Unable to enter image/link in answers...?

"Body text cannot contain images or links until we are able to verify your account."
I didn't get any email related account verificaton so how can I verify my account? Please verify my account. Any help will be appriciated.

Please verify your account posting in this sticky
For any future people who stumble across this thread, please click the link below and look for the current verification thread as a sticky:
(Courtesy of Mike Laughlin).
Thanks & Regards,
Vincenzo Di Russo
Microsoft® MVP Windows Internet Explorer, Windows & Security Expert - since 2003.
Moderator in the Microsoft Community and TechNet Forums
My MVP Profile

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    I'm not sure if it sounds the same or not, but it sure doesn't sound "normal," but I don't work much with network-stored images and other users who might have linked to them. As far as I know there is nothing in link in ID that would cause it to appear to be open, but as I see inthe other thread I once had the problem myself, so who knows.
    Are you patched to 6.0.6? I don't see anything in the release notes specifically related to the can't save problem, but there were a number of image and link related fixes.

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    I think this is what I will try. After I had a chance to talk to those that encountered the issue they said they had moved backwards in the course.
    It never occured to me when testing the course to skip backwards and forwards. Lesson learned.
    Now when you say include a 'scored' button, what do you mean?
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  • Unable to enter a Division for which I have proper credentials, via the GUI

    I have a Division which I am unable to enter, either as a student or as the full site Administrator, from the GUI.
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    The Division has identity "RobotCourses:CLCV".
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    <Access>No Access</Access>
    <Credential>gakusei@urn:mace:itunesu.com:sites:illinois.edu:RobotCourses:CLCV</C redential>
    The point is to deny access to Authenticated@ (merely authenticated students) and then specifically grant it for people given a "gakusei" credential for RobotCourses:CLCV in particular.
    (Note here that "gakusei" is a Japanese word meaning "student," I am using it in my credentials to ensure that my credentials and permissions are not affected by other credentials named "student" set at upper levels and used by some live users of the site, as we do not have a segregated development environment. It is our lowest level of access beyond mere Authenticated@..., designed to give students access to download and "surf to" Divisions and Courses.)
    The login portal code works successfully, and so when a student "Jane Doe" logs in, she is in fact given appropriate credentials (as she is actually registered for CLCV 115 here at UIUC). From the code generating her login URL, I see:
    Issued credentials:
    gakusei@urn:mace:itunesu.com:sites:illinois.edu:RobotCourses:CLCV:CLCV115:CLCV1 15All-13564
    gakusei@urn:mace:itunesu.com:sites:illinois.edu:RobotCourses:STAT:STAT100:STAT1 00X1-13570
    (You can see she is also registered for STAT 100).
    With the default login URL thus generated, she is taken to the top level of the Site in iTunes, and in fact sees thumbnail links for both STAT (Statistics) and CLCV (Classical Civilizations). Clicking on STAT takes her to the STAT Division where she can then enter the Course STAT 100 with no problems.
    HOWEVER! Clicking on CLCV brings up the login page. If she ignores the login page, she can still access the rest of the site, including STAT, just fine. Logging in again (reissuing her credentials) does not help the situation.
    Note that this is not a problem only for Jane Doe, the same thing happens for anyone in CLCV and in fact happens for me as Administrator of the whole site with full access, even.
    With a slight modification to the login to allow access directly to the RobotCourses:CLCV Division (by adding the handle of the Division to the end of the location), credentials are issued exactly as before:
    Issued credentials:
    gakusei@urn:mace:itunesu.com:sites:illinois.edu:RobotCourses:CLCV:CLCV115:CLCV1 15All-13564
    gakusei@urn:mace:itunesu.com:sites:illinois.edu:RobotCourses:STAT:STAT100:STAT1 00X1-13570
    and she is taken to the Division page, SUCCESSFULLY. So, it seems she actually HAS access, as expected.
    Writing some code to generate not the actual login URL but rather a link that takes me to an "iTunes U Access Debugging" page for the Division (figured this out by reading some other posts! :)) I am taken to a page with the following:
    (at generated URL https://deimos.apple.com/WebObjects/Core.woa/Browse/illinois.edu.1945806043/xxx5 64?credentials=....)
    Destination illinois.edu.1945806043
    Identity "Jane X Doe" <[email protected]> (jxdoe) [xxxxxxxxx]
    Credentials gakusei@urn:mace:itunesu.com:sites:illinois.edu:RobotCourses:CLCV; ​ gakusei@urn:mace:itunesu.com:sites:illinois.edu:RobotCourses:CLCV:CLCV115:CLCV1 15All-13564; ​gakusei@urn:mace:itunesu.com:sites:illinois.edu:RobotCourses:STAT;​ gakusei@urn:mace:itunesu.com:sites:illinois.edu:RobotCourses:STAT:STAT100:STAT1 00X1-13570
    Time 1236877947
    Signature 42ccef92a3298684a7a09eed45adb6b788a700c01645b8b423d33ace120650b0
    The destination string is valid and the corresponding destination item was found.
    The identity string is valid and provides the following information:
    Display Name Jane X Doe
    Email Address [email protected]
    Username jxdoe
    User Identifier xxxxxxxxx
    The credential string is valid and contains the following 4 recognized credentials:
    1. gakusei@urn:mace:itunesu.com:sites:illinois.edu:RobotCourses:CLCV
    2. gakusei@urn:mace:itunesu.com:sites:illinois.edu:RobotCourses:CLCV:CLCV115:CLCV1 15All-13564
    3. gakusei@urn:mace:itunesu.com:sites:illinois.edu:RobotCourses:STAT
    4. gakusei@urn:mace:itunesu.com:sites:illinois.edu:RobotCourses:STAT:STAT100:STAT1 00X1-13570
    The time string is valid and corresponds to 2009-03-12 17:12:27Z.
    The signature string is valid.
    Because the received signature and time were valid, the received identity and credentials were accepted by iTunes U.
    In addition, the following 2 credentials were automatically added by iTunes U:
    1. All@urn:mace:itunesu.com:sites:illinois.edu
    2. Authenticated@urn:mace:itunesu.com:sites:illinois.edu
    With these credentials, you have browsing and downloading access to the requested destination.
    (In case you think to check the sums, be aware I've actually changed the student's name for this example.)
    So, as expected, I have access, in fact the student DOES have access, visiting the Division page directly (specifiying its handle as part of the desired location).
    Because the problem is only apparent when clicking the icon for the Division on the main Site page, I have no way (that I know of) to get any information about precisely WHAT is going on, what possibly differs in the GUI-click situation from the "generate me a URL that takes me right there" situation.
    At that point I'm fully in the GUI, I'm not sending anything via web services, so I have no idea how I can proceed to debug this from here.
    I'm also quite confused at the sudden appearance of this behavior, and the disappearance of this behavior from RobotCourses:PYSC, another Division that was broken in this same way all last week but which magically resumed allowing me access yesterday.
    Any suggestions, hints, or advice would be very welcome. Has anyone else even seen behavior similar to this?
    Thanks for any information you might have.

    I'm confess I'm still trying to get a handle on your problem. You do a fantastic job of describing it ... but I'm just trying to picture it accurately in my head.
    I think, were I in your shoes, I'd begin by looking at what the debug page has to say for the specific destination in which you're interested in fixing. In other words, I'm not clear on where, exactly, this destination points ...
    Destination illinois.edu.1945806043
    Is that your site, or the division within your site that you want to fix? "Normally", you do not need to specify a site handle to get to your site within your transfer CGI ... if you say "uillinois.edu", it's enough to transfer your users to iTunes U ... but every site still has a handle, and you could, if you wanted to, actually specify it in your transfer CGI. For example, this:
    Destination uic.edu.1139051993
    is for my entire site ... it's my site handle. Whereas this:
    Destination uic.edu.1991288441
    is for a division within my site ... but it's impossible to tell the difference between "site" and "division" from just the handle (I mean, if I didn't say "this is a site" and "this is a division", there'd be no way for you to know). So when I look at your creds and permissions on your debug page, I can't quite tell if they give you download access for your site, or for the specific division you want to fix. If you could open the debug page with your division as destination (or confirm that that's what we're looking at), it'd rule out some things.

  • I am unable to enter data in a Google sheet via iPad.

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    The admin on the sheet says it's open to anyone with the link.
    I can enter from my iMac but not from my iPad (current ios.)
    What am I doing wrong?

    It had occurred to me that the old shutdown/restart routine can cure a multitude of problems. That's what I did and it took care of all of the problems in all my Numbers documents.

  • Unable to enter MOSS 2007 License Key after SP2 upgrade - trial period about to expire

    We are unable to enter the license key as stated in the title. The field does not allow any input. Central Admin shows that our trial period is about to expire very soon. 
    Our environment is MOSS 2007 (Office Sharepoint Server with Enterprise Client Access License) on Server 2003. SP2 is installed, the August 2011 CU (KB2553020) is installed, and the Microsoft suggested fix for this known problem is also installed (KB971620).
    ie. Product expiration date is activated incorrectly. Since those fixes do not work, we are left with the manual entry of the license key. However, that also does not work.
    Still, it shows that the trial period is about to expire. Apparently this fix is also included in any of the CU's after June 2009.
    We have a valid license key for the Enterprise version and have the Enterprise client licenses as well. The License Synchronizer Job has succeeded.
    I have searched the forum and have not seen a answer that resolves this issue.
    Does anyone know what to try next ? We are running out of time.
    Thanks in advance,
    <> </>

    As far as I know, this issue occurs because the installation of the 2007 Microsoft Office SP2 activates the production expiration data incorrectly.
    To resolve this issue, please install one of the following updates according to the following links:
    Update for 2007 Microsoft Office servers (KB971620), 32-Bit Edition
    Download the Update for 2007 Microsoft Office servers (KB971620), 32-Bit Edition package now. (http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/F/5/2F51AB71-1325-49D2-9CB9-18DEC4780E99/office2007-kb971620-fullfile-x86-glb.exe)
    Update for 2007 Microsoft Office servers (KB971620), 64-Bit Edition
    Download the Update for 2007 Microsoft Office servers (KB971620), 64-Bit Edition package now. (http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/B/B/5BBD34A9-C528-42B0-8A5F-9A8997B25C32/office2007-kb971620-fullfile-x64-glb.exe)
    For more information about this issue, see
    After you install one of these updates, you do not have to redeploy the service pack. For information about how to deploy this update, please see the Microsoft TechNet article on how to deploy server updates:
    Rock Wang
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Rock Wang TechNet Community Support

  • Image Link Problems in Illustrator CS3

    Am running on Mac OS 10.4.11. Mac is a Dual 2GHz PowerPC G5. File server is an IBM x3650, running FullPress Software and Xinet and Flashnet.
    When saving files in Illustrator CS3 with preserved image links to hi-res images on the server, other users who later open that ai file, have to manually relink to images on the server. If the file is opened on the Mac that created it, images link automatically when opened again. The problem is that other Macs do not see the links/paths to the images.
    It is frustrating and time-consuming. The problem seems to be isolated to just 2 specific Macs. One with the spec as above, and the other is a 2x2.66GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon, running on the same Mac OS.
    All software installs are same on all macs in my studio.
    The overall problem is : 17 Macs. 15 of these can open files created on each others Macs without issue. However, if files were created on the 2 "problem Macs", link issues arise. The 2 problem Macs have link issues with ANY other mac when opening files saved on any other Mac.
    Sorry for long winded nature of this, but can anyone help? Have tried all sorts and have run out of ideas on this. URGENT help needed! Thanks.

    Thanks Ian and Jim.
    Have solved the mystery.
    Opened files in Text edit, and the links defined section, did show ghosted volumes on problem macs.
    So, went to desktop > From the Go menu, select Go to Folder >then entered "/volumes"
    This brought up the volumes and highlighted some anomalies. Folders appearing with same name as my server, meaning when the server mounted it added a suffix of -1, -2 etc.
    MANY THANKS Gentleman.

  • Unable to export image from Webi to  excel.

    Can any one provide solution for export image from webi to excel( 3.1 & 4.0).

    given link(https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/1299111) is not working.
    the above link contain
    Unable to Export images from a Web Intelligence report to Microsoft Excel.
    A Web Intelligence report is created using images to denote alerts. The report works OK in Web Intelligence but when exported to Microsoft Excel, the images do not display.
    Business Objects Enterprise XI Release 2
    Business Objects Enterprise XI 3.1
      Reproducing the Issue  
    Create a simple Web Intelligence document.
    Add a blank cell and within that cell link it to an image. (Either set as background for the cell or Image URL.)
    Save and export to Excel. The image will not be displayed.
    Web Intelligence export engine does not support the export of images to excel.
    In BI4.0, Web Intelligence export engine does support the export of images to excel.
    Workaround 1 :
    Most image formats are supported in PDF export. Users may be able to use that as an alternative.
    Workaround 2 :
    If images are required in the final Excel document, the user would need to recreate those image links manually in Excel.
    Export , image , excel , WRC, Webi ,XIR2, XI3.1 , BI4.0
    Header Data
    Released On
    21.10.2011 14:43:35   
    Release Status
    Released to Customer   
    BI Business intelligence solutions  
    Product Version
    SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform
    SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0

  • Image Links To Emails

    Hi designed my site in photoshop, moved it into
    dreamweaver....i need to make a image link into outlook(contact us
    button). is this possible? i'm not using css, just dreamweaver
    straight up importing from photoshop.

    Makes sense, but what about exposing the client's email to
    the spambots via
    the mailto:?
    "Michael Fesser" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    > .oO(JoeyD1978)
    >>You would just enter the address as:
    >> mailto:[email protected]
    >> This is a horrible idea though. What if they use
    Gmail, Yahoo Mail, etc?
    >> Then
    >>they open up Outlook and have to escape out of a
    bunch of setup messages
    >>is extremely annoying. Use a contact form instead.
    > The most userfriendly idea is to use both. The form for
    people who use
    > webmailers for example, and the direct link for people
    who prefer their
    > local mail app.
    > Micha

  • New user with lightroom 5. Now unable to publish images to Flickr.

    Have previously been able to post images from Lightroom to Flickr but now receive warning from Lightroom telling me to connect to the internet.  After visiting and deleting previous authorisation on Flickr then re-activating it unable to post images.  Any suggestions welcomed

    Hi grantsburg
    Download it again from the below link : http://prodesigntools.com/lightroom-5-ddl-comparison-vs-lr4.html
    Follow the instucrtions carefully to start your download

  • Addon domain image links broken

    I use addon domains inside my main site to maintain small side sites and to preview client sites before handing off.
    My host recently upgraded the servers. The addon domain sites affected were last synched w/Dreamweaver CS4 v10+.
    The addon domains - "myaddondomains.com" - worked fine until I recently resynched with Dreamweaver CS5.5 v11.5.
    The problem  is that  image links now display only <alt> text without the image. The page navigation remains intact, as does the CSS link.
    Image paths point to image folder within the addon/subdomain folder.
    I've tried setting the links to both site and document - regardless of the path the images won't display.
    Enter the domain URL only:
    http://www.dealerzine.com/ = <alt> text only
    Enter the absolute address: mysite.com/myaddondomain.com
    http://www.siebenthalercreative.com/dealerzine.com/ = <alt> text only
    Enter as a subdomain (below): mysubdomain.mysite.com
    http://www.dealerzine.siebenthalercreative.com/ = correct image display (below)
    Is there anything obvious I'm overlooking? It looks like there's something in the dot-com suffix that might be affecting how the lookup treats the image display but the correct display of <alt> text indicates (to me) the image folder is being accessed.
    My host IT has spent a lot of time looking at the back end with no solution other than a vague suspicion that the site relative forward slash might be a (Apache) problem.
    Thanks in advance -

    Problem solved. cPanel security HotLink Protection wrote domains to .htaccess and blocked image links - which should have been obvious. Once disabled addon domains are again displaying normally.

  • Dynamic Image Linking - HTTPS?

    Post Author: GPINC
    CA Forum: General
    We tried to use the dynamic image linking feature in Crystal 11 but it doesn't seem to like the links to our secure site (https). We moved the images to a non-secure http site and it worked fine. Since we don't want to keep the images on the http site, is there something we can do to make the https links work? Thanks in advance.

    Hi Ted,
    I'm not sure I understand your question fully but I'll try give more info.
    I have a parameter called Logo. The value of that parameter is a https url.
    The report loads and the image is not present.
    When I enter the url into a web browser the image loads correctly so the URL is correct.
    If I change the url to a http location it will display in the report.
    In Firebug I can see a request like this:
    Firebug seems to think it has returned a blank image of size 262 * 262. The image I request is 113 * 113.
    When I use http the request is this:
    It returns the correct image.
    If I can give more info please let me know. I can just use a http location, that's no problem. Perhaps certs is causing it to not work.

  • Since the most recent Firefox update I have been unable to click through links from Windows Live to Firefox, but it works for Internet explorer?? Any explanations?

    Firefox is my default browser and since the most recent Firefox update I have been unable to click through links I receive from Windows Live Email to the Firefox browser, but it works if my browser is set to IE9?? I have checked the defaults settings and both are fine, so Any explanations or ideas on how to solve this?

    Take each of the following steps that you haven't already tried, until the problem is resolved.
    Step 1
    Restart the router. Many problems are solved that way.
    Step 2
    Change the name of the wireless network, if applicable, to eliminate any characters other than letters and digits. You do that on your router via its web page, if it's not an Apple device, or via AirPort Utility, if it is an Apple device.
    Step 3
    Run the Network Diagnostics assistant.
    Step 4
    Back up all data.
    Launch the Keychain Access application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Keychain Access in the icon grid.
    Enter the name of your wireless network in the search box. You should have one or more "AirPort network password" items with that name. Make a note of the name and password, then delete all the items. Quit Keychain Access. Turn Wi-Fi off and then back on. Reconnect to the network.
    Step 5
    You may need to change other settings on the router. See the guidelines linked below:
    Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points
    Potential sources of interference
    Step 6
    Make a note of all your settings for Wi-Fi in the Network preference pane, then delete the connection from the connection list and recreate it with the same settings. You do this by clicking the plus-sign icon below the connection list, and selecting Wi-Fi as the interface in the sheet that opens. Select Join other network from the Network Name menu, then select your network. Enter the password when prompted and save it in the keychain.
    Step 7
    Reset the System Management Controller (SMC).

  • Screen enlarged and unable to enter passcode

    My cell phone screen is enlarged and I am unable to enter my passcode to . Is there a way to shut of my phone so the screen will go back to normal?

    Howdy Naster1,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    The article linked below provides a resolution for a similar issue to the one you described, where the objects on your iPhone’s display are enlarged.
    iOS: Home screen icons are magnified or large
    Take care,

  • Unable to enter "Conf T" on Cisco Aironet 1310

    Hello Experts,
    I have a question about Cisco Aironet 1310 AP, the problem I am getting is that I am unable to enter the conf t mode to configure the AP. I am not sure what could be the problem. I have IOS 12.3 running on it.
    Please help

    Hey Steve,
    Its k9w8, this is what I see on sh ver
    Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
    Compiled Mon 17-Jul-06 11:45 by alnguyen
    ROM: Bootstrap program is C1310 boot loader
    BOOTLDR: C1310 Boot Loader (C1310-BOOT-M) Version 12.3(2)JA4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    AP1310-MASJID uptime is 1 week, 2 days, 9 hours, 38 minutes
    System returned to ROM by power-on
    System image file is "flash:/c1310-rcvk9w8-mx/c1310-rcvk9w8-mx"
    cisco AIR-LAP1310G-A-K9    (PowerPCElvis) processor (revision B0) with 24566K/8192K bytes of memory.
    Processor board ID FTX1536U060
    PowerPCElvis CPU at 262Mhz, revision number 0x0950
    Last reset from power-on
    LWAPP image version
    1 FastEthernet interface

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