Turning Off my iSight

AS I only use my iSight 10 mins per day I was thinking of cutting the firewire cable and wiring in a on/off switch.
Has anyone cut a firewire cable to see how many cables are inside and can I successfully do as I suggest??

 Hello, Holty. I understand what you want to do.
I would never recommend doing it, but if you are not afraid to risk a Firewire cable and shorting out your iSight's electronics, you might find a way to splice some kind of a six-pole, single-throw switch into your iSight's cable.
For those who want a less creative (and less risky) way, see How to turn iSight (really) off.

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    Hey Eric,
    These guys are correct in that Skype, Linphone, FaceTime, Google+ and many other conference or chat programs / apps will turn on your built-in iSight or FaceTime camera if it is available.
    You may want to read https://discussions.apple.com/message/22752712#22752712
    Just keep in mind if you disable it with permissions,  simply running the disk-utility "Repair disk permissions" will make the camera work again.
    If you are able to use the terminal program with root privilege enter the following lines using Mac OSX 10.6
    chmod 000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreMediaIOServices.framework/Versions/A/Reso urces/VDC.plugin/Contents/MacOS/VDC
    chmod 000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreMediaIOServicesPrivate.framework/Versions /A/Resources/VDC.plugin/Contents/MacOS/VDC
    chmod 000 /System/Library/QuickTime/QuickTimeUSBVDCDigitizer.component/Contents/MacOS/Qui ckTimeUSBVDCDigitizer
    Or these if at 10.8
    chmod 000 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMediaIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/VDC.plugi n/Contents/MacOS/VDC
    chmod 000 /System/Library/QuickTime/QuickTimeUSBVDCDigitizer.component/Contents/MacOS/Qui ckTimeUSBVDCDigitizer
    chmod 000 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreMediaIOServices.framework/Versions/A/Reso urces/VDC.plugin/Contents/MacOS/VDC
    To make it work again you can change the 000 to 755 and run the commands or simply run the Disk permissions repair.

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    Thanks Mark

    Globalmark wrote:
    Does anyone know either of a Simple way to Turn off the isight camera on a Macbook pro (3.1 model with Snow leopard) or a simple program or Widget to do this ??
    I have already Googled this but cannot find much - except disable certain files, or a Applescript by Techslaves.org called isight disabler , which seems great except I have to run applescript each time run this script, put in password, then select !
    SO is there a Basic app or even a Way of making the isight disabler work like a simple app - or a way to do with Mac's settings ??
    Any help is Appriciated
    Thanks Mark
    Barring some unusual circumstance, there should be no need to disable your built-in iSight because YOU decide when to use your iSight.
    Some apps such as iChat allow you to enable and disable the webcam from menu commands.
    Other apps such as Photo Booth only use the camera when you click the button.
    However, if you REALLY want to disable, scripts like this one can easily disable and enable iSight.
    However, be aware that it simultaneously disables ALL USB webcams when active.
    Although I do not recommend it, you can manually disable your built-in iSight by removing the "QuickTimeUSBVDCDIgitizer.component" file from your computer's HardDriveName > System > Library > QuickTime folder and restarting your Mac. Your built-in iSight should no longer work with any app.
    P.S. Manually moving, renaming, or deleting files outside your Username/Documents folder
       is generally a BAD idea unless you KNOW how it will effect OS X.
    EZ Jim
    Mac Pro Quad Core (Early 2009) 2.93Ghz Mac OS X (10.6.6); MacBook Pro (13 inch, Mid 2009) 2.26GHz (10.6.6)
    LED Cinema Display; G4 PowerBook 1.67GHz (10.4.11); iBookSE 366MHz (10.3.9); External iSight; iPod4touch4.2.1

  • Turning off Isight

    I recently installed Snow Leopard. When I started the computer, the green camera is lit. I have closed isight but the green camera light remains on. Suggestions?

    Trabuco wrote:
    ... I have closed isight but the green camera light remains on. Suggestions?
    Only external (Firewire connected) iSights can be "closed". If you are posting about external iSight, see:
    If your topic relates to a built-in iSight, quitting the applications that can run iSight turns off the iSight's function.
    If the green indicator light for a built-in iSight continues to function after a restart, and when no iSight enabled applications are open, one of the suggestions in this article will correct the problem:
    EZ Jim
    “I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link."
    G5 DP 1.8GHz w/Mac OS X (10.5.8) PowerBook 1.67GHz (10.4.11)   iBookSE 366MHz (10.3.9)  External iSight

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    Digital or analog output is determined by the connector inserted into your now-damaged socket. There is no way to 'turn off' digital output in such a manner that analog output will then be 'turned on.'
    I'll check to determine if your logic board can be repaired at a reasonable price and post back. Apple's stock solution is to exchange the module, and in your case, this otherwise exchangeable part if covered by warranty or an AppleCare extension to it would not typically be covered, because of what would be construed to be 'user abuse.' Don't be offended: that's the official term. Not an indication that you intentionally damaged to component.

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    Just venting.
    Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    I have sent apple my feedaback because I have a similar problem. I have a mobile MacBook Lab and can't seem to find a way to disable the option in Photo Booth that sends the photo taken to the users login account picture. This cuts down on my administrative efficiency because I have to change the user account pictures back to its original. The problem that there is no option to disable the "send to accounts feature" in a school enviornment is the students who use photo booth to take obscene photos and then send them to the accounts picture.
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    MacBook   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

  • ISight not turning off

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    MacBook Pro 15" 2.16 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  
    MacBook Pro 15" 2.16 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  
    MacBook Pro 15" 2.16 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Thanks a lot for the suggestions. So far, the problem has not happened again but I will definately give those a try next time. In the meantime, I did a permissions repair and it did repair a couple of things. I didn't know we could do those things... I learn something new everyday about my Mac.
    MacBook Pro 15" 2.16 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

  • ISight won't turn off on MacBook Pro retina

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    This procedure may show which program is using the camera. It makes no changes, and therefore will not, in itself, solve your problem.
    If you have more than one user account, you must be logged in as an administrator to carry out these instructions.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    sudo lsof -Fc +D /L*/Cor*/*/*/AppleCamera.plugin | sed '2!d' | cut -c2- | open -ef
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window by pressing the key combination command-V. I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use another browser, you may have to press the return key after pasting. You'll be prompted for your login password. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. If you don’t have a login password, you’ll need to set one before you can run the command. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. Confirm. You don't need to post the warning.
    If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator. Log in as one and start over.
    The command may take a noticeable amount of time to run. Wait for a new line ending in a dollar sign (“$”) to appear.
    A TextEdit window will open. If the command produced no output, the window will be empty. Post the contents of the TextEdit window (not the Terminal window), if any — the text, please, not a screenshot. The title of the window doesn't matter, and you don't need to post that.

  • ISight Turns Off, Must Unplug Firewire

    I keep my iSight turned off (i.e., lens cap closed, green light off) when I'm not video chatting. I turn it on before initiating each chat or responding to an invitation.
    Lately, iSight has been doing a strange thing when I turn it on. It initially works (i.e., green light on, my image on screen), then it dies (green light off, image frozen). No matter how many times I twist and untwist the ring to turn it on and off, it remains frozen.
    The only solution I've found is to unplug, then replug, the Firewire at the back of my Mac Mini. This always brings iSight back to life.
    Any clues as to why my iSight behaves this way? I assume that it shouldn't.
    FYI...I use SightSpeed as my video chat service (**** "XXX will not respond" problem!), but I don't see why that would be the cause.
    Thanks for any comments.

    ... SightSpeed ... but I don't see why that would be the cause.I do not know why either. Perhaps it is a Possible hardware or software conflicts with another third party component of your system?
    Have you recently performed Mac OS X maintenance? If not, try it now, and see if your problem abates.
    Have you checked with the SightSpeed Support site for help? If the problem relates to your third party application, their FAQs or Help / Technical Support services should be able to give you suggestions.
    The suggestions in Apple's What to do if your computer won't recognize a FireWire device kBase Article may help you if your problem relates to your Firewire ports or to an internet connection that may be holding onto port settings when you shut your iSight off.
    If you think the problem might be with your iSight itself, you can check your iSight using the suggestion in How to test your iSight to ensure it is functional.

  • HELP PLEASE~How to turn the buzz off my iSight iMacG5...

    Hi all,
    I seriously need some help here. I've got my iMac 20" couple weeks ago, and it was quiet at first. I didn't hear the buzz sound coming from the middle left until maybe about 3~5 days. Now my roommate just got a 17" iSight iMac, which is whisper quiet. I still can hear the fan or air goes in and out from her machine but it is totally acceptable unlike mine...
    I thought it was due to the upgrade to 10.4.3, so I reinstalled the OS again but the sound's still there. I then took it to a mac store to examine it. This evening a techincian told me it normally functions in a quiet room and he thinks everything's right, so I took it back but the sound's still there...
    Few iMac 20" users here also have the same buzz problems like mine. I really hope it becomes as quiet as the first time I got it, so please let me know if you have any ideas to solve this...The buzz really annoys me especially when I don't hear anything from my roomate's...
    Any input will be much appreicated. Thank you.

    Why don't try reseting the SMU here are the Directions on how to do it.
    The SMU (System Management Unit) is a microcontroller chip on the logic board that controls all power functions for your computer. If your computer is experiencing any power issue, resetting the SMU may resolve it. The SMU controls several functions, including:
    Telling the computer when to turn on, turn off, sleep, wake, idle, and so on.
    Handling system resets from various commands.
    Controlling the fans.
    Note that resetting the SMU does not reset the PRAM. Resetting the SMU will not resolve issues in which your computer is unresponsive—in these situations, restarting your computer will generally suffice. If your computer isn't responding, perform these steps one at a time, in this order, until the issue has been resolved:
    Force Quit (Option-Command-Escape).
    Restart (Control-Command-Power).
    Force Shut Down (press the power button for 10 seconds).
    Resetting the SMU can resolve some computer issues such as not starting up, not displaying video, sleep issues, fan noise issues, and so on. If your computer still exhibits these types of issues even after you've restarted the computer, try resetting the SMU. To reset the SMU on an iMac G5 (Ambient Light Sensor) computer, simply do the following:
    Turn off the computer by choosing Shut Down from the Apple menu, or by holding the power button until the computer turns off.
    Unplug all cables from the computer, including the power cord.
    Wait 10 seconds.
    Plug in the power cord while simultaneously pressing and holding the power button on the back of the computer.
    Let go of the power button.
    Press the power button once more to start up your iMac.
    Unlike earlier iMac G5 computer models, the iMac G5 (Ambient Light Sensor) and iMac G5 (iSight) computers do not have a button on the main logic board for resetting the SMU. This eliminates the need to remove the computer's back cover to reset the SMU.
    Post back, Miguel

  • ISight turns off and wont turn back on

    Up until yesterday my iSight was functioning properly. I tried to ichat with it, and I noticed that the green light was not on. The white lens cover was not on, and I had it plugged into the firewire port in the front of the tower. I did notice that is got very hot. I unplugged it and let it cool for the night. Today, I plugged it in and the light goes green for a few seconds and then the iSight makes a noise, similar to when it adjusts for light, and turns off. I also tried the camera on my other mac G4, with the same result.
    Software Update doesn't pull up an isight upgrade, so I must be current.
    Any thoughts?

    Hi David,
    Essentially the same questions.
    have you tried it with iChat Open ?
    With the App Shut down ?
    Reseating the cablesa t both ends ?
    8:34 PM Wednesday; July 5, 2006

  • ISight camera turns off 1 second after starting

    When the iSight camera turns on (green light turns on) it stays on for one or two seconds and then goes pssst and turns off. Audio chat works but Video Conferencing does not. Interesting to note that the iChatAV thinks the camera is attached. iSights (we have two) both work with 10.4.2 on other computers but not on any of our computers running 10.4.3. Have already downloaded the update to QuickTime. Any ideas?

    If your iSight does not work with any of the tests suggested in How to test your iSight to ensure it is functional, have it professionally checked by an Apple Service Technician.
    If your iSight worked for iChat AV video chats before the 10.4.3 upgrade, try the suggestions in Help for iChat AV 3 Problems.

  • Kernel Panic: You need to restart you computer. Hold down the Power button until it turns off, then press the Power button again.

    I apologize for writing a book, but I think explaining the full story may possibly get me a correct answer.  I hope that someone can give me some insight as to what is the problem with my MacBook Pro.  I have a MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), model identifier: MacBookPro4,1 running OSX Lion 10.7.5 with 6 GB memory.  My wife first noticed a problem with the display.  Every so often it would get fuzzy with jumping lines going across the screen making it vitually unviewable.  The final time that incident took place the computer froze which required holding down the power button to restart the computer.  The computer started up to the point of the Apple logo and the spinning gear for quite some time until the screen darkened from top to bottom displaying the following message in five different languages: "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button until it turns off, then press the Power button again."  I have read other blogs and support communities where people get the message intermittently, but my computer would not go past that point no matter what.  Through research and the Apple Store I was told that this is a Kernel Panic.  The so called "Apple Genius" at the local Apple Store was unable to get the computer to boot past that point even with his gadget.  It would not startup in recovery mode, safe mode or off of a disc.  I forget exacty what he told me, but he said it was getting past the first two startup steps, but it would not get past the third step which is to mount the desktop.  He guessed that it may be a problem with the hard drive; a loose wire or something or other.  I disconnected the hard drive completely and took it out.  Everything appered to be connected properly.  Then I installed it back correctly, but it did not solve the issue.  So I guess I disproved his theory of a loose wire...  I purchased ProSoft Data Rescue 3 and connected my MacBook Pro to another Apple computer using a firewire 400 cable.  I was able to get everything I needed off of the hard drive.  I did some more research and I decided to restart the MacBook Pro in verbose mode (holding down the command button and V button).  The computer magically started up!!!  I was upset that I wasted my money on the ProSoft Data Rescue 3.  I managed to take additional items off of the computer and back it up on to an external hard drive.  After some time the computer froze.  I repeated the power button process to restart and received the same kernel panic.  I managed to get the computer to startup approximately six or seven more times via verbose mode; each time the computer staying on for a shorter amount of time before it would freeze.  I managed to run Disk Utitlity.  I performed first aid to fix the hard drive and it said that the hard drive appeared to be fine.  After first aid I erased the hard drive and booted off of a Lion disc to perform a clean install or an erase and install.  Lion installed until the progress bar got the the end where I received a message that there was an error installing Lion, please try again.  Each time I attempted to install the software I would receive the same message.  Eventually the computer would not boot from the Lion disc.  I went back to the Apple Store and the Apple Genius was able to get the computer to boot off of his gadget where Lion istalled completely.  I set up the computer as a new computer.  He said that he partitioned the hard drive as DOS and then back to Mac OS Extended (Journaled) which would get rid of any errors the drive may have had.  He guessed that the problem was the hard drive, but was not exactly sure.  When I brought it home I installed all of the software applications I had on it previously.  Approximately three days later, which may have been the fifth of sixth time starting up the computer, the display became fuzzy again and the computer froze.  The computer did restart once and I was able to retreive a "log" which I have pasted below.  After if froze for the second time it restarted once using verbose mode and froze almost immediately.  After holding down the power key to shut it down and then restart; I received the same kernel panic after the Apple logo and spinning gear which put me right back to square one.  Now the computer will not boot via any method.  It freezes at the end of verbose mode which forces you to hold down the power button to shut down.  I also read that poorly seated ram may cause this issue, but I removed and installed the ram multiple times.  I even purchased new ram from Other World Computing (Mac Sales) 6 GB, but that did not make a difference.  I think I may see six possible problems on the verbose screen mode, five errors and one warning; I will type them out here:
    1. SMC: :smcReadKeyAction ERROR: smcReadData8 failed for key $Num (kSMCKeyNotFound)
    2. SMC: :smcReadKeyAction ERROR: $Num kSMCKeyNotFound(0x84) fKeyHashTable=0x0
    3. SMC: :smcInitHelper ERROR: MMIO regMap ==NULL - fall back to old SMC mode
    4. WARNING - ACPI_SMCCtrlLoop: :initCPUCtrlLoop - no sub-config match for MacBookPro4,1 with 8 p-states, using default stepper instead
    5. SMC: :smcReadKeyAction ERROR: smcReadData8 failed for key MOTP (kSMCKeyNotFound)
    6. SMC: :smcReadKeyAction ERROR: smcReadData8 failed for key BEMB (kSMCKeyNotFound)
    I was hoping that someone could read my log to ascertain wether or not they see a problem that stands out.  I was also hoping that someone could tell me if verbose mode provides any information that may be wrong with my computer.  I just hope that someone can give me some insight as to what may be wrong with my computer.  If it is the hard drive I will easily replace it, but I want to make sure that is the problem first before I waste money on a hard drive or anything else.  Please let me know if anyone requires any other information from me.
    Thank you!
    Interval Since Last Panic Report:  21959 sec
    Panics Since Last Report:          1
    Anonymous UUID:                    B62D9AB4-53DD-4F76-90B2-32453302297E
    Sat Aug 31 15:20:06 2013
    panic(cpu 1 caller 0xffffff80002c4794): Kernel trap at 0xffffff7f81d9d774, type 14=page fault, registers:
    CR0: 0x0000000080010033, CR2: 0x0000000000000010, CR3: 0x0000000011d06000, CR4: 0x0000000000000660
    RAX: 0x0000000000000004, RBX: 0xffffff809eb71000, RCX: 0xffffff8000892604, RDX: 0xffffff80b69d3aa8
    RSP: 0xffffff80b69d3bd0, RBP: 0xffffff80b69d3bd0, RSI: 0x0000000000000000, RDI: 0x0000000000000000
    R8:  0x0000000000000000, R9:  0x00000000010751b4, R10: 0xfffffffffffffff4, R11: 0xffffff8000640fd4
    R12: 0xffffff809eb71000, R13: 0x0000000000000000, R14: 0x0000000000000000, R15: 0x0000000000000010
    RFL: 0x0000000000010202, RIP: 0xffffff7f81d9d774, CS:  0x0000000000000008, SS:  0x0000000000000010
    CR2: 0x0000000000000010, Error code: 0x0000000000000000, Faulting CPU: 0x1
    Backtrace (CPU 1), Frame : Return Address
    0xffffff80b69d3880 : 0xffffff8000220792
    0xffffff80b69d3900 : 0xffffff80002c4794
    0xffffff80b69d3ab0 : 0xffffff80002da55d
    0xffffff80b69d3ad0 : 0xffffff7f81d9d774
    0xffffff80b69d3bd0 : 0xffffff7f81d8913a
    0xffffff80b69d3c20 : 0xffffff7f81d89928
    0xffffff80b69d3c40 : 0xffffff7f81d5be8f
    0xffffff80b69d3c70 : 0xffffff7f8087f832
    0xffffff80b69d3cb0 : 0xffffff7f8087f93d
    0xffffff80b69d3cd0 : 0xffffff7f8088b625
    0xffffff80b69d3d40 : 0xffffff7f80889c76
    0xffffff80b69d3d80 : 0xffffff80006245ca
    0xffffff80b69d3dd0 : 0xffffff8000657d4e
    0xffffff80b69d3e30 : 0xffffff80002a3851
    0xffffff80b69d3e80 : 0xffffff8000223096
    0xffffff80b69d3eb0 : 0xffffff80002148a9
    0xffffff80b69d3f10 : 0xffffff800021bbd8
    0xffffff80b69d3f70 : 0xffffff80002aef10
    0xffffff80b69d3fb0 : 0xffffff80002daec3
          Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
             com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(2.3.4)[D0A1F6BD-E66E-3DD8-9913-A3AB8746F422]@0 xffffff7f80874000->0xffffff7f808acfff
                dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.7)[5C23D598-58B2-3204-BC03-BC3C0F00BD32]@0xffffff 7f80849000
             com.apple.GeForce(7.3.2)[7E1D7726-416F-3716-ACCB-E1E276E35002]@0xffffff7f81d590 00->0xffffff7f81e1bfff
                dependency: com.apple.NVDAResman(7.3.2)[97284661-2629-379E-B86B-D388618E8C30]@0xffffff7f808 bf000
                dependency: com.apple.iokit.IONDRVSupport(2.3.4)[7C8672C4-8B0D-3CCF-A79A-23C62E90F895]@0xff ffff7f808ad000
                dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.7)[5C23D598-58B2-3204-BC03-BC3C0F00BD32]@0xffffff 7f80849000
                dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(2.3.4)[D0A1F6BD-E66E-3DD8-9913-A3AB8746F422]@0 xffffff7f80874000
    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: WindowServer
    Mac OS version:
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 11.4.2: Thu Aug 23 16:25:48 PDT 2012; root:xnu-1699.32.7~1/RELEASE_X86_64
    Kernel UUID: FF3BB088-60A4-349C-92EA-CA649C698CE5
    System model name: MacBookPro4,1 (Mac-F42C89C8)
    System uptime in nanoseconds: 62230646656
    last loaded kext at 53384504695: com.apple.filesystems.autofs 3.0 (addr 0xffffff7f81efc000, size 45056)
    loaded kexts:
    com.apple.filesystems.autofs 3.0
    com.apple.driver.AudioAUUC 1.59
    com.apple.driver.AppleTyMCEDriver 1.0.2d2
    com.apple.driver.AppleUpstreamUserClient 3.5.9
    com.apple.driver.AppleHDAHardwareConfigDriver 2.2.5a5
    com.apple.driver.AppleHDA 2.2.5a5
    com.apple.GeForce 7.3.2
    com.apple.driver.SMCMotionSensor 3.0.2d6
    com.apple.driver.AppleSMCPDRC 5.0.0d8
    com.apple.driver.AppleSMCLMU 2.0.1d2
    com.apple.driver.AppleMuxControl 3.1.33
    com.apple.driver.AppleBacklight 170.2.2
    com.apple.driver.AppleMCCSControl 1.0.33
    com.apple.iokit.IOUserEthernet 1.0.0d1
    com.apple.iokit.IOBluetoothSerialManager 4.0.8f17
    com.apple.Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X 7.0.0
    com.apple.driver.AudioIPCDriver 1.2.3
    com.apple.driver.ApplePolicyControl 3.1.33
    com.apple.driver.ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin 5.0.0d8
    com.apple.driver.AppleLPC 1.6.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBTCButtons 227.6
    com.apple.driver.BroadcomUSBBluetoothHCIController 4.0.8f17
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBTCKeyEventDriver 227.6
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBTCKeyboard 227.6
    com.apple.driver.AppleIRController 312
    com.apple.AppleFSCompression.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless 1.0.0d1
    com.apple.AppleFSCompression.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib 1.0.0d1
    com.apple.BootCache 33
    com.apple.iokit.SCSITaskUserClient 3.2.1
    com.apple.driver.XsanFilter 404
    com.apple.iokit.IOAHCIBlockStorage 2.1.0
    com.apple.iokit.AppleYukon2 3.2.2b1
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBHub 5.1.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleAHCIPort 2.3.1
    com.apple.driver.AppleEFINVRAM 1.6.1
    com.apple.driver.AirPortBrcm43224 501.36.15
    com.apple.driver.AppleFWOHCI 4.9.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleIntelPIIXATA 2.5.1
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBEHCI 5.1.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleRTC 1.5
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBUHCI 5.1.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleHPET 1.7
    com.apple.driver.AppleSmartBatteryManager 161.0.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleACPIButtons 1.5
    com.apple.driver.AppleSMBIOS 1.9
    com.apple.driver.AppleACPIEC 1.5
    com.apple.driver.AppleAPIC 1.6
    com.apple.driver.AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient 195.0.0
    com.apple.nke.applicationfirewall 3.2.30
    com.apple.security.quarantine 1.4
    com.apple.security.TMSafetyNet 8
    com.apple.driver.AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement 195.0.0
    com.apple.kext.triggers 1.0
    com.apple.driver.DspFuncLib 2.2.5a5
    com.apple.nvidia.nv50hal 7.3.2
    com.apple.nvidia.nvGK100hal 7.3.2
    com.apple.nvidia.nvGF100hal 7.3.2
    com.apple.NVDAResman 7.3.2
    com.apple.iokit.IOFireWireIP 2.2.5
    com.apple.driver.AppleBacklightExpert 1.0.4
    com.apple.driver.AppleSMBusController 1.0.10d0
    com.apple.driver.AppleHDAController 2.2.5a5
    com.apple.iokit.IOHDAFamily 2.2.5a5
    com.apple.iokit.IOSurface 80.0.2
    com.apple.iokit.IOSerialFamily 10.0.5
    com.apple.iokit.IOAudioFamily 1.8.6fc18
    com.apple.kext.OSvKernDSPLib 1.3
    com.apple.driver.AppleGraphicsControl 3.1.33
    com.apple.iokit.IONDRVSupport 2.3.4
    com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily 2.3.4
    com.apple.driver.AppleSMC 3.1.3d10
    com.apple.driver.IOPlatformPluginLegacy 5.0.0d8
    com.apple.driver.AppleSMBusPCI 1.0.10d0
    com.apple.driver.IOPlatformPluginFamily 5.1.1d6
    com.apple.driver.AppleFileSystemDriver 13
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBBluetoothHCIController 4.0.8f17
    com.apple.iokit.IOBluetoothFamily 4.0.8f17
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBMultitouch 230.5
    com.apple.iokit.IOUSBHIDDriver 5.0.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBMergeNub 5.1.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBComposite 5.0.0
    com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIMultimediaCommandsDevice 3.2.1
    com.apple.iokit.IOBDStorageFamily 1.7
    com.apple.iokit.IODVDStorageFamily 1.7.1
    com.apple.iokit.IOCDStorageFamily 1.7.1
    com.apple.iokit.IOATAPIProtocolTransport 3.0.0
    com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily 3.2.1
    com.apple.iokit.IOUSBUserClient 5.0.0
    com.apple.iokit.IOAHCIFamily 2.0.8
    com.apple.iokit.IO80211Family 420.3
    com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily 2.1
    com.apple.iokit.IOFireWireFamily 4.4.8
    com.apple.iokit.IOATAFamily 2.5.1
    com.apple.driver.AppleEFIRuntime 1.6.1
    com.apple.iokit.IOUSBFamily 5.1.0
    com.apple.iokit.IOHIDFamily 1.7.1
    com.apple.iokit.IOSMBusFamily 1.1
    com.apple.security.sandbox 177.11
    com.apple.kext.AppleMatch 1.0.0d1
    com.apple.driver.DiskImages 331.7
    com.apple.iokit.IOStorageFamily 1.7.2
    com.apple.driver.AppleKeyStore 28.18
    com.apple.driver.AppleACPIPlatform 1.5
    com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily 2.7
    com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily 1.4
    Model: MacBookPro4,1, BootROM MBP41.00C1.B00, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 GHz, 6 GB, SMC 1.27f3
    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT, GeForce 8600M GT, PCIe, 256 MB
    Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 4 GB, DDR2 SDRAM, 667 MHz, 0x7F7F7F7F7F9B0000, 0x4354353132363441433636372E4D31364643
    AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x8C), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
    Bluetooth: Version 4.0.8f17, 2 service, 18 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en1
    Serial ATA Device: Hitachi HTS543225L9SA02, 250.06 GB
    Parallel ATA Device: MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-867
    USB Device: BRCM2046 Hub, 0x0a5c  (Broadcom Corp.), 0x4500, 0x1a100000 / 2
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, apple_vendor_id, 0x820f, 0x1a110000 / 5
    USB Device: Built-in iSight, apple_vendor_id, 0x8502, 0xfd400000 / 2
    USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, apple_vendor_id, 0x0230, 0x5d200000 / 3
    USB Device: IR Receiver, apple_vendor_id, 0x8242, 0x5d100000 / 2

    I had already written a book and I did not want to bombard people with more information, but in my previous research I did come across the major issues with the NVIDIA card.  I also was well aware that Apple offered a replacement program that ended in December of 2012.  I was going to add that in my original post, but I discounted that theory because I put my faith in the so called "Apple Genius" when I made my second trip to the Apple Store.  I brought the NVIDIA card issue to his attention and asked him if he thought that may be the problem, but he said no.  He said if it was the NVIDIA card that the screen would be completely black and there would be no startup chime.  When I experienced the screen issues I thought it was a problem with the NVIDIA card or the logic board.  I asked myself, how can a flawed hard drive cause the screen to act funny.
    nbar and Rick Warren, I thank you both for your help and insight; people like you are the real "Apple Geniuses."  I was hoping there was a way I could wipe the hard drive before I dumped the computer or attempted to sell it.  I guess I will look into purchasing a new machine when I have the funds.  Again...thank you both!

  • Mac book pro, Turns off and goes under protection especially with an External monitor on.

    Mac book pro,
    Turns off and goes under protection, sometimes without any specific motivation, but most of the time when an External monitor is pluged-in.
    I use it when I work with final cut pro, and this problem it's becoming huge and changing my workplans....
    It can turns off also 10 times in two hours.
    In many forums I read that the CPU temp could be the problem, but I've checked it and It's always around 62°-68°....
    In some others they say that the new RAM could be the problem too.
    Is anybody able to help me? (Underneath you can check the Panic Report and my mac informations)
    Thank you so much.
    My mac Infos:
    Model Name:
    MacBook Pro
      Model Identifier:
      Processor Name:
    Intel Core i7
      Processor Speed:
    2,66 GHz
      Number Of Processors:
      Total Number Of Cores:
      L2 Cache (per core):
    256 KB
      L3 Cache:
    4 MB
    8 GB
      Processor Interconnect Speed:
    4.8 GT/s
      Boot ROM Version:
      SMC Version (system):
      Serial Number (system):
      Hardware UUID:
      Sudden Motion Sensor:
    The report is this one:
    Interval Since Last Panic Report:  687027 sec
    Panics Since Last Report:          6
    Anonymous UUID:                    EB3EFFB2-AFCE-472E-ADA1-F35EFF3C7BBA
    Sat Oct 13 16:58:00 2012
    panic(cpu 2 caller 0xa3dc9b): NVRM[0/1:0:0]: Read Error 0x00000100: CFG 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 0xffffffff, BAR0 0xc0000000 0xa822c000 0x0a5480a2, D0, P2/4
    Backtrace (CPU 2), Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
    0x7c6f3888 : 0x21b837 (0x5dd7fc 0x7c6f38bc 0x223ce1 0x0)
    0x7c6f38d8 : 0xa3dc9b (0xc5328c 0xcc3800 0xc61e60 0x0)
    0x7c6f3978 : 0xb58608 (0xe50bc04 0xe80b004 0x100 0x0)
    0x7c6f39c8 : 0xb4f601 (0xe80b004 0x100 0x7c6f39f8 0xa2d778)
    0x7c6f39f8 : 0x175b9a6 (0xe80b004 0x100 0x438004ee 0x2b1f6a)
    0x7c6f3b38 : 0xb772b5 (0xe80b004 0xe80c004 0x0 0x0)
    0x7c6f3b78 : 0xa46e7c (0xe80b004 0xe80c004 0x0 0x0)
    0x7c6f3c18 : 0xa4355b (0x0 0x9 0x0 0x0)
    0x7c6f3dc8 : 0xa4542a (0x0 0x600d600d 0x702a 0x7c6f3df8)
    0x7c6f3e98 : 0x9d9582 (0xc1d00011 0xaa910001 0x20802040 0x7c6f3ee0)
    0x7c6f3ef8 : 0xd9b57d (0xe08fc00 0x7c6f3f4c 0x0 0x7)
    0x7c6f3f58 : 0xd9b71a (0xe076800 0xda2e54 0x7c6f3f78 0x2a45c9)
    0x7c6f3f78 : 0x230235 (0xe076800 0x0 0x0 0x6c03)
    0x7c6f3fc8 : 0x2a179c (0x863ea0 0x0 0x10 0xe980a84)
          Kernel Extensions in backtrace (with dependencies):
                dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(2.2.1)@0x9a8000
                dependency: com.apple.iokit.IONDRVSupport(2.2.1)@0x9ca000
                dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.6.5)@0x991000
                dependency: com.apple.NVDAResman(6.4.0)@0x9d7000
                dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.6.5)@0x991000
                dependency: com.apple.iokit.IONDRVSupport(2.2.1)@0x9ca000
                dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(2.2.1)@0x9a8000
    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
    Mac OS version:
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 10.8.0: Tue Jun  7 16:33:36 PDT 2011; root:xnu-1504.15.3~1/RELEASE_I386
    System model name: MacBookPro6,2 (Mac-F22586C8)
    System uptime in nanoseconds: 563676343615
    unloaded kexts:
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBUHCI    4.2.0 (addr 0x1495000, size 0x65536) - last unloaded 209721117821
    loaded kexts:
    foo.tun    1.0
    foo.tap    1.0
    com.parallels.kext.prl_vnic    6.0 11828.615184
    com.parallels.kext.prl_netbridge    6.0 11828.615184
    com.parallels.kext.prl_usb_connect    6.0 11828.615184
    com.parallels.kext.prl_hid_hook    6.0 11828.615184
    com.logmein.hamachi    1.0
    com.parallels.kext.prl_hypervisor    6.0 11828.615184
    com.paceap.kext.pacesupport.snowleopard    5.7.2
    com.Apogee.driver.DuetFWOverideDriver    1.4.4
    com.digidesign.iokit.DigiDal    9.0f4
    com.AmbrosiaSW.AudioSupport    3.2
    com.apple.driver.AppleHWSensor    1.9.3d0 - last loaded 44524746255
    com.apple.filesystems.autofs    2.1.0
    com.apple.driver.AGPM    100.12.31
    com.apple.driver.AppleMikeyHIDDriver    1.2.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleHDA    2.0.5f14
    com.apple.driver.AudioAUUC    1.57
    com.apple.driver.AppleMikeyDriver    2.0.5f14
    com.apple.driver.AppleUpstreamUserClient    3.5.7
    com.apple.driver.AppleMCCSControl    1.0.20
    com.apple.driver.SMCMotionSensor    3.0.1d2
    com.apple.Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X    7.0.0
    com.apple.iokit.CHUDUtils    364
    com.apple.iokit.CHUDProf    366
    com.apple.driver.AudioIPCDriver    1.1.6
    com.apple.driver.ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin    4.7.0a1
    com.apple.driver.AppleGraphicsControl    2.10.6
    com.apple.driver.AppleLPC    1.5.1
    com.apple.kext.AppleSMCLMU    1.5.2d10
    com.apple.GeForce    6.4.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleIntelHDGraphics    6.4.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleIntelHDGraphicsFB    6.4.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBTCButtons    201.6
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBCardReader    2.6.1
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBTCKeyboard    201.6
    com.apple.driver.AppleIRController    303.8
    com.apple.BootCache    31.1
    com.apple.AppleFSCompression.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib    1.0.0d1
    com.apple.iokit.SCSITaskUserClient    2.6.8
    com.apple.iokit.IOAHCIBlockStorage    1.6.4
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBHub    4.2.4
    com.apple.driver.AppleFWOHCI    4.7.3
    com.apple.driver.AirPortBrcm43224    428.42.4
    com.apple.iokit.AppleBCM5701Ethernet    3.0.5b8
    com.apple.driver.AppleEFINVRAM    1.4.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleSmartBatteryManager    160.0.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleAHCIPort    2.1.7
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBEHCI    4.2.4
    com.apple.driver.AppleACPIButtons    1.3.6
    com.apple.driver.AppleRTC    1.3.1
    com.apple.driver.AppleHPET    1.5
    com.apple.driver.AppleSMBIOS    1.7
    com.apple.driver.AppleACPIEC    1.3.6
    com.apple.driver.AppleAPIC    1.4
    com.apple.driver.AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient    142.6.0
    com.apple.security.sandbox    1
    com.apple.security.quarantine    0
    com.apple.nke.applicationfirewall    2.1.14
    com.apple.driver.AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement    142.6.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleProfileReadCounterAction    17
    com.apple.driver.DspFuncLib    2.0.5f14
    com.apple.driver.AppleProfileTimestampAction    10
    com.apple.driver.AppleProfileThreadInfoAction    14
    com.apple.driver.AppleProfileRegisterStateAction    10
    com.apple.driver.AppleProfileKEventAction    10
    com.apple.driver.AppleProfileCallstackAction    20
    com.apple.driver.AppleSMBusController    1.0.10d0
    com.apple.driver.AppleFWAudio    2.6.2fc2
    com.apple.iokit.IOFireWireIP    2.0.3
    com.apple.iokit.IOSurface    74.2
    com.apple.iokit.IOBluetoothSerialManager    2.4.5f3
    com.apple.iokit.IOSerialFamily    10.0.3
    com.apple.iokit.CHUDKernLib    365
    com.apple.driver.AppleHDAController    2.0.5f14
    com.apple.iokit.IOHDAFamily    2.0.5f14
    com.apple.iokit.IOAudioFamily    1.8.3fc2
    com.apple.kext.OSvKernDSPLib    1.3
    com.apple.iokit.AppleProfileFamily    41.4
    com.apple.driver.IOPlatformPluginFamily    4.7.0a1
    com.apple.driver.AppleSMBusPCI    1.0.10d0
    com.apple.driver.AppleBacklightExpert    1.0.1
    com.apple.driver.AppleSMC    3.1.0d5
    com.apple.iokit.IOFireWireAVC    4.0.6
    com.apple.nvidia.nv50hal    6.4.0
    com.apple.NVDAResman    6.4.0
    com.apple.iokit.IONDRVSupport    2.2.1
    com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily    2.2.1
    com.apple.driver.BroadcomUSBBluetoothHCIController    2.4.5f3
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBBluetoothHCIController    2.4.5f3
    com.apple.iokit.IOBluetoothFamily    2.4.5f3
    com.apple.iokit.IOUSBMassStorageClass    2.6.7
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBMultitouch    207.7
    com.apple.iokit.IOUSBHIDDriver    4.2.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBMergeNub    4.2.4
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBComposite    3.9.0
    com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIMultimediaCommandsDevice    2.6.8
    com.apple.iokit.IOBDStorageFamily    1.6
    com.apple.iokit.IODVDStorageFamily    1.6
    com.apple.iokit.IOCDStorageFamily    1.6.1
    com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice    2.6.8
    com.apple.driver.XsanFilter    402.1
    com.apple.iokit.IOAHCISerialATAPI    1.2.6
    com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily    2.6.8
    com.apple.iokit.IOFireWireFamily    4.2.6
    com.apple.iokit.IOUSBUserClient    4.2.4
    com.apple.iokit.IO80211Family    320.1
    com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily    1.10
    com.apple.iokit.IOAHCIFamily    2.0.6
    com.apple.iokit.IOUSBFamily    4.2.4
    com.apple.driver.AppleEFIRuntime    1.4.0
    com.apple.iokit.IOHIDFamily    1.6.6
    com.apple.iokit.IOSMBusFamily    1.1
    com.apple.kext.AppleMatch    1.0.0d1
    com.apple.security.TMSafetyNet    6
    com.apple.driver.DiskImages    289.1
    com.apple.iokit.IOStorageFamily    1.6.3
    com.apple.driver.AppleACPIPlatform    1.3.6
    com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily    2.6.5
    com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily    1.3.0
    Model: MacBookPro6,2, BootROM MBP61.0057.B09, 2 processors, Intel Core i7, 2.66 GHz, 8 GB, SMC 1.58f16
    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M, NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M, PCIe, 512 MB
    Graphics: Intel HD Graphics, Intel HD Graphics, Built-In, 288 MB
    Memory Module: global_name
    AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x93), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
    Bluetooth: Version 2.4.5f3, 2 service, 19 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: Ethernet, Ethernet, en0
    Network Service: AirPort, AirPort, en1
    Serial ATA Device: Hitachi HTS545050B9SA02, 465,76 GB
    Serial ATA Device: MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-898
    USB Device: Hub, 0x0424  (SMSC), 0x2514, 0xfa100000 / 2
    USB Device: iPhone, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x12a0, 0xfa140000 / 6
    USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x0237, 0xfa120000 / 5
    USB Device: Internal Memory Card Reader, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x8403, 0xfa130000 / 4
    USB Device: BRCM2070 Hub, 0x0a5c  (Broadcom Corp.), 0x4500, 0xfa110000 / 3
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x8218, 0xfa113000 / 9
    USB Device: Hub, 0x0424  (SMSC), 0x2514, 0xfd100000 / 2
    USB Device: IR Receiver, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x8242, 0xfd120000 / 4
    USB Device: Built-in iSight, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x8507, 0xfd110000 / 3
    FireWire Device: Duet, Apogee Electronics, Up to 400 Mb/sec

    Never mind, I found it.

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