Two apple identities causing problems

My apple account on my ipad ID ( is different from my iCloud ID ( Can I delete the iCloud ID and create a new account that matches my account?

I can certainly change the name, id and primary e-mail address of my AppleIDs that have not been associated with iCloud (three separate fields).  For the AppleIDs that are associated with iCloud, the id and primary e-mail address are one in the same.  But I still have the ability to edit the id and change it to something else.
You may have more than one AppleID, have you tried searching to see if you have multiple AppleIDs?
Also, check your settings on the iPhone and see if you have configured the device to use more than one AppleID.  For instance, the AppleID i use to sync my iOS device too is different than the AppleID I have set up for iCloud on the same device.  On the settings of your iOS device, look under iCloud and Store.  See if they are the same or two different AppleIDs

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    I have an iphone 4s and had a similar problem which I have since rectified.
    Try this;
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    You husband should save and backup to a computer all the files, photos and music that he wants to keep. He should also save any files created with the apps on his device. Once that is done he can use the Settings app to erase his device.
    Settings > General > Reset > Erase all Content and Settings
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    But what I have is two Apple ID's with different email addresses.  I'm sure the second one was set up by my son to buy a song a long time ago, while the first I probably set up when I got my first new Mac.  I've always used one, but my Pad started showing an authorization problem -  I'd reauthorize it and it was fine, but when I sync'd I got the same message.  Finally had time to dig into it and discovered one email address/ID is authorized for one computer and has zero balance; the other is authorized for FIVE computers (weird, since we only have two) and has a balance.
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    Thanks for the links, Limnos.
    If you are willing to continue helping, here's what I found.
    Just to clarify the two iTunes folders I am refering to are:
    I am presuming each location has a full set of files as outlined in the above links?
    Not all the files are in both locations. Most are.
    - The Itunes folder in my home folder does not have itunes library.xml.
    - The Itunes folder in my home folder has a subfolder called Mobile Applications (username-->Music-->iTunes--> Mobile application). The Itunes folder at the HD level also has a Mobile Application folder but it is a subfolder of Itunes Media folder (HD-->iTunes--> iTunes Media-->Mobile applications) and has no files in it.
    - I do not have an iTunes Media in the iTunes folder in my home folder.
    - also the Itunes media folder (HD-->iTunes--> iTunes Media) has subfolders by type (books, movies, itunes u, music etc...) but the iTunes Media-->Music also has some of the same subfolders ( iTunes Media-->Music-->books, iTunes Media-->Music-->Movies, iTunes Media-->Music-->iTunes U). Is this normal repetition?
    You say:
    /itunes/itunes media/ music
    but it is important to note what comes before all that.
    There is nothing as far as I can tell before that first forward slash. Since the only iTunes Media folder I have is in the iTunes folder that resides at the HD level (HD-->iTunes--> iTunes Media folder) not the iTunes folder in my home folder (username-->Music-->iTunes) , I assume that's the one that holds the music.
    Keep iTunes media folder organized and Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library are both checked on
    Does that give more clarity into my problem?

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    Yes. In the future, however, only you will be able to update Lion because it will now require your Apple ID.

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    Hi there
    Sorry for hijacking your thread as put by Dahveed. However I have resolved my issue so I thought I'll share it with the rest of you.
    I checked for the error 3194 in youtube and I found some good videos that tell you how to resolve the problem. The issue I was facing was the actually (I know because I have resolved it now) the communication between my computer and apple server which can be fixed as following (if you are using windows):
    There is file in following directory:
    The file normally has no extension and it is in file format. You need to open it and make sure that every line that has apple server id starts with "#". In my case one of the line started directly with the ip address and then
    Perform your restore/update after that and hopefully it should be resolved (mine did).

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