Unable to arrange iChat Groups

I'm in the process of switching from Adium to the latest iChat Version 6.0 (927) on latest Lion 10.7.1. Curiously, after adding the first Yahoo account, I find that I'm unable to rearrange my groups (tried the usual dragging of group labels - they just won't budge, and stay in alphabetical order). Tried delete and re-add, randomly change some settings, deleted *ichat* files and dirs in Cache and Prefs directories, to no avail. I tried adding the same Yahoo account on my friend's macbook (the same environment) with no problems. Maybe I have missed something obvious - would appreciate any help.

In earlier versions of iChat when Buddy List were separate you could click the Plus button at the bottom of the Buddy List and chose Edit Groups
Then you could drag the list in to the order you wanted 
I seem to remember that you could not drag something to the very top. You had to drag it to second place then drag the top item down.
If you have several Buddy List go to the iChat > Preferences > General Section and deselect the Link Buddy List option.
Then tackle Buddy Lists directly.
AIM  Buddy list as an example.
If you had a second Login (Allow Multiple Logins) and that other Login was active then it will continually override any new setting you try to tell the server.
Other Apps, AIM Express, the default Login period at the AIM web site can be causes.
Google and other Jabber accounts
These allow Multiple logins by default.
The app or login with the highest Priority takes precedence.
iChat can not change it's Priority and this is the same as Logging in to Google Mail or iGoogle and chatting there.
Presumably other Jabber Servers are the same but rarely can you assess the chat function via a web site like Google.
Google web pages also have a default login period.
AIM and Goolge's default Login period is two weeks !!!
10:53 PM      Thursday; August 25, 2011
Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
 G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
 MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.8)
 Mac OS X (10.6.8),
"Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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    Hello Srinivas,
    Check below path and let me know what settings you have maintained.
    Now, Also check your Catalogs profile, You have to maintain Catalog "Z" for the same catalog profile.

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    (the same with 2518, 2519 and 2520 transaction group)
    I suppose it is serious bug in Mac OS Lion managing FileVault and wonder what the help could be?

    Most likely culprit is your Lacie drives which are notorious for flaky power supplies which cause just the sort of erratic behaviour that you describe. Have had similar issues myself. Lacie has been good about replacing my power converter-- twice. If you have seven of them, good luck finding the bad one or more. Like I said, the behaviour is erratic. Sometimes it'll work sometimes not. I can't comment on Samsung drives because I've never used them and have never heard anything about them. Same with Softraid. Why not just use Disk Utility. Sounds like you're ready for an external hardware raid. This will be much faster, much more reliable, and may even be cheaper than seven firewire drives. Check out G Tech, and Maxx Digital for starters.
    Best of luck

  • DiskUtility error: unable to bootstrap transaction group

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    "Unable to bootstrap transaction group 611: cksum mismatch
    Unable to bootstrap transaction group 609: cksum mismatch"
    MacBook Pro 13" early 2011, 10.7.2, Kingston 60 GB SSD as boot volume. FileVault full disk encryption is enabled.
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    I'm seeing this issue too. Disk repair wont fix it:
    Verifying volume “Macintosh HD”
    Checking storage systemChecking volume.
    disk0s2: Scan for Volume Headers
    disk0s2: Scan for Disk Labels
    Logical Volume Group 2008965E-D094-4248-A616-CCADC11CCCFE spans 1 device
    Logical Volume Group has a 16 MB Metadata Volume with double redundancy
    Start scanning metadata for a valid checkpoint
    Load and verify Segment Headers
    Load and verify Checkpoint Payload
    Load and verify Transaction Segment
    Load and verify Transaction Segment
    Incorporate 1 newer non-checkpoint transactions
    Load and verify Virtual Address Table
    Load and verify Segment Usage Table
    Unable to bootstrap transaction group 2149: inconsistent crosscheck
    Continue scanning metadata for an older checkpoint
    Load and verify Segment Headers
    Load and verify Checkpoint Payload
    Load and verify Transaction Segment
    Incorporate 0 newer non-checkpoint transactions
    Load and verify Virtual Address Table
    Load and verify Segment Usage Table
    Unable to bootstrap transaction group 2148: inconsistent crosscheck
    Continue scanning metadata for an older checkpoint
    Load and verify Segment Headers
    Load and verify Checkpoint Payload
    Load and verify Transaction Segment
    Incorporate 0 newer non-checkpoint transactions
    Load and verify Virtual Address Table
    Load and verify Segment Usage Table
    Unable to bootstrap transaction group 2147: inconsistent crosscheck
    Continue scanning metadata for an older checkpoint
    Load and verify Segment Headers
    Load and verify Checkpoint Payload
    Load and verify Transaction Segment
    Incorporate 0 newer non-checkpoint transactions
    Load and verify Virtual Address Table
    Load and verify Segment Usage Table
    Unable to bootstrap transaction group 2146: inconsistent crosscheck
    No valid commit checkpoint found
    The volume 2008965E-D094-4248-A616-CCADC11CCCFE was found corrupt and needs to be repaired.
    Error: Storage system verify or repair failed.

  • Unable to create Product group form T Code- MC84 in ECC 6.0

    Dear Expert,
              After Upgrade from 4.7E to ECC 6.0 we are facing problem for Tcode-MC84(Create Product Group) is opening but we are unable to Create product group..
            can any tell me what is problem for this or is there any apply SAP Note for this.
    Thanks in advance,

    I think for some particular versions you can create a product group directly using T code MC84, and if u have got a material type say PROD-Product group,then use mm01 for creating a product group. And then you can do the  change in MC86 for product group.
    Refer thread:
    Edited by: R Brahmankar on Sep 1, 2008 12:42 PM

  • Unable to bootstrap transaction group: inconsistent crosscheck

    Disk Utility reports the following errors when I run it on my startup disk 'Macintoch HD'. When I click 'repair' it is not able to complete the repair and suggests to reboot from the recovery disk. When I do that and run DU on 'Macintosh HD', it reports no errors and shows a green result message. I can repeat the reboots and checks with the same results.
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    Verifying partition map for “TOSHIBA MK7559GSXF Media”
    Checking prerequisites
    Checking the partition list
    Checking for an EFI system partition
    Checking the EFI system partition’s size
    Checking the EFI system partition’s file system
    Checking all HFS data partition loader spaces
    Checking Core Storage Physical Volume partitions
    Checking storage system
    Checking volume.
    disk0s2: Scan for Volume Headers
    disk0s2: Scan for Disk Labels
    Logical Volume Group 6BE3FFB1-1BA7-4853-9AD3-3E896542D4D7 on 1 device
    disk0s2: Scan for Metadata Volume
    Logical Volume Group has a 16 MB Metadata Volume with double redundancy
    Start scanning metadata for a valid checkpoint
    Load and verify Segment Headers
    Load and verify Checkpoint Payload
    Load and verify Transaction Segment
    Incorporate 0 newer non-checkpoint transactions
    Load and verify Virtual Address Table
    Load and verify Segment Usage Table
    Load and verify Metadata Superblock
    Load and verify Logical Volumes B-Trees
    Logical Volume Group contains 1 Logical Volume
    Load and verify A92E6BFF-144E-4BE7-99B0-D25B2F01B4BF
    Load and verify 1D173D02-CDDD-4262-A070-69FB6B2DDE16
    Load and verify Freespace Summary
    Load and verify Block Accounting
    Load and verify Live Virtual Addresses
    Unable to bootstrap transaction group 5913: inconsistent crosscheck
    Continue scanning metadata for an older checkpoint
    Load and verify Segment Headers
    Load and verify Checkpoint Payload
    Load and verify Transaction Segment
    Incorporate 0 newer non-checkpoint transactions
    Load and verify Virtual Address Table
    Load and verify Segment Usage Table
    Load and verify Metadata Superblock
    Load and verify Logical Volumes B-Trees
    Logical Volume Group contains 1 Logical Volume
    Load and verify A92E6BFF-144E-4BE7-99B0-D25B2F01B4BF
    Load and verify 1D173D02-CDDD-4262-A070-69FB6B2DDE16
    Load and verify Freespace Summary
    Load and verify Block Accounting
    Load and verify Live Virtual Addresses
    Unable to bootstrap transaction group 5912: inconsistent crosscheck
    Continue scanning metadata for an older checkpoint
    Load and verify Segment Headers
    Load and verify Checkpoint Payload
    Load and verify Transaction Segment
    Incorporate 0 newer non-checkpoint transactions
    Load and verify Virtual Address Table
    Load and verify Segment Usage Table
    Load and verify Metadata Superblock
    Load and verify Logical Volumes B-Trees
    Logical Volume Group contains 1 Logical Volume
    Load and verify A92E6BFF-144E-4BE7-99B0-D25B2F01B4BF
    Load and verify 1D173D02-CDDD-4262-A070-69FB6B2DDE16
    Load and verify Freespace Summary
    Load and verify Block Accounting
    Load and verify Live Virtual Addresses
    Unable to bootstrap transaction group 5911: inconsistent crosscheck
    Continue scanning metadata for an older checkpoint
    Load and verify Segment Headers
    Load and verify Checkpoint Payload
    Load and verify Transaction Segment
    Incorporate 0 newer non-checkpoint transactions
    Load and verify Virtual Address Table
    Load and verify Segment Usage Table
    Load and verify Metadata Superblock
    Load and verify Logical Volumes B-Trees
    Logical Volume Group contains 1 Logical Volume
    Load and verify A92E6BFF-144E-4BE7-99B0-D25B2F01B4BF
    Load and verify 1D173D02-CDDD-4262-A070-69FB6B2DDE16
    Load and verify Freespace Summary
    Load and verify Block Accounting
    Load and verify Live Virtual Addresses
    Unable to bootstrap transaction group 5910: inconsistent crosscheck
    No valid commit checkpoint found
    The volume 6BE3FFB1-1BA7-4853-9AD3-3E896542D4D7 was found corrupt and needs to be repaired.
    Problems were found with the partition map which might prevent booting
    Error: This disk needs to be repaired. Click Repair Disk.

    hshshs wrote:
    I had exactly the same problem with Disk Utility reporting "Unable to bootstrap transaction group xxxx: inconsistent crosscheck" errors when booted from Macintosh HD but no errors when booted from the Recovery HD. The following resolved it for me:
    1. Turn off FileVault; decrypting the drive took about an hour
    2. Run Disk Utility - reported two Macintosh HD, one greyed out
    3. Reboot (to see if it resolved 2)
    4. Run Disk Utility from Macintosh HD again; only one Macintosh HD and no errors reported
    5. Turn on FileVault; encryption took another hour or so
    6. Reboot again
    7. Run Disk Utility from Macintosh HD again; no errors reported
    No reformatting, reinstalling or replacing hard drives, as other reports have suggested.
    MacBook Air, 13-inch, Late 2010, OS X 10.8.4, 256GB SSD
    Thanks! Worked for me.

  • Disk Utiliy error on Disk Repair - Unable to bootstrap transaction group cksum mismatch

    When I try to Repair my Hard Disk on Disk Utility (command+R recovery mode) it shows this error:
    My hard disk is encrypted with filevault 2 and Disk Utility seems to be unable to decrypt it.
    Can I do something with bash? Thank you.
    Checking volume.
    disk0s2: Scan for Volume Headers
    disk0s2: Scan for Disk Labels
    Invalid Disk Label @ 319200587776: cksum mismatch
    Invalid Disk Label @ 319204782080: cksum mismatch
    Logical Volume Group 573A27F3-05AE-45D8-8C36-C2190AA709A0 spans 1 device
    Logical Volume Group has a 16 MB Metadata Volume with double redundancy
    Start scanning metadata for a valid checkpoint
    Load and verify Segment Headers
    Load and verify Checkpoint Payload
    Load and verify Transaction Segment
    Incorporate 0 newer non-checkpoint transactions
    Load and verify Virtual Address Table
    Load and verify Segment Usage Table
    Load and verify Metadata Superblock
    Load and verify Logical Volumes B-Trees
    Logical Volume Group contains 1 Logical Volumes
    Load and verify EBE1F6D9-1560-4837-BFE4-A8C45CE0252A
    Load and verify 1F61CB62-C529-4301-AF2E-B71933C040C3
    Unable to bootstrap transaction group 2601: cksum mismatch
    Continue scanning metadata for an older checkpoint
    Load and verify Segment Headers
    Load and verify Checkpoint Payload
    Load and verify Transaction Segment
    Incorporate 0 newer non-checkpoint transactions
    Load and verify Virtual Address Table
    Load and verify Segment Usage Table
    Load and verify Metadata Superblock
    Load and verify Logical Volumes B-Trees
    Logical Volume Group contains 1 Logical Volumes
    Load and verify EBE1F6D9-1560-4837-BFE4-A8C45CE0252A
    Load and verify 1F61CB62-C529-4301-AF2E-B71933C040C3
    Unable to bootstrap transaction group 2600: cksum mismatch
    Continue scanning metadata for an older checkpoint
    Load and verify Segment Headers
    Load and verify Checkpoint Payload
    Load and verify Transaction Segment
    Incorporate 0 newer non-checkpoint transactions
    Load and verify Virtual Address Table
    Load and verify Segment Usage Table
    Load and verify Metadata Superblock
    Load and verify Logical Volumes B-Trees
    Logical Volume Group contains 1 Logical Volumes
    Load and verify EBE1F6D9-1560-4837-BFE4-A8C45CE0252A
    Load and verify 1F61CB62-C529-4301-AF2E-B71933C040C3
    Unable to bootstrap transaction group 2599: cksum mismatch
    Continue scanning metadata for an older checkpoint
    Load and verify Segment Headers
    Load and verify Checkpoint Payload
    Load and verify Transaction Segment
    Incorporate 0 newer non-checkpoint transactions
    Load and verify Virtual Address Table
    Load and verify Segment Usage Table
    Load and verify Metadata Superblock
    Load and verify Logical Volumes B-Trees
    Unable to bootstrap transaction group 2596: cksum mismatch
    No valid commit checkpoint found
    The volume 573A27F3-05AE-45D8-8C36-C2190AA709A0 was found corrupt and
    needs to be repaired.

    MRDJones wrote:
    … I replaced hard drive …
    That was sensible.
    … I used a external enclosure on the failed hard drive but I get the same error when trying to use disk utility on it. … The drive will not mount.
    Those symptoms are consistent with a failing or failed hard drive.
    Storage problems, Core Storage, Disk Utility, checksums, fsck_cs and cksum mismatches

  • Unable to bootstrap transaction group 7845 when attempting to fix harddrive with disk utility

    I recently tried burning a cd from the Mac. I pressed cancel because do forgot to put it at the right speed. So I kept clicking cancel them eventually shut it down. I started it up and I got a "prohibited" sign.
    The topic title is their error I get.
    (unable to bootstrap transaction group 7845)

    I dont have enough money to buy one of those "time machine" thingys.
    But it's ok. The only thing that is valuble to me was my documents, and they're all sent to my email .
    BDAqua wrote:
    I was afraid of that after posting then re-reading your title! (
    Do you have a Backup?

  • Warning! task_eval_init(): unable to set User/Group baseDN

    I have installed Directory server on Unix platform.
    Installation went successful. While doing the installation, I have given the userid to run the server as "admxxx" and group as "www".
    After the installation, the server started properly but with a warning message that "warning: daemon is running as super-user". And I was able to open the console and do whatever I wanted.
    We have created 3 more directory server instances and we imported an LDIF file into one of the instances successfully.
    Now the problem is, whenever we start the admin server, we are getting the following message.
    bash-2.03# ./start-admin
    Info: Cache expiration set to 600 seconds
    Warning! task_eval_init(): unable to set User/Group baseDN
    Netscape-Administrator/4.2 B2002.057.2313
    startup: listening to http://servername, port 6061 as root
    warning: daemon is running as super-user
    Can any one tell why I am getting the message Warning! task_eval_init(): unable to set User/Group baseDN ?
    This is very urgent. We have configured this LDAP to SiteMinder server.
    Thanks in Advance,

    I don't recognize your error. But are you using ldap for logging into SunMC ? This is not possible.

  • Unable to create server groups

    Hi All,
    I am unable to create server groups on Business Objects 3.1 Edge server. It has been updated till SP 4. I  get the following error
    "This operation is not permitted with your current set of license keys. Upgrade your license keys to enable this operation. (FWB 00015)"
    Is this a limitation of BO edge series?

    Hi Alok,
    Are you using Temporary license ? if not, please try below
    Replace the file "libkeydecoder.so" in <BOE install dir>/bobje/enterprise120/<platform>  with the file from your install CD.

  • Users and Group Owners are unable to see their groups

    Hello all,
         I have an issue where security group owners are unable see/read any groups that they own. I have enabled the following  MPR's but still nothing please help.
    Group management: Group administrators can create and delete group resources
    Group management: Group administrators can read attributes of group resources
    Group management: Group administrators can update group resources
    Security group management: Owners can read selected attributes of group resources
    Security group management: Owners can update and delete groups they own
    Security group management: Users can read selected attributes of group resources
    Also when a user logs into the portal they are unable to see any Security groups listed under MY SG Membership. However when we check the group membership they are indeed part of the group both in FIM portal
    and AD.

    Reason might be that user's don't have access to group objects at all or are not able to read some of attributes of a group. Also make sure that BasicUI keyword was added to the specific elements of UI used in group management - this includes navbars but
    also search scopes which are used for group filtering. 
    On the MPRs side:
    Make sure that your Security group users set was not modified - maybe people are filtered out from these MPRs.
    Use explore function in MPR  part of a portal to check what actual MPRs are being triggered when user tries to access group object. 
    Tomek Onyszko, memberOf Predica FIM Team (http://www.predica.pl), IdAM knowledge provider @ http://blog.predica.pl
    Hi Tomek,
    Which attributes must a user be able to read in order for this to work? If possible can you provide me with a full list so I can verify that they do have rights to read them.
    I have added the keywork BasicUI to the following sections 
    Under Home Page Resource
    Join a SG
    Manage my SGs
    Search Scopes
    Security Groups (SGs)
    See my SG memberships
    Under Navigation Bar Resource
    My SG Memberships
    My SGs
    Security Groups (SGs)
    As for the security group users set, I have modified it to allow all domain users to be part of this set. When I click View Members all users are listed. 
    "Use explore function in MPR  part of a portal to check what actual MPRs are being triggered when user tries to access group object. "  How would somebody go about doing this?

  • [SOLVED] sudo: unable to set runas group vector: Invalid argument

    I recently made the (idiotic) mistake of overwriting my /etc/passwd and /etc/group files, although I managed to restore them from a backup.  Since restarting the machine I'm having the same issue every time I invoke sudo:
    sudo: unable to set runas group vector: Invalid argument
    I can't find any info on this error. Any ideas on where to start?
    -- C. M.
    EDIT: I should also note that this is a headless machine that I'm accessing via SSH.
    Last edited by C. M. Harlequin (2014-06-15 10:35:33)

    Thanks for the reply, Amish.
    It's my understanding that the 'group vector' is a term that refers to the specific set of groups to which a user has membership, rather than a specific group named 'vector'.  Although, I could be mistaken.
    From the sudo manpage:
    The -P (preserve group vector) option causes sudo to preserve the user's group vector unaltered. By default, sudo will initialize the group vector to the list of groups the target user is in. The real and effective group IDs, however, are still set to match the target user.
    Similarly, from the sudoers manpage:
    By default, sudo will initialize the group vector to the list of groups the target user is in. When preserve_groups is set, the user's existing group vector is left unaltered. The real and effective group IDs, however, are still set to match the target user. This flag is off by default.
    But the manpages don't offer me much, I'm still clueless as to why I'm getting the error.
    EDIT: although using the -P flag seems to allow sudo to run without error
    Last edited by C. M. Harlequin (2014-06-14 18:42:39)

  • Unable to edit Distribution Group membership via Outlook (works via ECP).

    SITUATION: I am attempting to enable the ability for specified users to edit the membership of Exchange 2010 distribution groups via Outlook 2010.  I have configured permissions via RBAC for them to be able to do this by following the instructions and
    running the script found here:
    After running the script, users specified as group managers are able to edit group membership through the ECP.  But when they attempt to do so via Outlook, they receive the same message that they would see if the permission to edit group membership
    was not enabled:
    "Changes to the public group membership cannot be saved.  You do not have sufficient permission to perform this operation on this object."
    QUESTION:  Does anyone have any idea as to why we are still unable to edit group membership via Outlook, when all the permissions appear to be enabled doing so?

    Click Start
     Collapse this imageExpand this image
    , point to All Programs , point to Exchange Server 2010 , and then click
    Exchange Management Shell .
    At the command prompt, run the following cmdlet:
    New-RoleGroup DistributionGroupManagement -Roles "Distribution Groups"
    At the command prompt, run the following cmdlet:
    Add-RoleGroupMember DistributionGroupManagement -Member <var>UserName</var>
    Open Outlook and try to remove from your distribution list those members that you could not remove before

  • DPM 2012 R2 Unable to create protection groups after Cluster Migration

    Hi Team
    we have an issue relating to DPM 2012 R2. In our environment we have a Hyper-V Cluster and we recently did a Cluster Migration since Hyper-V Cluster was upgraded to Windows Server 2012 R2.
    Before the upgrade, Windows Server 2008 R2 Cluster was protected by DPM Environment. After we upgraded we are unable to Create new protection Groups existing the new cluster and when we select VMs it's not showing up any members.
    Please let us know how we can solve this issue since the Cluster Nodes and the Cluster Name is different from previous Cluster, we were expecting that DPM would allow us to create new Protection Groups while preserving old protection groups for recovery later
    if needed. 

    you need to stop the Protection of the old HyperV Datasources
    Clear the Cache of the Protectiongroup,
    and read the new VM to Protectiongroup
    Seidl Michael | http://www.techguy.at | twitter.com/techguyat |
    facebook.com/techguyat |

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