Unable to recognize AU plug-ins

I'm new to Logic Pro (v 9.1.3), and I'm trying to get Logic to recognize my installed plug-ins. When I open them in Mainstage, I have no problem recognizing ALL my plug-ins (Ivory, Play, MOTU, etc.). Logic Studio is a different story, however.
When I open the Audio Units Manager, some of the plug-ins have the Logic and Nodes checkboxes checked; some just have the Logic checkbox checked. Coincidentally, those plug-ins that do not have the Nodes checkbox checked are not recognized or loaded by Logic. When I attempt to set the Nodes checkbox, it is unavailable (i.e. disabled). I reset/rescan the plug-in, but I STILL can't check the Nodes box. The plug-ins are valid and installed correctly, but Logic refuses to recognize them. What am I doing wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You are probably running Logic in 64-bit mode. Try starting Logic in 32-bit mode first so it will recognise the plugins. Once you've done that, restart Logic in 64-bit, if you so desire, and the plugins should all be okay.

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    Ratus B.V, you;'re my new hero!
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