Unable to resolve name

I have just recently created a new user mailbox in exchange 2010. Nothing out of the ordinary was done (done alot of these). Once the mailbox was created I do see the user in AD as well. For some reason when I try to "check name" or log the user
into a computer I can not do so. It is like the user does not exist at all. I can log the user into OWA so I know the mailbox is working correctly.
Any help would be appreciated.

Does this issue only occur on this user only, or all the new users? It need some times to sync the peration (creating new user).
Does the computer join in our domain which we cannot logon with the new user? If not, please let the computer join in our domain.
Is there any error message poping up? If yes, please paste it for the further troubleshooting. 
Hope it is helpful
Mavis Huang
TechNet Community Support
Is this a resolutions? Please do not mark the thread as Answered until or unless it's resolved.
Gulab Prasad
Technology Consultant
http://www.exchangeranger.com    Twitter:
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Note: Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.

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    I am installing 11gR2 on RHEL-4.
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    vi /ect/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost
    #public rac1.oracle.com rac1 rac2.oracle.com rac2
    #private rac1-priv.oracle.com rac1-priv rac2-priv.oracle.com rac2-priv
    #virtual rac1-vip.oracle.com rac1-vip rac2-vip.oracle.com rac2-vip rac-scan.oracle.com rac-scan
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    Thanks and Regards,

    Thanks for the help.
    I have installed 11gr2 on centos 4.5.
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    Please find the output of ocrcheck and asm disk.
    [grid@rac1 bin]$ ./ocrcheck
    Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
    Version : 3
    Total space (kbytes) : 262120
    Used space (kbytes) : 2220
    Available space (kbytes) : 259900
    ID : 1931872859
    Device/File Name : +ocr_vote
    Device/File integrity check succeeded
    Device/File not configured
    Device/File not configured
    Device/File not configured
    Device/File not configured
    Cluster registry integrity check succeeded
    Logical corruption check bypassed due to non-privileged user
    [grid@rac1 bin]$ /etc/init.d/oracleasm listdisks
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    Could you please explain this.
    your assistance is much appreciated .
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Unable to resolve machine names - Anyconnect

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    ASDM 6.1(5)51
    AnyConnect 2.3.0185

    have you configured the default-domain value <>

  • Aused by: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Unable to resolve 'RuntimeConfigService'. Resolved ''; remaining name 'RuntimeConfigService'

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    <Aug 27, 2013 3:09:31 PM IST> <Warning> <oracle.soa.services.workflow.worklist> <BEA-000000> <<.> Error while setting task display, this can happen with app l
    oading issue, trying to load for 16>
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    TaskFlow Registration: TaskFlowPropsUtil.setTaskDisplayInfo - begin with following params
    TaskFlow Registration: TaskFlowPropsUtil.setTaskDisplayInfo - using namespace - http://xmlns.oracle.com/P6ConfigValidator/P6ConfigValidator/ConfigurationRepor
    TaskFlow Registration: TaskFlowPropsUtil.setTaskDisplayInfo (private) - begin
    TaskFlow Registration: TaskFlowPropsUtil.setTaskDisplayInfo (private) - obtaining existing taskDisplayInfo for namespace: http://xmlns.oracle.com/P6ConfigVali
    oracle.bpel.services.workflow.client.WorkflowServiceClientException: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Unable to resolve 'RuntimeConfigService'. Resolved ''
    ; remaining name 'RuntimeConfigService'
            at oracle.bpel.services.workflow.runtimeconfig.client.RuntimeConfigServiceRemoteClient.getTaskDisplayInfo(RuntimeConfigServiceRemoteClient.java:698)
            at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor318.invoke(Unknown Source)
            at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
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            at oracle.bpel.services.workflow.client.WFClientRetryInvocationHandler.invoke(WFClientRetryInvocationHandler.java:72)
            at $Proxy124.getTaskDisplayInfo(Unknown Source)
            at oracle.bpel.services.workflow.client.worklist.util.TaskFlowPropsUtil.setTaskDisplayInfo(TaskFlowPropsUtil.java:850)
            at oracle.bpel.services.workflow.client.worklist.util.TaskFlowPropsUtil.setTaskDisplayInfo(TaskFlowPropsUtil.java:825)
            at oracle.bpel.services.workflow.client.worklist.servlet.TaskFlowDeployerThread.registerTaskFlowWithTask(TaskFlowDeployerThread.java:276)
            at oracle.bpel.services.workflow.client.worklist.servlet.TaskFlowDeployerThread.run(TaskFlowDeployerThread.java:133)
            at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)
    Caused by: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Unable to resolve 'RuntimeConfigService'. Resolved ''; remaining name 'RuntimeConfigService'
            at weblogic.jndi.internal.BasicNamingNode.newNameNotFoundException(BasicNamingNode.java:1139)
            at weblogic.jndi.internal.BasicNamingNode.lookupHere(BasicNamingNode.java:252)
            at weblogic.jndi.internal.ServerNamingNode.lookupHere(ServerNamingNode.java:182)
            at weblogic.jndi.internal.BasicNamingNode.lookup(BasicNamingNode.java:206)
            at weblogic.jndi.internal.WLEventContextImpl.lookup(WLEventContextImpl.java:254)
            at weblogic.jndi.internal.WLContextImpl.lookup(WLContextImpl.java:412)
            at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(InitialContext.java:392)
            at oracle.bpel.services.workflow.runtimeconfig.client.RuntimeConfigServiceRemoteClient.getTaskDisplayInfo(RuntimeConfigServiceRemoteClient.java:693)
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    When I am opening a form I am getting the above mentioned error. Instead of <Item name> how we can display the error like <:CTRL_BLK.DOC_DATE>
    Thanks & Regards,

    Actually I know what is the reason for getting this error. What I tried to ask you is any way to display the item name, which error is occurred.
    In the form around more than hundred item setting the SET_ITEM_PROPERTY , there only I am getting this error. Like this around more than five form I have to debug. I would like to know through error handling routine or some other code we can display the exact item name, which error is occurred.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Jenson V.A.

  • Unable to resolve single DNS name using root hints

    Recently, we had reports that we could not internally resolve a certain .com domain name (discovered by undeliverable e-mails).  A lookup using an external server (Google's in our case) resolves the .com name just fine.
    Long ago, we had another DNS issue that lead us into implementing the following registry change:
    1. Start Registry Editor (Regedit.exe).
    2. Locate the following registry key:
    3. On the Edit menu, click
    New, click DWORD (32-bit) Value , and then add the following value:
    Value: MaxCacheTtl
    Data Type: DWORD
    Data value: 0x2A300  (172800 in decimal = 2 days)
    That is the only DNS change that we have made.  We are using root hints, but temporarily added Google DNS as a forwarder so that we are able to resolve this .com address.
    As a test, I did remove that registry entry, restarted the DNS service and tested again to no avail.
    Any starting points?

    According to your description, my understanding is that DNS server can’t resolve .com with its root hint.
    Could you provide more information about the DNS architecture, such as numbers of DNS servers, their locations and relationships, system version, etc.
    And please post the results of NSlookup test(use local DNS server, and then use Google's server to resolve name ) here.
    Best Regards,
    Eve Wang
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • Unable to resolve JNDI DataSource in weblogic 12c When you upgrade web application

    I create a datasource which jndi name is jdbc/allianzB2CDataSource and the target is AdminServer ,and i deploy a web application in AdminServer.In that web application,the code(base on spring framework) is:
    public static DataSource getJndiDataSource(String name) {
      JndiDataSourceLookup dsLookup = new JndiDataSourceLookup();
      Properties jndiEnvironment = new Properties();
      try {
      return dsLookup.getDataSource(name);
      } catch (Exception e) {
      return dsLookup.getDataSource(name);
    And the parameter is jdbc/allianzB2CDataSource,everything work fine,but when i restart or upgrate the web application,i got the error like this:
    javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Unable to resolve 'jdbc.allianzB2CDataSource'. Resolved 'jdbc'; remaining name 'allianzB2CDataSource'
    Unable to resolve 'jdbc.allianzB2CDataSource'. Resolved 'jdbc'; remaining name 'allianzB2CDataSource'

    I create a datasource which jndi name is jdbc/allianzB2CDataSource and the target is AdminServer ,and i deploy a web application in AdminServer.In that web application,the code(base on spring framework) is:
    public static DataSource getJndiDataSource(String name) {
      JndiDataSourceLookup dsLookup = new JndiDataSourceLookup();
      Properties jndiEnvironment = new Properties();
      try {
      return dsLookup.getDataSource(name);
      } catch (Exception e) {
      return dsLookup.getDataSource(name);
    And the parameter is jdbc/allianzB2CDataSource,everything work fine,but when i restart or upgrate the web application,i got the error like this:
    javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Unable to resolve 'jdbc.allianzB2CDataSource'. Resolved 'jdbc'; remaining name 'allianzB2CDataSource'
    Unable to resolve 'jdbc.allianzB2CDataSource'. Resolved 'jdbc'; remaining name 'allianzB2CDataSource'

  • Java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve wwinvDataSource

    java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve wwinvDataSource. Resolved: '' Unresolved:'wwinvDataSource'
    I am getting this error in the JSP. wwinvDataSource is the name of my DataSource.
    Has anybody encountered similar problem?

    Check whether your connection pool and datasource are really
    started. Also check you have the correct JDNI name, NOT name,
    for your datasource.
    "Ajay Singh" <[email protected]> wrote:
    java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve wwinvDataSource. Resolved: '' Unresolved:'wwinvDataSource'
    I am getting this error in the JSP. wwinvDataSource is the name of my DataSource.
    Has anybody encountered similar problem?

  • More than one operation defined. Unable to resolve operation

    Using the attached WSDL to define a BPEL sequence I allways get the following error message:
    More than one operation defined. Unable to resolve operation:
    This occured in the moment i introduced a seconde operation. With one operation everything works fine.
    Does anybody know how to define a WSDL that works for the BPEL system with more than one operation?
    Best Regards,
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <definitions xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:tns="http://dummy.ws.axelbenz.de/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" targetNamespace="http://dummy.ws.axelbenz.de/" name="StringInOutService" xmlns:plink="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/03/partner-link/">
    <xsd:import namespace="http://dummy.ws.axelbenz.de/" schemaLocation="upperService.xsd" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:soap12="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/" />
    <message name="lowerMessage">
    <part name="lowerParameters" type="tns:lowerType" />
    <message name="lowerMessageResponse">
    <part name="lowerResponseParameters" type="tns:lowerTypeResponse" />
    <message name="upperMessage">
    <part name="upperParameters" type="tns:upperType" />
    <message name="upperMessageResponse">
    <part name="upperResponseParameters" type="tns:upperTypeResponse" />
    <portType name="StringInOut">
    <operation name="lowerOperation">
    <input message="tns:lowerMessage" />
    <output message="tns:lowerMessageResponse" />
    <operation name="upperOperation">
    <input message="tns:upperMessage" />
    <output message="tns:upperMessageResponse" />
    <binding name="StringInOutPortBinding" type="tns:StringInOut">
    <soap:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" style="document" />
    <operation name="lowerOperation">
    <soap:operation soapAction="lower" style="document" />
    <soap:body use="literal" parts="lowerParameters" />
    <soap:body use="literal" parts="lowerResponseParameters" />
    <operation name="upperOperation">
    <soap:operation soapAction="upper" style="document" />
    <soap:body use="literal" parts="upperParameters" namespace="" />
    <soap:body use="literal" parts="upperResponseParameters" />
    <service name="StringInOutService">
    <port name="StringInOutPort" binding="tns:StringInOutPortBinding">
    <soap:address location="http://GWBE0040.int.gematik.de:18181/DummyServices/StringInOutService" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:soap12="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/" />
    <plink:partnerLinkType name="partnerlinktype1">
    <plink:role name="serviceRequestor" portType="tns:StringInOut"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xs:schema version="1.0" targetNamespace="http://dummy.ws.axelbenz.de/" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <xs:element name="lower" type="ns1:lowerType" xmlns:ns1="http://dummy.ws.axelbenz.de/" />
    <xs:complexType name="lowerType">
    <xs:element name="inp" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
    <xs:element name="lowerResponse" type="ns2:lowerTypeResponse" xmlns:ns2="http://dummy.ws.axelbenz.de/" />
    <xs:complexType name="lowerTypeResponse">
    <xs:element name="return" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
    <xs:element name="upper" type="ns3:upperType" xmlns:ns3="http://dummy.ws.axelbenz.de/" />
    <xs:complexType name="upperType">
    <xs:element name="inp" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
    <xs:element name="upperResponse" type="ns4:upperTypeResponse" xmlns:ns4="http://dummy.ws.axelbenz.de/" />
    <xs:complexType name="upperTypeResponse">
    <xs:element name="return" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />

    What client are you using? Are you using the netbeans enterprise pack test driver? If so, you can set the soap action in the test properties to match the ones you have defined in the WSDL.
    Also if you could post the actual soap message you are sending that would help.
    I also noticed that you're using parts defined via types with a document/literal binding. To be more basic profile compliant in that casue you may want to use RPC style instead - it is not strictly necessary, but increases interoperability.

  • APEX4 possible bug: ERR-1412 Unable to resolve page alias

    when I try to start application using builder from a page that requires authentication I get the following error after successful authentication:
    Error     ERR-1412 Unable to resolve page alias (f?p=107|13|2569050001543698|||||). Clicking OK under error displays the target page successfully.
    This happens in development environment only. No errors when starting application by direct URL from end user point of view.
    The login process use the following code:
    v_flow_page := :APP_ID||':'||nvl(:FSP_AFTER_LOGIN_URL,1);
    P_UNAME => :P101_USERNAME,
    P_FLOW_PAGE => v_flow_page

    here i am giving the steps what i have done.
    Registered application as a partner application in SSO.
    the details are
    Name: Demo
    home URL :
    Success URl :
    Logout URL :
    then i ran the loadsdk.sql script,
    then i ran regapp.sql script in FLOWS_030100 schema, then it prompted for
    Enter value for listener_token: HTML_DB:
    Enter value for site_id:5B07385D
    Enter value for site_token:L3XV4G6B5B07385D
    Enter value for login_url:
    Enter value for encryption_key:AAB582795995E319
    Enter value for ip_check: N
    after that i ran custom_auth_sso.sql and custom_auth_sso.plb
    then given grants to public user.
    grant execute on wwv_flow_custom_auth_sso to apex_public_user;
    created authentication scheme and i made that scheme current.
    when i am running the application through apex
    first it's asking for SSO username and password, after giving valid username and pwd, it's giving "the page can not be found" message. url of the page is http://dev.sso.com:7777/sso/auth
    where i was wrong. pls help me.
    Edited by: user11132509 on May 15, 2009 4:36 AM
    Edited by: user11132509 on May 15, 2009 5:45 AM
    Edited by: user11132509 on May 15, 2009 5:52 AM

  • OracleConnection.createARRAY: Unable to resolve type

    Hi All,
    for some good reasons (don't ask ...) I need to implement a solution where a directory listing, on the DB server machine, can be gotten via an sql query.
    I have to say I am not very experienced with Java in Oracle, please forgive the newbie mistakes.
    Environment: 11gR2 on Win7, SQLDeveloper as front-end.
    In order to do this, I created a simple Java class, DB types and PL/SQL wrappers as follows:
      is_dir CHAR( 1 )
    , entry_name VARCHAR2( 4000 )
    , entry_size NUMBER
    , last_modified NUMBER );
    I then created the Java class
    CREATE OR REPLACE AND COMPILE java source named FSEntryReturn
      import java.sql.*;
      import java.util.*;
      import java.io.File;
      import oracle.jdbc.*;
      import oracle.sql.*;
      public class FSEntryReturn implements ORADataFactory, ORAData {
        private CHAR is_dir;
        private CHAR entry_name;
        private NUMBER entry_size;
        private NUMBER last_modified;
        public FSEntryReturn( OracleConnection conn
                            , String is_dir
                            , String entry_name
                            , long entry_size
                            , long last_modified )
        throws SQLException
            this.is_dir = new CHAR( is_dir, oracle.sql.CharacterSet.make( conn.getStructAttrCsId() ) );
            this.entry_name = new CHAR( entry_name, oracle.sql.CharacterSet.make( conn.getStructAttrCsId() ) );
            this.entry_size = new NUMBER( entry_size );
            this.last_modified = new NUMBER( last_modified );
        public FSEntryReturn( CHAR is_dir
                            , CHAR entry_name
                            , NUMBER entry_size
                            , NUMBER last_modified )
        throws SQLException
            this.is_dir = is_dir;
            this.entry_name = entry_name;
            this.entry_size = entry_size;
            this.last_modified = last_modified;
        public FSEntryReturn( Object[] attributes )
        throws SQLException {
          this( (CHAR)attributes[0]
              , (CHAR)attributes[1]
              , (NUMBER)attributes[2]
              , (NUMBER)attributes[3] );
        public FSEntryReturn( Datum d ) throws SQLException {
          this( ( (STRUCT)d).getOracleAttributes() );
        public ORAData create( Datum d, int sqlType ) throws SQLException {
          if(d == null) return null;
           else return new FSEntryReturn( d );
        public STRUCT toSTRUCT( Connection conn ) throws SQLException  {
          StructDescriptor sd = StructDescriptor.createDescriptor( "T_FS_ENTRY", conn );
          Object[] attributes = { is_dir, entry_name, entry_size, last_modified };
          return new STRUCT( sd, conn, attributes );
        public Datum toDatum( Connection conn ) throws SQLException {
          return toSTRUCT( conn );
        public static List<FSEntryReturn> getDirListImpl( OracleConnection conn, final String dirPath )
        throws SQLException
          List<FSEntryReturn> ret = new ArrayList<FSEntryReturn>();
          File dir = new File( dirPath );
          if( dir.isDirectory() ) {
            for( String fileName : dir.list() ) {
              File f = new File( dir, fileName );
              FSEntryReturn fsr = new FSEntryReturn( conn
                                                   , (f.isDirectory() ? "1" : null)
                                                   , fileName
                                                   , f.length()
                                                   , f.lastModified() );
              ret.add( fsr );
                } else
            throw new RuntimeException( "Path " + dirPath + " is not a directory" );
          return ret;
        public static ARRAY getDirList( final String dirPath )
        throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException
          // initialize the connection
          OracleConnection conn = null;
          conn = (OracleConnection) ( new oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver() ).defaultConnection();
          FSEntryReturn[] retArray = getDirListImpl( conn, dirPath ).toArray( new FSEntryReturn[0] );
          // Map the java class to the Oracle type
          Map map = conn.getTypeMap();
          map.put("T_FS_ENTRY", Class.forName( "FSEntryReturn" ) );
          // ArrayDescriptor retArrayDesc = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor( "FPL_XSD.T_FS_ENTRY", conn );
          // create an Oracle collection on client side to use as parameter
          // ARRAY oracleCollection = new ARRAY( retArrayDesc, conn, retArray );
          ARRAY oracleCollection = conn.createARRAY( "T_FS_ENTRY", retArray );
          return oracleCollection;
    Finally the wrapper:
    create or replace PACKAGE QAO_SUPPORT
      FUNCTION get_dir_list( p_dir IN VARCHAR2 )
      RETURN t_fs_entry_tab;
    create or replace PACKAGE BODY QAO_SUPPORT
      FUNCTION get_dir_list( p_dir IN VARCHAR2 )
      RETURN t_fs_entry_tab
      NAME 'FSEntryReturn.getDirList( java.lang.String ) return oracle.sql.ARRAY';
    At last I granted privileges on a directory:
    BEGIN dbms_java.grant_permission( 'FPL_XSD', 'SYS:java.io.FilePermission', 'C:\-', 'read,write,execute' ); END;
    When I test this as FPL_XSD user, the same schema where the type, package and source are defined:
    select * from table( QAO_SUPPORT.get_dir_list( 'C:\\TEMP' ) );
    I get the following error (sorry for the dutch stuff, basically, "uncaught java exception: error in creation of descriptor:..."):
    ORA-29532: Java-aanroep is afgesloten door niet-onderschepte Java-uitzondering: java.sql.SQLException: Maken van descriptor is mislukt.: Unable to resolve type: "FPL_XSD.T_FS_ENTRY".
    ORA-06512: in "FPL_XSD.QAO_SUPPORT", regel 30
    Even if it is not exactly stated the error happens at the line:
    ARRAY oracleCollection = conn.createARRAY( "T_FS_ENTRY", retArray );
    Note that when logged in as FPL_XSD, desc T_FS_ENTRY returns the type description.
    I searched everywhere and consulted the documentation. I think it should work. I am out of ideas, but I have a suspect the problem might be with the connection configuration, maybe?
    Any help or hint is greatly appreciated.

    Hi All,
    I insisted trying and I found out what the problem was. In:
    ARRAY oracleCollection = conn.createARRAY( "T_FS_ENTRY", retArray );
    The first argument is an Oracle type name, I wrongly used the RECORD (OBJECT) type name - T_FS_ENTRY -, not the name of the nested table T_FS_ENTRY_TAB.
    So the code should look like:
    ARRAY oracleCollection = conn.createARRAY( "T_FS_ENTRY_TAB", retArray );
    Which works.

  • Javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Unable to resolve 'ATGProductionDS'   - in Weblogic on starting the server

    I am not able to resolve the JNDI name - ATGProductionDS
    I have used CIM to create this and i am using ATG10.2 with MYSQL as my database and weblogic.
    /atg/epub/file/ConfigFileSystem journaling file system started: vfs=file:/C:
    /Stixs/ATG/ATG10.2/home/PublishingAgent/deploymentconfig/live/config/ journalDirectory=C:\Stixs\ATG\ATG10.2\home\PublishingAgent\deploymentc
    **** Error      Fri Dec 27 20:58:35 EST 2013    1388195915495   /atg/dynamo/service/jdbc/DirectJTDataSource     Failed to resolve ATGProduct
    ionDS   javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Unable to resolve 'ATGProductionDS'. Resolved ''; remaining name 'ATGProductionDS'
    **** Error      Fri Dec 27 20:58:35 EST 2013    1388195915495   /atg/dynamo/service/jdbc/DirectJTDataSource             at weblogic.jndi.int
    **** Error      Fri Dec 27 20:58:35 EST 2013    1388195915495   /atg/dynamo/service/jdbc/DirectJTDataSource             at weblogic.jndi.int
    Entries from Weblogic console -datasources
    atg_production_lockserver, atg_publishing_lockserver
    Please provide assistance.

    if you click the "Control" tab for the ATGProductionDS datasource in the Weblogic console does it show the State as running?
    Does the "Monitoring" tab for the datasource show the State as running? If you click on the "Testing" tab can you test the datasource successfully?
    If you inspect the Server using the Weblogic console there is a link "View JNDI Tree" If you click the link do you see the datasource listed in the left pane?
    Do you see any errors for the ATGProductionDS in the Weblogic server log and out log files?

  • Unable to resolve 'oracle.j2ee.ws.server.async.DefaultRequestQueue'

    When executing import/export service through FSM we are getting below error on server console. Can someone please help us to resolve this.
    <Nov 22, 2012 10:25:14 PM IST> <Error> <oracle.j2ee.ws.common.jaxws.JAXWSMessages> <BEA-000000> <[MessageID: uuid:3eac9f32-ad81-4d96-b5b2-18cf0fd887c0[migRequestId=300100015300332][migObjectId=300100015300326][]] Could not send async request message to the JMS queue.
    java.security.PrivilegedActionException: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Unable to resolve 'oracle.j2ee.ws.server.async.DefaultRequestQueue'. Resolved 'oracle.j2ee.ws.server.async'; remaining name 'DefaultRequestQueue'
    at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:373)
    at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:146)
    at weblogic.security.Security.runAs(Security.java:61)
    at oracle.security.jps.wls.jaas.WlsActionExecutor.execute(WlsActionExecutor.java:51)
    at oracle.security.jps.internal.jaas.CascadeActionExecutor.execute(CascadeActionExecutor.java:56)
    at oracle.j2ee.ws.server.provider.GenericProviderPlatform.runAs(GenericProviderPlatform.java:365)
    at oracle.j2ee.ws.server.jaxws.JMSChannel.getConnection(JMSChannel.java:468)
    at oracle.j2ee.ws.server.jaxws.JMSChannel.sendMessage(JMSChannel.java:235)
    at oracle.j2ee.ws.server.jaxws.JMSChannel.sendRequest(JMSChannel.java:199)
    at oracle.j2ee.ws.server.jaxws.AsyncServiceRuntimeDelegate$JMSMessageQueue.send(AsyncServiceRuntimeDelegate.java:170)
    at oracle.j2ee.ws.server.jaxws.AsyncServiceRuntimeDelegate.pro
    Caused By: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Unable to resolve 'oracle.j2ee.ws.server.async.DefaultRequestQueue'. Resolved 'oracle.j2ee.ws.server.async'; remaining name 'DefaultRequestQueue'
    at weblogic.jndi.internal.BasicNamingNode.newNameNotFoundException(BasicNamingNode.java:1139)
    at weblogic.jndi.internal.BasicNamingNode.lookupHere(BasicNamingNode.java:252)
    at weblogic.jndi.internal.ServerNamingNode.lookupHere(ServerNamingNode.java:182)
    at weblogic.jndi.internal.BasicNamingNode.lookup(BasicNamingNode.java:206)
    at weblogic.jndi.internal.BasicNamingNode.lookup(BasicNamingNode.java:214)
    at weblogic.jndi.internal.BasicNamingNode.lookup(BasicNamingNode.java:214)
    at weblogic.jndi.internal.BasicNamingNode.lookup(BasicNamingNode.java:214)
    at weblogic.jndi.internal.BasicNamingNode.lookup(BasicNamingNode.java:214)
    The "oracle.jrf.ws.async_template_11.1.1.jar" jar file required for JMS (oracle.j2ee.ws.server.async.) which is present in below directory path of weblogic standalone.
    Edited by: user12820425 on Dec 2, 2012 11:56 PM

    Are you using Standalone (or) Integrated WLS. It works only on Standalone WLS.
    Also for these issues, please put this in Cross Pillar Integration Forum. Contact Ning.Dong

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