Ultra Search/ Oracle Text capabilities

Our decision to go forward with Oracle9i is contingent upon the extensible use of Ultra Search and Oracle Text in our planned endeavors.
Basically we are to build a system to do the following:
1) download information (html files, links, documents) from web sites and accessible disk archives. The url sites are particular to a domain.
2) place the downloaded file information into our Oracle database or download to local system with appropriate links in database.
3) perform queries on the downloaded information through the database to isolate files for analysis.
4) analyze and perform extraction on the information. For example, query based on a defined hierarchy of vulnerability terms.
I've demoed Ultra Search and Oracle Text. I believe that Ultra Search can handle step 1, and possibly step 2 and that Oracle Text can help in step 4. Step 3 is satisfied by the Oracle database.
I need to know details concerning Ultra Search and Oracle Text before committing:
o when Ultra Search performs its crawling, how is found information represented in the database. Is a whole html file or document downloaded or are references to these documents stored in the database? If references are stored does Ultra Search embed the capability to download these files to be analyzed?
o is Oracle Text the right tool to provide the capability for robust analysis of downloaded documents.
o I have used the sample JSP that came with Ultra Search. Are there any more detailed examples which my above steps. In particular, performing robust analysis on downloaded documents from step 1.
We have and are still exploring other COTS products to find a solution. Are main goal is to have the retrieved documents and analysis information resident in the database in this phase of our project. We find other COTS can perform the web crawling, but lack analysis, or vice versa and that their solutions are so vendor specific that in many times their services would be required to build a suitable solution that is not very extensible.
Thanks for any feedback.

Ultra Search does not keep documents in the database permanently. We bring them in for indexing purposes, but remove them after
the indexing is completed. However, we keep the URLs of each unique document that was found during the crawling. You would
have to do the downloading yourself. However, we are thinking about providing a mechanism, maybe in the form of an API, that
would allow customers to retrieve documents. Please contact me on this issue if you are interested to discuss this: (650)-506-8173.
Generally speaking you will find that Oracle Text is a very powerful tool for analysis of textual documents, especially since it is
driven through the SQL language, has extensive functionality (themes, user-defined knowledge base, thesaurus, and many useful linguistic
functions like segmentation, stemming, and globalisation support).
The philosophy of Ultra Search is to provide you with an out-of-the-box solution for crawling and searching your data without the
need for programming. Ultra Search is built on top of Text, so I would advise you to use Text to do the further analysis of your
documents after they have been located by the crawler.
Best Regards,
Stefan Buchta

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    Oracle Ultra Search (リリース9.2) は、英語版のマニュアルしか無いようですね。
    以下の『Oracle9i データベース新機能 リリース2(9.2)』という日本語マニュアルの中で、
    Ultra Search は「A」で始まる英語マニュアルの部品番号になっています。
    → p.130 (表4-6です)
    ・ Oracle9i Database リリース 9.2 は、すでに通常サポートが終了している
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    Oracle Ultra Search の後継としては、Oracle Secure Enterprise Search という製品が存在します。

  • Oracle Text And Oracle Ultra search

    Hi all,
    I have a problem. I have some files in the server file system e.g C:/docs. I want to search these MS Office word files in order to see if they contain a word. I tried oracle ultra search but when i put File data source it provides a form file:/// and when i put C:/docs it gives me file://localhost/C:/docs. Can i configure Oracle ultra search to search into the server file system?Where is the directory that oracle ultra search searches a file?
    How can index and search the files in the file systems exept oracle ultra search? Can Oracle Text do my job?
    Sorry to bother and thank you in advance for your help

    Searching a word in a document (MS Word) can definitely be done using Oracle Text.
    But, you other requirements can make things a bit complicated.
    Oracle Text have something called file_datastore, where you need to mention the file_path/s and individual file names too.
    Once you mention them, i.e. path and file names, oracle text can read the file , index them and you can query using simple queries.
    If the number of files are huge, entering all the file names can be difficult. In that case you can give the following a try.
    -- You can use a perl script to read the file name in a directory, put it into a file in a particular format (1 file name per line) and then load that text file into a table using ctxloader.
    You can go through the FILE_DATASTORE and CTXLOADER examples from oracle text reference document.

  • Using Oracle Text to search through WORD, EXCEL and PDF documents

    Hello again,
    What I would like to know is if I have a WORD or PDF document stored in a table. Is it possible to use Oracle Text to search through the actual WORD or PDF document?

    Yes you can do context sensitive searches on both PDF and Word docs. With the PDF you need to make sure they are text and not images. Some scanners will create PDFs that are nothing more than images of document.
    Below is code sample that I made some time back to demonstrate the searching capabilities of Oracle Text. Note that the example makes use of the inso_filter that is no longer shipped with Oracle begging with Patch set See metalink note 298017.1 for the changes. See the following link for more information on developing with Oracle Text.
    begin example.
    -- The following needs to be executed
    -- as sys.
    DROP DIRECTORY docs_dir;
    AS 'C:\sql\oracle_text\documents';
    GRANT READ ON DIRECTORY docs_dir TO text;
    -- End sys ran SQL
    CREATE TABLE db_docs (
    id NUMBER,
    format VARCHAR2(10),
    location VARCHAR2(50),
    document BLOB,
    CONSTRAINT i_db_docs_p PRIMARY KEY(id)
    -- Several notes need to be made about this anonymous block.
    -- First the 'DOCS_DIR' parameter is a directory object name.
    -- This directory object name must be in upper case.
    f_lob BFILE;
    b_lob BLOB;
    document_name VARCHAR2(50);
    document_name := 'externaltables.doc';
    INSERT INTO db_docs
    VALUES (1, 'binary', 'C:\sql\oracle_text\documents\externaltables.doc', empty_blob())
    RETURN document INTO b_lob;
    f_lob := BFILENAME('DOCS_DIR', document_name);
    -- build the index
    -- Note that this index differs than the file system stored file
    -- in that paramter datastore is ctxsys.defautl_datastore and not
    -- ctxsys.file_datastore. FILE_DATASTORE is for documents that
    -- exist on the file system. DEFAULT_DATASTORE is for documents
    -- that are stored in the column.
    create index db_docs_ctx on db_docs(document)
    indextype is ctxsys.context
    parameters (
    'datastore ctxsys.default_datastore
    filter ctxsys.inso_filter
    format column format');
    --search for something that is known to not be in the document.
    SELECT SCORE(1), id, location
    FROM db_docs
    WHERE CONTAINS(document, 'Jenkinson', 1) > 0;
    --search for something that is known to be in the document.  
    SELECT SCORE(1), id, location
    FROM db_docs
    WHERE CONTAINS(document, 'Albright', 1) > 0;

  • Is Oracle Text the right solution for this need of a specific search!

    Hi ,
    We are on Oracle on Solaris 10. We have the need to be able to do search on data that are having diacritical marks and we should be able to do the serach ignoring this diacritical marks. That is the requirement. Now I got to hear that Oracle Text has a preference called BASIC_LEXER which can bypass the diacritical marks and so solely due to this feature I implemented Oracle Text and just for this diacritical search and no other need.
    I mean I set up preference like this:
      ctxsys.ctx_ddl.create_preference ('cust_lexer', 'BASIC_LEXER');
      ctxsys.ctx_ddl.set_attribute ('cust_lexer', 'base_letter', 'YES'); -- removes diacritics
    With this I set up like this:
      NAME  VARCHAR2(255 BYTE)
    --created Oracle Text index
    --sample data to illustrate the problem
    Insert into TEXT_TEST
    Insert into TEXT_TEST
    Insert into TEXT_TEST
    Insert into TEXT_TEST
    Insert into TEXT_TEST
       ('PAUL HERNANDEZ');
    Insert into TEXT_TEST
       ('CHRISTOPHER Phil');
    --Now there is an alternative solution that is there,  instead of thee Oracle Text which is just a plain function given below (and it seems to work neat for my simple need of removing diacritical characters effect in search)
    --I need to evaluate which is better given my specific needs -the function below or Oracle Text.
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION remove_dia(p_value IN VARCHAR2, p_doUpper IN VARCHAR2 := 'Y')
    IF (p_doUpper = 'Y') THEN
       OUTPUT_STR := UPPER(p_value);
       OUTPUT_STR := p_value;
    END IF;
    --now I query for which name stats with  a P%:
    --Below query gets me unexpected result of one row as I am using Oracle Text where each word is parsed for search using CONTAINS...
    SQL> select * from text_test where contains(name,'P%')>0;
    --Below query gets me the right and expected result of one row...
    SQL> select * from text_test where name like 'P%';
    --Below query gets me the right and expected result of one row...
    SQL>  select * from text_test where remove_dia(name) like remove_dia('P%');
    PAUL HERNANDEZMy entire need was only to be able to do a search that bypasses diacritical characters. To implement Oracle Text for that reason, I am wondering if that was the right choice! More so when I am now finding that the functionality of LIKE is not available in Oracle Text - the Oracle text search are based on tokens or words and they are different from output of the LIKE operator. So may be should I have just used a simple function like below and used that for my purpose instead of using Oracle Text:
    This function (remove_dia) just removes the diacritical characters and may be for my need this is all that is needed. Can someone help to review that given my need I am better of not using Oracle Text? I need to continue using the functionality of Like operator and also need to bypass diacritical characters so the simple function that I have meets my need whereas Oracle Text causes a change in behaviour of search queries.

    If all you need is LIKE functionality and you do not need any of the complex search capabilities of Oracle Text, then I would not use Oracle Text. I would create a function-based index on your name column that uses your function that removes the diacritical marks, so that your searches will be faster. Please see the demonstration below.
      2    (NAME  VARCHAR2(255 BYTE))
      3  /
    Table created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> Insert all
      2  into TEXT_TEST (NAME) Values ('muller')
      3  into TEXT_TEST (NAME) Values ('müller')
      4  into TEXT_TEST (NAME) Values ('MULLER')
      5  into TEXT_TEST (NAME) Values ('MÜLLER')
      6  into TEXT_TEST (NAME) Values ('PAUL HERNANDEZ')
      7  into TEXT_TEST (NAME) Values ('CHRISTOPHER Phil')
      8  select * from dual
      9  /
    6 rows created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION remove_dia
      2    (p_value   IN VARCHAR2,
      3       p_doUpper IN VARCHAR2 := 'Y')
      5  IS
      6    OUTPUT_STR VARCHAR2(4000);
      7  begin
      8    IF (p_doUpper = 'Y') THEN
      9        OUTPUT_STR := UPPER(p_value);
    10    ELSE
    11        OUTPUT_STR := p_value;
    12    END IF;
    13    RETURN
    14        TRANSLATE
    15          (OUTPUT_STR,
    16           'ÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝàáâãäåçèéêëìíîïñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ',
    17           'AAAAAACEEEEIIIINOOOOOOUUUUYaaaaaaceeeeiiiinoooooouuuuyy');
    18  end;
    19  /
    Function created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> show errors
    No errors.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> CREATE INDEX text_test_remove_dia_name
      2  ON text_test (remove_dia (name))
      3  /
    Index created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> set autotrace on explain
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> select * from text_test
      2  where  remove_dia (name) like remove_dia ('mü%')
      3  /
    4 rows selected.
    Execution Plan
    Plan hash value: 3139591283
    | Id  | Operation                   | Name                      | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT            |                           |     1 |  2131 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| TEXT_TEST                 |     1 |  2131 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN          | TEXT_TEST_REMOVE_DIA_NAME |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       2 - access("SCOTT"."REMOVE_DIA"("NAME") LIKE "REMOVE_DIA"('mü%'))
           filter("SCOTT"."REMOVE_DIA"("NAME") LIKE "REMOVE_DIA"('mü%'))
       - dynamic sampling used for this statement (level=2)
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> select * from text_test
      2  where  remove_dia (name) like remove_dia ('P%')
      3  /
    1 row selected.
    Execution Plan
    Plan hash value: 3139591283
    | Id  | Operation                   | Name                      | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT            |                           |     1 |  2131 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| TEXT_TEST                 |     1 |  2131 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN          | TEXT_TEST_REMOVE_DIA_NAME |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       2 - access("SCOTT"."REMOVE_DIA"("NAME") LIKE "REMOVE_DIA"('P%'))
           filter("SCOTT"."REMOVE_DIA"("NAME") LIKE "REMOVE_DIA"('P%'))
       - dynamic sampling used for this statement (level=2)

  • Oracle Text Search

    We have implemented Oracle Text Search in our Desktop application. Now it is searching in files available at Oracle Server system only.
    How we can implement the search feature with following:
    *1. Search files available at Mapped Drive or Netwrok Folder.*
    *2. Generate Context of the Search text*
    *3. Searching in .docx, .xlsx, .pptx etc*
    Please share your valuable suggestion..
    Version - Oracle 9i/10g.

    You might want to look at the Ultra Search extension to Oracle Text.
    It's part of the standard db license I believe.

  • Oracle Secure enterprise Search versus Oracle Text

    I'm involeved in a project where we're using Oracle text for its text search capability. Yesterday during a meeting Oracles Secure Enterprise search engine came up. I see similar functionality offered in both products - Oracle text comes with 10g - not sure if SES comes with additional cost. Has anyone done analysis on why one would implement one over the other - I understand that SES gives the customer a federated option and some internet search capabilities but since I'm not concerned with that for this project does it make a difference?

    SES is a complete seaerch application with connectors to many different data sources, such as email systems and document management systems.
    Oracle Text, on the other hand, is a toolkit for building applications (and is used as such by SES).
    Oracle Text comes free with the database. SES is chargable, but comes with a free database (though it's restricted to use by SES only!)
    Generally speaking, if your data is in the database and you want fine control over how to search it, Oracle Text is a better option.
    If your data is scattered around diverse enterprise sources, and you want a ready-built application to collect, index and search that data, SES is the proper choice.
    Here's a slide from my OpenWorld presentation, which I guess says much the same thing:
    Oracle Text is the toolkit and platform for building sophisticated Information Retrieval applications and services
    - Fine control over indexes, partitioning, etc
    Oracle Secure Enterprise Search is a stand-alone application built on the foundation of Oracle Text
    - Includes its own database
    - No programming needed
    - Includes crawlers and an end-user UI

  • Difference between Oracle Ultra Search and Intermedia Search

    Can any one please tell me how Oracle Ultra Search is Different from Intermedia Search .from an article i came to know that Ultra search helps you to search dataq in Multiple RDBMS ,documents,URLs etc . but i think these options are also there in Intermedia

    These are Oracle Text questions. Intermedia Text is now Oracle Text and has it's own forum. Please post Oracle Text qestions in the Oracle Text Forum where you will get a better, quicker answer. The Oracle Text forum is frequently monitored by Oracle text experts, this forum may be occasionally scanned by these experts, or not at all.

  • Oracle Ultra Search wkdbmig.sql is missing when using DBUA

    As I am upgrading 10.1 to 10.2 using DBUA, DBUA says Oracle Ultra Search ultrasearch\admin\wkdbmig.sql is missing.
    Well, where I can find the wkdbmig.sql. I suppose I can not use wkdbmig.sql of 10.1.
    Your help will be appreciated,

    DRG-11446: supplied knowledge base file
    rver\ctx\data\enlx\droldUS.dat not installedThis indicates that your statement to create the index makes use of the Oracle Text Theme functionality. This is a feature of the Enterprise Edition and thus not included in XE.

  • How Oracle Ultra Search is Different from Intermedia Search

    Can any one please tell me how Oracle Ultra Search is Different from Intermedia Search .from an article i came to know that Ultra search helps you to search dataq in Multiple RDBMS ,documents,URLs etc . but i think these options are also there in Intermedia

    Ultra Search is an application on top of Oracle Text (aka interMedia Text). You can find more information about it here: http://otn.oracle.com/products/ultrasearch/content.html

  • Issue with oracle ultra search and the document.getURL() call...

    I am writing a search tool using the ultra search engine in the background to make a search across an Oracle 9i database hitting various tables and columns.
    The search is working great and the product is working wonderful. However, I have a slight problem. I developed the Java application that interfaces to the UltraSearch Engine using classes12.jar and nls_charset.jar - I have been recently informed that I need to use ojdbc14.jar and equivalent classes as we are developing in a jdk1.4 environment.
    Now I have everything working correctly and have no issues with using the classes12.jar within a jdk1.4 environment, but when I switched to use the new drivers the document.getURL() and document.getLanguage() both return "???" as a value and before they were returning values I could parse (in the case of the getURL() call).
    I have done some experimentation and found that if I remove nls_charset.jar from my classes12.jar - I don't get "???" but I do get garbled text that is unparseable so I am convinced the issue is around the charset implementation and globalization process.
    I need help and I really have no idea at this point where to look and what to do? I have searched and queried every place I can and tried numerous variations but I still end up with "???" from those calls when I use the jdk 1.4 drivers?
    Can someone please help or push me down another path?

    It's the driver. Try using "nls_charset12.jar" in your common/lib directory. I'd upload mine if I could, but you should be able to find it somewhere on oracle.com (hopefully).
    Good luck,
    - Stephen

  • Error while installing Oracle Ultra Search on DB for IDM

    Dear All,
    I need to install IDM-101401 on HPUX B.11.31 Itanium machine. i installed database (10201) and applied Patchset_10204. as a pre-requisite now i am trying to install Oracle Ultra Search (on the same oracle_home) from companion directory of DB10201 Disk1. i amended oraparam.ini to support B.11.31 before running installer.
    After 83% of installation progress, below error is thrown.
    INFO: 11/15/11 7:58:04 AM GMT04:00: Starting install Install Phase 1 of component Oracle Ultra Search Server Rdbms+
    INFO: Calling Action fileActions10.  copyFile
    +     selectedNodes = null+
    +     source = /u01/app/oracle/product/OID/UAT2OIDDB/ultrasearch/webapp/ultrasearch_admin.ear+
    +     destination = /u01/app/oracle/product/OID/UAT2OIDDB/oc4j/j2ee/oc4j_applications/applications/ultrasearch_admin.ear+
    +     permissions = null+
    +     owner = null+
    +     group = null+
    SEVERE: Abnormal program termination. An internal error has occured. Please provide the following files to Oracle Support :
    INFO: User Selected: Yes/OK
    by seeing above error, i tried copying ultrasearch_admin.ear file manually and tried but no luck.
    Exception java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: oracle.sysman.oii.oiix.OiixFileOps.getExplicitLibPerms()Ljava/lang/String; occurred..
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: oracle.sysman.oii.oiix.OiixFileOps.getExplicitLibPerms()Ljava/lang/String;
    +     at copyActionHelper.copyFile(copyActionHelper.java:1664)+
    +     at copyActionHelper.copyFileFromStream(copyActionHelper.java:722)+
    +     at copyActionHelperux.commonCopyFileAction(copyActionHelperux.java:502)+
    +     at copyActionHelperux.installCopyFileAction(copyActionHelperux.java:186)+
    +     at sscopyFileux.installAction(sscopyFileux.java:84)+
    +     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiis.OiisCompActions.doActionWithException(OiisCompActions.java:2063)+
    +     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiis.OiisCompActions.doActionImpl(OiisCompActions.java:1720)+
    +     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiis.OiisCompActions.doAction(OiisCompActions.java:927)+
    +     at Components.oracle.isearch.rdbms.v10_2_0_1_0.CompActions.doAction(Unknown Source)+
    +     at Components.oracle.isearch.rdbms.v10_2_0_1_0.CompInstallPhase1.doActionP1copyFile6(Unknown Source)+
    +     at Components.oracle.isearch.rdbms.v10_2_0_1_0.CompInstallPhase1.stateChangeActions(Unknown Source)+
    +     at Components.oracle.isearch.rdbms.v10_2_0_1_0.CompActions.stateChangeActions(Unknown Source)+
    +     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifw.OiifwInstallPhaseWCCE$OiifwComponentIP1WCCE.performStateChangeActions(OiifwInstallPhaseWCCE.java:1611)+
    +     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifw.OiifwInstallPhaseWCCE$OiifwComponentInstallPhaseWCCE.doOperation(OiifwInstallPhaseWCCE.java:1056)+
    +     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifw.OiifwInstallPhaseWCCE$OiifwComponentIP1WCCE.doOperation(OiifwInstallPhaseWCCE.java:1580)+
    +     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifb.OiifbCondIterator.iterate(OiifbCondIterator.java:171)+
    +     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifw.OiifwInstallPhaseWCCE.doOperation(OiifwInstallPhaseWCCE.java:588)+
    +     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifb.OiifbCondIterator.iterate(OiifbCondIterator.java:171)+
    +     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifw.OiifwActionsPhaseWCDE.doOperation(OiifwActionsPhaseWCDE.java:606)+
    +     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifb.OiifbLinearIterator.iterate(OiifbLinearIterator.java:147)+
    +     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstallSession$OiicSelCompsInstall.doOperation(OiicInstallSession.java:3772)+
    +     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifb.OiifbCondIterator.iterate(OiifbCondIterator.java:171)+
    +     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicPullSession.doOperation(OiicPullSession.java:1273)+
    +     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicSessionWrapper.doOperation(OiicSessionWrapper.java:289)+
    +     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstaller.run(OiicInstaller.java:546)+
    +     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstaller.runInstaller(OiicInstaller.java:929)+
    +     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstaller.main(OiicInstaller.java:866)+
    Please help me in this.
    few doubts
    Is it possible to go ahead for IDM installation without having ultra search enabled in database?
    any other way around that i can have ultra search?
    after applying patchset on basic version(10201) i am installing ultra search from basic version (as patchset doesnt have companion dir) on upgraded version(10204) causing this issue?

    my guess was correct. the issue was last point.
    After applying patchset on basic version(10201) i am installing ultra search from basic version (as patchset doesnt have companion dir) on upgraded version(10204) causing this issue?
    it was resolved by uninstalling DB, and again installing from basic version (10201) then went to companion CD, installed ultrasearch on same oracle_home. it got installed without any issue.
    then upgraded to 10204. then created DB, and enabled ultrasearch by DBCA.
    let me know in case of more details required.

  • Using oracle text in apex report search

    I am trying to use oracle text in apex, integrating it in an existing application. The idea is that it will allow to do a search in bigger textfields. Thats how I want it to get to work. In one of the oracle packaged applications oracle text is used as well, so I will have a look to that as well. I've addapted this search. I've added
    AND t. contains(oplossing, :P15_OPLOSSING)
    AND t.contains(sleutelwoorden, :P15_SLEUTELWOORDEN)
    That didn't work, so I changed those two to:
    AND t.oplossing = (t.contains(oplossing, :P15_OPLOSSING)>0)
    AND t.sleutelwoorden = (t.contains(sleutelwoorden, :P15_SLEUTELWOORDEN)>0)
    which didn't work either, which I expected to be the case. Clearly I'm not doing it correctly, I intend to look it up tonight in the packaged applications as I do want to findt it myself to.
    But does anyone can give a hint, on what I am doing wrong ?
    SELECT t.ticketid ticketnr, t.ticketid,
    g.voornaam||' '||g.naam aangemaaktdoor,
    t.credt, t.applicatiecd, t.titel,
    si.statusdefoms instat,
    NVL2(t.toegekend,'Y','N') toegekend,
    sleutelwoorden, klantprioriteitid, oplossing, s.htmlkleur, si.htmlkleur inthtmlkleur
    FROM ticket t,
    gebruiker g,
    status s,
    status si
    WHERE t.gebruikerid = g.gebruikerid
    AND t.statusid = s.statusid
    AND t.statusinternid = si.statusid (+)
    AND t.applicatiecd = NVL(:P0_APPLICATIECD, :F101_APPLICATIECD)
    AND (t.categorieid = :P15_CATEGORIEID OR NVL(:P15_CATEGORIEID, 0) = 0)
    AND (t.moduleid = :P15_MODULEID OR NVL(:P15_MODULEID, 0) = 0)
    AND (t.statusid = :P15_STATUSID OR NVL(:P15_STATUSID, 0) = 0)
    AND (t.statusinternid = :P15_INTSTATUSID OR NVL(:P15_INTSTATUSID, 0) = 0)
    AND (t.versieid = :P15_VERSIEID OR NVL(:P15_VERSIEID, 0) = 0)
    AND t.ticketid LIKE '%'||:P15_TICKETID||'%'
    AND t.gebruikerid = DECODE(NVL(:P15_GEBRUIKERID,0), 0, t.gebruikerid, :P15_GEBRUIKERID)
    AND t.credt BETWEEN NVL(:P15_DATUMVAN, To_Date('01-01-1900', 'DD-MM-YYYY')) AND NVL(To_Date(:P15_DATUMTOT, 'DD-MM-YYYY'), sysdate) +1
    AND t.titel LIKE '%'||:P15_TITEL||'%'
    AND t. contains(oplossing, :P15_OPLOSSING)
    AND t.contains(sleutelwoorden, :P15_SLEUTELWOORDEN)
    AND PCK$Ticket_Admin.getklantid(t.gebruikerid) = DECODE(Pck$Ticket_Admin.isklantadminroleN(:APP_USER,NVL(:P0_APPLICATIECD, :F101_APPLICATIECD)), 1, PCK$Ticket_Admin.getklantid(:APP103_GEBRUIKERID), PCK$Ticket_Admin.getklantid(t.gebruikerid))
    AND (:APP103_GEBRUIKERID IN (t.voor_gebruikerid, t.gebruikerid)
    OR Pck$Ticket_Admin.isintern(:APP_USER,:P0_APPLICATIECD) = 1)
    changed to:
    AND t.oplossing = (t.contains(oplossing, :P15_OPLOSSING)>0)
    AND t.sleutelwoorden = (t.contains(sleutelwoorden, :P15_SLEUTELWOORDEN)>0)

    I have worked it further out now, and looked at the search of the packaged application. It turned out to be a pl/sql block . I used what I found in there to adapt the previous search. I added the following:
    OR (CONTAINS(t.oplossing, :P15_OPLOSSING)>0)
    OR (CONTAINS(t.sleutelwoorden, :P15_SLEUTELWOORDEN)>0)
         OR (CONTAINS(t.titel,:P15_SEARCH_T_O_S)>0 OR
         CONTAINS (t.oplossing, :P15_SEARCH_T_O_S)>0 OR
         CONTAINS(t.sleutelwoorden, :P15_SEARCH_T_O_S)>0 )
    OR (CONTAINS(t.titel,:P15_SEARCH_T_O_S)>0 AND
         CONTAINS (t.oplossing, :P15_SEARCH_T_O_S)>0 AND
         CONTAINS(t.sleutelwoorden, :P15_SEARCH_T_O_S)>0 )
    oplossing means solution
    sleutelwoorden means keywords
    titel means title
    Yet this doesn't work yet. It gives an error message:
    failed to parse SQL query:
    ORA-01719: outer join operator (+) not allowed in operand of OR or IN
    I've tried adding the addition in a different place, yet that gives the same error message. I'm not sure now.

  • Oracle iRecruitment: Keyword Search within Resumes using Oracle Text

    Dear All,
    As per my understanding (and Note: 247064.1) simple Keyword searches can be performed in iRecruitment if oracle Text is installed. However searching for Keywords within resumes is not possible using Oracle Text and is possible ONLY if Resume Parsing is enabled via a third party (non-oracle) service provider.
    Can you please let me know if my understanding is correct and if not provide further inputs on this.

    Got this confirmation from Oracle via SR:
    Resume searching is independent of resume parsing and not required to search resumes.
    Oracle Text is the text engine that allows you to search documents using content-based queries. Oracle Text allows you to upload documents, search documents, parse resumes, etc.
    Hence to conclude - Installation of Oracle Text will allow Keyword Searches on resumes.

  • Using Oracle Text for searching with UCM 10g

    I am using Oracle text with UCM 10gR3 and Site Studio 10gR4 and I am trying to sort the search results by relevancy and to also include a snippet of the retrieved document. I have the fields that the SS_GET_SEARCH_RESULTS service returns but the relevancy score is always equals 5 and the snippet contains characters such as < idcnull, /p, etc., which you can see are XML/HTML/UCM tags but which result sin even more strangeness in the snippet if I try to remove them programmatically.
    I have read the Oracle Text documentation and there appear to be ways you can configure Oracle Text but I am not clear at all on what I can do from UCM. It looks like the configuration is either done in database tables or in the query itself, neither of which are readily configurable to me.
    Is anyone experienced in this or know of any documentation this might help?

    If I remember correctly then this issue was seen with an older version of OTS component and Core Update patch / bundle . Upgrade the UCM instance with the latest CS10gr35 update bundle patchset 6907073 and also upgrade OTS component from the same patchset .
    Let me know how it goes after this .

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