TWO System keychains?

Out of curiosity, I double-clicked on "System.keychain" in /Library/Keychains. Keychain Access opened, and now shows two "System" keychains in its list on the left. Both appear to have identical contents, and both are in the same location (/Library/Keychains/System.keychain) according to the little "tool-tip" that pops up when I hover over each of them.
Does anyone know: Shouldn't there be only one System.keychain? How/why did the other appear, and how can I get rid of it?

it's still just one system keychain. you just opened it twice. this is quite harmless. if it really bothers you quit keychain access and delete the file /users/username/library/preferences/ then start keychain access and there will be just one system keychain there.

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    Paul Blake
    Macbook Mac OS X (10.4.8)

    it's still just one system keychain. you just opened it twice. this is quite harmless. if it really bothers you quit keychain access and delete the file /users/username/library/preferences/ then start keychain access and there will be just one system keychain there.

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    it's still just one system keychain. you just opened it twice. this is quite harmless. if it really bothers you quit keychain access and delete the file /users/username/library/preferences/ then start keychain access and there will be just one system keychain there.

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    Hi Zaheer,
    Thanq for reply,
    SM04 we can find no.sessions and terminals , but i am looking for mutiple logons login and logout timings.

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    Kind regards

    Sorry you have not gotten a response for this problem. I found your post when searching for an answer to my problem, which turns out to be (it would appear) the same one you're experiencing.
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    Hopefully someone has an answer that will make both Mr Badger and me happy.
    Thanks. Joel.
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    Sorry you have not gotten a response for this problem. I found your post when searching for an answer to my problem, which turns out to be (it would appear) the same one you're experiencing.
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    Hopefully someone has an answer that will make both Mr Badger and me happy.
    Thanks. Joel.
    17 Al 1.67   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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    sorry, lost track of this thread.
    Carlton Chin wrote:
    No problem. I was going to follow the instructions to the "T." I just wanted to make sure about the "short user name" since the steps outlined had hyphens in between the words.
    It did work. Thanks for the instructions!! Saved me a lot of headaches of doing and archive and install. Just a few more follow up questions...
    1. Does it make sense to create a second admin account as back up or would that get hosed too?
    I always keep a second admin account just in case. however, this would not have helped you in this particular case because the problem was with the whole admin group not with any individual accounts in it.
    2. I am pretty much the only person using the computer. Is it better that I created a "Standard" account to work in and leave the admin alone? The only minor inconvenience is that I would have to type the admin login and password every time I need to install or change things that are on an admin level.
    this is often recommended for more security.
    3. Disabling the root user (System Administrator). Rebooting off the Mac OS X Install CD, if select "Disable Root User" from the menu will it still retain the password?
    you can disable root user using directory utility without booting from the install dvd. the root password will NOT be retained.
    You also mentioned the option to reset the root user account?
    ? I never said that and there is no such thing as "root user" account. Not sure what you are talking about here.
    Is that the option in the same window pane at the bottom that starts off with "Reset file permission and access control lists (ACLs)..?
    no this has nothing to do with root.

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    and possible even the 'propaganda bits':
    Macs are cheaper to own that PCs:
    and: sier-cheaper-to-manage-than-windows-pcs/6294
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    <b>WRT to CMS</b>
    am not sure with this but u can try:
    1. Start CMS: http://<host>:<J2EE Engine http port>/webdynpro/dispatcher/
    2. Goto lansdscape configurator and check there
    Message was edited by:
            Prabhu  S

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