Twainbridge powerpc process on startup (on intel mac)

i installed the last epson perfection 1600 photo like 4 days ago. Ever since, i see the process TWAINbridge (powerpc) staring everytime i start os x. Is there any way for this to stop running at startup? i really cant recall, prior to installing the new driver, seeing the powerpc process. I really hate powerpc process runnig at startup on intel... makes everything slow.
any ideas?
thank you.

Are you using CS2 or CS3, by any chance? Found this forum: emode=1
Don't know if it's useful.
It could also be a part of Image Capture that loads when a scanner is detected as explained in another thread on the same forum: emode=1

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    If your question is: Why is my work computer, which is over 7 years old, runs an old version of OS X (maybe leopard, maybe Tiger), with a now abandoned CPU architecture (PowerPC) different than my modern Mac Mini at home which runs Mountain Lion on an Intel CPU?  Then my answer would be:
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    "Tom Wallace" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f8nmsd$l8e$[email protected]..
    >I have Dreamweaver CS3 running on a dual 1.8 Power Mac
    with 1.5 gigs of
    > and I think it's a dog. It's so much slower at
    everything than DW8 that I
    > find
    > it impractical for daily use?especially for managing a
    remote site via
    > FTP. It
    > seems to work much faster and reliably for my colleagues
    on Windows XP on
    > newish PCs, however, I'm wondering if what I need is a
    new Intel Mac. If
    > anyone
    > is running Dreamweaver CS3 on a MacBook Pro or Mac Pro
    system, I would
    > like to
    > know your impressions.
    I just received a brand new MacBook Pro with 2 gigs. I'm
    running CS3 Mac and
    Win (with Parallels) I don't like the Mac UI and stuff, but I
    must say that
    I'm very impressed with the performance. I've it hooked to a
    20" monitor and
    now I barely use my Desktop PC which is a Core2
    Quad/2.4Gz/4Gigs/64 bits (to
    tell you how good is the MacBook Pro).
    I just can't stand the keyboard though...
    Articles and Tutorials:
    - Add "you are here" highlighting to virtually any menu
    - FAQ pages made easy

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    Rosetta (the technology that enables PowerPC applications to run on an Intel processor) has two efficiency conseuqences: 1) Extra RAM used for the translation process; 2) Speed cost of translated PowerPC code execution.
    For large or computationally expensive applications (video or graphics processing, e.g.) the slow-down can be considerable. For large applications the RAM overhead can be a problem.
    Supposedly 100% of Apple's own software is Universal (Intel on Intel boxes, PowerPC on those systems), but there's quite a bit of third-party stuff that has yet to be "Universalized".
    Unless these applications are actually causing you problems, (most likely because they fit into one or both of the aforementioned categories) there's no reason for concern that there are some PowerPC applications running on your system.
    Also, I've yet to see any reports of a Universal application running as PowerPC unless you've specifically told the system to do that. If you're concerned, find the icon for the application in question (in the Finder) and issue the Get Info command for it. If it's a Universal application, it will say so and furthermore there will be a "Open using Rosetta" check-box. If that is checked, then (guess what), the system will run that application in its PowerPC form. This can be necessary if there are plug-ins or extensions of some sort that have not yet been converted to Universal form, since Rosetta cannot mix PowerPC with Intel in the same application.
    If I were you and nothing is malfunctioning, I'd leave well enough alone. As the vendors of the software in question produce updates, they'll make them Universal and the number of PowerPC processes running on your sytem will decrease.
    Randall Schulz

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    I'm having 3 problems
    #1, I have an old version of Photoshop. I'll buy the newest Photoshop someday but the latest version wasn't made for Intel Macs and it is very expensive. $600. I wonder if it runs slow on Intel Macs. Maybe I should wait for the next version.
    #2 I have a great Epson printer (875 DC) but Epson has not updated the print drivers for this model and probably won't. OK fine I can buy a newer better photo printer $550.
    #3 I have a "Nikon Coolscan 4000" film Scanner $1,300. This scanner is great in OS9 but the thing never worked in OS10 and now that I have this Intel iMac I downloaded the latest software update and the thing still doesn’t work and if the computer sleeps while the Nikon software is open it won't wake up and I have to restart.
    To sum everything up, can I run OS9 on my Intel iMac? I don't care if I have to work in OS9 then shut down and restart to work in 10.4.7 Can this Intel iMac understand OS9. If I try to restart using OS9 as the startup disk will I damage the computer? Will I screw things up and have to spend hours and days removing files and correcting problems?
    I feel like this computer is a fresh clean new baby and I'm afraid that if I start messing around with it I'll regret it.

    I have a new Intel iMac. I want to partition my hard
    drive, install OS9 and run the old system. I know I
    can't use "classic" on 10.4.7 but I wonder if I could
    simply install OS9 and reboot my computer.
    The problem here, is that the OS 9 environment / Operating System will only run on a PowerPC processor.
    The only reason that OS X will run on either processor, is that it was specifically designed to do so from the beginning.
    But, OS 9 and older were specifically written for the PowerPC / Motorola processors.
    So, you will need a machine with a PowerPC processor to run OS 9.
    Currently, there is one program that will enable OS 9 to run on an Intel Mac. But, it requires making a copy of the Power Macintosh ROM. So, it's legal use is questionable at best.
    This program works by emulating the PowerPC processor. And, it is reported to operate at roughly 1/8-th of native speeds. So, it could be pretty slow for productive photo work.
    #1, I have an old version of Photoshop. I'll buy the
    newest Photoshop someday but the latest version
    wasn't made for Intel Macs and it is very expensive.
    $600. I wonder if it runs slow on Intel Macs. Maybe I
    should wait for the next version.
    If it is a Mac OS X version, then it will run on the Intel systems. But, yes it will be slower. Usable, but slower.
    I haven't tried this program, so I cannot personally comment on it. But, even Steve Jobs admitted it was slow on the Intel Macs.
    #2 I have a great Epson printer (875 DC) but Epson
    has not updated the print drivers for this model and
    probably won't. OK fine I can buy a newer better
    photo printer $550.
    OS X comes with drivers for the Epson Stylus Photo 875. They are provided by the Gimp-Print layer. But, installed / select just like any other printer. So, as long as you can connect the printer using USB, then you can select the driver for the 875 and be fine (as long as this is the same printer).
    Otherwise, some people have reportedly installed PowerPC print drivers without trouble. I haven't tried it myself.
    #3 I have a "Nikon Coolscan 4000" film Scanner
    $1,300. This scanner is great in OS9 but the thing
    never worked in OS10 and now that I have this Intel
    iMac I downloaded the latest software update and the
    thing still doesn’t work and if the computer sleeps
    while the Nikon software is open it won't wake up and
    I have to restart.
    Can't really help you there.
    To sum everything up, can I run OS9 on my Intel iMac?
    I don't care if I have to work in OS9 then shut down
    and restart to work in 10.4.7 Can this Intel iMac
    understand OS9. If I try to restart using OS9 as the
    startup disk will I damage the computer? Will I screw
    things up and have to spend hours and days removing
    files and correcting problems?
    As mentioned above, the only method currently available to use OS 9 on an Intel system is that SheepShaver program.
    But, I would not expect good results with it for your uses. And, it's legal status would be questionable since you need to copy a ROM file from another Mac to use it (which goes against Apple's license agreement).
    I feel like this computer is a fresh clean new baby
    and I'm afraid that if I start messing around with it
    I'll regret it.
    Just make sure you have a good backup of everything before you start experimenting.
    I hope this helps.

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