Unable to open existing idvd projects

When trying to open an iDVD existing project from the desktop, it will not open and comes up with a Connection failed - the server may not exist or it is not operational at this time.  Any recommendations on how to fix this and get it to work?

I think bymistake the system preset has removed or moved from <installa
edpath>\Program files\Adobe\Adobe Encore CS5\Preset\internal preset\Blu-ray NTSC 1280x720 59.94p MPEG-2.epr.
Please check the preset in above location. If the "Blu-ray NTSC 1280x720 59.94p MPEG-2.epr" is not there in the above location then please search the preset in your system and copy that in the above location.
If you copy the preset in above location then you existing project will open.
Pankaj Gauba

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    I have older iDVD projects that have were created on an older version of iDVD I had on my PowerBook G4 laptop.
    When I try to open the older projects, I selec them in the Open dialog, but iDVD then presents the "Create a new project" dialog.
    Has anyone else experienced this? If so, was there a solution to this problem?

    Welcome to the discussions, Edgar. I've see version 3 files that wouldn't open in 5 without first passing thru 4 or 4.5 - any chance you've got an earlier version around? If not, zip the file up and email it to me and I'll try to pass it thru 4 before going to 5 and saving it. Email's in profile.

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    Let's try this first:
    Quit iDVD.
    Locate a file named com.apple.iDVD.plist and get rid of it. iDVD will create a new one the next time it runs. Empty the trash and run a permission repair using the Disk Utility.
    The files can be found here:
    or you can use the finder (happy face on the dock) to copy and paste the bold type above.
    Make sure to Restart the computer as well once the above has been performed. Hope this helps but if not, come on back.

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    I don't normally use iPhoto, so I imported a QuickTime movie. It shows up in the Media pane in iDVD. Did you create an Album for them?

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    Yeah. It does the same thing....opens the main startup window. Thanks though. Any other ideas?

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    Paul from Wisconsin

    Hey Paul,
    When you go to your documents folder what is the suffix (ending) of the file you exported? Is it .dvdproj or is it something else. I suspect you exported your slideshow out as a movie file (aka a Quicktime file). You need to open iDVD and then drag that movie file into the open iDVD window.
    Once an slideshow has been exported from iPhoto to iDVD can it be worked on (organized, music applied etc.) prior to being burned to a DVD?
    iDVD is the last step in the creation process. You should not be adding your slideshow to iDVD from iPhoto until the slideshow is exactly the way you want it. If you want to make changes to that slideshow, those changes are made in iPhoto and then you re-send your slideshow to iDVD.
    Go to iPhoto, make your slideshow the way you want it, then go to Share > iDVD. This will take the slideshow and put it in iDVD where it needs to be. No extra steps.
    Hope that helps.

  • Can't open saved iDVD project

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    Hello, Conor,
    Welcome to the discussions.
    First, you should delete iDVD's preference file. With iDVD closed, go to your home folder(YourUserName)/Library/Preferences/com.apple.idvd.plist.
    Drag this plist file to the trash. Don't worry; iDVD will create a new fresh one when you relaunch it.
    See if you can open your project now.
    Post back if this did not work.
    Now, if you had an iDVD project that burned successfully, and you still have that iDVD project saved, you should be able to open it just as you did when you were working on it. Getting that message about the encoder server not responding is strange. Your project should already have encoded since you were able to burn a DVD. That problem may be resolved by deleting the plist file. You might also try just shutting down the computer and restarting it.
    However, remember that iDVD is not like iMovie where the project's contents are actually saved within the project. An iDVD project should be thought of as a virtual or alias project. Its files point to their location on your computer. So, your iMovie is not physically within iDVD's files. If you move or delete any files that your iDVD project needs, iDVD will not be able to locate them.
    It is highly recommended that you do a 'save as disc image' for each of your iDVD projects. This process looks just as if iDVD is burning a disk, but it is creating a disk image that can be used to do the actual burn, using Disk Utility.
    It is useful to keep your projects as their disk images to do further disk-burning of that project in the future. The disk images cannot be edited, so be sure you are completely finished editing your project before creating a disk image. A disk image is a self-contained file, so you no longer need to keep your original iMovie or iDVD projects. Keeping only the disk images will also save drive space.
    Why do you still need the iDVD project if you have already burned your DVD? If you want to make further edits to your iMovie and burn a new DVD, you can always recreate your iDVD project.....not the simplest solution, nut once you have created an iDVD project, it is usually fairly quick to recreate it .
    If you just want to burn more disks from that project, you can always use the first DVD to make a disk image of your project, and use that disk image for further burning.

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    Ownership and permissions don't seem to be a problem, and the files are not "project locked".
    One week ago, this process was working like a charm. (Occasional "project locked" issues, but that's a trivial fix) Now, with absolutely no SW updates or anything, it's hanging up on me.
    Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, have you solved it?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hope the following links help butt if not just come on back. Btw ...This issue has been covered but not always resolved:

  • I have saved my project to my harddrive and then when I try to open it on another computer that uses final cut I am unable to open the edited project

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    Assuming this is an external HD, use finder to select the drive with your original computer, then press Cmd+i to show info. Go to the bottom of the info window and make sure 'Ignore ownership of this volume' is checked so that other computers can access it.

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    Any advice is greatly appreciated:)

    Thanks for the advice. If I understand what you're saying, I can just close the iDVD project and then open a new one and import the iMovie project file I'm working with?
    I have done this several times and each time iDVD was not running when I "Shared" to iDVD from iMovie. Although, if I open a new iDVD project, save it, then close it...then "Share" to iDVD from iMovie, the correct iDVD project will open. (the last iDVD project open).
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    Thanks for your advice!

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    Welcome to the discussions, Edgar. I've see version 3 files that wouldn't open in 5 without first passing thru 4 or 4.5 - any chance you've got an earlier version around? If not, zip the file up and email it to me and I'll try to pass it thru 4 before going to 5 and saving it. Email's in profile.

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    I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the application. I have tried opening the documents using my Finder window or through the application. Regardless of my method the existing documents will not open and cause the application to freeze. It doesn't give me an error message it just says "application not responding." I then can click to report the problem to Apple, which I have.
    Any ideas? Suggestions? Solutions?

    Post you problem in the Illustrator forum here http://forums.adobe.com/community/illustrator/illustrator_general. They will be able to help you.

  • Cannot Open Existing Files (Projects) in Garageband

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    Thank you.

    Thank you for responding Christopher, I really appreciate your time.
    Turns out I was able to open via viewer, though I had done same earlier, this time it worked and opened the project window. I'm concerned about GB becoming unstable however, as I used to be able to open projects that aged off the 'recent projects' window directly by clicking 'open other existing files'. So, for now I will live with using the viewer. At least I didn't lose those hours of composition. I have ordered iLife '11, hopefully this will serve to enhance GB and create more stability.
    Thank you again for helping me.

  • Cannot Open Existing iMovieHD Project

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    Trying the IGNORE ALL procedure, as well as doing one clip at a time, another message appears:
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    I have taken this problen to the local Apple Store Genius Bar, but they couldn't come up with any solution to save this project.
    (I have a semi-edited file of this project saved on LaCie)
    Robert Karz

    In case you missed it, the following might help you. Karl's first suggestion didn't work for me, but you might give it a try. The Quicktime solution I'll try later today. Good luck!
    You're in virgin territory, Robert, so I doubt anyone has much of a clue. But for what it's worth...
    • iMovie HD wouldn't normally use "still05.DV" as a Media file name. It would use "Still 05.dv" instead. If it is in fact looking for "still05.DV" that may be a clue. So confirm the name.
    • It sounds like iMovie is trying to open the project as it should (in spite of not finding those files), but it's crashing because it's encountering a corrupt file. If one of the "missing" files is a corrupt file, you might try removing it/them from the project. They are in the Media folder of the project. (To look inside the project, Control-click on the project icon and choose "Show Package Contents" from the popUp menu.) Drag the file(s) outside the project package. Then trying to open the project.
    I suggest doing that ONLY on a backup of the project.
    • You also might want to try opening the project.mov in QuickTime Player. Look for the "Timeline Movie.mov" inside the "Cache" folder of the project package. Double-click on it to open it in QT Player and try playing it there. Try this before removing Media files.
    • If the Timeline Movie.mov plays okay, you can import it to a new iMovie HD project. Everything from the old project will arrive in the new project as a single clip. Not the most convenient, but everything will be there and play in the proper order.
    • Or use Timeline Movie.mov to see what order to import Media files to a new project.

  • Opening existing CC projects goes to queue

       When I click on ANY existing project AE goes to welcome queue or, if I uncheck the "show welcome screen..." box, it just goes to a new project window. Either way I used to be able to click a project and AE would open THAT project. This is a double search issue that is distracting and downright aggravating. Is something messed up in my preferences?
        Thanks, J

    Helpful, albiet sarcastic footnote. I use a IMac 16G Ram Mountain Lion OS w eternal drives for media storage and 1 external cache (SSD Thunderbolt) drive. I have always opened projects by searching for and selecting a saved project and that file would open. Now, I get a welcome queue that shows recently opened choices only or New Comp, Open Project, etc. I would like to double-click any file and have that specific file open (I do understand that it may require updating to current CC version) without AE asking me where the file is again. This requires re-searching for the specific file.
    Thanks for your quick response.

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