Unable to create invoices due in 2011

I am unable to create invoices due in 2011. Hope do I open up the year 2011 for access.
Thank You!

Go to posting period window --> open the current period (unlocked period) by click arrow link  if the invoice's posting date is in this current period --> in the field due date, set the due date from 01.01.2010 and to 31.12.2011.
Apply to next period if in the next period, there is still invoice that will due in 2011

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    please advise what may be preventing me from creating invoice?

    This is caused by the incorrect setup of the browser.
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    Which SRM system version are you using ?
    Seems like some configuration settings are missing in the system.
    ->Have you defined the no ranges correctly for SC in EBP and PR in R/3 with internal and external indications ?
    -> Have you defined transaction type in SRM IMG properly ?
    -> If the RFC authorizations were not correct, then this would be the case for ALL your SC !!! I don't think this is the case.
    Have you raised an OSS message with SAP yet on this ?
    Meanwhile, Please go through this ->
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    Refer to SAP OSS Notes - 656633,  881086.
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    - Atul

  • R12- Unable to Create Invoice usin AR_INVOICE_API_PUB.create_single_invoice

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    I am trying to create an AR invoice using an API AR_INVOICE_API_PUB.create_single_invoice.
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    PFB the code below for reference.
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY xx_pdf_ar_inbound_pkg IS
      * Name         : xx_pdf_ar_inbound_pkg                                                                            *
      * Object Type  : Package Body                                                                                     *
      * Description  : This package is created for CR SCRIP Migration                                                   *
      * Parameters   : NA                                                                                               *
      * Return Values: None                                                                                             *
      * Change History                                                                                                  *
      * Date         Name          Ver     Modification                                                                 *
      * 04/01/2011   xx           0.1     Package Body created.                                                        *
      * Name         : xx_PDF_INV_CREATE_PROC                                                                           *
      * Object Type  : Procedure                                                                                        *
      * Description  : This is the main procedure which will create ar invoiceson                                       *
      * Parameters   : p_effective_date                                                                                 *
      * Return Values: NA                                                                                               *
      * Called By    : xx_pdf_ar_inbound_pkg                                                                            *
      * Change History                                                                                                  *
      * Date         Name         Modification                                                                          *
      * 04/01/2011   xx           0.1     procedure created.                                                           *
                                       RETCODE OUT VARCHAR2) IS
        p_msg_count            number;
        p_msg_data             varchar2(2000);
        p_trx_header_tbl       ar_invoice_api_pub.trx_header_tbl_type;
        p_trx_lines_tbl        ar_invoice_api_pub.trx_line_tbl_type;
        p_trx_dist_tbl         ar_invoice_api_pub.trx_dist_tbl_type;
        p_trx_salescredits_tbl ar_invoice_api_pub.trx_salescredits_tbl_type;
        p_batch_source_rec     ar_invoice_api_pub.batch_source_rec_type;
        l_cnt                  number := 0;
        l_header_id            number := 0;
        l_line_id              number := 0;
        L_BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_ID  number := 0;
        L_CUST_TRX_TYPE_Id     number := 0;
        L_TERM_ID              number := 0;
        L_SALESREP_Id          number := 0;
        L_TERRITORY_Id         number := 0;
        L_VAT_TAX_Id           number := 0;
        L_SALESREP_NAMe        varchar2(280);
        l_customer_trx_id      number;
        l_return_status        varchar2(80);
        v_org_id               number;
        l_org_id               NUMBER := fnd_profile.VALUE('ORG_ID');
        ln_user_id             number;
        ln_resp_id             number;
        ln_app_id              number;
        CURSOR c_ar_inv_header IS
          SELECT * FROM xx_pdf_ra_cust_head_intf WHERE record_status = 'NEW';
        CURSOR c_ar_inv_lines(p_line_invoice_num VARCHAR2) IS
          SELECT *
            FROM xx_pdf_ra_cust_lines_intf
           WHERE record_status = 'NEW'
             AND Invoice_NumbeR = p_line_invoice_num;
        FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, '*******START******');
        --  MO_GLOBAL.SET_POLICY_CONTEXT('S', 204);
        -- The following is required when running from the command line
        -- Remember to comment it out when you are creating the script to run
        -- from a Concurrent program
        -- MO_GLOBAL.INIT('AR');
        -- select MO_GLOBAL.get_current_org_id() into v_org_id from dual;
        select fnd_profile.value('USER_ID') INTO ln_user_id from dual;
        select fnd_profile.value('RESPONSIBILITY_ID')
          INTO ln_resp_id
          from dual;
        select fnd_profile.value('APPLICATION_ID') INTO ln_app_id from dual;
          fnd_global.apps_initialize(ln_user_id, ln_resp_id, ln_app_id, 0);
          when others then
            FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Error while apps initialize =');
        FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Current MO Org_id=' || l_org_id);
        l_header_id := 0;
        IF p_trx_header_tbl.count > 0 THEN
        END IF;
        FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before Header Loop');
        FOR r_c_ar_inv_header IN c_ar_inv_header LOOP
            FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'In Header Loop');
            select CUST_ACCOUNT_ID
              INTO l_bill_to_customer_id
             where HP.PARTY_ID = HCA.PARTY_ID
               AND HP.PARTY_NAME = r_c_ar_inv_header.Bill_Customer_NAME
               AND HCA.ACCOUNT_NUMBER = r_c_ar_inv_header.Bill_Customer_No;
            when others then
              l_bill_to_customer_id := NULL;
                            '--Got Bill to Cust Account ID : ' ||
            select cust_trx_type_id
              INTO l_cust_trx_type_id
              from ra_cust_trx_types_all
             where type = r_c_ar_inv_header.Transaction_Type
               and (name = 'xx Invoice' or NAME = 'xx Credit Memo');
            when others then
              l_cust_trx_type_id := 1001;
                            '--Got Bill to cust_trx_type_id : ' ||
          /*get the payment term id*/
            SELECT term_id
              INTO l_term_id
              FROM ra_terms_tl rtt
             WHERE rtt.name = r_c_ar_inv_header.payment_term;
            WHEN OTHERS THEN
              l_term_id := 1000;
          FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, '--Got term_id : ' || l_term_id);
          /*Get Sales Rep ID*/
            SELECT salesrep_id, name
              INTO l_salesrep_id, l_salesrep_name
              FROM ra_salesreps_all
             WHERE name = r_c_ar_inv_header.Sales_Person
               AND rownum = 1;
            WHEN OTHERS THEN
              l_salesrep_id := -3;
                            '--Got l_salesrep_id : ' || l_salesrep_id);
          /*Get Territory id*/
            SELECT territory_id
              INTO l_territory_id
              FROM ra_territories
             WHERE name = 'UK Default';
            WHEN OTHERS THEN
              l_territory_id := 1001;
                            '--Got l_territory_id : ' || l_territory_id);
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).trx_header_id := l_header_id;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).trx_number := r_c_ar_inv_header.INVOICE_NUMBER;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).trx_date := r_c_ar_inv_header.Transaction_Date;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).trx_currency := r_c_ar_inv_header.Currency_Code;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).trx_class := 'INV'; --trx_class
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).cust_trx_type_id := l_cust_trx_type_id; --1001;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).gl_date := r_c_ar_inv_header.Transaction_Date;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).bill_to_customer_id := l_bill_to_customer_id;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).bill_to_contact_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).bill_to_address_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).bill_to_site_use_id := r_c_ar_inv_header.Bill_Location_No;
                            '--Inserted Bill To header details  : ' ||
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).ship_to_customer_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).ship_to_account_number := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).ship_to_customer_name := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).ship_to_contact_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).ship_to_address_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).ship_to_site_use_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).sold_to_customer_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).term_id := l_term_id;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).primary_salesrep_id := l_salesrep_id;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).primary_salesrep_name := l_salesrep_name;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).exchange_rate_type := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).exchange_date := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).territory_id := l_territory_id;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).remit_to_address_id := 1020; --hard coded for testint purpose, need to derive it programmatically
                            '--Inserted Remit To header details  : ');
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).invoicing_rule_id := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).printing_option := 'N';
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).purchase_order := r_c_ar_inv_header.INVOICE_NUMBER;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).purchase_order_revision := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).purchase_order_date := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).comments := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).internal_notes := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).finance_charges := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).receipt_method_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).related_customer_trx_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).agreement_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).ship_via := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).ship_date_actual := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).waybill_number := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).fob_point := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).customer_bank_account_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).default_ussgl_transaction_code := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).status_trx := 'OP'; --HARD CODED for testing, need to check
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).paying_customer_id := l_bill_to_customer_id;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).paying_site_use_id := r_c_ar_inv_header.Bill_Location_No;
                            '--Inserted paying_site_use_id header details  : ');
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).default_tax_exempt_flag := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).doc_sequence_value := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute_category := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute1 := 'PD';
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute2 := 'PD';
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute3 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute4 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute5 := r_c_ar_inv_header.INVOICE_NUMBER;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute6 := r_c_ar_inv_header.Transaction_Date;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute7 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute8 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute9 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute10 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute11 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute12 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute13 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute14 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).attribute15 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute_category := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute1 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute2 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute3 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute4 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute5 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute6 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute7 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute8 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute9 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute10 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute11 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute12 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute13 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute14 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute15 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute16 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute17 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute18 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute19 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute20 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute21 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute22 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute23 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute24 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute25 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute26 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute27 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute28 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute29 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).global_attribute30 := null;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_context := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute1 := r_c_ar_inv_header.INVOICE_NUMBER;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute2 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute3 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute4 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute5 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute6 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute7 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute8 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute9 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute10 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute11 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute12 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute13 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interface_header_attribute14 := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).org_id := l_org_id;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).legal_entity_id := l_org_id;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).payment_trxn_extension_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).billing_date := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).interest_header_id := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).late_charges_assessed := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).document_sub_type := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).default_taxation_country := NULL;
          p_trx_header_tbl(l_header_id).mandate_last_trx_flag := NULL;
                            '--Inserted Complete header details  : ');
          l_line_id := 1;
          IF p_trx_lines_tbl.COUNT > 0 THEN
          END IF;
          FOR r_c_ar_inv_lines IN c_ar_inv_lines(r_c_ar_inv_header.invoice_number) LOOP
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).trx_header_id := l_header_id;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).trx_line_id := l_line_id;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).link_to_trx_line_id := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).LINE_NUMBER := l_line_id;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).REASON_CODE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INVENTORY_ITEM_ID := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).DESCRIPTION := r_c_ar_inv_lines.DESCRIPTION;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).QUANTITY_ORDERED := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).QUANTITY_INVOICED := r_c_ar_inv_lines.Quantity;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).UNIT_STANDARD_PRICE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).UNIT_SELLING_PRICE := r_c_ar_inv_lines.Unit_Price;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SALES_ORDER := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SALES_ORDER_LINE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SALES_ORDER_DATE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).LINE_TYPE := 'LINE'; -- hard coded for testing purpose
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE1 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE2 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE3 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE4 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE5 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE6 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE7 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE8 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE9 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE10 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE11 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE12 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE13 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE14 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ATTRIBUTE15 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).RULE_START_DATE := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_CONTEXT := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE3 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE4 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE5 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE6 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE7 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE8 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE9 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE10 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE11 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE12 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE13 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE14 := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE15 := null;
            --channel in the form
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SALES_ORDER_SOURCE := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).AMOUNT := r_c_ar_inv_lines.Line_Amount;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX_PRECEDENCE := null;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX_RATE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX_EXEMPTION_ID := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).MEMO_LINE_ID := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).UOM_CODE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).DEFAULT_USSGL_TRANSACTION_CODE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).DEFAULT_USSGL_TRX_CODE_CONTEXT := NULL;
              SELECT vat_tax_id
                INTO l_vat_tax_id
                FROM AR_VAT_TAX_ALL_B
               WHERE end_DATE IS NULL
                 AND ORG_ID = l_org_id
                 and tax_type = 'VAT'
                 AND ENABLED_FLAG = 'Y'
                 AND TAX_CODE = r_c_ar_inv_header.Invoice_VAT_code;
              WHEN OTHERS THEN
                l_vat_tax_id := 10152;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).VAT_TAX_ID := l_vat_tax_id;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX_EXEMPT_FLAG := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX_EXEMPT_NUMBER := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX_EXEMPT_REASON_CODE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX_VENDOR_RETURN_CODE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).MOVEMENT_ID := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).AMOUNT_INCLUDES_TAX_FLAG := 'N';
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).WAREHOUSE_ID := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).CONTRACT_LINE_ID := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SOURCE_DATA_KEY1 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SOURCE_DATA_KEY2 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SOURCE_DATA_KEY3 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SOURCE_DATA_KEY4 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SOURCE_DATA_KEY5 := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).INVOICED_LINE_ACCTG_LEVEL := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SHIP_DATE_ACTUAL := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).OVERRIDE_AUTO_ACCOUNTING_FLAG := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).DEFERRAL_EXCLUSION_FLAG := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).RULE_END_DATE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SOURCE_APPLICATION_ID := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SOURCE_EVENT_CLASS_CODE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SOURCE_ENTITY_CODE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SOURCE_TRX_ID := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SOURCE_TRX_LINE_ID := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SOURCE_TRX_LINE_TYPE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).SOURCE_TRX_DETAIL_TAX_LINE_ID := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).HISTORICAL_FLAG := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAXABLE_FLAG := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX_REGIME_CODE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX_STATUS_CODE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX_RATE_CODE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX_JURISDICTION_CODE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TAX_CLASSIFICATION_CODE := NULL;
            --Late Charges
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).interest_line_id := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).TRX_BUSINESS_CATEGORY := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).PRODUCT_FISC_CLASSIFICATION := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).PRODUCT_CATEGORY := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).PRODUCT_TYPE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).LINE_INTENDED_USE := NULL;
            p_trx_lines_tbl(l_line_id).ASSESSABLE_VALUE := NULL;
            FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'In the end of lines cursor ');
          END LOOP;
          AR_INVOICE_API_PUB.create_single_invoice(p_api_version          => 1.0,
                                                   x_return_status        => l_return_status,
                                                   x_msg_count            => p_msg_count,
                                                   x_msg_data             => p_msg_data,
                                                   x_customer_trx_id      => l_customer_trx_id,
                                                   p_batch_source_rec     => p_batch_source_rec,
                                                   p_trx_header_tbl       => p_trx_header_tbl,
                                                   p_trx_lines_tbl        => p_trx_lines_tbl,
                                                   p_trx_dist_tbl         => p_trx_dist_tbl,
                                                   p_trx_salescredits_tbl => p_trx_salescredits_tbl);
          FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Msg ' || substr(p_msg_data, 1, 225));
          FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Status ' || l_return_status);
          IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error OR
             l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
            FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'unexpected errors found!');
            SELECT count(*) Into l_cnt From ar_trx_errors_gt;
            IF l_cnt = 0 THEN
                                'Customer Trx id ' || l_customer_trx_id);
              FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Transaction not Created');
            END IF;
          END IF;
        END LOOP; --Header Loop
    END xx_pdf_ar_inbound_pkg;
    sho err

    I see you are confused between using ra_interface_lines_all and API. The AR Invoice can be created in two method.
    1. Using Autoinvoice interface a open interface program. For this you need to populate ra_interface_lines_all and ra_interface_distributions_all (if you are not using auto accounting) interface tables and then submit the Autoinvoice Master program, a interface program to load the AR invoices. Once the program completes, the errors will be stored in ra_interface_errors_all table.
    2. Second method is to use the API. If you are using API, no interface table will be used to and errors will not be stored in interface tables. You can use the following routine to get the errors.
    IF l_return_status != 'S' THEN
    dbms_output.put_line('unexpected errors found!');
    IF p_msg_count = 1 Then
    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data '||l_msg_data);
    ELSIF l_msg_count > 1 Then
    p_count := p_count+1;
    IF p_msg_data is NULL Then
    END IF;
    dbms_output.put_line('Message' || p_count ||'.'||l_msg_data);
    END IF;
    dbms_output.put_line(' Got Created Sucessfully : '||l_customer_trx_id);
    END IF;

  • Unable to create database due to ORA-12560, TNS protocol adapter error

    I'm trying to create an database on a W2k server, but it is failing because as soon as svrmgrl is launched, I get an ORA-12560, TNS: protocol adapter error:
    D:\oracle\db_creation_scripts>D:\oracle\ora81\bin\svrmgrl @D:\oracle\db_creation_scripts\mterm62run.sql
    Oracle Server Manager Release - Production
    Copyright (c) 1997, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
    ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter errorEcho ON
    SVRMGR> connect INTERNAL/manager
    ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
    SVRMGR> startup nomount pfile="D:\oracle\admin\mterm62\pfile\initmterm62.ora"
    LCC-00161: Message 161 not found; product=RDBMS; facility=MGR
    My ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, and TNS_ADMIN environmental variables are correctly set, and I'm able to tnsping the listener.
    I've enabled tracing, and my client trace file is:
    New trace stream is d:\trace\client_trace.log_2084_9.trc
    New trace level is 6
    Attempted load of system pfile source d:\oracle\ora81\network\admin\sqlnet.ora
    Parameter source loaded successfully
    Attempted load of local pfile source D:\oracle\db_creation_scripts\sqlnet.ora
    Parameter source was not loaded
    Successful parameter table load
    SQLNET.CRYPTO_SEED = 4fhfguweotcadsfdsafjkdsfqp5f201p45mxskdlfdasf
    TRACE_FILE_CLIENT = client_trace.log
    TRACE_FILE_SERVER = server_trace.log
    Log stream will be "D:\oracle\db_creation_scripts\sqlnet.log"
    Log stream validation not requested
    nigini: entry
    nigini: Count in NI global area now: 1
    nigini: Count in NI global area now: 1
    nrigbi: entry
    nrigbni: entry
    nrigbni: Unable to get data from navigation file tnsnav.ora
    nrigbni: exit
    nrigbi: exit
    nigini: exit
    niqname: Hst is already an NVstring.
    niqname: Inserting CID.
    niotns: entry
    niotns: niotns: setting up interrupt handler...
    niotns: Not trying to enable dead connection detection.
    nsmal: 140 bytes at 0x12493f0
    nscall: connecting...
    nladini: entry
    nladini: exit
    nladget: entry
    nladget: exit
    nlpcaini: entry
    nlpcaini: prg =
    nlpcaini: arg[0] =
    nlpcaini: arg[1] =
    nlpcaini: exit
    nsmal: 420 bytes at 0x12542f0
    nsmal: 1712 bytes at 0x12572f0
    nsopen: opening transport...
    ntpcon: entry
    ntpcon: toc = 1
    sntpcall: entry
    snlpcss: entry
    ntpcon: exit
    nserror: nsres: id=0, op=65, ns=12560, ns2=0; nt[0]=530, nt[1]=2, nt[2]=0; ora[0]=0, ora[1]=0, ora[2]=0
    nsopen: unable to open transport
    nsmfr: 1712 bytes at 0x12572f0
    nsmfr: 420 bytes at 0x12542f0
    nladget: entry
    nladget: exit
    nsmfr: 140 bytes at 0x12493f0
    nladtrm: entry
    nladtrm: exit
    nioqper: error from nscall
    nioqper: nr err code: 0
    nioqper: ns main err code: 12560
    nioqper: ns (2) err code: 0
    nioqper: nt main err code: 530
    nioqper: nt (2) err code: 2
    nioqper: nt OS err code: 0
    niomapnserror: entry
    niqme: entry
    niqme: reporting NS-12560 error as ORA-12560
    niqme: exit
    niomapnserror: returning error 12560
    niomapnserror: exit
    niotns: Couldn't connect, returning 12560
    niotns: exit
    nigtrm: Count in the NI global area is now 0
    nnfgdei: entry
    nrigbd: entry
    nrigbd: exit
    nigtrm: Count in the NL global area is now 0
    My tnsnames, listener and sqlnet.ora files are very simple:
    # TNSNAMES.ORA Network Configuration File: D:\oracle\ora81\NETWORK\ADMIN\tnsnames.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    MTERM62 =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (SERVICE_NAME = mterm62)
    (INSTANCE_NAME = mterm62)
    INST1_HTTP =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (SERVICE_NAME = mterm62)
    (PRESENTATION = http://admin)
    # LISTENER.ORA Network Configuration File: D:\oracle\ora81\NETWORK\ADMIN\listener.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = serv0354)(PORT = 1521))
    (SID_DESC =
    (ORACLE_HOME = D:\oracle\ora81)
    (SID_NAME = mterm62)
    # SQLNET.ORA Network Configuration File: D:\oracle\ora81\NETWORK\ADMIN\sqlnet.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    TRACE_FILE_CLIENT = client_trace.log
    TRACE_FILE_SERVER = server_trace.log
    SQLNET.CRYPTO_SEED = 4fhfguweotcadsfdsafjkdsfqp5f201p45mxskdlfdasf
    Does anyone have any ideas what else I can check. I'm a Unix person, not a Windows person, which is making it even more complicated. If I was on Unix, I'd just blow everything away and start again from scratch, but since I'm not sure how to remove all traces from the registry, etc., I don't want to try that on this machine. There was already one other database created, but it's not goign to be used.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    thanks for the info. the problem, as it turns out, was that I was connected to the db server via a terminal service (Microsoft Management Console), which for some reason caused probelms with TNS. After I connected directly to the machine using VNC, I was able to create the database with no problems. strange but true.

  • Unable to create Invoice through BAPI

    HI Experts!
    We are trying to create PO based (no GR and SES) invoice through "BAPI_INVOICECREATE". It is working perfectly for Material PO, but not for service PO. We are putting PO Quantity as '1' and UOM is "AU" for service. Getting error that "PO Quantity and UOM for iten 00001 is not in limit"

    I believe you can use UOM = EA as long as the rest of the P.O. is set correctly for the service and not GR of items.
    Please test in QA invirornment (if you have one) first. (not 100% sure it will work for your system but it does work for mine)

  • Unable to create billing due to pricing error

    Hi Gurus,
    I have created sales order with two line items.For line item 10 I have maintained Price.For 2nd line item I haven't maintained the price and I saved the sales order with incomplete details for line item 20.Next I have created the delivery and PGI for line item 10 with reference to previous order.While I am trying to do Invoice for this delivery system has throwing the error message that Pricing error in sales order,but my doubt is here the line item 10 is complete status  and delivery has done with respect to line item 10 only and Invoice is F2 which is delivery related, then why its showing the error message.Please let me know why its not allowing to do the billing for line item 10.
    Hari Challa.

    Since you are referencing delivery document number during creation of billling document, system is checking the status of whole document.
    If you would have done partial delivery by selecting only one item during delivery document creation...probably while creating billing document ..you would not have received this error.
    And more over if the sales order is incomplete...how did the delivery document is created and subsequently the PGI.
    Maintain price for other material and try to do billing.

  • Unable to create index due to a data import

    New data was recently imported into a table which was already indexed by Oracle Text (8.1.7). Now, when I try to recreate the index, I get the following error:
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine
    ORA-20000: interMedia Text error:
    DRG-10516: failed to perform DDL operation due to an Oracle error
    DRG-50857: oracle error in driddl.PolicyCreate
    ORA-00001: unique constraint (CTXSYS.DRC$IDX_COLSPEC) violated
    ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.DRUE", line 126
    ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.TEXTINDEXMETHODS", line 78
    ORA-06512: at line 1Any assistance would be appreciated.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by [email protected]:
    The constraint violation is on a column on the dr$index table under the ctxsys user. This has probably occurred because the drop of the index prior to recreating it has not been entirely successful. I suggest that you delete the entry from this table manually. I have done this in the past and it has worked.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    Yes, that did the trick. Thanks!

  • Flexible RE. Not able to create invoice against contract.

    Hi all
    I am new in Flex RE. I created a contract using tcode-RECN and assigned object (rental object) and master tenant with it. But i am unable to create invoice with tcode RERAIV.
    The error that comes is
    Selection of open items from FI documents
             . No relevent items were found for 2 contract partners(Warning)
             . No relevant items were found in the period(Error)
    Pls help me with that.
    Thanx in advance

    Hi Deepak,
    i am assuming you are posting for the month Decemer.
    point 1.    please check what is the Due date in cash flow for the contract.
    Point 2 . you have mentioned the contract Start date is 04.12.2010 and end date is 31.12.2010.
    End of Term date is 10.12.2010.
    DId you preclosed the contract ?
    Point 3. pleae check the prequency in posting parameters Tab. is it days, monts or years , are u charging in advance or Arrears ?
    Point 4. check is contract activated ?
    hope you will  find the solution

  • [ConfigFwk:390105]Unable to create WLS change list due to a short term automatic lock obtained by user null

    I am getting this error while trying to activate a session in OSB (clustered env with 3 nodes). I have a OSB project which listens to a JMS queue. I was able to create the project fine and was able to activate the session, no issues. But when I tried to update the queue name or delete the project itself, this error gets thrown:
    [ConfigFwk:390105]Unable to create WLS change list due to a short term automatic lock obtained by user null. The user has no pending changes and the lock will expire in 600 seconds. Please try again after the lock has expired.
    Retrying after those seconds takes me back to the same error but the time get's reset to 600 sec.
    I can change the code in that project and activate the session without any issues but if I change any configuration for proxy/business services or delete the project itself, i get this error. the only way to get around this issue is to clone the project and make changes to the cloned project. But, that is not the solution i am looking for as I don't want to keep a old version of the project and don't want to keep creating new queues everytime (since no two proxies can point to the same queue).
    Oh, and this happens only with the projects which deal with JMS queues.
    We are using OSB:
    Oracle Service Bus Version: [Oracle Service Bus 11.1 Sun Dec 18 03:49:34 PST 2011 1447174]
    Oracle Weblogic Server Version: [WebLogic Server PSU Patch for BUG19637463 TUE NOV 04 15:54:42 IST 2014]
    Please help.

    I am getting this error while trying to activate a session in OSB (clustered env with 3 nodes). I have a OSB project which listens to a JMS queue. I was able to create the project fine and was able to activate the session, no issues. But when I tried to update the queue name or delete the project itself, this error gets thrown:
    [ConfigFwk:390105]Unable to create WLS change list due to a short term automatic lock obtained by user null. The user has no pending changes and the lock will expire in 600 seconds. Please try again after the lock has expired.
    Retrying after those seconds takes me back to the same error but the time get's reset to 600 sec.
    I can change the code in that project and activate the session without any issues but if I change any configuration for proxy/business services or delete the project itself, i get this error. the only way to get around this issue is to clone the project and make changes to the cloned project. But, that is not the solution i am looking for as I don't want to keep a old version of the project and don't want to keep creating new queues everytime (since no two proxies can point to the same queue).
    Oh, and this happens only with the projects which deal with JMS queues.
    We are using OSB:
    Oracle Service Bus Version: [Oracle Service Bus 11.1 Sun Dec 18 03:49:34 PST 2011 1447174]
    Oracle Weblogic Server Version: [WebLogic Server PSU Patch for BUG19637463 TUE NOV 04 15:54:42 IST 2014]
    Please help.

  • Unable to create Accounting document for my Outgoing excise Invoice

    Dear All,
    I am implementing sales from Factory. I am unable to creat accounting document for my Outgoing excise invoice.  When I click the Utilization button, The excise invoice type is selected Deemed.
    1. How to control which Which Excise invoice type should be selected in J1IIN.
    2. For Deemed exports will system not genererate Accounting document for Excise Invoice?
    3. Where to view the excise invoice document types (Like Billing and order types)
    Thanks & Regards

    For deemed export sales,
    -Accounting documents will not get generated. (ref: Excise Acct Determination in CIN settings, you will not find Excise Tranraction type:ARE3 for which G/L account will not be assigned)
    -Excise Invoice type will be automatically triggered based on configuration : Excise Group / Series Group detetermination.
    - For Deemed Exports , only Quantity will get updated in RG1, but not the value. thats the reason, accounting document will not get generated.
    - This excise invoice is created, for - to update the RG1 registry / ARE3 creation.
    hope it clears

  • Unable to create confirmation/invoice in SRM,Classic Scenario

    Hi Guru's,
    I am unable to create Confirmation/Invoice in the Portal, attached the screen shot of the error
    its is the problem with the ADRC table, there is no entry in the table for the BP.
    I tried to access the table via SM30 to add the entry in ADRC manually, I get a message table maintenance not defined

    Hi Kiran,
    Could you please also advise whether all the users are not able to create the confirmation in portal. Or if there is any specific user who is not able to do that?
    And I also request you to advise whether you going to do the invoice in SRM portal in classic scenario?
    Best Regards,

  • 2960X 15.02(EX5) %AAA-3-ACCT_LOW_MEM_UID_FAIL:AAA unable to create UID for incoming calls due to insufficient processor memory.

    Deployed four 2960X switches in a stack.  All okay for about one month then tried to web browse for the first time via firefox which partially displayed the page.  I assumed this was a browser error.  So tried Chrome then IE which both failed.  Chrome was a bad display and IE fails to connect.
    After this, I could not telnet or ssh.  Plugged into the console and immediately started receiving:
    %AAA-3-ACCT_LOW_MEM_UID_FAIL: AAA unable to create UID for incoming calls due to insufficient processor memory
    %% Low on memory; try again later
    I am unable to log in.  I have a TAC case logged but the first step to try is a reboot which will be difficult until I can get a maintenance window.  When I do get a maintenance window, I would also like to deploy a fix such as a different version of code or a work-around cofig command.  I don't mind disabling HTTP.
    Any suggestions?

    I am currently working with TAC
    The switches failed about 18 hours later and had to be rebooted to get back up.  Now that I have console/telnet access, I can see the memory being depleted mostly by the Auth Manager process at about the same rate as free memory is dropping.
    SW13#sho proc mem sort | i Auth Manager
     191   0  177721332   95004616   34757416          0          0 Auth Manager
    SW13#sho proc mem sort | i Auth Manager
     191   0  177754888   95025696   34759780          0          0 Auth Manager
    SW13#sho proc mem sort | i Auth Manager
     191   0  177774316   95037928   34761056          0          0 Auth Manager
    SW13#sho proc mem sort | i Auth Manager
     191   0  177799720   95053940   34762888          0          0 Auth Manager
    SW13#sho proc mem sort | i Auth Manager
     191   0  177824976   95069732   34764696          0          0 Auth Manager
    SW13#sho proc mem sort | i Processor
    Processor Pool Total:  442796836 Used:  103448576 Free:  339348260
    SW13#sho proc mem sort | i Processor
    Processor Pool Total:  442796836 Used:  103454416 Free:  339342420
    SW13#sho proc mem sort | i Processor
    Processor Pool Total:  442796836 Used:  103455860 Free:  339340976
    SW13#sho proc mem sort | i Processor
    Processor Pool Total:  442796836 Used:  103459236 Free:  339337600
    SW13#sho proc mem sort | i Processor
    Processor Pool Total:  442796836 Used:  103461040 Free:  339335796

  • I am trying to cut invoice but unable to do so due to there is no confirmed

    I am trying to cut invoice but unable to do so due to there is no confirmed quantity in the sales order even though SFD is on 04-May & goods are ready for shipment.
    what could be the issue? any one can help me?

    hi Gobi,
    i found that the finish good is not transfred to the ware house.
    means, when i check the md04 the stock level is zero, mean while for the sales order the qty is in blue,
    but it is not being assign with any stor loc.
    is could be an issue where they user cant cut the invoice.

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    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Sending failed; nested exception is:      class javax.mail.SendFailedException: Invalid Addresses; nested exception is:      class javax.mail.SendFailedException: 450 4.7.1 ... Relaying temporarily denied. Cannot re

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  • CC - Unable to run Simulations.

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