Two weeks ago no itunes, last week no songs, now no safari

What the **** is going on!!!! Last week updated itunes and now ipod has been frozen in time, then lost all music on it and the library, this week vista wont allow me to go onto apple safari at all and there is nothing that is working HELP!!!!!! Hours on end trying to fix these problems, but its getting worse and worse and worse. I cant even get into itunes anymore. I even tried to restore the computer to 3 wks before this all happened NOTHING... anyone help....

I suggest you post your question in the Safari and iTunes for Windows forums

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    You are in that awful authorization loop.
    Here are some steps to try.
    1. Deauthorize, then reauthorize your PC - it might be using multiple authorizations and this article shows you how to fix that.
    And make sure you authorize for all iTS accounts, even that old one from 3 years ago you may have forgotten about.
    2. Delete the SC Info folder. The entire folder, not just the file. It will get rebuilt the next time you start iTunes. Don't forget to restart your PC, as the article says.
    3. Get a free single of the week, which has the latest DRM on it, and play a few seconds of it. Sometimes the latest song of the week fixes everything.
    And if that doesn't work, contact iTS support from this page - use the Contact Us button.
    They will tell you to do the same things; reply back to their canned response.

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    iTunes prefs Store.
    Uncheck Automatically download.

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    When you reach the limit of 5 authorisations you have the option once a year to deauthorise them all in one go and start over:
    About iTunes Music Store Authorisation and Deauthorisation
    You can delete your "Purchased" playlist and create a new Smart Playlist and set as rule:
    Kind - contains - protected
    This playlist then will contain all your purchases and always will be up-to-date.
    When you make a new purchase, your 'Purchased' playlist appears again, you can then add your previous purchased music to it.
    Although the 'Purchased' playlist is a special one, it behaves like a normal playlist and you can in fact add and remove anything.

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    rjnorred wrote:
    .... If I restore the phone in iTunes, will I be able to get to my Cloud data?
    When Prompted in the Restore process... Choose  Restore from iCloud Backup...
    Full Details here  >

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    Hey everyone in Apple world!
    I figured out how to fix the flashing yellow screen problem that I've been having on my MBP!  Yessssss!!!
    I found this super handy website with the golden answer:
    I followed the instructions on this page and here's what I did:
    Resetting NVRAM / PRAM
    Shut down your Mac.
    Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command (⌘), Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
    Turn on the computer.
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    Release the keys.
    I went through the 6 steps above twice, just to make sure I got rid of whatever stuff was holding up my bootup process.  Since I did that, my MBP boots up just like normal.  No flashing yellow screen anymore!!   
    (Note that I arrived at this solution when I first saw this page:
    Let me know if this works for you!

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    Ok Fellas, let me give you a clue:  Games, particularly those that make heavy use of graphics and sound are notoriously power hungry.  In fact, when I was in the Navy many years ago, the folks working on the NTDS (Navy Tactical Data System)  computers used a version of Space Invaders to load test the AN/UYK-43 computers.
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    We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming.....
    Oh John....  Oh Marsha.....

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    There are ways to minimize, mitigate, and help avoid a lot of problems.
    Bootable backups.
    Zeroing a drive twice before using, and format it with SL DVD Apple Disk Utility for sure.
    Even a clean install should import old apps without having to reauthorize.
    If you must do an upgrade, do it from the SL DVD, after repairing the drive and be sure to use the SL version of Alsoft Disk Warrior (4.2).
    Wait six months before jumping on a new OS.
    10% is still too many. Yes, it is more sensitive to RAM and hard drive errors, doesn't like some controllers; most ext hdd cases; and enough software to make for test-only status. And it only IDs some known incompatible applications, drivers, extensions, etc and does not remove even those always in best manner.
    Plus, there are problems with the new Rosetta and the cache files it now uses. So some apps and plug-ins will cause more trouble. Not all are ready. Good reason to hold off for the months it takes.
    Other devices act different as far as on/off behavior.
    (Migrating from G5s to Mac Pro can cause all kinds of problems, weird behavior, sluggish system, and why anyone that went down that road was strongly recommended to NOT use Migration Assistant for any of their applications, and to ONLY do clean/fresh installs of any apps. If you skipped that day, didn't read the Guide to M.A., or didn't want to do fresh installs then, your system could have been on borrowed time. If you did do clean install of applications, great.
    Installing SL can result in a corrupt directory - I think and it "seems" to be happening, but no real proof, just gut feeling and instinct (underlying file system problem? weak sectors that pre-existed waiting to happen?).
    Remember all the "there just aren't a lot of 64-bit drivers" for Vista and XP? it's come home to roost.
    ... my guess is not enough incense and offerings. To hop into TimeMachine and SuperDuper backup images and pull the 1TB for another day (week, month, year).

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    If your country's iTunes Store allows you to redownload purchased tracks, I'd delete your current copies of the dodgy tracks and try redownloading fresh copies. For instructions, see the following document:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    Otherwise, I'd report the problem to the iTunes Store.
    Log in to the Store. Click on "Account" in your Quick Links. When you're in your Account information screen, go down to Purchase History and click "See all".
    Find the items that are not playing properly. If you can't see "Report a Problem" next to the items, click the "Report a problem" button. Now click the "Report a Problem" links next to the items.

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    Thanks teenage son uses this phone and hasn't backed it I don't want to restore it to factory settings just yet. Tried your other suggestions with no joy so if it comes on normally after discharging the battery tonight I'll restore it after backing up all his contacts ,music etc.
    I was curious as to what the fault actually is as no-one seems to have had this one where I've looked on the internet.
    The phone was dropped and subsequently repaired through insurance in Sept 2011 and they issued me with another imea number so the complete internals of the phone must have been replaced by them so I hope that the fault is covered by their normal warranty on work carried out. Thanks for your reply.

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    It's been released in your country, and you've received an email to say that it's available for downloading (and you have enough money on your account to buy/download it, pre-orders are charged for at the time of downloading) ? If it is then does the Store > Check For Available Downloads menu option on your computer's iTunes download it, or does it show in the Purchased link under Quicklinks on the right-hand side of the iTunes store homepage on your computer's iTunes, and the Purchased tab in the iTunes store app on your iPod, for downloading ?

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    These problems could be related, or maybe not.
    Iphoto will have a damaged database if the app is interrupted while writing to the DB. This can be caused by a crash, a force quit. It can happen if the disk is formatted in any way except Mac OS Extended (Journaled).
    Or, it could indicate disk damage.

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    Thanks very much!

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