Unable to prevent inheritance in CC compiler

On Solaris Studio 12.2's C++ compiler (CC), this runs without errors:
class Base;
class Baselock {
   friend class Base;
   Baselock() {cout<<"Constructor to Baselock"<<endl; }
class Base : virtual Baselock {
   Base() {cout<<"Constructor to Base"<<endl; }
class Derived : public Base {
   Derived() {cout<<"Constructor to Derived"<<endl; }
int main() {
   Derived D;
   return 0;
}By ISO C++ standards, an object of class "Derived" cannot be created, as it does not have access to "Baselock"'s constructor. This is an indirect procedure to prevent inheritance of a base class. In g++ as well as VC++, as expected, we get the error "Baselock::Baselock() is not accessible in this (Derived's object's) context". But we don't get error on CC compiler.
What can be the intended purpose of such a behavior?
Edited by: user9546596 on Jan 3, 2011 1:34 AM
Edited by: user9546596 on Jan 3, 2011 4:46 AM

The compiler warns about access under the +w (additional warnings) option.
Originally, the compiler made this access an error. We found that some popular compilers accepted similar code, and that some Open Source code failed to compile. We reduced the error to an optional warning.
With popular compilers now making this access an error, we can revisit our earlier decision only to warn about the code. Please file a bug report on the C++ compiler at http://bugs.sun.com so we have a record of the request.
In the mean time you can convert this warning to an error, but unfortunately not very conveniently.
Add the +w option so the compiler generates this warning, along with possibly other warnings, depending on  your code, and add the -errtags option. Each warning will display a tag. Example:
% CC +w -errtags z.cc
"z.cc", line 16: Warning, vbcinaccess: The constructor/destructor Baselock::Baselock()
of indirect virtual base class is not accessible from Derived::Derived().
1 Warning(s) detected. Now you can use -errwarn=<tag> to convert a warning into an error, and -erroff=<tag> to turn off a warning.
% CC +w -errwarn=vbcinaccess z.cc
"z.cc", line 16: Error: The constructor/destructor Baselock::Baselock()
of indirect virtual base class is not accessible from Derived::Derived().
1 Error(s) detected. Related bug reports:
6566513 compiler fails to generate the expected failure from the negative test case
6841693 Need liberalization of too strong accessibility control after fix for 6566513

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    Making it a pain in the ass to inherit from your
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    See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/319114
    Visualize the Solution

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    "../dist/../stl/dbstl_exception.h", line 169: Error: The function "strlen" must have a prototype.
    "../dist/../stl/dbstl_exception.h", line 183: Error: The function "strlen" must have a prototype.
    "../dist/../stl/dbstl_exception.h", line 184: Error: The function "strcpy" must have a prototype.
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    "../dist/../stl/dbstl_utility.h", line 473: Error: The function "memcpy" must have a prototype.
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    Hello Neil,
    I have had a look at other instances where we have come across a similar issue. Here is some information that I found:
    Microsoft's ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) are used for accessing data sources. They provide a means of accessing data stores. Although your program runs quite quickly, there must be an ADO connection in the background still running, and the connection does not get closed until some timeout occurs within ADO so that you can have access.
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    I hope that this will help,
    Please do let me know how it goes,
    Kind Regards,
    Michael S.
    Applications Engineer
    NI UK & Ireland

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    Last edited by madchine (2012-06-15 12:57:35)

    [root@swanepoel ~]# pacman -Qi gnome-shell
    Name : gnome-shell
    Version : 3.4.1-3
    URL : http://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell
    Licenses : GPL2
    Groups : gnome
    Provides : None
    Depends On : caribou folks gcr gjs gnome-bluetooth gnome-desktop
    gnome-menus libcroco libpulse mutter nautilus
    networkmanager telepathy-logger telepathy-mission-control
    Optional Deps : network-manager-applet: shell integration for networkmanager
    Required By : None
    Conflicts With : None
    Replaces : None
    Installed Size : 6044.00 KiB
    Packager : Ionut Biru <[email protected]>
    Architecture : x86_64
    Build Date : Fri May 4 18:19:35 2012
    Install Date : Tue Jun 12 16:18:48 2012
    Install Reason : Explicitly installed
    Install Script : Yes
    Description : The next generation GNOME Shell
    see the man page for dconf for resetting. I 'm sure you can find it.

  • Unable to prevent Price change for Outline Agreement

    Dear Experts,
    Once Outline Agreement is generated in SAP, I do not want to allow users to change the price.
    I have tried with " Field Selection at Document level" using ME32-Change outline agreement field selection.
    I select "Quantity and Price" and select check box Display for  "Price and Price Unit",Price Date", "Condition Group".
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    Is there any solution for this ?
    Ideally I want to do this for a particular Document type of Outline Agreement only.
    Thanks and Best Regards,

    Hi Ramki,
    Thnka s for you reply.
    This is not the desired solution. I can not ask Client to change to create different uses for create and change .
    In the buinsess process , mostly create an change users are same for outline agreements.
    I do not wna to restrict by User Authorization either as this is also not a 100% solution.
    Still  looking at configuration level only to restrict changes in Pricing for outline agreements.
    Mitesh Desai

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    However, I've recently discovered that I can't exclude the mounted volume from Time Machine backups in the usual way - the volume name is greyed out when I go through the System Preferences/Time Machine pane, and won't let me select it to be excluded from backup.
    So what's happening is that TM is backing up the contents of the volume, which is showing up as folders on the TM backup drive. Inside these folders is the complete listing (and actual data) of all the files in my secured volume!
    Even if I UNmount the volume from my system, it's still possible to access the data via Time Machine.app (and via Finder, on the TM backup disk).
    So, essentially, even though I've password protected the sparsebundle CONTAINING the data, all a person needs to get the data is to have access to my user account on my Mac, and they can get the data via the above methods.
    Is there any way to allow TM to back up the sparsebundle itself, but not the listing of the contents (and data) of the mounted image?
    It seems odd that I can exclude the volume contents from being indexed by Spotlight, but can't exclude them from being specifically backed up by Time Machine.
    Thanks in advance for any assistance!

    I have exactly the same issue. I cannot exclude the content of mounted disk images from my backup using the GUI (strangely on my other computer the content is not backuped).
    I have manually edited with a text editor the preference file (Library/Preferences/com.apple.TimeMachine.plist) today (I am using 10.6.3) and added in the SkipPaths section the mounting point of the disk image (typically /Volumes/NameofDisk ). So far so good. The corresponding folder appears in the backup but is empty.
    Use at your own risk

  • Unable to prevent backscatter with Exchange 2013

    From my research, it seems that Exchange 2013 might have an inherent flaw (although I hope I am wrong). 
    Unlike all previous versions of Exchange, the 'Filter recipients who are not in the Directory' feature doesn't work the same. 
    Exchange 2013 seems to check the recipient only after getting the message. 
    mail from:<[email protected]
    250 2.1.0 Sender OK 
    rcpt to:<[email protected]
    250 2.1.5 Recipient OK 
    354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF> 
    Write some Text Here 
    550 5.1.1 User unknown 
    And here is Exchange 2010 for example: 
    mail from:<[email protected]
    250 2.1.0 Sender OK 
    rcpt to:<[email protected]
    550 5.1.1 User unknown 
    This is rather a big problem, because it means that every Exchange 2013 installation is just sitting and waiting to be abused with backscatter spam, and unlike previous incarnations of Exchange, there is nothing that can be done about it. Once an Exchange 2013
    server has been abused with backscatter spam, its outgoing IP addresses will become blacklisted very quickly. 
    The only possible solutions I've found seem to require multiple server configurations and big complexity. 
    What can be done about this?

    Hi Chukee1,
    This is a known issue in Exchange 2013, as a workaround for this issue, you can enable recipient filter on Edge server.
    Here is a similar thread for your reference.
    Hope this is helpful to you.
    Best regards,
    Belinda Ma
    TechNet Community Support

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    Firefox 3.6.16 is at http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all.html
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              <%@ include file="includes/myInclude.jsp"%>
              <b> <%= toto%><b>
              Of course myInclude.jsp cannot be compiled on its own, so we named it
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              Is there a way to still give the .jsp extension to the included file but
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              "Marc-Andre Fontaine" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >I am using WLS 5.1sp9
              >We have the constraint of compiling our .jsps when weblogic is started,
              >at request time. And we need to use the include directive for some of
              >..jsps, as the included
              >..jsps contains references to objects that are declared in the includeing
              >..jsp, our included
              >..jsps do not compile and that stucks weblogic initialization.
              >Here is a simple example:
              ><% int toto = 123; %>
              ><%@ include file="includes/myInclude.jsp"%>
              ><b> <%= toto%><b>
              >Of course myInclude.jsp cannot be compiled on its own, so we named it
              >myInclude.inc, which works but is unelegant.
              >Is there a way to still give the .jsp extension to the included file
              >prevent it from being
              >compiled by WLS ?

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