios6_from_tracking_your_activity.html

I do not think of myself as being paranoid. I am not looking over my shoulder to see if "they" (whoever "they" are) are following me.
I understand that every time I make a call on my iPhone the location of the cell tower handling the call is logged. I understand that every time I access the internet my location is logged. Does this bother me? Of course not. If I were writing the software to handle these kind of interchanges I would also log those locations. Am I still making calls and googling when out? Of course. Am I losing sleep over this? Of course not.
But it offends my sense of privacy to know that Apple is actively tracking my locations and purposefully storing that information as compared to having the information stored as a side-effect of something else. Is there any real difference? No, I don't think so. But I think we all want at least the illusion of privacy.
The article contained the following paragraph:
--> In addition to giving Apple customers the ability to turn off all location features with one "on/off" toggle switch, Apple requires applications to get explicit customer approval when it asks for location information for the first time.
So I was asking where the "on/off" toggle was.
You can read this article at: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/137432/20110423/apple-we-must-have-comprehensive -user-location-data-on-you.htm#ixzz1KXi3qJjw

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