Unable To Restore Applications...

For the last couple of days, I have only seen two applications on my iPhone 3G with 16Gb...every time I do a restore, I keep on getting the following message:
Today I wiped everything off and restored, but I still get the same message.
It seems like the phone doesn't think I am not the authorized PC even though
this is the original one...what can I do to restore all my applications and
songs I purchased???

This just happened to me. I opened Itunes and clicked on the applications folder on the left. Than when it opened I clicked on one of the applications. A window will open asking you to authorize that app for the computer. Once you do one app all get authorized. Than re synch and things worked out fine.

Similar Messages

  • TS3992 Okay followed your advice cleared and restored because apps would not download.  Restore was successful, however error is "Unable to Download Application" done or retry!  So now what?

    Okay followed your advice on previous page to reset iPod Touch and restore because apps would not download updates.  Restore was successful, however app starts to load goes half way then freezes. Error message is "Unable to Download Application" Done or Retry buttons.  Neither one works.  So now what?  I have several financial apps that I need.  Please help!  Researched on net and seems to be a common problem.

    Welcome to the Apple community.
    There seems to be rather more of this type of issue being reported currently, than there normally is, there may well be a problem with the servers. I would be inclined to wait a while, then try again later.

  • TS1702 upgraded iphone 3G to IOS5 .Unable to download application from apple store.instructed not to update ios version or restore

    error 1661 unable to sync application on iphone i upgraded iphon 3G to IOS 5
    NOW not able to download applications
    i am instructed not to upgrade  ios or restore

    Having similar problem with iPad 2 after iOS7 upgrade, however App store is working, but not iTunes Store. I am guessing not a technical error. Any others having the same problem or have found a solution?

  • Problem with downloading apps. "Unable to download application" error.Help please!

    I'm having a major issue with updating or downloading apps. They won't download! I try to download an app, it's says "waiting", then it looks like it's about to download. Then, suddenly, the "loading"  bar gets halway filled, then it goes back to saying "waiting". This cycles about three or so times and then I get this message: "Unable to download application. Could not be downloaded at this time" with choices to be "done" or "retry".
    I have tried EVERYTHING to fix this. I tried pausing the download and restarting, I tried soft and hard resets, I tried signing out and back into the App Store, I tried resetting my settings, I tried restoring the phone as a new iPhone, nothing works! I am at my wits end! I have an appointment at the Genius bar tomorrow, but I'm hoping someone here can help me so I won't have to keep that appointment.  I've tried searching for my problem in the forums but none of the results are like mine. Could someone please help?
    EDIT: I also tried checking the iTunes queue. No purchases are stuck in the queue.

    Just wanted to update, since I can no longer edit my original post. I tried disabling bluetooth. That didn't do any good, either.

  • I am unable to restore my backups from my Time Machine

    MacBook Pro – My reformatted system that won't restore from my time machine - HELP PLEASE
    I loaded Lion when it first came     out and all my troubles started. (It was the same on my 24” iMac).     Mail particularly hardly worked on either machine after loading up     Lion but that's another story and I wish I had never upgraded to      Lion.
    I am now in China and took my     MacBook Pro with me
    To avoid mail problems I     eventually used web-mail as all I saw was the coloured spinning     wheel all day long otherwise
    Gradually the machine got slower     and slower and I saw that coloured wheel more and more
    Eventually a message came up to     say my Bootable Drive was almost full.
    I checked and it wasn't full of MY     documents.  I see on this forum it's an Apple problem - reformatting and restoring user files will not help the problem
    On 1st November I did a     Time Machine backup that completed OK
    Since then I had removed ALL     documents safely to my Sony Vaio that we bought instead of another     Apple Mac.
    Despite removing ALL documents and      emptying the trash for two users the HDD continued to fill up     rapidly
    I decided to do one more last     backup on Time Machine so I could reformat the system – This     backup never completed
    I had to reformat the system as it     was totally not useable by now
    I had expected to put a Snow     Leopard DVD in and restore my system without any problem - I have done this before on my iMac
    I was unable to point the restore     to my time machine as it has a WD lock partition and Apple restores     don't recognise the drive may be locked!
    No problem I thought, as I will do     it later through the tools utility called Migration Assistant
    I have tried several times with     Leopard and Snow Leopard but cannot get the utility to work, as it     is obviously picking up the corrupt “LAST” backup (This is a shortcut to the 6th November uncompleted backup
    I tried to move the 1st November one to the last and move the other out as “”Corrupt”,     but we are not allowed to change time machine files.  Brilliant idea     but Apple stopped it!
    So, I loaded Snow Leopard and got     it to see my Time Machine Files and restored first the Applications     – No problem
    Then Library – This failed as     “You haven't permission” - What!  Why?  This is MY Laptop and MY     files.  Apple have to sort out this permission problem.  I have had     it three and a half years and it has driven me mad.  It's a flawed     way of working in my opinion.  It took me three years to empty the     trash because of it.
    I then tried to restore the "System" folder which also has a library folder and that failed the same  - Why     doesn't Time Machine restore what it's told to?  Is it because I     called the MacBook Pro  something different?  It saw the backup     files OK and gave me the option of the previous MacBook or my iMac     that I also had on the same drive. I chose the MacBook but it would     NOT restore the system.
    So, I am stuck in China without my     MacBook Pro and unable to restore my system and unable to retrieve     the 1st November backup which was taken properly.
    This means that I cannot run any     programmes and do any work
    I have wasted two weeks altogether     on all the combined problems and without a usable system
    Any ideas how to restore back to     the 1st November please?  Thanks in advance!

    UpdateAfter Advice from Apple
    I spoke from China on the1st December to a very helpful Senior Apple Technical person.  He gave me my guidelines for a successful restore and we hung up.
    Unfortunately, the backup hadn't enough space, so I repartitioned the hard drive and THEN followed his instructions.
    At 6 am there was amessage to say it had restored OK (See screen-shot to say it wassuccessful) and so, I pressed OK to restart the MacBook Pro.
    All I got was the same as before - a grey spinning wheel.
    To cut a very long storyshort, I wasted the whole day trying to make a backup work to no avail. I came to the conclusion that this is yet another example of Lion not working, as I have never had this problem with Leopard and Snow Leopard.
    I then got a screen shot of a message never seen before and that may help Apple ….
    So, I sent them that screen-shot. Restarting did nothing of course.
    Timeto stop the nonsense!
    To cut my losses of many days wasted time over the last 5 weeks, I gave up trying to restore and as I have all the data safely tucked away on an external drive, Irebuilt the MacBook Pro with just Leopard.
    I then put all theApplications back on one by one and it runs perfectly. Luckily I also had these with me in China!
    Ablisteringly quick system on the old Leopard
    In fact, Pages and AdobeCS4 are how they were when we purchased the machine 3.5 years ago -Blisteringly quick.
    I have a mega large Pages Newsletter about China that I think was over 20 Mb before I shrank it, as it had many photos. This brought the MacBook running Lion to it's knees. On my rebuilt MacBook Pro running Leopard, it ran blisteringly quickly,even before shrinking it.
    I managed to finish thenewsletter that I had started on the 21st October and we bulk emailedit out as a PDF 1st December from my MacBook Pro running Leopard.
    In fact, the machine isrunning so well, that I think I will stick with Leopard.
    I always suspected the problem with Lion was it was constantly doing SAVES all the time that were in the foreground and not the background that I was unable to type in productively. My own opinion is that the developers had been trying to be TOO clever with Lion and for a busy person like me it crippled my productivity that went down by 50% and then eventually to ZERO %.
    I would like to thank the Apple Technical person for his efforts on my behalf and felt that he should receive this update to close the case.
    I stated that hopefully he can pass my observations to the LION TEAM Management or to whoever in Apple needs to see this feedback. The dozen or so problems with Lion have already caused us to go and buy a Sony Vaio instead of another MacBook Pro.
    This anti-Apple attitude is by a person that for over 3 years was utterly and completely soldon Apple. No more, as Lion killed all my enthusiasm for Apple. My colleague as well. I asked the Apple Technical person to PLEASE pass this on!  Whether he passed the report on I will never know!

  • Unable to Restore Database

    We are attempting to migrate from an older windows platform to a Windows 2008 platform. The old configuration had two disk drives, and Oracle Express was installed on E: - the new server, being virtual has been configured with only the C: drive.
    I've been reading up on RMAN, and have confirmed that the daily backup process on the old server does create an RMAN backup.
    I've installed (and several repeat uninstall/installs) a copy of Oracle Express 10g in the default location, accepting all defaults except for my password (which is irrelevant under RMAN).
    I've duplicated the directories, I've figured out how to restart the database so I don't have to reinstall, but I am unable to restore the application database. I'm not eager to use other utilities than RMAN, since learning RMAN has already taken up more time than is budgeted for this task.
    I receive varying error messages, depending on the techniques I try to use. Usually I receive this closing message:
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-03002: failure of startup command at 12/14/2010 13:39:24
    RMAN-04014: startup failed: ORA-02778: Name given for the log directory is invalid
    The other message I receive is the following or a variation on the theme:
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-03002: failure of restore command at mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss
    RMAN-06564: must use the TO clause when the instance is started with SPFILE
    The second message is a direct response to the following:
    rman target /
    startup force nomount;
    {set controlfile autobackup format for device type disk to 'c:\backup\oracle\XE_%F';
    # use 'c:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\database\SPF2FILE_%F'
    I have no clue how to specify correctly that the SP2FILE.ORA file is the backup of the control file (can provide the script to create the backup if you think it will help, which runs a series of logs to capture settings and then executes the backup.) The backup process was inherited and I cannot explain why the default RMAN process is not being used to create the backup. However, I've been unable to use the default RMAN output to restore on a different server, as well.
    Please help - this task is now very late, and I'm not even sure whether I'm asking the correct questions to solve the problem(s) I'm experiencing.

    I'm not sure what you mean by the instance 'status'. I install a fresh copy of Oracle Express 10g. Copy over the backup files for the database and logs, copy over the SPFILE..., and attempt to restore, with the errors reported above.
    When I install XE, the instance is up and running (as confirmed by the 'home page' of XE being displayed in the browser waiting for logon and password. When I start the process to restore, XE is no longer available (in some form of maintenance mode and unavailable to normal users).
    What do you mean 'using pfile/spfile'? How would I 'use'? (I did verify that if I take a 'backup' using the XE tools, I CAN restore on the same instance where I took the backup. Just not on a different, new instance of XE.)
    The article is quite interesting, but it seems to assume that I'm working in the same instance where the backup was taken. The instructions also seem to contradict the error messages I presented above.
    I don't have any autobackup settings on my brand new copy of XE, so the following command in the article does not seem meaningful to me. Clearly it makes sense to use both a TO and FROM. It seems that what I should be doing is using a 'FROM' where I have the 'TO'; what happens if I point to my backup copy of the SPFILE in the FROM clause instead of 'AUTOBACKUP'? The command string I provided in my original post may be trying to do that, but I can't tell from the source article (which I now have to go find...)
    Additional question - "DBID"? In express, I do not see any value for DBID. I understand why it would be relevant in a more advanced implementation, with multiple databases being maintained under the same Oracle installation, but it's not clear to me what DBID identifies - the database's internal "primary key" value in a directory of databases, or some other implication.
    Edited by: user13488246 on Dec 16, 2010 7:13 AM

  • One way sync from Outlook Express gets Unable to read application data error

    I have a BB Flip, 8220, and am trying to use Outlook Express as my Contacts organizer.  I have started Outlook express "vanilla" and only have one records in Outlook Express.  I have 34 records in my BB Contacts.  When I run synchronize (and again, I am trying to do this one way, from Express to BB) I get the error "Unable to read application data", "Processing Device Address Book", "Record 34 of 34 Records".
    I have read many of the threads.  I have checked the RIM.log file and it says one way sync.  Any clues on how to fix this?  I am on Desktop 4.6, do I need to upgrade to 4.7?
    Please advise.
    Thank you.
    Go to Solution.

    Well I fixed the problem.  What I did was run a Backup using the desktop mgr software, I then ran a restore, but I used the Advanced option so that I could open the ipd backup file and then select just the contacts database and push that from my computer to the device (using the right arrow copy button in the middle of the Advanced window thingy).  I then reran the Sync and it WORKED!
    Doing the backup and restore must have fixed the corrupted record on my phone.  Wonderful.  I was nervous, but it worked jst fine.

  • Unable to restore Aperture after minimizing.

    Just upgraded to Aperture 3.4.5 on Mountain Lion for iMac.  When I minimize the application I am unable to restore it by clicking on the Aperture icon in the dock.  I was able to do this previously.  Is the a new feature or something that can be adjusted?  To retun to full screen, I have to right click on the icon in the dock and select the Application at the top of the list. 

    No, this issue only happens with Aperture.
    And have you tried Frank Caggiano's advice to remove Aperture' preferences, since it is only Aperture, that connot restore its windows?
    How to remove Preferences is described here: Aperture 3: Troubleshooting Basics
    Delete the user preferences
    You can resolve many issues by restoring Aperture back to its original settings. This will not impact your image files or your library. To reset your Aperture user preference settings to their original state, do the following:
    Quit Aperture.
    In the Finder choose Go to folder from the Go menu.
    Type ~/Library/Preferences in the "Go to the folder" field. Press the Go button.
    Remove the "com.apple.Aperture.plist" file from the Preferences folder.
    Note: The locations of your Aperture libraries are stored in the preference file listed above. If you have stored your library outside the default location of  ~/Pictures/Aperture Library, make a note of where the library is before deleting the Aperture preferences file. If you have more than one library, you can bring up a dialog to choose which one to load by pressing Option immediately after you open Aperture.
    Log off and on again after removing the preferences - otherwise it may not have any effect in Mt. Lion.

  • E72 Hard Reset - unable to restore backup

    Due to some trouble with the camera getting the focus right, and general low performance of my e72, i had to perform a hard reset on the device (german fw v. 53.x.1).
    I made 3 backups of all date via Ovi Suite 3.1 before. After the reset, the device runs fine again but I am unable to restore all data. In fact,
    - Messages (SMS)
    - phone settings
    - applications
    - calendar/notes (which is synced by outlook, so not a problem)
    are missing! When I only restore the messages, I receive an error from OVI. It runs fine with Nokia PC Suite Content Copier (it says 100%), but the messages are still not restored.
    In Content Copier, I don't even see a check box for applications and phone settings! Has it been disabled for e72 devices?
    I have done the procedure on an old e71 and n82 befor and it just ran very well, everything was restored. Why does the e72 make such trouble? Is there a possibility to recover things another way out of the *.nbu file??

    Okay, this Prog helps-a-lot:
    there are no settings / programs saved in the e72's backups - WHY??
    at least I'm able to recover the messages.

  • Bug? Unable to restore actions toolbox

    Query from gh_sg - March 2008: The left pane of the Actions window generally comprises of 2 sub-panes - the upper Action toolbox and the lower Script navigator. By chance i dragged the divider (between the 2 sub-panes) up so much so that the Action toolbox is out of sight. Now i am unable to restore the Action toolbox. Any help on how to restore this sub-pane would be appreciated.
    I am having the same problem and followed your discussion through to reply from rafiqelmansy:
    When I stuck with such a situation, I always run to reinstall the application. I do not know about the config.xml file, sorry
    Is reinstall the final solution to this?

    Shouting is done with all caps, and often lots of exclamation points, so I didn't see it that way!
    Personally I wouldn't upgrade to CS4 for a couple reasons..
    1) I never did... it was full of bugs when it was first released so I avoided it altogether...  They finally came out with a patch sometime last year, but I don't think they cured all of its ills... no regrets at my end except for not being able to help folks who attach CS4 files
    2) CS5 is rumored to be released sometime this year, so if you upgrade tto CS4 now, you'll have wished you didn't when you see CS5 released a few months from now (that's what happened to me when I bought CS3... but my reluctance to upgrade right away paid off in my POV... I found the forums first and the issues that CS4 had before a kneejerk reaction could lead me to buy it)
    Since I have CS3, maybe I'll take a closer look into your dilemna, hopefully without recreating it for myself.  I have to think there must be an option somehwre to display whatever section it is you're talking about.  For myself, I code everything by hand, so I'm blind to whatever is off to the side--never pay any attention to it.

  • Computer crashed, unable to restore day old trial of CS6 Creative Ste. Can I download this again?

    Computer crashed, unable to restore day old trial of CS6 Creative Ste. Can I download this again?
    I tried, but after running the download assistant, get message: The application could not be installed because an application with that name already exists at the selected installation location. Try installing to a different location.
    Should this even be possible to install it again?   Or is my 12 hour trial finished for good?

    Creative Suite Cleaner Tool
    Troubleshoot Adobe Download Assistant
    It may not work, though... Trials are sensitive to all sorts of what they perceive as attempts at tampering...

  • 'Unable to Launch Application Error' - Java Web Start Running Under MS IIS.

    I am attempting to render the following .jnlp in MS IE:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- JNLP File for LottoMadness Application -->
         <title>LottoMadness Application</title>
         <vendor>Rogers Cadenhead</vendor>
         <homepage href="http://localhost/LottoMadness/"/>
         <icon href="lottobigicon.gif"/>
         <j2se version="1.5"/>
         <jar href="LottoMadness.jar"/>
       <application-desc main-class="LottoMadness"/>
    </jnlp>I've deployed the .jnlp, .gif, and .jar to MS IIS, running locally on my PC.
    When I attempt to render the .jnlp in IE I obtain an 'Application Error' window stating 'Unable to Launch Application'. Clicking details gives me:
    com.sun.deploy.net.FailedDownloadException: Unable to load resource: http://localhost/LottoMadness/LottoMadness.jnlp
         at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.actionDownload(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.getCacheEntry(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.getResourceCacheEntry(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.getResourceCacheEntry(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.getResource(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.getResource(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.updateFinalLaunchDesc(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.prepareToLaunch(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.launch(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.javaws.Main.launchApp(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.javaws.Main.continueInSecureThread(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.javaws.Main$1.run(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)I have configured MS IIS for Web Start, by setting the Extension/Content Type fields to .jnlp and application/x-java-jnlp-file.
    (The .jnlp is basically from 'Programming with Java in 24 Hours', as this is the book I am learning Java from.)

    AndrewThompson64 wrote:
    I am not used to seeing references to a local server that do not include a port number.
    E.G. http://localhost:8080/LottoMadness/
    I have deployed the following HTML (HelpMe.html) to the web server:
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
    Help Me!
    </html>When I attempt to render the URL in IE, I see the page just fine. The URL is use is:
    http://localhost/LottoMadness/HelpMe.htmlSo, I think my web server setup and usage is ok.
    As an aside, what happens if (your MS IIS is running and) you click a direct link to..
    When I click this link I get the error and exception I cited in my previous post.

  • Unable to access applications in workspace,shared services

    Hi ,
    I am Unable to access applications in workspace and shared services on EPM It happened after normal shutdown/startup scripts were run.
    But when I reconfigure the Weblogic web server and run the services again I can access the applications.This is happening frequently now.
    Is this anything related to user profiles on the server as we are migrating these to other server.
    Can any one help me with this .
    Please find the Shared services log below:
    <22-Oct-2010 10:25:19 o'clock BST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000395> <Following extensions directory contents added to the end of the classpath:
    <22-Oct-2010 10:25:21 o'clock BST> <Info> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000377> <Starting WebLogic Server with BEA JRockit(R) Version R27.4.0-90_CR358515-94243-1.5.0_12-20080118-1154-windows-ia32 from BEA Systems, Inc.>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:25:25 o'clock BST> <Info> <Management> <BEA-141107> <Version: WebLogic Server 9.2 MP3 Mon Mar 10 08:28:41 EDT 2008 1096261 >
    <22-Oct-2010 10:25:29 o'clock BST> <Emergency> <Management> <BEA-141151> <The admin server could not be reached at http://localhost:7001.>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:25:29 o'clock BST> <Info> <Configuration Management> <BEA-150018> <This server is being started in managed server independence mode in the absence of the admin server.>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:25:29 o'clock BST> <Info> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000215> <Loaded License : D:\bea\license.bea>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:25:29 o'clock BST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to STARTING>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:25:29 o'clock BST> <Info> <WorkManager> <BEA-002900> <Initializing self-tuning thread pool>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:25:30 o'clock BST> <Notice> <Log Management> <BEA-170019> <The server log file D:\Hyperion\deployments\WebLogic9\servers\SharedServices9\logs\SharedServices9.log is opened. All server side log events will be written to this file.>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:25:47 o'clock BST> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090082> <Security initializing using security realm myrealm.>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:25:57 o'clock BST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to STANDBY>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:25:57 o'clock BST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to STARTING>
    log dir isD:\Hyperion\logs\SharedServices9
    urlManifest zip:D:/Hyperion/deployments/temp/servers/SharedServices9/tmp/_WL_user/interop/tthmcu/war/WEB-INF/lib/interop-mmc.jar!/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
    Shared Services Version:
    Shared Services Drop Number: 6
    Attempting to verify the database configuration
    Attempting to verify the database configuration
    Database configuration test passed.
    22 Oct 2010 10:26:38 - org.apache.slide.common.Domain - INFO - Auto-Initializing Domain
    22 Oct 2010 10:26:38 - org.apache.slide.common.Domain - INFO - Configuration found in classpath
    22 Oct 2010 10:26:38 - org.apache.slide.common.Domain - INFO - Domain configuration : {org.apache.slide.lock=true, org.apache.slide.versioncontrol=true, org.apache.slide.debug=false, org.apache.slide.search=true, org.apache.slide.security=true, org.apache.slide.urlEncoding=UTF-8, org.apache.slide.domain=D:/Hyperion/deployments/WebLogic9/SharedServices9/config/Domain.xml}
    configURL: file:///D:/Hyperion/deployments/WebLogic9/SharedServices9/config/CSS.xml
    Done initialize: com.hyperion.css.CSSAPIImpl@283baf
    connection pool registered:dbcpPool-org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool@27efaa
    connection pool registered:dbcpPool-org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool@454a3b
    CMSOfflineServlet Initialized
    Adding audit listener
    Shared Services Initialized Successfully
    <22-Oct-2010 10:26:56 o'clock BST> <Warning> <Log Management> <BEA-170011> <The LogBroadcaster on this server failed to broadcast log messages to the admin server. The Admin server may not be running. Message broadcasts to the admin server will be disabled.>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:26:56 o'clock BST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to ADMIN>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:26:56 o'clock BST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to RESUMING>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:26:57 o'clock BST> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090171> <Loading the identity certificate and private key stored under the alias hyperion from the jks keystore file D:\hyperion_SSL_Repository\hyperion.jks.>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:26:58 o'clock BST> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090169> <Loading trusted certificates from the jks keystore file D:\bea\JROCKI~1\jre\lib\security\cacerts.>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:26:58 o'clock BST> <Notice> <Server> <BEA-002613> <Channel "DefaultSecure" is now listening on for protocols iiops, t3s, ldaps, https.>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:26:58 o'clock BST> <Notice> <Server> <BEA-002613> <Channel "DefaultSecure[1]" is now listening on for protocols iiops, t3s, ldaps, https.>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:26:58 o'clock BST> <Notice> <Server> <BEA-002613> <Channel "DefaultSecure[2]" is now listening on for protocols iiops, t3s, ldaps, https.>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:26:58 o'clock BST> <Warning> <Server> <BEA-002611> <Hostname "", maps to multiple IP addresses:,,>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:26:58 o'clock BST> <Warning> <Server> <BEA-002611> <Hostname "LGWHYPWEB.uk.baa.com", maps to multiple IP addresses:,,>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:26:58 o'clock BST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000358> <Started WebLogic Independent Managed Server "SharedServices9" for domain "WebLogic9" running in Production Mode>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:26:58 o'clock BST> <Warning> <Server> <BEA-002611> <Hostname "LGWWEB026.uk.baa.com", maps to multiple IP addresses:,,>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:26:58 o'clock BST> <Warning> <JMX> <BEA-149510> <Unable to establish JMX Connectivity with the Adminstration Server AdminServer at <JMXServiceURL:null>.>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:26:58 o'clock BST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to RUNNING>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:26:58 o'clock BST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000360> <Server started in RUNNING mode>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:27:08 o'clock BST> <Warning> <Security> <BEA-090475> <Plaintext data for protocol HTTP was received from peer LGWHYPWEB.uk.baa.com - instead of an SSL handshake.>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:28:36 o'clock BST> <Warning> <Security> <BEA-090475> <Plaintext data for protocol HTTP was received from peer lgwdbs026.uk.baa.com - instead of an SSL handshake.>
    22-Oct-2010 10:28:38, /files, HEAD, 401 "Unauthorized", 125 ms, %v
    22-Oct-2010 10:28:38, /files, HEAD, 200 "OK", 266 ms, %v
    22-Oct-2010 10:28:40, /files, HEAD, 401 "Unauthorized", 16 ms, %v
    22-Oct-2010 10:28:41, /files, HEAD, 200 "OK", 94 ms, %v
    22-Oct-2010 10:28:42, /files, HEAD, 401 "Unauthorized", 0 ms, %v
    22-Oct-2010 10:28:42, /files, HEAD, 200 "OK", 93 ms, %v
    22-Oct-2010 10:28:43, /files, HEAD, 401 "Unauthorized", 0 ms, %v
    22-Oct-2010 10:28:43, /files, HEAD, 200 "OK", 94 ms, %v
    22-Oct-2010 10:28:44, /files, HEAD, 401 "Unauthorized", 0 ms, %v
    22-Oct-2010 10:28:44, /files, HEAD, 200 "OK", 78 ms, %v
    22-Oct-2010 10:28:45, /files, HEAD, 401 "Unauthorized", 0 ms, %v
    22-Oct-2010 10:28:45, /files, HEAD, 200 "OK", 93 ms, %v
    22-Oct-2010 10:28:47, /files, HEAD, 401 "Unauthorized", 0 ms, %v
    22-Oct-2010 10:28:47, /files, HEAD, 200 "OK", 78 ms, %v
    22-Oct-2010 10:28:48, /files, HEAD, 401 "Unauthorized", 0 ms, %v
    22-Oct-2010 10:28:48, /files, HEAD, 200 "OK", 78 ms, %v
    <22-Oct-2010 10:29:40 o'clock BST> <Warning> <Security> <BEA-090475> <Plaintext data for protocol HTTP was received from peer lgwapp026.uk.baa.com - instead of an SSL handshake.>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:30:16 o'clock BST> <Warning> <Security> <BEA-090475> <Plaintext data for protocol HTTP was received from peer lgwapp026.uk.baa.com - instead of an SSL handshake.>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:32:25 o'clock BST> <Warning> <Security> <BEA-090475> <Plaintext data for protocol HTTP was received from peer LGWHYPWEB.uk.baa.com - instead of an SSL handshake.>
    22-Oct-2010 10:32:43, /files, HEAD, 401 "Unauthorized", 0 ms, %v
    22-Oct-2010 10:32:43, /files, HEAD, 200 "OK", 78 ms, %v
    22-Oct-2010 10:32:44, /files, HEAD, 401 "Unauthorized", 0 ms, %v
    22-Oct-2010 10:32:44, /files, HEAD, 200 "OK", 63 ms, %v
    22-Oct-2010 10:32:45, /files, HEAD, 401 "Unauthorized", 0 ms, %v
    22-Oct-2010 10:32:45, /files, HEAD, 200 "OK", 63 ms, %v
    <22-Oct-2010 10:32:46 o'clock BST> <Warning> <Security> <BEA-090475> <Plaintext data for protocol HTTP was received from peer LGWHYPWEB.uk.baa.com - instead of an SSL handshake.>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:34:00 o'clock BST> <Warning> <Security> <BEA-090475> <Plaintext data for protocol HTTP was received from peer LGWHYPWEB.uk.baa.com - instead of an SSL handshake.>
    <22-Oct-2010 10:35:28 o'clock BST> <Warning> <Security> <BEA-090475> <Plaintext data for protocol HTTP was received from peer LGWHYPWEB.uk.baa.com - instead of an SSL handshake.>
    log dir isD:\Hyperion\logs\SharedServices9
    urlManifest zip:D:/Hyperion/deployments/temp/servers/SharedServices9/tmp/_WL_user/interop/tthmcu/war/WEB-INF/lib/interop-mmc.jar!/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
    Shared Services Version:
    Shared Services Drop Number: 6
    Populating Application Info
    Getting LCM callback info from Registry for product: HUB
    LCM Callback: https://LGWWEB026.uk.baa.com:28443/interop/framework/lcm/HSSMigration
    Populating Product Info
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: 790426 on 25-Oct-2010 06:17

    You must first check if you have configured the web server to include the hfm/planning products.
    Then you can refer to the thread below:
    Not able to see Consolidation Administration
    The latter definitely applies to version 9.3.1, but it could be helpful.

  • Unable to restore and recover my Database from RMAN Backup

    Dear All,
    Iam practicing RMAN in Windows environment.
    My configurations are
    Then i took the RMAN backup, now iam shutdown my DB and removed one logfile..
    then i tried to startup the DB but it is saying
    ORA-00313: open failed for members of log group 3 of thread 1
    ORA-00312: online log 3 thread 1: 'E:\ORADATA\ORCL\REDO03.LOG'
    So i tried to restore the Database with my rman backup
    RMAN> restore database;
    But i am unable to restore my logfile in the Datafiles location where as all other datafiles are restored but redo logfiles are not restored.
    So, i am unable to recover my DB
    Please tell me whether i am doing any mistake, what is the solution for my problem.
    Thanks in advance

    All you restored was your datafiles.
    Now issue recover database and that will apply the archive logs.
    This is in the oracle documentation.
    "You must restore backups of these archived logs for recovery to proceed. You can restore either to the default or nondefault location. If you do not have backups, then you must performing incomplete recovery up to an SCN before the first missing redo log and open RESETLOGS."
    In this case after issuing restore database in RMAN, then issue this.
    "Recover database"
    It will then be an incomplete recovery. They should have been multiplexed. Did you restore your controlfile with this backup? You may have to issue an "Alter database open resetlogs;"

  • Host: Unable to load application configuration + wrong install version on download

    i am using 64 bit windows 7 ... when unable to playing video, it redirects me to the adobe download pages to get flash player ... the page says i am about to download flashplayer for win7 64 bit, of 9MB approximately, but the file i get has name "install_flashplayer11x32_mssd_aih.exe" (NOTE THE NUMBER 32) and this file just wont install it ends with error message: HOST: Unable to load application configuration ...
    By google i found also file install_flashplayer11x64_mssd_aih.exe (NOTE THE NUMBER 64) ... this file runs the install, i get the final screen saying "installation completed" but after clicking the "finish" button i get an error message saying "an error occured while sending a command to the program" ...
    I am just getting mad ... its 3 days i am trying to figure aout this problem ...
    i also tryed files as "install_flash_player_11_plugin.exe" , "install_flash_player_11_plugin.msi" , "install_flash_player_11_active_x.exe" and "install_flash_player_11_active_x.msi" ... those files actually proceeds with the install, but at the end, the videos are still not displaying ...
    When i am checking the plugins statuses in my firefox addons manager, it says Shockwave Flash is all right ...
    The precedent version of flash player was working just fine, i do not understand why you must make such a mess every 2 months ...
    How do i get work this?

    yes, the pages is http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/
    the page says:
    Adobe Flash Player 11.3.300.257 (9.36 MB)
    Your system: Windows 64-bit , English, Firefox
    but when i click the "Download now" button i get the file named "install_flashplayer11x32_mssd_aih.exe" (NOTE THE NUMBER 32) which wont start and after few seconds i get the message "HOST: Unable to load application configuration"
    but finaly i solved the problem ... i just installed the file found by google on some private page "install_flashplayer11x64_mssd_aih.exe" (NOTE THE NUMBER 64)
    (the page is here: http://www.ziddu.com/download/16693235/install_flashplayer11x64_mssd_aih.exe.html)
    and after that i disabled the protected mode of flashplayer by adding a line in the cfg file
    the howto is here: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1018071
    i must say its quite shameful one must get this torture to have movies playing on websites ... this cant happen at open source stuf, at least not for 3 days ...
    and being already here and complaining, i must say also (i hope some adobe emploee will read this) i am quite disgusted (and i believe not only me) by adobes bad habit to provide other software than flashplayer, when they include mcafee antivir into the install ...
    it is literally taking the user as a stupid one ...
    if i will need an antivir, i will look for it ...
    i just hate when some society tries to infiltrete in my comp some crap software counting on possibility that at the download i will not pay enough attention
    its just ridiculous and shameful behavior

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