Unable to Create Project Contract (R12)

I am trying to create project contract using following code:
lv_return_status VARCHAR2 ( 1000 );
ln_msg_count NUMBER;
lv_msg_data VARCHAR2 ( 1000 );
l1 oke_import_contract_pub.chr_rec_type;
l2 oke_import_contract_pub.chr_rec_type;
error_message VARCHAR2 ( 3000 );
v_msg_index_out NUMBER;
l1.project_id := 3188;
l1.prime_k_number := 'PRJ-CNV-10016';
l1.owning_organization_id := 365;
l1.start_date := SYSDATE;
l1.inv_organization_id := 364;
l1.authoring_org_id := 82;
l1.k_type_code := 'MIPR';
l1.sts_code :='E';
oke_import_contract_pub.create_contract_header (
p_api_version => '1.0'
, p_init_msg_list => oke_api.g_false
, p_ignore_oke_validation => 'N'
, x_return_status => lv_return_status
, x_msg_count => ln_msg_count
, x_msg_data => lv_msg_data
, p_chr_rec => l1
, x_chr_rec => l2
IF ln_msg_count > 0 THEN
FOR v_index IN 1 .. ln_msg_count
fnd_msg_pub.get (
p_msg_index => v_index
, p_encoded => 'F'
, p_data => error_message
, p_msg_index_out => v_msg_index_out
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('ERROR:' || error_message );
The output results in following error: ERROR:You cannot save this entry before saving the header entry. (COL_NAME=sts_code) (CHILD_TABLE=OKC_K_HEADERS_V) (PARENT_TABLE=OKC_STATUSES_V)
Anybody has used this API or knows other method of creating oracle contract please help.
Thanks in advance.

I am trying to create project contract using following code:
lv_return_status VARCHAR2 ( 1000 );
ln_msg_count NUMBER;
lv_msg_data VARCHAR2 ( 1000 );
l1 oke_import_contract_pub.chr_rec_type;
l2 oke_import_contract_pub.chr_rec_type;
error_message VARCHAR2 ( 3000 );
v_msg_index_out NUMBER;
l1.project_id := 3188;
l1.prime_k_number := 'PRJ-CNV-10016';
l1.owning_organization_id := 365;
l1.start_date := SYSDATE;
l1.inv_organization_id := 364;
l1.authoring_org_id := 82;
l1.k_type_code := 'MIPR';
l1.sts_code :='E';
oke_import_contract_pub.create_contract_header (
p_api_version => '1.0'
, p_init_msg_list => oke_api.g_false
, p_ignore_oke_validation => 'N'
, x_return_status => lv_return_status
, x_msg_count => ln_msg_count
, x_msg_data => lv_msg_data
, p_chr_rec => l1
, x_chr_rec => l2
IF ln_msg_count > 0 THEN
FOR v_index IN 1 .. ln_msg_count
fnd_msg_pub.get (
p_msg_index => v_index
, p_encoded => 'F'
, p_data => error_message
, p_msg_index_out => v_msg_index_out
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('ERROR:' || error_message );
The output results in following error: ERROR:You cannot save this entry before saving the header entry. (COL_NAME=sts_code) (CHILD_TABLE=OKC_K_HEADERS_V) (PARENT_TABLE=OKC_STATUSES_V)
Anybody has used this API or knows other method of creating oracle contract please help.
Thanks in advance.

Similar Messages

  • Unable to Create Project Contract  from back end (R12)

    I am trying to create project contract using following code:
    lv_return_status VARCHAR2 ( 1000 );
    ln_msg_count NUMBER;
    lv_msg_data VARCHAR2 ( 1000 );
    l1 oke_import_contract_pub.chr_rec_type;
    l2 oke_import_contract_pub.chr_rec_type;
    error_message VARCHAR2 ( 3000 );
    v_msg_index_out NUMBER;
    l1.project_id := 3188;
    l1.prime_k_number := 'PRJ-CNV-10016';
    l1.owning_organization_id := 365;
    l1.start_date := SYSDATE;
    l1.inv_organization_id := 364;
    l1.authoring_org_id := 82;
    l1.k_type_code := 'MIPR';
    l1.sts_code :='E';
    oke_import_contract_pub.create_contract_header (
    p_api_version => '1.0'
    , p_init_msg_list => oke_api.g_false
    , p_ignore_oke_validation => 'N'
    , x_return_status => lv_return_status
    , x_msg_count => ln_msg_count
    , x_msg_data => lv_msg_data
    , p_chr_rec => l1
    , x_chr_rec => l2
    IF ln_msg_count > 0 THEN
    FOR v_index IN 1 .. ln_msg_count
    fnd_msg_pub.get (
    p_msg_index => v_index
    , p_encoded => 'F'
    , p_data => error_message
    , p_msg_index_out => v_msg_index_out
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('ERROR:' || error_message );
    END IF;
    The output results in following error: ERROR:You cannot save this entry before saving the header entry. (COL_NAME=sts_code) (CHILD_TABLE=OKC_K_HEADERS_V) (PARENT_TABLE=OKC_STATUSES_V)
    Anybody has used this API or knows other method of creating oracle contract please help.
    Thanks in advance.

    How are you. I am currently working on the Project contracts conversion, as in the process of understanding the API's, i have provided some static data to create contract headers, lines and Billing method API's.
    When i execute it, i could able to create the contract header but at line level i get the following errors .  I don't understand this error "OKE_NO_PARENT_RECORD (COL_NAME=billing_method_code) (CHILD_TABLE=OKE_K_LINES_V) (PARENT_TABLE=OKE_K_BILLING_METHODS)"
    Could you please help me in sending your script.
    The original contract number:4100401462_9886546
    Contract header id:875449
    Contract header number:4100401462_9886546
    Return Status  S
    l_msg_count    0
    Return Status  S
    l_msg_count    0
    Inventory_item_id for 5498563-79  is -->1285587
    1. Value for INVENTORY_ITEM_ID is invalid.
    Return Status  E
    l_msg_count    2
    Inventory_item_id for 5498563-9  is -->1285589
    1. Value for INVENTORY_ITEM_ID is invalid.
    Return Status  E
    l_msg_count    2
    Inventory_item_id for 7104853-1  is -->1306099
    1. Value for INVENTORY_ITEM_ID is invalid.
    Return Status  E
    l_msg_count    2
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    The following is the test script
    gr_xxoke_l_chr_rec            xxoke_header%ROWTYPE;
    type gt_xxoke_header          is table of xxoke_header%rowtype              index by binary_integer;
    l_api_version                 number        := 1.0;
    l_init_msg_list               varchar2(20)  := oke_api.g_true;
    l_ignore_oke_validation       varchar2(1)   := xx_common.gc_yes;
    l_return_status               varchar2(20)  := xx_common.g_null;
    l_msg_count                   number        := xx_common.gn_zero;
    l_msg_data                    varchar2(500) := xx_common.g_null;
    --l_chr_rec                     xxoke_header%ROWTYPE;
    l_chr_rec                     oke_import_contract_pub.chr_rec_type;
    r_chr_rec                     oke_import_contract_pub.chr_rec_type;
    --r_chr_rec                     xxoke_header%ROWTYPE;
    l_cle_rec                     oke_import_contract_pub.cle_rec_type;  --xxoke_lines%ROWTYPE;
    r_cle_rec                     oke_import_contract_pub.cle_rec_type;  --xxoke_lines%ROWTYPE;
    bill_tbl                      OKE_IMPORT_CONTRACT_PUB.bill_tbl_type;
    l_inventory_item_id           number;
    cursor c_head is
    , contract_number_modifier
    , k_number
    , buy_or_sell
    , currency_code
    , status
    , status_code
    , scs_code
    , start_date
    , end_date
    , owning_organization
    , owning_organization_id
    , authoring_org
    --, esitmated_amount
    , date_approved
    , short_description
    , comments
    , description
    --, cognomen
    , template_yn
    --, archived_yn
    --, deleted_yn
    , customer_po_number
    , program_id
    , program_number
    , project_id
    , project_description
    , project_name
    , project_number
    , project_organization
    , boa_id
    , boa_number
    , k_type_code
    , priority_code
    , prime_k_alias
    , prime_k_number
    , authorize_date
    , authorizing_reason
    , award_cancel_date
    , date_definitized
    , date_issued
    , date_negotiated
    , date_received
    , date_sign_by_contractor
    , date_sign_by_customer
    , faa_approve_date
    , faa_reject_date
    , booked_flag
    , open_flag
    , cfe_flag
    , vat_code
    , country_of_origin_code
    , export_flag
    , human_subject_flag
    , cqa_flag
    , interim_rpt_req_flag
    , no_competition_authorize
    , penalty_clause_flag
    , product_line_code
    , reporting_flag
    , sb_plan_req_flag
    , sb_report_flag
    , nte_amount
    , nte_warning_flag
    , bill_without_def_flag
    , cas_flag
    , classified_flag
    , client_approve_req_flag
    , cost_of_money
    , dcaa_audit_req_flag
    , cost_share_flag
    , oh_rates_final_flag
    , prop_delivery_location
    , prop_due_date_time
    , prop_expire_date
    , copies_required
    , sic_code
    , tech_data_wh_rate
    , progress_payment_flag
    , progress_payment_liq_rate
    , progress_payment_rate
    , alternate_liquidation_rate
    , definitized_flag
    , financial_ctrl_verified_flag
    , prop_due_time
    , line_value_total
    , undef_line_value_total
    --, sfwt_flag
    --, contract_number
    , chr_type
    , trn_code
    , authoring_org_id
    , issue_or_receive
    from oke_k_headers_full_v@testlink
    WHERE k_header_id = 608283;
    cursor c_line (l_header_id in number) is
    from  oke_k_lines_full_v@testlink
    where header_id = l_header_id
    order by line_number;
    l_seq_num                    number;
    for r_head in c_head loop
    select xxtest_conversion_s.nextval
    into l_seq_num
    from dual;
    l_chr_rec.contract_number:= r_head.k_number||'_'||l_seq_num;
    dbms_output.put_line('The original contract number:' || l_chr_rec.contract_number );
    l_chr_rec.buy_or_sell                   := r_head.buy_or_sell;
    l_chr_rec.currency_code                 := r_head.currency_code;
    l_chr_rec.sts_code                      := upper(r_head.status_code);
    l_chr_rec.scs_code                      := r_head.scs_code;
    l_chr_rec.start_date                    := r_head.start_date;
    l_chr_rec.end_date                      := r_head.end_date;
    l_chr_rec.inv_organization_id           := 91;  --r_head.owning_organization_id;
    l_chr_rec.authoring_org_id              := 82;  --r_head.authoring_org_id;
    --l_chr_rec.estimated_amount              := r_head. 5000000;
    l_chr_rec.date_approved                 := r_head.date_approved;
    l_chr_rec.short_description             := r_head.short_description;
    l_chr_rec.comments                      := r_head.comments;
    l_chr_rec.description                   := r_head.description;
    --l_chr_rec.cognomen                      := r_head. 'Test Contract Alias';
    l_chr_rec.template_yn                   := r_head.template_yn;
    --l_chr_rec.archived_yn                   := r_head. 'N';
    --l_chr_rec.deleted_yn                    := r_head. 'N';
    l_chr_rec.cust_po_number                := r_head.customer_po_number;
    l_chr_rec.program_id                    := 1035; --r_head.program_id;
    l_chr_rec.project_id                    := 158017; --r_head.project_id;
    l_chr_rec.boa_id                        := r_head.boa_id;
    l_chr_rec.k_type_code                   := 'Award'; ---r_head.k_type_code;
    l_chr_rec.priority_code                 := r_head.priority_code;
    l_chr_rec.prime_k_alias                 := r_head.prime_k_alias;
    l_chr_rec.prime_k_number                := r_head.prime_k_number;
    l_chr_rec.authorize_date                := r_head.authorize_date;
    l_chr_rec.authorizing_reason            := r_head.authorizing_reason;
    l_chr_rec.award_cancel_date             := r_head.award_cancel_date;
    --l_chr_rec.award_date                    := r_head.  sysdate - 16;
    l_chr_rec.date_definitized              := r_head.date_definitized;
    l_chr_rec.date_issued                   := r_head.date_issued;
    l_chr_rec.date_negotiated               := r_head.date_negotiated;
    l_chr_rec.date_received                 := r_head.date_received;
    l_chr_rec.date_sign_by_contractor       := r_head.date_sign_by_contractor;
    l_chr_rec.date_sign_by_customer         := r_head.date_sign_by_customer;
    l_chr_rec.faa_approve_date              := r_head.faa_approve_date;
    l_chr_rec.faa_reject_date               := r_head.faa_reject_date;
    -- l_chr_rec.booked_flag                := gr_xxoke_l_chr_rec NULL;
    -- l_chr_rec.open_flag                  := gr_xxoke_l_chr_rec NULL;
    l_chr_rec.cfe_flag                      := r_head.cfe_flag;
    l_chr_rec.vat_code                      := r_head.vat_code;
    l_chr_rec.country_of_origin_code        := r_head.country_of_origin_code;
    l_chr_rec.export_flag                   := r_head.export_flag;
    l_chr_rec.human_subject_flag            := r_head.human_subject_flag;
    l_chr_rec.cqa_flag                      := r_head.cqa_flag;
    l_chr_rec.interim_rpt_req_flag          := r_head.interim_rpt_req_flag;
    l_chr_rec.no_competition_authorize      := r_head.no_competition_authorize;
    l_chr_rec.penalty_clause_flag           := r_head.penalty_clause_flag;
    l_chr_rec.product_line_code             := 'CONTRACT MFG'; --r_head.product_line_code;
    l_chr_rec.reporting_flag                := r_head.reporting_flag;
    l_chr_rec.sb_plan_req_flag              := r_head.sb_plan_req_flag;
    l_chr_rec.sb_report_flag                := r_head.sb_report_flag;
    l_chr_rec.nte_amount                    := r_head.nte_amount;
    l_chr_rec.nte_warning_flag              := r_head.nte_warning_flag;
    l_chr_rec.bill_without_def_flag         := r_head.bill_without_def_flag;
    l_chr_rec.cas_flag                      := r_head.cas_flag;
    l_chr_rec.classified_flag               := r_head.classified_flag;
    l_chr_rec.client_approve_req_flag       := r_head.client_approve_req_flag;
    l_chr_rec.cost_of_money                 := r_head.cost_of_money;
    l_chr_rec.dcaa_audit_req_flag           := r_head.dcaa_audit_req_flag;
    l_chr_rec.cost_share_flag               := r_head.cost_share_flag;
    l_chr_rec.oh_rates_final_flag           := r_head.oh_rates_final_flag;
    l_chr_rec.prop_delivery_location        := r_head.prop_delivery_location;
    l_chr_rec.prop_due_date_time            := r_head.prop_due_date_time;
    l_chr_rec.prop_expire_date              := r_head.prop_expire_date;
    l_chr_rec.copies_required               := r_head.copies_required;
    l_chr_rec.sic_code                      := r_head.sic_code;
    l_chr_rec.tech_data_wh_rate             := r_head.tech_data_wh_rate;
    l_chr_rec.progress_payment_flag         := r_head.progress_payment_flag;
    l_chr_rec.progress_payment_liq_rate     := r_head.progress_payment_liq_rate;
    l_chr_rec.progress_payment_rate         := r_head.progress_payment_rate;
    l_chr_rec.alternate_liquidation_rate    := r_head.alternate_liquidation_rate;
    -- l_chr_rec.prop_due_time              := r_head. NULL;
    l_chr_rec.definitized_flag              := r_head.definitized_flag;
    l_chr_rec.financial_ctrl_verified_flag  := r_head.financial_ctrl_verified_flag;
    --l_chr_rec.cost_of_sale_rate             := r_head. 0.1;
    oke_import_contract_pub.create_contract_header(  p_api_version                  => l_api_version
                                                   , p_init_msg_list                => l_init_msg_list
                                                   , p_ignore_oke_validation        => l_ignore_oke_validation
                                                   , x_return_status                => l_return_status
                                                   , x_msg_count                    => l_msg_count
                                                   , x_msg_data                     => l_msg_data
                                                   , p_chr_rec                            => l_chr_rec
                                                   , x_chr_rec                            => r_chr_rec
    FOR I IN 1..l_msg_count
      dbms_output.put_line ( I||'. '||SubStr(FND_MSG_PUB.Get(p_encoded => FND_API.G_FALSE ), 1, 255));
    dbms_output.put_line('Contract header id:'|| r_chr_rec.k_header_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('Contract header number:'|| r_chr_rec.contract_number);
    dbms_output.put_line('Return Status  '||l_return_status);
    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_count    '||l_msg_count);
    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data     '||l_msg_data);
    bill_tbl(1).k_header_id           := r_chr_rec.k_header_id;
    bill_tbl(1).billing_method_code   := 'Mixed';
    --bill_tbl(2).k_header_id           := r_chr_rec.k_header_id;
    --bill_tbl(2).billing_method_code   := 'Cost Plus';
    OKE_IMPORT_CONTRACT_PUB.define_billing_methods(p_api_version      => l_api_version
                                                  ,p_init_msg_list    => l_init_msg_list
                                                  ,x_return_status    => l_return_status
                                                  ,x_msg_count        => l_msg_count
                                                  ,x_msg_data         => l_msg_data
                                                  ,p_bill_tbl         => bill_tbl
    FOR I IN 1..l_msg_count
      dbms_output.put_line ( I||'. '||SubStr(FND_MSG_PUB.Get(p_encoded => FND_API.G_FALSE ), 1, 255));
    dbms_output.put_line('Return Status  '||l_return_status);
    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_count    '||l_msg_count);
    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data     '||l_msg_data);
    for r_line in c_line (r_head.k_header_id) loop
    --------CREATE A TOP LINE -----------------
        -- validate inventory item
        select inventory_item_id
        into l_inventory_item_id
        from mtl_system_items_b
        where segment1 = r_line.item_number
        and organization_id = 91;
       when others then
       dbms_output.put_line('Error in deriving the inventory_item_id:'|| substr(sqlerrm,1,500));
      dbms_output.put_line('Inventory_item_id for '||r_line.item_number|| '  is -->' ||l_inventory_item_id);
    l_cle_rec.k_line_id                          := null;
    l_cle_rec.parent_line_id                    :=  null;
    l_cle_rec.project_id                          := 158017; --r_line.project_id;
    l_cle_rec.task_id                            := null; --r_line.task_id;
    l_cle_rec.billing_method_code              := 'Mixed';
    l_cle_rec.inventory_item_id                := l_inventory_item_id;
    l_cle_rec.delivery_order_flag              := r_line.delivery_order_flag;
    l_cle_rec.splited_flag                        := r_line.splited_flag;
    l_cle_rec.priority_code                      := r_line.priority_code;
    l_cle_rec.customer_item_id                  :=  r_line.customer_item_id;
    l_cle_rec.customer_item_number           := r_line.customer_item_number;
    l_cle_rec.line_quantity                      := r_line.line_quantity;
    l_cle_rec.delivery_date                      := r_line.delivery_date;
    l_cle_rec.unit_price                          := r_line.unit_price;
    l_cle_rec.uom_code                            := r_line.uom_code;
    l_cle_rec.billable_flag                      := r_line.billable_flag;
    l_cle_rec.shippable_flag                    := r_line.shippable_flag;
    l_cle_rec.subcontracted_flag             := r_line.subcontracted_flag;
    l_cle_rec.completed_flag                    := r_line.completed_flag;
    l_cle_rec.nsp_flag                            := r_line.nsp_flag;
    l_cle_rec.app_code                            := r_line.app_code;
    l_cle_rec.as_of_date                          := r_line.as_of_date;
    l_cle_rec.authority                          := r_line.authority;
    l_cle_rec.country_of_origin_code         := r_line.country_of_origin_code;
    l_cle_rec.drop_shipped_flag                := r_line.drop_shipped_flag;
    l_cle_rec.customer_approval_req_flag     := r_line.customer_approval_req_flag;
    l_cle_rec.date_material_req                := r_line.date_material_req;
    l_cle_rec.inspection_req_flag              := r_line.inspection_req_flag;
    l_cle_rec.interim_rpt_req_flag              := r_line.interim_rpt_req_flag;
    l_cle_rec.subj_a133_flag                    := r_line.subj_a133_flag;
    l_cle_rec.export_flag                        := r_line.export_flag;
    l_cle_rec.cfe_req_flag                        := r_line.cfe_flag;
    l_cle_rec.cop_required_flag                := r_line.cop_required_flag;
    l_cle_rec.export_license_num                := r_line.export_license_num;
    l_cle_rec.export_license_res             := r_line.export_license_res;
    l_cle_rec.copies_required                  := r_line.copies_required;
    l_cle_rec.cdrl_category                      := r_line.cdrl_category;
    l_cle_rec.data_item_name                    := r_line.data_item_name;
    l_cle_rec.data_item_subtitle                := r_line.data_item_subtitle;
    l_cle_rec.date_of_first_submission       := r_line.date_of_first_submission;
    l_cle_rec.frequency                          := r_line.frequency;
    l_cle_rec.requiring_office                  := r_line.requiring_office;
    l_cle_rec.dcaa_audit_req_flag              := r_line.dcaa_audit_req_flag;
    l_cle_rec.definitized_flag                  := r_line.definitized_flag;
    l_cle_rec.cost_of_money                      := r_line.cost_of_money;
    l_cle_rec.bill_undefinitized_flag        := r_line.bill_undefinitized_flag;
    l_cle_rec.nsn_number                          := r_line.nsn_number;
    l_cle_rec.nte_warning_flag                  := r_line.nte_warning_flag;
    l_cle_rec.discount_for_payment              := r_line.discount_for_payment;
    l_cle_rec.financial_ctrl_flag              := r_line.financial_ctrl_flag;
    l_cle_rec.c_scs_flag                          := r_line.c_scs_flag;
    l_cle_rec.c_ssr_flag                          := r_line.c_ssr_flag;
    l_cle_rec.prepayment_amount                := r_line.prepayment_amount;
    l_cle_rec.prepayment_percentage          := r_line.prepayment_percentage;
    l_cle_rec.progress_payment_flag          := r_line.progress_payment_flag;
    l_cle_rec.progress_payment_liq_rate      := r_line.progress_payment_liq_rate;
    l_cle_rec.progress_payment_rate          := r_line.progress_payment_rate;
    l_cle_rec.award_fee                          := r_line.award_fee;
    l_cle_rec.award_fee_pool_amount          := r_line.award_fee_pool_amount;
    l_cle_rec.base_fee                            := r_line.base_fee;
    l_cle_rec.ceiling_cost                        := r_line.ceiling_cost;
    l_cle_rec.ceiling_price                      := r_line.ceiling_price;
    l_cle_rec.labor_cost_index                  := r_line.labor_cost_index;
    l_cle_rec.material_cost_index              := r_line.material_cost_index;
    l_cle_rec.customers_percent_in_order     := r_line.cost_underrun_share_ratio;
    l_cle_rec.cost_overrun_share_ratio          := r_line.date_of_price_redetermin;
    l_cle_rec.cost_underrun_share_ratio        := r_line.cost_underrun_share_ratio;
    l_cle_rec.date_of_price_redetermin       := r_line.date_of_price_redetermin;
    l_cle_rec.estimated_total_quantity       := r_line.estimated_total_quantity;
    l_cle_rec.fee_ajt_formula                  := r_line.fee_ajt_formula;
    l_cle_rec.final_fee                          := r_line.final_fee;
    --l_cle_rec.final_pft_ajt_formula          := r_line.final_pft_ajt_formula;
    --l_cle_rec.fixed_fee                          := r_line.fixed_fee;
    l_cle_rec.fixed_quantity                    := r_line.fixed_quantity;
    l_cle_rec.initial_fee                        := r_line.initial_fee;
    l_cle_rec.initial_price                      := r_line.initial_price;
    l_cle_rec.level_of_effort_hours          := r_line.level_of_effort_hours;
    l_cle_rec.line_liquidation_rate          := r_line.line_liquidation_rate;
    l_cle_rec.maximum_fee                        := r_line.maximum_fee;
    l_cle_rec.maximum_quantity                  := r_line.maximum_quantity;
    l_cle_rec.minimum_fee                        := r_line.minimum_fee;
    l_cle_rec.minimum_quantity                  := r_line.minimum_quantity;
    l_cle_rec.number_of_options                := r_line.number_of_options;
    l_cle_rec.revised_price                      := r_line.revised_price;
    l_cle_rec.target_cost                        := r_line.target_cost;
    l_cle_rec.target_date_definitize         := r_line.target_date_definitize;
    l_cle_rec.target_fee                        := r_line.target_fee;
    l_cle_rec.target_price                        := r_line.target_price;
    l_cle_rec.total_estimated_cost           := r_line.total_estimated_cost;
    l_cle_rec.proposal_due_date                := r_line.proposal_due_date;
    l_cle_rec.cost_of_sale_rate                := r_line.cost_of_sale_rate;
    l_cle_rec.line_value                          := r_line.line_value;
    l_cle_rec.line_value_total                  := r_line.line_value_total;
    l_cle_rec.UNDEF_UNIT_PRICE                  := r_line.UNDEF_UNIT_PRICE;
    l_cle_rec.UNDEF_LINE_VALUE                  := r_line.UNDEF_LINE_VALUE;
    l_cle_rec.UNDEF_LINE_VALUE_TOTAL         := r_line.UNDEF_LINE_VALUE_TOTAL;
    l_cle_rec.object_version_number          := r_line.object_version_number;
    l_cle_rec.sfwt_flag                      := r_line.sfwt_flag;
    l_cle_rec.chr_id                         := r_chr_rec.k_header_id;
    --l_cle_rec.cle_id                         := r_line.cle_id;
    --l_cle_rec.cle_id_renewed                 := r_line.cle_id_renewed;
    --l_cle_rec.cle_id_renewed_to                  := r_line.cle_id_renewed_to;
    l_cle_rec.lse_id                         := r_line.lse_id;
    l_cle_rec.line_number                    := r_line.line_number;
    l_cle_rec.sts_code                       := r_head.status_code;  --r_line.sts_code;
    l_cle_rec.display_sequence               := r_line.display_sequence;
    l_cle_rec.trn_code                       := r_line.trn_code;
    l_cle_rec.dnz_chr_id                     := r_chr_rec.k_header_id;
    l_cle_rec.comments                       := r_line.comments;
    l_cle_rec.item_description               := r_line.item_description;
    l_cle_rec.oke_boe_description            := r_line.boe_description;
    --l_cle_rec.hidden_ind                     := r_line.hidden_ind;
    --l_cle_rec.price_unit                            := r_line.price_unit;
    --l_cle_rec.price_unit_percent                  := r_line.price_unit_percent;
    --l_cle_rec.price_negotiated               := r_line.price_negotiated;
    --l_cle_rec.price_negotiated_renewed       := r_line.price_negotiated_renewed;
    --l_cle_rec.price_level_ind                := r_line.price_level_ind;
    --l_cle_rec.invoice_line_level_ind         := r_line.invoice_line_level_ind;
    --l_cle_rec.dpas_rating                    := r_line.dpas_rating;
    --l_cle_rec.block23text                    := r_line.block23text;
    l_cle_rec.exception_yn                   := 'N'; --r_line.exception_yn;
    --l_cle_rec.template_used                  := r_line.template_used;
    --l_cle_rec.date_terminated                := r_line.date_terminated;
    --l_cle_rec.name                           := r_line.name;
    l_cle_rec.start_date                     := r_line.start_date;
    l_cle_rec.end_date                       := r_line.end_date;
    --l_cle_rec.upg_orig_system_ref            := r_line.upg_orig_system_ref;
    --l_cle_rec.upg_orig_system_ref_id         := r_line.upg_orig_system_ref_id;
    l_cle_rec.attribute_category             := r_line.attribute_category;
    l_cle_rec.attribute1                     := r_line.attribute1;
    l_cle_rec.attribute2                     := r_line.attribute2;
    l_cle_rec.attribute3                     := r_line.attribute3;
    l_cle_rec.attribute4                     := r_line.attribute4;
    l_cle_rec.attribute5                     := r_line.attribute5;
    l_cle_rec.attribute6                     := r_line.attribute6;
    l_cle_rec.attribute7                     := r_line.attribute7;
    l_cle_rec.attribute8                     := r_line.attribute8;
    l_cle_rec.attribute9                     := r_line.attribute9;
    l_cle_rec.attribute10                    := r_line.attribute10;
    l_cle_rec.attribute11                    := r_line.attribute11;
    l_cle_rec.attribute12                    := r_line.attribute12;
    l_cle_rec.attribute13                    := r_line.attribute13;
    l_cle_rec.attribute14                    := r_line.attribute14;
    l_cle_rec.attribute15                    := r_line.attribute15;
    --l_cle_rec.price_type                     := r_line.price_type;
    --l_cle_rec.currency_code                  := r_line.currency_code;
    --l_cle_rec.currency_code_renewed             := r_line.currency_code_renewed;
    l_cle_rec.created_by                       := r_line.created_by;
    l_cle_rec.creation_date                       := r_line.creation_date;
    l_cle_rec.last_updated_by                   := r_line.last_updated_by;
    l_cle_rec.last_update_login                 := r_line.last_update_login;
    l_cle_rec.last_update_date               := r_line.last_update_date;
    oke_import_contract_pub.create_contract_line(  p_api_version                  => l_api_version
                                                  ,p_init_msg_list                => l_init_msg_list
                                                  ,x_return_status                => l_return_status
                                                  ,x_msg_count                    => l_msg_count
                                                  ,x_msg_data                     => l_msg_data
                                                  ,p_cle_rec                            => l_cle_rec
                                                  ,x_cle_rec                            => r_cle_rec
                FOR I IN 1..l_msg_count
                  dbms_output.put_line ( I||'. '||SubStr(FND_MSG_PUB.Get(p_encoded => FND_API.G_FALSE ), 1, 255));
                END LOOP;
                dbms_output.put_line('Return Status  '||l_return_status);
                dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_count    '||l_msg_count);
                dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data     '||l_msg_data);   
    end loop;
    end loop;

  • Magic GarageBand unable to "Create Project" -- Missing .caf files

    I bought the new iMac on August 7th which came preinstalled with iLife 08.
    The rest of garageband works fine, to my knowledge, but the Magic garageband feature does not. I can "Audition" a song and choose all the instruments just fine, but when i click "Creat Project" i receive multiple warnings about it being unable to locate .caf files for each instrument. I end up clicking continue on each warning until i'm finally presented with the main multitrack view in garageband. There are tracks for each instrument, but unfortunately no musical data...so it appears as though the files which contain the tracks of each instrument are for whatever reason missing.
    So the first thing i thought was that garageband wasn't installed correctly from the factory, so i reinstalled it using the included disks that came with my imac. the installation completed successfully and i went to run magic garageband again, but the error messages still come up.
    Any ideas?

    I think I am running into the same problem with a different setup. My students log in to the computer using a network account so their files are saved to a server in my office and not to the machine that is hosting Garageband. I think this approximates the situation that khkremer is talking about and my students have the same problem, not just with Magic Garageband but with voice tracks in a podcast. They just disappear. We've been recording the voice tracks in another sound editing program and re-insert them every period they work on their podcasts. It's a pain and I agree, a bug. Let's hope they fix this problem or I think I will have to stop using the program.

  • Upgraded to iphoto 11, unable to create projects in iphoto

    Unable to create a calendar, nor any project, in iphoto. Upgraded to iphoto '11, still not able to create a calendar. The options and windows appear, howvever, when I click "OK" or "Create" nothing happens......
    Any ideas for us?

    With the amount of information you've provided it's impossible to offer a potential solution.  We can't see your computer so we need to know the details of your problem and setup, i.e.:
    what version of iPhoto are you using, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5?
    what system version are you running?
    what happens when you try to create a calandar or project?
    what fixes have you tried?
    where is your library located?
    did you apply any updates or upgrades just prior to the problem occurring?
    are you running a "managed" or "referenced" library?
    what type of Mac?
    how much free space on your boot drive?
    As a first general fix attempt try the following:
    1 - delete the iPhoto preference file, com.apple.iPhoto.plist, that resides in your
         User/Home/Library/ Preferences folder.
    2 - delete the contents the following folder:
    3 - reboot, launch iPhoto and try again.
    NOTE: For Mavericks, 10.9,  go to your Home folder and use the View ➙ Show View Options menu to bring the this window:
    where you can check the Show Library Folder checkbox.

  • Unable to create sub contracting challan

    Dear All
    While creating sub contracting Challan i am getting this error
    Please specify the number of line items for the challans.
    Message no. 8I802
    Kindly help me resolve this!

    SPRO > Logistics - General > Tax on Goods Movements > India > Business Transactions > Subcontracting > Subcontracting Attributes >
    Here specify the no of items per challan in EI items  pl. put 10
    Pl. maintain it for the Right Excise group.

  • App-V 5.0 SP2 (Office Deployment Toolkit) - Unable to create Project and Visio with different package ID

    We would like to create 2 App-V packages with the
    Office Deployment Tool
    - Visio Std 2013
    - Project Std 2013.
    The App-V packages are created successfully, the problem is that the package-id of both packages is the same.
    When we deploy for example, Visio to a client and afterwards Project, Visio gets replaced in App-V by Project.
    Is anyone else facing this issue ?

    So I wanted to bring everybody up to speed on some changes. You can manage multiple Office packages by generating different PACKAGEGUID attributes (https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj219426.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396)
    using the Office Deployment Toolkit BUT - the following still applies:
    Only one Office package can be deployed to a machine at a time.
    Only VL and Subscription Pro options are available for packaging via App-V.
    Steve Thomas, Senior Consultant, Microsoft
    App-V/MED-V/SCVMM/Server App-V/MDOP/AppCompat
    The App-V Team blog: http://blogs.technet.com/appv/
    The MED-V Team Blog: http://blogs.technet.com/medv
    The SCVMM Team blog: http://blogs.technet.com/scvmm/
    “This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. User assumes all risks.”
    Steve is there any chance this stance may change, or is there any feedback we can give (we have already followed up with our TAM and have also put in tickets but effectively have not gone anywhere other then to explain what the model of support is)? 
    To be perfectly honest its a very hard model to support since users are licenses for Visio and Project separately, not to mention the lack of user publishing (targeting) and Office Standard support.
    We have put in advisory and problem tickets with MS for months in hopes of using the ODT packages in our non persistent VDI environment but I don't believe it will possible.
    In short if we have to separate our images or pools to support the various possibilities we are losing what App-V gains us: on demand (per user) publishing to limit the number of gold images we need.
    The loss of Office Standard support also leaves us in a tricky spot, because at the end of the day we have to find a way to support those users.
    Not looking to put you on the spot, just hoping there is a way to give effective feedback or discuss how to use the ODT packages in a way that makes life easier, not more restrictive.

  • Unable to create Project Cycle in CHARM

    I am trying to set up Change Request Management for maintenance project, in solution manager 3.2.
    1. The service desk is configured.
    2. Created a project of type maintenance.
    3. Added users to the project team.
    4. Set up transport route (????) but not sure if that works or not ...
    5. When I go to change manager transaction and try to create projrct cycle, it says "project is not released"
    6. I am not sure if this issue is simple or is a cascasding effect of previously (un)configured steps.
    Please help me in the same.
    Also, it would be very useful if someone can talk of all the sequential steps in configuring CHARM. And, how exactly do we need to configure the transport routes? any specific rules to follow there ???
    Anil Santhapuri

    Hi anil/All
    We are also facing same issue.  Ours is a two system landscape with only dev and production specified in the stms of  domain controller.
    We have defined b95 as dev and c09 as production in the domain controller b95.
    We have created a logical component z_charm_new and in system assignment given b95:000 as dev and c09:00 as production.
    We have used this logical component  for creating img project.
    but when we click the  create task list we are getting following error
    Message from function module /TMWFLOW/CHECK_PRJ_CONS: No export system for C09-000
    Message no. /TMWFLOW/TRACK_N159
    System C09-000 is to be changed in a Solution Manager project, but no system in the system landscape exports transport requests which are imported into this system.
    System Response
    If a task list has already been generated for this Solution Manager project, you cannot use it. It is automatically locked.
    You can unlock the task manually by activating it with the 'Status' pushbutton in the task list, but you must first resolve the error.
    There are several possible reasons for this error:
    The transport paths may not have been created correctly in TMS (Transport Management System). Go to the transaction STMS in the system which contains the domain controller, and check and correct the transport paths.
    You are in the system containing the domain controller so:
    Go to the transaction STMS in the system C09-000. Choose 'System Overview'. Find your system with its transport domain in the 'Domain' column. The Icon Legend (pushbutton) shows the icons for the Domain Controller. Search in systems with the same domain for a system with this icon in the 'TYPE' column, and logon to it.
    You can change the transport paths with the 'Transport Paths' push button in the transaction STMS. Choose 'Distribute and Activate' after saving.
    The role assignment in your Solution Manager project may be incorrect. A system in which transport requests are created and released (development or maintenance system) must have the type system role 'source System'.
    Go to the 'System Landscape' tab and 'Systems', in the project definition in the transaction SOLAR_PROJECT_ADMIN. Choose 'System Role Assignment' and 'Edit System Roles'. The development or maintenance systems must be of type 'Source System'. If you make changes, go to the 'System Landscape' tab and the 'Change Requests' tab, and refresh the project landscape for Change Request Management.
    Please help with some tips. If you need more details please let me know.

  • Unable to create project in JDeveloper3.2

    Platform : Windows XP, Oracle8i : 8.1.6, Java : j2sdk1.4.0
    I have a problem creating a Project in JDeveloper3.2. I installed JDeveloper[c:\jdev32] by
    downloading jdev9i_902_base.zip file from OTN website. I modified the java home in jdev.conf
    'cause I want to use jdk1.4
    SetJavaHome C:\j2sdk1.4.0
    SetJavaVM hotspot
    This is the error I get when I try to create a Project :
    Project Wizard Error
    The file "C:\JDev32\dev\myworkarea\workspace\Project1\Project1.jpr" cannot be created.
    Verify that filename is valid and check the permissions of the file and its parent directories.
    [I checked the permissions for the directories.]
    This is the error I get when I try to create a database connection:
    Error Saving connections!
    An error occured while saving the connection definitions:C:\JDev32\dev\system\IDEConnections.xml(Access is denied.)
    Jdeveloper still connects to the database & I can perform queries on the tables using sql worksheet.
    I can't make/build/save procedures/packages.
    Thanks for the help.

    One more info Vishal,
    If you create a project from active DC, you wont be able to Check out. For checking out anf checking in, it has to be created from In active DC.
    But, if the project is already present, most likely you will get  sync option. Delete it and recreat as what SALEEM said.
    if you cannot check out, it is more likely creted from actvive DC. so create based on requirment of whether you have to modify it or not.
    I hope it helps.

  • Unable to create Project Version

    Hi Gurus,
    We have an issue regarding project versions in PPM 5.0. I have already:
    - Define version numers in Structure menu
       - Assigned VER+ to input mask (Global and Snapshot available)
    - Went to Version management within PPM
    - When trying to assign a Version number to the input template and save, I get the following error:
    --- The indicated version number does not fit the current input template
    Please help!
    Edited by: hfernandez on Feb 28, 2012 1:18 PM

    You have to :
    1) Configure a Version mask   example : VER+
    2) Porject Version Administrator : Create the version : Example VER1 ( it has to be released and in the validity period to can be used)
    After these 2 steps you can go to your project and create a version.
    I hope this can be useful,

  • Unable to create Service Contract from Sales Order

    Hi Guru's,
    I put a sales order with one product and service line. SO has been closed and then I ran 'Service Contract Order Capture Integration' program.
    When I query my SO using Reprocess Order, I got error status with message as "Request ID : 8360452; Referenced Product not present in the Installed Base;".
    So I searched in metalink found - 'Referenced Product not present in the Installed Base [ID 549160.1]'.
    As mentioned in the document I checked the freeze flag in Oracle Installed Base Admin --> Setup --> Install Parameters.
    The same already been checked. I also checked the service item definition and found IB track not checked under service tab. When I tried to check the flag, an error states that 'Non subscription contract Item cannot be Install Base trackable'.
    Now how to overcome this issue. Any help will be highly appreciate.
    Instance Details:-
    RDBMS :
    Oracle Applications :

    Hello Bala,
    The 'Installed Base Trackable Flag' is a Master Item Controlled attribute in Inventory, which means that when the Attribute is set at the Master Item Level it is cascaded to all Child Organizations.
    If there is inventory in any of the Child Organizations, the flag cannot be changed at the Master level.
    You must issue all of the Inventory out of each Child Organization, change the flag at the Master level.

  • Unable to create service central contract items

    Hi Experts
    We are in SRM 7 EHP 2 ECC 6 EHP 6
    We are unable to create Central Contract with Service.
    There is no "Outline" or "Service" on drop down from ADD LINE in Central Contract.
    Please help urgently.

    Hi Ajit,
    Please check if hierarchy template HIER_SE is assigned to this contract transaction type in the following customizing.
    spro -> SRM Server -> Cross-Application Basic Settings -> Service Procurement Activate Service Procurement
    Also SM34: /SAPPSSRM/VC_HT -> Assign to Transaction Type
    Best regards,

  • Project Contracts Deliverables : Unable to Ship Confirm

    Sub : Project Contracts Deliverables : Unable to Ship Confirm
    When trying to " Ship Confirm " for deliveries initiated from Project Contracts, Error Msg appears :
    Error : Some deliveries selected for ship confirm have errors or warnings.
    On clicking DETAIL buttton :
    Error:Delivery Details xxxyy in this delivery do not satisfy inventory controls.
    Warning:The Ship Confirm Option selected will unassign all the lines from delivery yyyxx.

    Please check the metalink note: 227843.1 for this issue.
    Hope this helps!
    Sathish Raju

  • Unable to create Invoice against a Project based Purchase Order

    We have a scenario, wherein there is Purchase Order created against a NETWORK ACTIVITY of a PROJECT. We have created a Invoice with ref to this PO. Now we want to cancel this Invoice by creating the Credit Memo against this PO. But, while trying to create the Credit Memo, we end with the following error message:
    "Budget for WBS element XXXX/12:7777-XX-X1-Y1-Z1 was exceeded by XXXX EUR in document item 003 Ntwk actvty XXXXXXXXXXXX 00110.
    Hence unable to create the Credit Memo. Desperately looking for your response to solved this.............

    Check the cost as on today for ur project under project itself using CJ20n & then go to CJ30 and check the Budget for ur WBS

  • Unable to create a service contract from IDoc BLAORD FM IDOC_INPUT_BLAORD

    I've been testing creating service contracts using BLAORD and it appears that SAP does not have any way of creating a service contract using IDOC_INPUT_BLAORD. Inside this function a BDC is built and either ME31K or ME32K is called. There is processing that checks the service line package numbers, but it doesn't appear to be creating them (Maybe I'm overlooking something). When the BDC is being built the services screen is ignored. There is a user exit that could be used to populate the BDC for these screens.
    I recently had to develop a custom BDC to create service contracts becuase, to the knowledge of our best ABAP-ers, there is no SAP standard functionality to create service contracts programmatically besides using a BDC. My custom BDC will fail when run in background because of a GUI control on the services screen. It runs fine in the foreground. The short dump is 'RAISE_EXCEPTION'. Short text: Exception condition "CNTL_ERROR" raised. Termination is occurring in CL_GUI_DOCKING_CONTAINER->CONSTRUCTOR. We're on ECC 6.0.
    I checked the SAP Notes system and I was unable to find anything related specifically to contracts for this issues. I did see that SAP has released OSS notes for other BDC processes so that they would be able to run in background.
    I am wondering if there is anyone who currently is able to create service contracts using IDOC_INPUT_BLAORD. My plan is to set up an RFC between SAP systems. The customer wants to be able to receive contracts on demand. Has anyone done this before for service contracts? What has your approach been? Is there anyway of having the function run in foreground when it receives a IDoc?
    Thanks for your input,

    Hello Steve,
    Did you get a solution to Service Contract (Purchase) creation through BLAORD or through any other FM please?
    BAPI_CONTRAT_CREATE does not handle services.
    Have a similar requirement and trying to avoid BDC.
    Thanks & Regards

  • Unable to create entity object in JDev 10.1.3(R12)

    I am Unable to create entity object in JDev 10.1.3(R12).Everything else works fine but not the EO creation.THe option for selecting table,synonym are disabled when I try to create new entity object.
    Please let me know if you any of you had the same problem and resolved it.

    The (R12) in the thread subject line leads me to believe that you are asking this question in the wrong forum. OA Framework has its own [url http://forums.oracle.com/forums/forum.jspa?forumID=210]forum that you should use.

Maybe you are looking for