Two Second Skip Switching Between Windowed and Full Screen Modes During Playback YouTube videos

I am finding that every video I watch skips two seconds every time I switch back and forth from Full Screen mode. Happens mostly with 720p videos in YouTube.
Can be replicated by pausing the video (also possible during playback, pausing it was just to determine how long the skip is), switching to Full Screen and back, noticing the two second change on the timer.
Main operating environment is Opera browser on Windows 7 (x86), Flash ver. and 12beta. I have also been able to replicate the problem on Internet Explorer ver. 9.0.8112.16421

I see about 30-80 MB memory usage increase while switching to fullscreen and it is falling back while switching back to normal mode.
I think the "freeing" of the memory is to agressive and produces such "lags."
@Adobe: This should be optimized with the next versions.
With the Plash Player plugin (Firefox Nightly/Opera Next) it is worse and with Active-X (IE9) it seems to be ok.

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    Thanks for responding.  I hope you have some ideas.

  • JDK 1.4.2 and full-screen mode

    Hi all,
    I'm messing around with a 2D-elite clone using Java 1.4 full-screen mode. After a few hours of work I am happily zapping asteroids and aliens at a zippy 140 FPS.
    I then switch from JDK 1.4.0_01 to 1.4.2_01 in the hope of getting some extra speed. Without making any other changes to the code, things suddenly start crawling along at <30 FPS.
    I am using BufferStrategy in combination with a VolatileImage to draw everything on. Did I miss any important changes in the newest release of the JDK or am I doing something fundamentally wrong?

    Hi Abuse,
    Thanks for answering. First of all, my speed calculations are a bit crufty. In my main thread, I do a System.currentTimeMillis() every 1000th call. I consider 10^6 / (this time in ms - last time in ms) to be the speed in FPS. It's probably wildly off, but the difference in speed between the two JDKs is noticeable even without the numbers.
    Posting all of the code is going to be a bit difficult because there's quite a few classes in the project. However, I'll try to isolate the relevant code below.
    At this point, I'm not entirely convinced that the drawing is the problem. I'm using a shoddy integrated video card which may be causing the issues, but even if I only draw the background starfield I see a significant drop in speed. I'll try to disable some code here and there in the hope of finding something more specific.
    I'm playing some music in the background and there is rather a lot of collision-handling code going on, maybe that's the bottle-neck. When you bump into stuff, the trajectory of your ship and whatever you rammed is altered depending on weight, velocity and angle. It's a lot of fun to watch but still quite buggy at this point. (I've got a planet on-screen which acts rather like a beach-ball when I ram it).
    Anyhow, here's the rendering code:
    This class takes care of the initialization of the full-screen mode.
    Actual drawing is done in the Level class below.
    public class Main implements Runnable {
        private long lastTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        double frameCount = 0;
        public static final int BUFFER_COUNT = 1;
        private JFrame frame;
        BufferStrategy bufferStrategy;
        GraphicsDevice device;
        private BigScreen screen;
        private static final int DRAW_DELAY = 5;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Main main = new Main();
        public Main() {
            new Thread(this).start();
            new Thread(new HouseKeeping()).start();
        private void initializeSettings() {
        private void initializeGUI() {
            GraphicsEnvironment env = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
            device = env.getDefaultScreenDevice();
            GraphicsConfiguration gc = device.getDefaultConfiguration();
            frame = new JFrame(gc);
            frame.setTitle("Elite 2D");
            Level.getHandle().setDimensions((int) device.getDefaultConfiguration().getBounds().getWidth(),
                    (int) device.getDefaultConfiguration().getBounds().getHeight());
            BufferCapabilities bc = new BufferCapabilities(new ImageCapabilities(true),
                    new ImageCapabilities(true),
            try {
                frame.createBufferStrategy(BUFFER_COUNT, bc);
            } catch (AWTException e) {
            bufferStrategy = frame.getBufferStrategy();
            int width = device.getDisplayMode().getWidth();
            int height = device.getDisplayMode().getHeight();
            screen = new BigScreen(width, height, gc.createCompatibleVolatileImage(width, height));
            frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
                public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
                public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) {
                    GraphicsEnvironment env = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
                    device = env.getDefaultScreenDevice();
                    GraphicsConfiguration gc = device.getDefaultConfiguration();
                    BufferCapabilities bc = new BufferCapabilities(new ImageCapabilities(true),
                            new ImageCapabilities(true),
                    try {
                        frame.createBufferStrategy(BUFFER_COUNT, bc);
                    } catch (AWTException awt) {
            // Set the cursor to a transparent image
            Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(
                    new MemoryImageSource(16, 16, new int[16 * 16], 0, 16));
            Cursor transparentCursor = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createCustomCursor(image,
                    new Point(0, 0), "invisiblecursor");
        public KeyAdapter getKeyListener() {
            return new KeyAdapter() {
                public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
                public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
        public void run() {
            while (true) {
                if (frameCount++ % 1000 == 0) {
                    long thisTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    // aantal ms voor 1000 frames
                    // 1000 * (aantal frames / seconde)
                    double fps = thisTime - lastTime;
                    lastTime = thisTime;
                    Level.getHandle().getConsole().addConsoleMessage("FPS : " + 1000000 / fps);
                Graphics g = bufferStrategy.getDrawGraphics();
                g.drawImage(screen.background, 0, 0, null);
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                } catch (IllegalStateException i) {
        public Rectangle getScreenDimensions() {
            return frame.getGraphicsConfiguration().getBounds();
        public void exitFullScreen() {
    } // End class Main// The rendering-code in Level is done in the updateStatus-method.
    // Once again, rendering is delegated to the current SolarSystem class.
    public class Level {
        private static Level handle;
        public SolarSystem currentSolarSystem;
        private Console console;
        private int width, height;
        private Ship player;
        // All ships within this radius of the player get to act
        private static final int ACTION_RADIUS = 5000;
        // All entities within this radius of the player qualify for drawing
        private static final int VISIBILITY_RADIUS = 2000;
        private Level() {
            console = new Console();
            currentSolarSystem = new SolarSystem();
            Equipment[] weapons = new Equipment[3];
            weapons[0] = new BeamWeapon(, 1000, 0.02, 0.1);
            weapons[1] = new PulseWeapon(, 500, 0, 400, 1);
            weapons[2] = new MissileLauncher();
            player = new Ship(100, 100, weapons, currentSolarSystem);
            currentSolarSystem.addEntity(new Entity(1000, 1000, Tools.getEntityType("planet"), currentSolarSystem));
            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
                Entity asteroid = Tools.getEntityType("asteroid").createEntity(200 * i, 0, currentSolarSystem);
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                        Tools.getRandom(-1000, 1000), Tools.getRandom(-1000, 1000), currentSolarSystem));
        public SolarSystem getActiveSolarSystem() {
            return this.currentSolarSystem;
        public Console getConsole() {
            return this.console;
        public void setDimensions(int x, int y) {
            this.width = x;
            this.height = y;
        public int getWidth() {
            return this.width;
        public int getHeight() {
            return this.height;
        public static Level getHandle() {
            if (handle == null) {
                handle = new Level();
            return handle;
        public ArrayList getEntitiesInRectangle(int x1, int y1, int w1, int h1) {
            ArrayList intersects = new ArrayList();
            for (int i = 0; i < currentSolarSystem.getEntities().size(); i++) {
                Entity e = (Entity) currentSolarSystem.getEntities().get(i);
                if ((x1 + w1 > e.getX()) && (e.getX() + e.getWidth() > x1) && (y1 + h1 > e.getHeight())
                        && (e.getY() + e.getHeight() > y1)) {
            return intersects;
        public ArrayList getEntitiesInLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
            ArrayList intersects = new ArrayList();
            Line2D line = new Line2D.Double(x1, y1, x2, y2);
            for (int i = 0; i < currentSolarSystem.getEntities().size(); i++) {
                Entity e = (Entity) currentSolarSystem.getEntities().get(i);
                // System.out.println(e.getBoundingShape() + " vs " + x1 + "x" + y1 + ", " + x2 + "x" + y2);
                if (line.intersects(e.getBoundingShape().getBounds2D())) {
            return intersects;
        public Entity getNearestEntityToLineOrigin(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
            double closestIndex = 0;
            Entity closestEntity = null;
            Line2D line = new Line2D.Double(x1, y1, x2, y2);
            for (int i = 0; i < currentSolarSystem.getEntities().size(); i++) {
                Entity e = (Entity) currentSolarSystem.getEntities().get(i);
                // System.out.println(e.getBoundingShape() + " vs " + x1 + "x" + y1 + ", " + x2 + "x" + y2);
                if (line.intersects(e.getBoundingShape().getBounds2D())) {
                    double distance = Tools.getDistance(x1, y1, e);
                    if (closestEntity == null) {
                        closestEntity = e;
                        closestIndex = distance;
                    } else if (distance < closestIndex) {
                        closestEntity = e;
            return closestEntity;
        public Ship getPlayer() {
            return player;
        public void updateStatus(Graphics g, int width, int height) {
            getActiveSolarSystem().updateStatus(g, getPlayer(), width, height);
    }Draws a starfield and all visible entities in sight. So far I'm just
    drawing all entities in the solar system. Seems to be faster than
    figuring out whether objects are near the player for <100 objects.
    public class SolarSystem {
        private static final int BIG_STARS = 20;
        private static final int MAX_STARS = 1000;
        private static final int STAR_AREA = 1400;
        private int[][] stars;
        private ArrayList entities;
        private ArrayList explosions;
        public SolarSystem() {
            entities = new ArrayList();
            explosions = new ArrayList();
        public ArrayList getEntities() {
            return entities;
        public ArrayList getExplosions() {
            return explosions;
        public void addEntity(Entity e) {
        public void removeEntity(Entity e) {
        public void addExplosion(int x, int y, int size, int max) {
            // System.out.println("Adding explosion at " + x + " " + y);
            explosions.add(new Explosion(x, y, size, max));
        public void updateStatus(Graphics g, Ship player, int width, int height) {
            this.drawScene(g, player, width, height);
        private void drawScene(Graphics g, Ship player, int width, int height) {
            // Make sure nothing extraneous gets drawn
            g.clipRect(0, 0, width, height);
            // Clear the surface and set the background
            g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
            // Draw explosions & remove from the buffer if needed
            Explosion[] expl = (Explosion[]) getExplosions().toArray(new Explosion[explosions.size()]);
            int centerX = (int) player.getX();
            int centerY = (int) player.getY();
            int widthOffset = centerX + width / 2;
            int heightOffset = centerY + height / 2;
            this.drawStarField(g, player);
            for (int i = expl.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                Explosion ex = expl;
    g.setColor(new Color(Math.max(255 - ex.size, 0), 0, 0));
    g.drawOval(ex.x - widthOffset, ex.y - heightOffset, ex.size, ex.size);
    if (ex.size < ex.max) {
    ex.size += 2;
    explosions.set(i, ex);
    } else {
    // todo - can we re-use the active entities table here?
    Entity[] entities = getVisibleEntities(player);
    for (int i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {
    entities[i].drawEntity((int) (entities[i].getX() - player.getX() + width / 2),
    (int) (entities[i].getY() - player.getY() + height / 2), g);
    player.drawEntity(width / 2, height / 2, g, entities, width, height);
    private void drawStarField(Graphics g, Ship player) {
    g.setColor(new Color(255, 255, 255));
    int starX = ((int) player.getX() % STAR_AREA);
    int starY = ((int) player.getY() % STAR_AREA);
    for (int i = 0; i < BIG_STARS; i++) {
    g.fillOval((stars[i][0] - starX) % STAR_AREA, (stars[i][1] - starY) % STAR_AREA, 3, 3);
    for (int i = BIG_STARS; i < MAX_STARS; i++) {
    g.drawLine((stars[i][0] - starX) % STAR_AREA, (stars[i][1] - starY) % STAR_AREA,
    (stars[i][0] - starX) % STAR_AREA, (stars[i][1] - starY) % STAR_AREA);
    * Includes the player as an active entity
    * @param player
    * @return
    private Entity[] getActiveEntities(Ship player) {
    Entity[] activeEntities = (Entity[]) entities.toArray(new Entity[entities.size() + 1]);
    activeEntities[activeEntities.length - 1] = player;
    return activeEntities;
    private void pollEntities(Ship player) {
    Entity[] activeEntities = this.getActiveEntities(player);
    for (int i = 0; i < activeEntities.length; i++) {
    // todo - Handle gravitational pull
    //if (activeEntities[i].hasGravitationalPull()) {
    // Handle collisions
    for (int i = activeEntities.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    if (activeEntities[i] != null && !activeEntities[i].isTransparent() && !activeEntities[i].isDestroyed()) {
    for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
    if (activeEntities[i] != null && activeEntities[j] != null &&
    !activeEntities[j].isTransparent() && Tools.entitiesCollide(activeEntities[i], activeEntities[j])) {
    handleCollision(activeEntities[i], activeEntities[j]);
    // todo - seems redundant - remove by avoiding player ?
    if (activeEntities[i].isDestroyed()) {
    // System.out.println("Removing " + activeEntities[i]);
    activeEntities[i] = null;
    if (activeEntities[j].isDestroyed()) {
    // System.out.println("Removing " + activeEntities[j]);
    activeEntities[j] = null;
    private void purgeDestroyedObjects() {
    for (int i = entities.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    if (((Entity) entities.get(i)).isDestroyed()) {
    private void handleCollision(Entity one, Entity two) {
    // Base damage is a factor of total speed & angle.
    double collisionFactor = Math.abs(Math.sin((one.getAccelerationAngle() - two.getAccelerationAngle()) / 2));
    double explosiveDamage = 0;
    if (one.explodesOnImpact()) {
    explosiveDamage += one.getExplosiveDamage();
    if (two.explodesOnImpact()) {
    explosiveDamage += two.getExplosiveDamage();
    one.applyDamage(explosiveDamage + (collisionFactor * two.getMass() / one.getMass()));
    two.applyDamage(explosiveDamage + (collisionFactor * one.getMass() / two.getMass()));
    // Introducing the FACTOR-variable also causes stickiness (two objects glued together after collision)
    // FACTOR determines how much of the energy is transfered from entity 1 to 2, and how much remains
    double FACTOR = 0.9;
    // Don't delete v1 and a1!
    double v1 = one.getSpeed();
    double a1 = one.getAccelerationAngle();
    double spinFactor = Math.cos(one.getAccelerationAngle() - two.getAccelerationAngle());
    if (!one.isDestroyed()) {
    one.setSpeed(two.getSpeed() * FACTOR + one.getSpeed() * (1 - FACTOR));
    if (!two.isDestroyed()) {
    two.setSpeed(v1 * FACTOR + two.getSpeed() * (1 - FACTOR));
    public Entity[] getVisibleEntities(Entity center) {
    return (Entity[]) entities.toArray(new Entity[entities.size()]);
    private void initializeStarField() {
    stars = new int[MAX_STARS][2];
    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STARS; i++) {
    private void setStar(int index) {
    stars[index][0] = Tools.getRandom(STAR_AREA) + STAR_AREA;
    stars[index][1] = Tools.getRandom(STAR_AREA) + STAR_AREA;
    Finally, the Entity class. All in-game objects extend Entity. Rendering is done in the drawEntity-method. Each Entity has an EntityType which contains parameters like the weight, maximum acceleration and turn rate etc... Images are also stored in EntityType.
    public class Entity {
        public static final double TWOPI = Math.PI * 2;
        protected double speed;
        protected double turnRate;
        protected double x, y;
        protected double heading;
        protected double accelerationAngle;
        protected boolean destroyed = false;
        protected double energy;
        protected EntityType type;
        private Equipment activeEquipment;
        private SolarSystem solar;
        public Entity(int xPos, int yPos, EntityType type, SolarSystem solar) {
            this.x = xPos;
            this.y = yPos;
            this.type = type;
   = this.getEntityType().getEnergy();
   = solar;
         * Basic entity drawing function doesn't taken rotation into account
        public void drawEntity(int xLocation, int yLocation, Graphics g) {
            if (this.getActiveEquipment() != null && this.getActiveEquipment().isActive()) {
                this.getActiveEquipment().applyEffect(this, g);
    //        Level.getHandle().getConsole().addConsoleMessage(xLocation + "x" + yLocation);
            g.drawImage(getIcon(), xLocation, yLocation, null);
        public Shape getBoundingShape() {
            return new Rectangle((int) getX(), (int) getY(), getWidth(), getHeight());

  • How to open a window in full screen mode using lf_fpm_navigation?

    Hi Guys
    For the following applications
    When the user clicks on the appraisal document name, a seperate window(not full screen) is generated to display the Appraisal docuemnt.
    The code is as follows:
    Generate the URL to be called.
        CALL METHOD cl_wd_utilities=>construct_wd_url
            application_name = 'HAP_MAIN_DOCUMENT'
            in_parameters    = lt_parameters
            out_local_url    = l_url.
        wd_this->url = l_url.
        wd_this->display_document( ).
    lv_alias = 'EMPLOYEE_DOCUMENT_UI_OBN'.
    use FPM navigation
        ls_nav_key-key1 = 'HAP'.
        ls_nav_key-key2 = 'HAP_GENERIC_UI'.
        lr_fpm_navigation ?= lr_fpm->get_navigation( is_key = ls_nav_key iv_instance_sharing = abap_false ).
        CALL METHOD lr_fpm_navigation->get_key_from_alias
            iv_alias = lv_alias
            rv_key   = lv_key.
               id_target_key            = lv_key
               it_application_parameter = lt_appl_param
               it_business_parameter    = lt_business_param    ).
        lr_fpm_navigation->navigate( lv_key ).
    Any idea how to open this window in full screen?
    Highly appreciate your help.
    Thank and Regards

    Hi Pramod,
    This FPM navigation is achieved using settings made in Launchapd Customizing ( LPD_CUST ).
    a) Execute Tran LPD_CUST
    b) Go to Role HAP - Double Click to open it.
    c) Open the second folder on the LHS menu - there you will find 2 entries
    d) Click on second entry - in the entry setting you can see that it is configured for WD Application  - HAP_MAIN_DOCUMENT
    e) Click on button Show Advanced Parameters
    f) There you will find a input box named as Window Features - here you can specify window features like
    save the settings come out and test ur app again.
    change the height and width and other features as per ur req.
    Manas Dua

  • Is it possible to set a finder window to full screen mode,..

    ... like mail, itunes and other apps? and if not, why not?
    I have to say it took me a bit to get used to Lion, I began complaining all day until I decided to take some time to learn it, and now I like it very much, I see the advantages over 10.6.
    But still, there are some things I don't know about, and the window of opportunity to take time to learn more has closed. And I don't know when it'll open again.
    So, that's why I have joined the community, because now I'm trying to use everthing on full-screen mode, and as I was setting my desktops to work on a project in which I will be needing a lot of finder windows open with a lot of items each, I instantly asked myself:
    Is it possible to set the finder windows to full screen? because I don't see any buttons.
    Thanks 4 Your Time

    Thanks Don Archibald,
    Yeah, that's what I'm doing at the moment. But I thought it would be nice to have the little full screen button just to press it so.
    Besides, I'm still figuring out the finder windows' behaviour. I discovered that if you open a folder from a window that has the toolbar, the new folder would also open with a toolbar, even if you already had it set it up with just the status bar.
    And one thing that still enervates me is that if you have a window with two items, and you press the green button to fit the borders up tight, instead of leavin' the 2 items in a horizontal arrangement, it moves one to the bottom and puts a slider. Arrgh.
    Another thing I haven't understood is why one folder I have on the dock sometimes opens with a column layout instead of the icon layout I have arranged for it before. Totally random 4 now, can't find the why.
    Anyway... I'm going to order some lapel pins about 2 flags I designed for two embassies. Anyone know a good place for doing that?

  • Lion - Multiple windows in Full Screen Mode

    Loving Lion.  Loads of great new features - some features do need a bit of breaking in, but all in all I am really enjoying using it.
    One niggling gripe I have is with using full-screen mode.  I am fishing for any better ideas or workarounds.
    Generally in Full Screen mode with an app, ie iTunes, I am often creating new windows by double clicking a left-hand panel item, such as playlists or the iTunes Store.  These windows jump to the foreground of the screen, but disappear behind the Full Screen window when the focus is changed.  This sub-window cannot be accessed until Full Screen is de-activated  and windows reastablished or moved to another space via Mission Control.  A bit cumbersome, especially in a slick new interface.
    Any thoughts, anyone?

    Press Apple and ` to move between windows of an application. Keyboard commands are very handy when using full screen.

  • 'Pop-up to confirm' window in full screen mode

    Hi Guys
    In a SAP standard WDA application on clicking a link the application calls a pop-up(create_popup_to_confirm) window centered on the screen. I need to open the pop upwindow in full-screen mode. Changing/increasing size is not acceptable. Is this possible for pop-up window? If so , can you please help?
    Highly appreciate your help.

    I tested with parameters window_height and window_width of method create_pop_up_to_confirm and they seem to be working. I tested it on Netweaver 7.02 Release ( Maybe this feature is enabled ).
    yeah Manas .. it was with Netweaver 7.01 only they r not working .. search  the SAP online help
    Also if you have to increase the height and widht of rootelement then you have to call method create_window to call an already existing view as Pop Up
    thats fine ..

  • Having screen rendering / memory problems with Microsoft Outlook 2013 and full screen mode with large 2560x1440 dual monitors

    MS Outlook 2013 seems to work fine for a while until a) enough time passes or b) I have multiple MS Outlook windows open. Then I start to see all sorts of graphical issues ranging from certain parts of the outlook window not rendering to certain functions
    locking etc.  Occassionally, when I decrease from full screen I get the screens to render correctly, making me think there's something unique with full screen mode that is causing the issue.   There seems to me to be quite a bit of memory issues
    with this version. 
    I have a beast of a graphics card, 32gb of RAM, and a fast SSD, so don't think its the machine. 

    Does this happen to other applications?
    If it's specific to Outlook, consider to check the hardware acceleration option:
    Go to FILE tab -> Options -> Advanced -> Display -> Disable hardware graphics acceleration, turn this option on or off to check the result.
    If the issue persists, please also consider whether any 3rd-party add-ins are interfering with Outlook, we can start Outlook in Safe Mode:
    Press Win + R, type "outlook.exe /safe" in the blank box, press Enter.
    If there's no problem in Safe Mode, disable the suspicious add-ins to verify which caused the problem.
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • Iphone 5 keeps switching between apple and home screen?

    why does my iphone5 keep switching between apple loading screen and home screen?  I can't use it.

    Try this First...
    Press and Hold the Sleep/Wake Button and the Home Button at the Same Time...
    Wait for the Apple logo to Appear...
    Usually takes about 15 - 20 Seconds... ( But can take Longer...)
    Release the Buttons...
    If no joy...
    Connect to iTunes on the computer you usually Sync with and Restore
    Make sure you have the Latest Version of iTunes (v11) Installed on your computer
    iTunes free download from

  • Using Automator or Applescript to switch between 32 and 64-bit modes

    I'd like to use applescript or automator to create something that would switch logic in and out of 64-bit mode (yes, I'm lazy). I've been fooling around with automator to no avail...anyone have any solutions?
    Thanks in advance.

    As a Launchbar devotee, it's pretty easy for me - to run Logic I hit command-space (to activate Launchbar) then "l" (lower case L) to select Logic and return to run it.
    If I wanted to change mode I do command-space (activate Launchbar) l (to select Logic) then command-I to do a get info, untick the box and go.
    None of this tedious open finder windows and locate the application bundle etc... I do a huge amount via Launchbar, it's about the quickest most efficient way of doing many things.
    Not sure about Applescripts, my guess is it would be quite clunky and slower than the way I do it...

  • Conflict between using msn messenger in offline mode and full screen mode

    I don't want to be visible in my msn messenger for the simple reason that I don't want to get chats all the time, but when I'm in off-line mode in msn messenger and I open a full screen application, immediately the messenger goes online. This happens with full screen games and while watching a youtube video in full screen. Why is this and how can I fix this?

    Your profile indicates you are running Tiger.
    Please update it or repost in Tiger forum.
    Since msn messenger is not an Apple product, you might also check to see if there are any forums in the MS area.
    This might be a good start
    Message was edited by: nerowolfe

  • Escape button doesn't work in iTunes, iWork, Preview switching back to non-full screen mode

    Though it does in Safari, iPhoto. Is it possible somehow by means of AppleScript, Terminal (or smth else) to enable esc button to switch between full and non-full mode assigning it to all of my apps or is it a bug?

    But I want use just one button instead of combination of them. Isn't it possible to make esc button the general screen mode switching tool?

  • Open new Finder windows in full screen mode by default

    I'd like for new finder windows to open full-screen by default.
    I have found that, if I have no finder windows open, opening a new finder window always defaults to a non-full-screen window.
    Is there a way to fix this?

    System Preferences > General
    Uncheck the box beside “Close windows when quitting an application”.

  • Encore CS4 Missing Frames/Stops Starts  and Blue Screen Crashes During Playback

    I'm opening Premiere Pro CS4 with the default presets of HDV Capture, HDV 1080i30 software only mode. I'm capturing from my Canon HV20 using firewire HDV out 1440 x 1080. All goes well during the editing process but when I Dynamic Link and playback in Encore CS4 I observe dropped frames or stop and starts in Encore timeline sequence. At times I may even crash Encore with a Blue Screen. While still running Encore I can go back to Premiere Pro and play the timeline sequence with no issues. I will mention that I have the Matrox RT.X2 installed. But when starting a project I'm doing software only and disabling RT.X2 hardware playback. If I remove all effects in the timeline sequence and then Dynamic link to Encore the playback is normal with no effects. I did exported the Premiere Pro CS4 project using Adobe Media Encoder CS4 with a setting of MPEG 2 Blu-ray 1440 x 1080i 29.97 High Quality. I than import this MPEG2 back into Adobe Encore CS4 and it plays without dropping frames or hang-ups.
    Case: Coolmaster-830
    Op System: Vista Ultima 64 Bit
    Edit Suite: Adobe Creative Suite 4 Production Premium Line Upgrade
    Adobe Premiere Pro CS 4.0.1 update before installing RT.X2 Card and 4.0 tools
    Performed updates on all Adobe Production Premium Products as of 01/12/2009
    Matrox RTX2 4.0 Tools
    Main Display: Dell 3007 30"
    DVI Monitor: Dell 2408WFP 24"
    MB: ASUS P5E3 Deluxe/WiFi-AP LGA 775 Intel X38
    Display Card: SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 4870 512MB GDDR5 Toxic ver.
    PS: Corsair|CMPSU-1000HX 1000W
    CPU: INTEL Quad Core Q9650 3G
    MEM: 2Gx4|Corsair TW3X4G1333C9DHXR DDR3 (8 Gigs Total)
    1 Sys Drive: Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 500GB 7200 RPM 32MB
    Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s
    2 Raid 0: Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 500GB 7200 RPM 32MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s Using Intel's integrared Raid Controller on MB

    Try to remember this:
    Encore "Tries" to playback from premiere pro.  If you have a full set of previews available, it will play those, but you are probably seeing a lot of dropped frames and choppy video if your previews in premiere are set pretty low.  What you can do to combat this--in my experience--is export your video from premiere into a whole file in full format (in a non-lossy format with full frames, and in it's proxy equivalent;  I use Prores LT for many projects, and export that as a final output from premiere), then have that encode in an h.264 format (which will maximize smooth motion and quality playback).  Now... ...In your encore project, you should be outside of your original formats and in the intermediary that encore will recognize, so you should have it "Locate transcoded file".  Once you have done so, it will playback that movie in the preview.  I've done it.  With CS6 and 4gb ram with a vidcard at 256mb and a core2duo 2.16ghz, it plays fine.  With CS4 the encoding takes a while, and if you go to dvd, even longer for compression to work properly.  I use Compressor to output AVCHD .264 stream and an AC3 file.  When I locate the transcode for BD, I locate the .264 file first, then I get asked for the AC3 file.  This allows me to import them both, and have Encore encode them into the transport stream without transcoding.  I use Distributed processing to get the job done quickly, as I have minimal access to several computers and have connected them by that method for a Render Farming setup.  It works well.  With a hardware based device playing back your files, you won't see the same performance in Encore.  It has to make two hops already to get to your video, and adding a third (goes from encore to Premiere, then to codec, then plays normally;  third step is to external hardware, which eats up processing like crazy when it has to come all the way back to an encoding output to screen through encore, adding more steps for the system along the way) really can slow down the performance in Encore.  IF you take the Steps out by encoding a finished playback stream, Encore will handle it quickly with it's own processing.  It really does work well.  If you don't like it, make your changes in Premiere, then re-encode with your hardware and make an h.264 file for encore again.  You can use AME, but you'll always get standard Blu-ray (old file-stream format; lesser res and quality).  You can use Compressor to make AVCHD which allows for 264 output that is PSF or progressive that is interpreted as simultaneous fields (fake interlace), or even solid progressive formatting for AVCHD compatible players, and you can render-farm it to speed up the encoding process.

  • Switching between 64 and 32 bit modes?

    Are there any known issues with rebooting from 64 bit to 32 bit mode in 10.6.4 Server? Has anyone noticed broken services as a result of changing this?

    The iSCSI initiator for Drobo products is very buggy under 64bit. Switching to the 32bit mode has drastically improved the speed.

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