Two Quicktime Broadcasters from one DV camera

i have one DV camera source and two intel iMacs ~ i want to send the same h.264 video stream to two servers using quicktime broadcaster.
i presume you can't just turn a firewire hub around and split the signal ~ is there another way to do this?
  Mac OS X (10.4.6)   DV camera, firewire, iMac, quicktime broadcaster

i presume you can't just turn a firewire hub around and split the signal
Actually you can. A Firewire hub has no "direction"; it just provides a data stream coming in any port to all the others. I haven't tried to split a camera signal for QuickTime Broadcaster, but I did once do it directly to a couple of computers with other software, just for a test, and it worked just fine.
So give it a go; you'll probably find that it will work.
Message was edited by: Dave Sawyer

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    When u enter the material and qty in Item the system might be doing Availability check. Then u might be going to schedule line and then "check mark on "Fix qty/date". Here once again the system might be doing Availability check and then u press  "Dely proposal".
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    Adobe Homepage
    Go to the Adobe homepage.
    Macromedia Flash Player
    Download the Macromedia Flash Player.
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