UIX vs ADF Faces ?

Hi All,
We are about to start creating UIX application, but I also read about the ADF Faces replacing UIX in next release. I am confused .. could any body pls give some info
1) Actually what will happen with UIX in the future ?
2) Will UIX CoExist with ADF Faces ?
3) Can we use the UIX skill set to easily jump into ADF Faces once it is released in JDev ?
4) Why is ADF Faces better technology than UIX ?
Thank you for your help,

I think you should read two documents that will make the picture clearer for you.
One is the UIX roadmap which is here:
and the other one is the new "User Interface Technology Choice for Web Deployed J2EE Applications"
here: http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/jdev/collateral/papers/10g/whichj2eeuserinterface.pdf
To understand why JSF and ADF Faces are better check out the latest edition of the Oracle Java Newsletter here:
If you didn't get this newsletter make sure to register here: http://otn.oracle.com/javanews

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    you can read about the migration utility at http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/jdev/howtos/1013/uix/index.html

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    do not duplicate your question so much times...
    UIX versus Swing
    many of the old authors are not frequently here in the forum. Go to the JDeveloper-Forum

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    One key difference between ADF Faces regions and the JSP custom tag feature is that the ADF Faces regions are data-binding aware and that databinding can be parameterized. Unfortunately we ran out of time in the 10.1.3 release to finish/polish the design time for the ADF Faces version of regions, but if you check out example # 91 from my blog, you can see an example that exploits the ADF Swing incarnation of regions, whose design time support did make it in time for the 10.1.3.x release "train".
    In that example, you'll notice the use of a "region binding" in the "Executables" section of the page that includes a region, and also notice the use of region parameters to pass desired data control and data collection references into the region. The ADF Model data binding for regions is the same regardless of client.

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    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Key UINodePropertyKey[validators,13] is a list key
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    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/faces/EA11/html" prefix="afh" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/faces/EA11" prefix="af" %>
    <afh:head title="PanelList Demo"/>
    <h:form id="test1">
    <af:outputLabel value="Test Oracle"/>
    <!-- A chooseColor which uses the standard "default49" palette -->
    <af:chooseColor id="cp0"
    <af:selectInputDate id="d1" value="#{DateBean.date1}"
    label="Date picker"/>
    <af:commandButton text="Enter" action="#{DateBean.pressMe}"/>
    <h:commandButton value="Standard Button" action="#{DateBean.pressMe}"/>

    It looks like there's some debug tracing code in myfaces that you've enabled that is interacting poorly with ADF Faces. Specifically, ADF Faces is really unhappy when you even try to get a ValueBinding for something that doesn't support ValueBindings (like "validators").
    For now, I'd suggest that you lower the level of logging, at least for the net.sourceforge.myfaces.lifecycle package.

  • Customizing ADF Faces Look & Feel. Some questions & suggestions

    Hi everybody,
    We are developing an application with ADF Faces using JHeadStart. For the moment, I am studying the way we must modify the JHS templates to adapt each element to our needs.
    As it's told in the JHeadStart Developer's Guide, there are two ways to customize Look & Feel:
    1) Modifying the templates
    2) ADF Skinning
    I'm using both methods, but I feel that thay are not good enough to adapt the L&F to our customer requirements.
    My main problem now is in the ADF Table customization. I want to use ADF Table because it offers us a lot of features that are not in the jsf table (the selection column, the table overflow...), and is very usefull combined with the generated JHS code. But at the same time, it doesn't offer a lot of functionality in the look & feel customization. Using JSF Table, I can set the CSS style for headers, rows, columns, the table, I can set the border, cellspacing and cellpadding. But I cannot do
    any of these thing (or at least, I don't see how) with the ADF Table.
    Our customer (a government) have a strict definition of the look & feel of his web applications. They want we use their CSS styles definition file, so they can modify at once the Look & Feel of all their applications. Modifying the L&F through skinning generate other styles, not use the style classes in our CSS (o so I think).
    So, the questions:
    1) There is any way to set the suitable styles for the ADF Table components (headers, rows)?
    1bis) Why, If I have defined a new skin, with only just a few selectors, some styles from oracle are applied? Maybe because the render kit in the 'adf-skins.xml' is "oracle.adf.desktop"? If it is true, how can I make that they are not used, I must implement a render kit or can I use another existent?
    2) Can I decide how looks the select column (for example a button instead of a radio button)? Can I decide where does it goes (right or left)?
    3) There is any way to hidden the text Show/Hide of the showDetail in the table (the tableOverflow), as I can change the icons through skinning? If it is not possible, How can I overwrite the text. I need it in Catalan, but it is shown in English for this locale. Where is the message bundle I should overwrite?
    4) There is any way to force a tree to start fully expanded?
    5) There is anywhere documentation about the javascript functions used in ADF and their meaning? I think for example in the previous question. If I knew which javascript function I should call for expand the tree and its parameters, I could put the call in the onload event of the body.
    6) I use a selectInputDate. I have skinned the launch-icon, and I would like to do a similar thing in the chooseDate that is opened in a new window. But It seems not to be affected for my skinning directives (if I put a chooseDate in the same page, its L&F follow the skinning rules I've defined). I don't know if this dialog is an ADF feature or a JHS generated feature.
    7) There is any way to keep unmodified the id I've choosed for a component? (I mean, an inputText with id="hello" in a form with id="form" will have in the HTML an id = "form:hello", but I would like it to be simply 'hello')
    8) How can I control the position and the size of a dialog (the chooseDate dialog or a dialog I've created)? In the cases I've been testing, it seems the dialog is forced to resize depending on the content. I would like to know if I can establish a fixed size.
    9) There is any way to open a non-modal dialog? (which I could keep open at the same time that another instance of the same dialog)
    For the moment, I think I have no more question. But give me time.... :-D
    The suggestion I've to do is basically more flexible components for a better customization (for example, the styles settings I've talked about previously). ADF components are nice and powerful, but I think they should generate pages that follow the tendencies in the web development: tableless pages (I cannot understand the utility of the objectSpacer existing the margins), use of CSS for layout...
    Any answer, comment or suggestion will be welcome.
    Message was edited by:

    I have been able to make the UIX 2.2 and ADF Faces LAF look near identical by updating the oracle-desktop.xss file within UIX 2.2 as follows
    <!-- Change the accent color ramp to tan -->
    <style name="DarkAccentBackground">
    <!--<property name="background-color">#cccc99</property>-->
    <property name="background-color">#d2d8b0</property>
    There are still some differences:
    1) A black line appears on the ADF Faces on the 'menu1' facet selected tab below the text. DON'T KNOW HOW TO REMOVE THIS FROM ADF Faces or add it to UIX 2.2!!!
    2) In UIX 2.2 a bulleted list uses the HTML <li> tag. In ADF Faces it doesn't use the HTML <li> tag rather it constructs the bulleted list using lower level HTML tags with the 'bullet' becoming an image, in my browser this means the disc is smaller in Faces. The motivation for this change I think is explained via this post. Since I have no control over how this specific HTML tag is rendered it forces me to replace the /adf/images/bltdscn.gif file in adf-faces-impl.jar with a larger disc!
    May update this again if there are other things I notice.

  • How to set values of a parameterized message in ADF Faces?

    Hi all,
    i've got the following problem: I want to set the values of a parameterized message before i add the message to the FacesContext.
    Contents of the message resource bundle:
    testPage.successMsg.create=The device {0} was created successfully!
    Code within backing bean method:
    String message = getStringFromBundle("testPage.successMsg.create");
    FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(message));
    In Struts/ADF UIX the following code did the job:
    protected void setUIXInfoMessage(HttpServletRequest request, String key, Object[] args)
    MessageData msgs = new MessageData();
    MessageResources mr = this.getResources(request);
    String msg = "";
    if (mr != null)
    msg = mr.getMessage(request.getLocale(), key, args);
    msgs.addMessage(null, msg, null, UIConstants.MESSAGE_TYPE_INFO);
    request.setAttribute(UIX_MESSAGE_KEY, msgs);
    Can anyone help me with this problem? I have searched a lot in the Oracle ADF Development Guide and within forum, but did not find any solution.
    Another interesting thing is, how to set the parameters from jspx-Code.
    How can i achieve the same results in ADF Faces corresponding to the following UIX-Code:
    <boundAttribute name="title">
    <messageFormat format="${nls['deleteTip.confirmation']}">
    <dataObject source="${bindings.TipName}"/>
    Resource Bundle:
    deleteTip.confirmation=Do you really want to delete the tip {0}?
    Another question:
    What are the corresponding elements in ADF Faces corresponding to <concat> and <if> in UIX or what possibilites exist in ADF Faces to dynamically concatenate strings depending on certain conditions?
    I know, these are many questions. I am familiar with UIX, but now i have to start developing applications with ADF Faces and there are some things i don't find corresponding equivalents.
    Thanks in advance!

    SRDemo shows you how to do this declratively
    <h:outputFormat value="#{res['srcreate.confirmPanel.message']}"
    escape="false" id="nextButton">
    <f:param value="#{requestScope.SRDEMO_CREATED_SVRID}"/>
    where the <f:param ...> element sets the value of the variable
    To programmatically access internationalized strings, SRDemo uses
    private static ResourceBundle getBundle() {
    FacesContext ctx = getFacesContext();
    UIViewRoot uiRoot = ctx.getViewRoot();
    Locale locale = uiRoot.getLocale();
    ClassLoader ldr = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    return ResourceBundle.getBundle(ctx.getApplication().getMessageBundle(),
    locale, ldr);
    public static String getStringFromBundle(String key) {
    ResourceBundle bundle = getBundle();
    return getStringSafely(bundle, key, null);
    You take it from there and put it to a FacesMessage, If it uses parameters I guess you will have to parse the string

  • ADF Faces (Trinidad?) & Facelets Support

    This is long, but help and advice is very much needed.
    My programming team is facing a migration from UIX to JSF (ADF Faces) for future applications and we have hit a road block in regards to a template structure that is easy to use and maintain. We had gone through official Oracle training with JSF, however the trainer's answer to templates was to "create a template and copy and paste for every new file". For our team this is unacceptable so I've been charged with figuring out how to simply templates for our team. Not only do we need to make this easy for our application developers but we need to keep it simple for web developers to create "simple" survey-like applications.
    From what I've come across the answers seems to be either Facelets or Regions.
    Working with Regions seem to be over-complicated, requiring too much replication (basically back to copy/pasting an entire template) or passing the panelPage's content as a java object (bad for our web developers). I presented the combinations to my team and supervisor and it was agreed that Regions are impractical for our development practices.
    So it seems the answer is with Facelets. The problems I have with this is that:
    1. JDeveloper doesn't appear to natively handle Facelets, or include the libraries.
    2. From what I've learned, the ADF Faces library that comes with JDeveloper doesn't have Facelets support either.
    3. Looking into Trinidad, Facelets support exists but there is a lack of the Oracle skin.
    Facelets support is really what my team needs, as it's the closest thing to the old UIX templates I've seen so far.
    I've followed instructions/examples on several posts here, but I've yet to come across an example that works. I've Googled countless pages and examples, but when it comes down to ADF Faces and Facelets, it seems I'm at a dead end.
    So, can anyone help me with this?
    Thanks in advance,
    Using JDeveloper with stock ADF Faces
    External libraries used:
    Facelets 1.1.11
    Trinidad 1.0.1-incubating

    It just so happens that not long after I posted, I catch the "adf-facelets.jar" on the facelets site.
    dvohra, I had seen the links you've pasted however none of them described the actual process to get it to work, it's all been segmented copy/paste instructions. This doesn't really help someone who is struggling.
    So... I'll paste what my solution was, hopefully this will help others:
    1. Download and install the Facelets 1.1.11 library
    2. Download and install the ADF Facelets library
    3. In web.xml add the following:
    4. Make sure your project's libraries have loaded your Facelets and ADF Facelets, as well as ADF Faces Runtime.
    5. Begin using UI Components as desired.
    Example: http://eugeneciurana.com/pastebin/pastebin.php?show=1308
    Extra notices:
    I had to comment out the following in my faces-config.xml as it conflicted with the web.xml setting:
    This is what worked for me, I hope this helps others out there.

  • JSF/ADF Faces - ADF-BC example/howto?

    I know that ADF-BC databinding is not included in the JDev 10.1.3 preview.
    I read and searched nearly all howto's, examples, blogs on ADF-Faces available on the net.
    For the past months I learned how to use the ADF-BC with JClient.
    This convinced me to use the ADF-BC and it's binding features (a fantastic framework!!!!) for my model layer.
    I'm developping a web application.
    Most of the examples on ADF-Faces/JSF are on the View Layer.
    My question:
    I read somewhere that JDev 10.1.3 production with drag and drop of ADF-BC databinding will be available only in the summer.
    Question 1:
    I suppose that meanwhile it is still possible to use the ADF-BC as the model layer for JSF or ADF-Faces, but the databinding must be done manually, is this correct?
    Question 2:
    If answer to 1) is yes.
    Where can I find a howto/best practice document that explains how to use ADF-BC with JSF/ADF-Faces in the backing beans?
    My purpose is to develop my code so that it will be "standard" / "compatible" with the production version of JDev 10.1.3.
    I prefer to use the de-facto JSF standard and code the bindings manualy instead of using Struts with available drag'n drop ADF-BC databinding.
    Your advice will be apreciated

    There is no such document for (1) because we are in the process of delivering design time support for ADF BC integration with ADF Faces, as you mentioned.
    Therefore, you could either continue with ADF UIX, ADFm, ADF BC for the time being, or else try out ADF Faces with session scope Managed Beans. In either case, you'll want to convert this later on, when JDev 10.1.3 completes its support for ADF Faces / ADF BC drag-and-drop integration.
    Kind Regards.

  • ADF FACES : Document structure guidelines ?

    Does a paper exists that presents the adf faces globally document structure and the possible and recommended adf faces components hierarchy.
    I have seen some time ago something like that for UIX (forget where) ... is it the same one ? does this paper exists in otn ?

    I'm looking for a description of the pages structure we may use in adf faces. The tree of element we can use and inside each nodes which other element we can use. Something that will help to design a standard page structure in a whole. Actually we only have elements description and it is difficult to see these elements at a whole and what are the possible combinations of elements and what are the forbidden combination of elements.
    I remember i have seen some years ago in a uix document a part where the structure was graphically designed and explained. It was very helpful to understand the structure. I don't remember if this was in a white paper or a reference document.
    Hope you understand what i mean

  • ADF Faces using & pricing

    I'm using JavaServer Faces now and I'd like to use ADF Faces components - it can make make my development better. The question is about it's pricing - can I use it for free, with any Application Server or Container? My IDE is JDeveloper.
    The story is as follows. On the one hand, ADF is not free now, and in the JDeveloper Licence Agreement (when downloading JDeveloper) ADF Faces Components are included with another components: "Components" refers to the following Application Development Framework ("ADF") components of the Programs: ..., ADF Faces Components, .... So it seems that I can't use it for free everywhere.
    On the other hand, ADF Faces is open source now (http://oss.oracle.com/trinidad-adf-faces.html), in FAQs (http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/jdev/htdocs/faq_adffaces_apache.html) it's written that JDeveloper is a tool to use with ADF Faces, and in JDeveloper & ADF Pricing FAQ (http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/jdev/htdocs/jdevpricefaq.html ) it's written in the "How will customers know if they are using Oracle ADF?" section it's written:
    You are using Oracle ADF if your system is using one of the following:
    * Oracle ADF Business Components (pka Business Components for Java)
    * The ADF Model layer (creating data controls from Java components, EJBs, or Web services)
    * ADF's data actions or data pages in Struts
    * ADF UIX
    * ADF Swing (p.k.a JClient)
    So, ADF Faces are not mentioned here.
    So, how can I use ADF Faces components for free? Download from Apache - Trinidad project? Or I can use those that come with JDeveloper?
    Thanks in advance.

    ADF Faces is under the ADF licence and is charged for on any non-Oracle Application server environment. If you deploy on OracleAs then ADF licence is included in teh AS licence.
    If you want free components then you need to download Apache Trinidad components. They are open source. You can configure Trinidad for use in Oracle JDeveloper as documented : http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/jdev/howtos/1013/trinidad/trinidad.html

  • JDEV 10.1.3: Using "Create" binding on BC view object with ADF Faces Table

    I am trying to get this to work, but to no avail:
    I've got a very simple page (ADF Faces - JSPX) created by dragging an iterator from the data control pallete on to my page and picking "ADF Table..." as my chose to create. This creates a table on my page that allows me to edit each row in place. Very nice.
    Now, I dragged the create operation for that iterator on to the page. What I had hoped to see is that when I click "Create," a new blank row appears in my table (well, at least a row that is blank except for any default values specified in the EO/VO and my overriden create() method).
    However, this doesn't happen. The page submits and refreshes, but no blank row shows up. I initially tried setting the Create button to do partial submit and setting the partialtriggers for the table to include the Create button, to no avail. I also tried it without the partial submit with the same results.
    1). Should this work, or is this behavior a bug.?
    2). If not, is there a different/better way of doing it?

    G'day John
    I think I can give you a hint of what is occuring... I'm still trying to work out what is happening exactly.
    In JDev 10.1.2 UIX, when the user invoked the create action, they would see the blank record added to the underlying table. Under 10.1.3 Faces the functionality is somewhat different.
    When you the user clicks on the create action a blank record is created but not shown in the table control. To prove the blank record is there try this:
    1) Build an ADF Input Form based on the same VO iterator
    2) In your JSF navigation, create a navigation case between the existing page and the new page, and another back again,
    3) In the existing page, map the Create button's action attribute to navigate to the ADF Input Form
    4) In the ADF Input Form, map the Submit button's action attribute to navigate to the ADF Table page.
    Now when you run your app, notice when you create a new record in the ADF Table which automatically takes you to the ADF Input Form, note the blank record, and the details you enter into the record here and submit, are then visible in the ADF Table on the return.
    This is a long way of proving that the new record is in the table. It's just you can't see it.
    I have a theory which I'm trawling through the newly updated documentation to verify. This issues goes back to the VO createRow vs insertRow method calls that have been documented by Steve Muench a couple of times. I'm guessing the table control is now smarter and doesn't show createRow records, only insertRow records.
    Read one of Steve's posts here regards the createRow vs insertRow method calls:
    If I find anymore info I'll endeavour to post it.
    Meanwhile this of course doesn't help you if you actually want to show the blank row in the ADF Table editable control, but I'd thought I'd give you an idea of what's happening behind the scenes.
    Hope this helps.

  • ADF Faces (JDev 10.1.3): How to support the Back Button

    when I scroll through a result set, rendered as a input form with navigation buttons, then use the browsers back button and then try to go to the next row using the 'next' navigation button, I always get an exception: JBO-29000, JBO-35007, JBO-25013
    The sample application was build using JDev 10.1.3, ADF Faces and Business Components.
    I have read through the new Oracle Dev Guide and found some parameters concerning state management and tested different settings. The most promising setting:
    Regardless of which setting I used, an exception was prompted.
    My questions:
    Are there addtional settings to configure to make an ADF Faces app 'back button' agnostic?
    Is it an ADF Faces or a JSF problem?
    What are your experience and how do you solve the problem?
    I have no idea how to solve the problem.
    Any hints are welcome!

    Hi Marcus,
    we had the same problem in UIX (JDeveloper version 10.1.2) and the official stance of Oracle (we had created a TAR on metalink) was that it was a general webapplication problem and not 'supported' by ADF.
    We created a solution by creating a filter that checks a sequence number in the pages. Each page request was checked and the sequence was increased. The <form> on the pages needed to send the sequence with each request.
    If the user used the backbutton then the sequence would be out of order. We would redirect the user to an error page and rollback the complete model.
    This was our base solution. What we also tried was to use the passivation mechanism of the application module (of Business Components) we would save a snapshot after the rendering of each page and if the user used the back button and the sequence was out of order we would rollback the application module to that snapshot. However after a COMMIT you cannot rollback ofcourse and it gave us some troubles.
    We finally sticked with the base solution and gave the user buttons in the application to go 'back'.

  • ADF Faces or Trinidad?

    This has probably been asked a million times but I did some searching on the forums and I couldn't find a solid answer.
    I'm starting a new large scale J2EE application now that is supposed to mimic a thick client. Not considering ADF RC yet, but potentially later. Would it better to start with the older ADF Faces jar files I have or to go forward with Trinidad?
    There is some confusion on the issue with the other developers I'm working with so I was hoping to get some clarification from someone more knowledgeable on the topic.
    Again, I apologize for asking something that has probably been answered time and time again, but without an official answer we're fighting amongst ourselves as to which to leverage.

    You are correct the evolution path was UIX->ADF Faces 10.1.3->Trinidad->ADF Faces Rich Client 11g.
    So if you are starting a new project now and you can't use ADF Faces Rich Client I think I would go with JDeveloper 11g and the Trinidad components.
    Now that said, one thing to keep in mind is that there is no automated migration between Trinidad and ADF Faces Rich Client - simply because the type of UI that you can build with the two is completely different. So my actual recommendation for you would be to go directly with ADF Faces Rich Client now.

  • JHeadstart and ADF Faces

    Oracle annunce EA for ADF Faces. Would new version of JHeadstart use it or stay aligned with JSP and full UIX support?

    The next release of JHeadstart aligns with ADF as included in JDeveloper 9.0.5.x / 10.1.2.
    The EA release of ADF Faces is not yet integrated with the ADF binding layer, so the upcoming JHeadstart-ADF release will not be using ADF Faces yet.
    Once ADF Faces is fully integrated with ADF binding layer(and all the drag-n-drop support), JHeadstart will start generating ADF Faces as View type. This integration is scheduled for JDeveloper release 10.1.3, which I believe is currently scheduled for spring/summer 2005.
    Steven Davelaar,
    JHeadstart Team.

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