Turning off "borderless copy" on MX922

How can I turn off "borderless copy" on the MX922 photo scan settings? I'm trying to scan polaroids (Image Spectra and Polaroid 300 film).

Please try only send attachments to the printer with a blank body.
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    Please try only send attachments to the printer with a blank body.
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

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    From the PSE9 help :
    Add files from specific folders
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    P.S. I was a long time windows user, switched to Mac about a year and a half ago. Fell blissfully in love...until now. What made me switch to a Mac was the day that I was re-installed my operating system on my PC for the 6th time in 2 months. I've come full circle.

    you would think, seeing how this is obviously a known bug, that apple would do a better job of explaining the setbacks of using FileVault. unfortunately, most of us "common people" aren't privy to this type of information until it's too late..as we're relentlessly searching forum posts at 2am because our 2 week old computer is riddled with error messages.
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    Your design and animations copy the gmail style. Why should i go with apple, if i like google. Than i probably will go with android. Your os6 mail design was more asketic but perfecly balanced.
    Give option to return to os6, please.
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    I only have CS3 in front of me right now.
    Straight quotes and curly quotes are different characters residing in different slots of the font. Toggling on/off the Use Typographer's Quotes setting in Document Setup does not retro-actively update text already set on the page. Try changing the setting and then re-typing the existing characters.
    Type>Smart Punctuation is basically a pre-packaged find/replace command. It replaces straight quotes with curly quotes when you tell it to (for either the whole document or just the current selection), but it does not do the opposite. So if you are trying to replace existing curly quotes with straight quotes, you'' need to do your own Find/Replace.
    Whichever kind you have the document set to consider default (controlled by the Tyographer's quote setting in Document Setup) is the one that will be keyed into the Find/Replace dialog if you key it in. So you'll need to copy the other kind so that you can paste it into the Find/Replace dialog.

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    My husband and I share an I tunes account.
    This was never a problem until I Cloud was born.
    I have turned off the Icloud on my I phone4 all together.
    He has Iphone 4S and is getting all the apps I purchase and I am getting his contacts.
    How can this be solved. If I get my own Itunes account do I have to purchase my apps again?

    If you use another iTunes ID you can keep your apps, but you need to do some settings first.
    Read the hlep infos.
    I have purchased music, apps, or books with multiple Apple IDs. How can I get all of this content onto my iOS device?

    First, you need to copy all of your purchased content so it is on the same Mac or PC with iTunes. This computer should be the one you sync your device with. For more information on how to move your content, see these articles:
    Mac:  iTunes for Mac: How to copy purchases between computers
    PC:  iTunes for Windows: How to copy purchases between computers
    Next, authorize your computer to play content with each Apple ID in iTunes. Once your computer is authorized for all your content, it can be synced to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. 
    And about the iCloud, I'm not very sure about that. I think maybe you don't need to turn off all of the iCloud settings, just the items you don't want to sync with your husband. For the apps, you can cancel 'automatically download purchased items' in the settings on iOS devices.
    May these informations will help you.

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    Your music will only be where you put it.  You can download the itunes program and sign into your account on any computer, but your music/content will not be there unless you put it there.
    It has always been very basic to always maintain a backup copy of your computer files/docs/pics/music/etc.
    Use your backup copy to put everything back.
    If for some reason you have failed to maintain a backup copy, not good, then you can transfer itunes purchases from an ipod.  File>Transfer Purchases

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    How do I turn off the requirement to enter my password everytime I delete a file in finder?

    Please take these steps if you're prompted for a password when moving items in your home folder to the Trash.
    1. Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    2. Right-click or control-click the highlighted line and select
    Services ▹ Show Info in Finder (or just Show Info)
    from the contextual menu.* An Info dialog should open.
    3. The dialog should show "You can read and write" in the Sharing & Permissions section. If that's not what it shows, click the padlock icon in the lower right corner of the window and enter your password when prompted. Use the plus- and minus-sign buttons to give yourself Read & Write access and "everyone" No Access. Delete any other entries in the access list.
    4. In the General section, uncheck the box marked Locked if it's checked.
    5. From the action menu (gear icon) at the bottom of the dialog, select Apply to enclosed items and confirm.
    6. Close the Info window and test.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Open a TextEdit window and paste into it (command-V). Select the line you just pasted and continue as above.

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    Once I have that done and copied into a plain text editor, I will use Search>Replace to get rid of all the stuff Word puts there and just end up with the simple paragraph tags at the end of each paragraph, all on one line.

    You can disable wrapping and syntax highlighting in the View menu in the Edit > View Source window.

  • HP Laserjet Pro MFP M127fn - How to turn off T.30 Trace Reports

    After every fax received the unit prints a "T.30 Trace" report. Needless to say, this is a big waste of paper. Have gone into the Reports setup and changed the settings accordingly, but am still getting this report after every fax we receive. We are using the unit as a fax machine/copier only, so it's only connected to a phone line and power source. How can I turn off these unwanted reports? Thanks for any assistance you can give.

    Hi @mrinn ,
    I see that you are having issues with the T.30 Trace Reports printing, you have already turned off the setting and the printer is still printing them off. I would like to help you out with this issue today.
    Just double check the setting, to make sure it is still turned off.
    Go to Setup, Service, T.30 Trace.
    You could update the printer's firmware, but the printer would have to be setup on a computer to do this.
    HP LaserJet Pro MFP M127fn Drivers.
    Select your operating system, click next, click the link for firmware.
    I can send you a reset for the printer in a private message. But it will set the printer back to factory settings and clear out the phone book. In the forum beside your handle name just click on the envelope to view it.
    If you need further assistance, just let me know.
    Have a nice day!
    Thank You.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP

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