Ubuntu user with a DWM problem

First off, please hear me out!
I've tried posting this on the UbuntuForums, but get little response and very few Ubuntu users use DWM, I figured a lot more people would be able to help me here.
Basically, DWM pays no attention to my .xinitrc file, which is linked to my .Xsessions file. This same .xinitrc works fine on Debian and Arch (afaik). I'm just wondering if it's a user error or distro or dwm, or whatever.
Anyway, here is my .xinitrc. Any help is appreciated.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sh ~/.fehbg &
#feh --bg-scale /home/fin/pictures/bg/02408_burningautumn_1280x800.jpg &
#nitrogen --restore &
#while true; do
# xsetroot -name "$( date +"%F %R" )"
# sleep 1s # Update time every minute
#done &
#mpd /home/fin/.mpd/mpd.conf
#gnome-settings-daemon &
#nm-applet &
#gnome-power-manager &
#exec `awesome --config ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua`
exec dwm
I've commented out things to try to narrow the problem down. It doesn't even save my wallpaper.

I am assuming if you have Ubuntu then you will be using the GDM login manager. If that is so, then all you have to do is choose the dwm "Session" from the Session drop-down box on the GDM login screen.

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    I could be mistaken, but I believe it is not possible to do what you are trying to do. I don't think you can connect the Airport Express via WDS to an airport card installed in a Mac.
    You were correct when you enabled WDS on the Airport Express in an effort to share the internet connection, but I think you are only half-way there. I think you need to add an Airport Extreme to your network to act as the WDS master for the Airport Express.
    In this case, you would put the Airport Extreme next to the G5. You would plug the internet connection (from DSL or cable or whatever) into the Airport Extreme. You would then set it up as a WDS master and add the Airport Express to the new wireless network using the Airport Utility that comes with the Airport Extreme.
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    ..."I say strange, but it's one of my many fonts in the collection"...
    Since it sounds like you know the name of the font, you could try to see if anything turns up with the command below, which searches through user preferences for a given string:<pre>defaults find "font name"</pre>A partial font name should be fine. Enter the command using "/Applications" > "Utilities" > "Terminal.app".
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    If you are using wireless, you might want to try plugging your computer directly into the cable or DSL modem and running the speedtest again. This will determine if it's a connection problem, or a problem with your wireless (possibly your router). I recently had a router go bad, and the only symptom was it was cutting the connection speeds in half, both wired and wirelessly. When I plugged straight into my cable modem I had full speed.
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    reduce the size of your #mainCotent to something like 580px and the white space is the top margin and top padding of the <h1>...simply zero it out in your css. Same issue with the last <p> in your #mainCotent...padding and margin is keeping the footer from coming up all the way. Also give your #mainContent some padding to push the text inward. Then you can also give the imgs some padding as well to space off the text. Going to take some fine tuning but this will at least get you started.

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    <Subject Edited by Host>

    Did you buy AppleCare?
    I guess not or you wouldn't be complaining.
    how do I retrieve my files. I know they are on the hard drive but how do I get to them without
    Having apple do it and probably charge me?
    Easy, open it up, remove the drive and use a SATA to USB adapter to another Mac (or Windows PC with MacDrive)
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    For iPhoto Library, that's really a folder (it looks like a package) it can be right clicked on by OS x and "show package contents" to get the Origianls out.
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    Welcome to the Apple Discussion forums.
    Setting the options using the Print & Fax dialog box seems to be saving the installed options for a test printer I just installed using the lpadmin command. You could also try using the web interface at _http:// Just click on the printer and then choose set default options from the pop up menu.

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    The Ping and Traceroute output below look normal. NsLookup returns quickly, so I don't think there is a DNS problem.
    My question is whether anyone else has had any similar experiences? What advice can you give me here? Should I look at getting another wireless base station?
    many thanks
    Ping has started ...
    PING google.co.uk ( 56 data bytes
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=242 time=41.412 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=242 time=27.236 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=242 time=26.675 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=242 time=22.958 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=242 time=110.269 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=242 time=31.007 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=242 time=28.013 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=242 time=25.478 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=242 time=26.804 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=242 time=125.384 ms
    --- google.co.uk ping statistics ---
    10 packets transmitted, 10 packets received, 0% packet loss
    round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 22.958/46.524/125.384/36.118 ms
    Traceroute has started ...
    traceroute to www.bbc.net.uk (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets
    1 ( 1.991 ms 0.570 ms 0.807 ms
    2 * ( 10.315 ms 8.286 ms
    3 herm-t2cam1-a-v107.inet.ntl.com ( 18.271 ms 8.380 ms 29.011 ms
    4 hers-t3core-1a-ge-011-0.inet.ntl.com ( 18.537 ms 10.507 ms 10.328 ms
    5 bre-bb-a-so-110-0.inet.ntl.com ( 10.207 ms 12.809 ms 11.880 ms
    6 gfd-bb-b-so-120-0.inet.ntl.com ( 10.421 ms 26.259 ms 12.814 ms
    7 redb-ic-1-as0-0.inet.ntl.com ( 13.022 ms 13.719 ms 24.336 ms
    8 ( 14.638 ms 24.925 ms 18.858 ms
    9 ( 17.176 ms 22.429 ms 15.177 ms
    10 fe0-0.rt0-frontpost.prodgw.bbc.co.uk ( 25.854 ms 15.577 ms 14.366 ms
    11 * * *
    12 * * *

    I wonder if my problem was solved which seems similar to yours. I have just brought a preused G3 , 400, running Panther. I want to use this as an backup to my DLS G4. It all seems oka and does everything it should do, but it seems unable to make a connection with any ISP. You can hear the modem dial out, but it fails to trigger a response from any ISP and the ISP numbers have been checked and rechecked, and I have checked permissions and done an erase and reinstall
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    reduce the size of your #mainCotent to something like 580px and the white space is the top margin and top padding of the <h1>...simply zero it out in your css. Same issue with the last <p> in your #mainCotent...padding and margin is keeping the footer from coming up all the way. Also give your #mainContent some padding to push the text inward. Then you can also give the imgs some padding as well to space off the text. Going to take some fine tuning but this will at least get you started.

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    and tried to download the PDF link at the bottom of the page (Download: PDF 11.3 MB) It didn't work! Nothing happens. Tried it in Safari and it worked flawlessly.
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    Hello,I am trying to connect to an MSSAS cube with a windows user ( and i need this user to be the end user that connect to the cube) from outside the domain.It will be .Net application.I use msmdpump.dll before but the thing is it impersonate the connection
    so the user that connect to the Cube is not the real client user with is a problem for me because i like to manage the security throw roles.
    SSRS is able to do what i am trying to achieve ( it ask you your domain user and password) then connect to the cube with these credential which is great,but i do that ?
    With ADOMD.Net how do you provide windows user/password in the connection string ?
    I tryed to only active windows security access with IIS and MSSAS but it's not working with a computer outside the domain even if in excel i provide a windows user/password.

    With ADOMD.Net how do you provide windows user/password in the connection string ?
    Hello Vincent,
    See MSDN Connection String Properties (Analysis Services) for all available properties; addtitional: AdomdConnection.ConnectionString
    Property  =>
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

  • Yes another user with problem with Apple Mobile Device Support, I am getting the error message: Service 'Apple Mobile Device'(Apple Mobile Device) failed to start. Vertify that you have sufficient privileges to start system service....

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    Apple Mobile Device Support wasn't installed on your computer. The installer encountered errors before Apple Mobile Device Support could be configured. Your system has not been modified. To retry these operations at a later time,please run the installer again.
    Well I tried to run it again and came up with the same message...I see that some people got great support to help them so I am hoping someone can help me as well. I know "b nor" is very qualfied and hopefully can help me! Please advise what I can do. Thank you

    Hi Iss9243,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    You've already tried some great troubleshooting steps, but the article below gives you quite a few more for this issue.  Hope it helps ....
    iTunes 11.1.4 for Windows: Unable to install or open
    - Judy

  • HT1206 Lots of info about one user using multiple computers. What about multiple users with separate Apple IDs using same computer? Having problems getting my wifes new iPhone talking to her apple account on the computer we share (2 users)

    Lots of info about one user using multiple computers. What about multiple users with separate Apple IDs using same computer? Having problems getting my wifes new iPhone talking to her apple account on the computer we share (2 users)

    You need to create a user account for your wife (or yourself depending on who has the current user account). When syncing, each of you should sign in as a separate user, login to iTunes and then sync. I had this problem when my sister got an iPhone. When we did her initial sync, everything on my iPhone showed up on hers. Apple gave me this solution.

  • What's the problem with having multiple users with the same UID?

    I've got three edit systems connected to the SAN using open directory off our server.
    I want all edit systems to have read/write access to everything created. I don't need to protect anything from any of the systems. With all three systems logged on using the same user, I never have to change permissions.
    The other cool thing about this is that Final Cut Pro will let me know if someone else is modifying a project that I have open with the warning:
    “The project "projectName" has been modified externally. If another user is working on it, saving will overwrite their changes. Do you still want to save?”
    This sounds great, right?
    RED FLAG!!!! Apple gives the warning in this article:
    "You should not allow two users with the same UID to access an Xsan volume at the same time."
    So why is it bad to have two (or more) users with the same UID?
    I can see that in some situations it means that you can't prevent people from read/write privileges. But I don't want to restrict privileges.
    What am I missing? With all of these warnings, it seems like if I do this my edit systems could all explode or something. Please help me understand the potential ramifications of having three users have the same UID.

    Hi Russell,
    1) If you have OD set up and "editor" has UID 1111, then when they log in to any machine that's bound to OD as editor, they will get UID 1111. Therefore, there won't be any of these permission errors. This is typically the recommended approach.
    2) I assume you mean "You'd prefer to not using open directory?" Whatever the case, OD isn't mandatory with Xsan -- it's just that with multiple user accounts, managing them centrally tends to be easier. For 3 or 4 accounts and 3 or 4 machines maybe it's no big deal. If you go larger, it could get a lot more complicated. That said, if you set it up such that each machine has the exact same set of users (as you said, Mary = UID 502, Fred = UID 503, William = UID 504), then you can do what you want. Mary can log in from multiple machines at the same time, and in general you won't have permissions problems. Of course, if you try and read and write the same file from multiple workstations at the same time, you will get file locking issues, which will prohibit somebody from successfully writing the file.
    File locking issues are different from general permissions errors. The former basically says "hey, someone else is editing this file. Therefore I won't let you edit it right now... you can read it if you want though." Permissions means somebody saves it, and Xsan thinks you saved it and own the file, when you really don't.
    Quad-Core PMG5, 4 GB RAM, 7800 GT, 1 TB disk.   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

  • How do I get connected to a server on my network via an IP address?  When I try to open in a URL and login as a registered user with proper login it errors out saying there was a problem with connecting to the server?

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    Some of the following is going to use some technical terms — this area is inherently somewhat technical. 
    If you don't understand some part of the following reply, please ask.
    Is this your own OS X Server system on your own network, or is this some other server within some larger organization? 
    You're posting this in the OS X Server forum, which is a software package that allows OS X systems to provide web-based and many other services; to become servers.
    If it's your OS X Server on your network, then the network and DNS configurations are suspect, or the server is somehow malfunctioning or misconfigured.   This is unfortunately fairly common, as some folks do try to avoid setting up DNS services.
    If it's a larger organization and somebody else is managing the server and the network, then you'll probably need to contact the IT folks for assistance; to learn the network setup and DNS requirements, and if there's a problem with the server itself.
    The basic web URL "hyper link IP address path" — without using DNS — usually looks something the following, where you'll need to replace with the IP address of your server:
    UptimeJeff has posted a URL that specifies the AFP file system; an OS X file share.  That's used if you're connecting to an Apple storage service somewhere on your network.  You might alternatively need to specify smb:// or such, if it's a Windows file server.  (There can be additional requirements for connecting to Windows Server systems, too.)
    If there's local IT staff available here, please contact them for assistance.  If these are your own local systems and your own local OS X Server system, then some information on the server will be needed.  (If you're on a NAT'd network, you'll also need to get DNS services configured and working on your local OS X Server system and your network — you'll not be able to skip this step and reference ISP DNS servers here — or things can and usually will get weird.)

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