Unable to use put back in Trash folder

How can I restore a file to its original location. I thought "put back" would do that but it is greyed out? Why would that happen?

If you merely right click on Trash you will not get the menu entry.
I was right clicking on the file itself. The option did not appear under the 'Action' button either. Having tried again it seems that Finder is a little selective in allowing multiple 'Put Backs'. I could recover 3 Pages files, but Finder only let me Put Back 1 JPEG file at a time!

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    Step 1
    Remove "MacKeeper" as follows.
    "MacKeeper" has only one useful feature: it deletes itself.
    Note: These instructions apply to the version of the product that I downloaded and tested in early 2012. I can't be sure that they apply to other versions.
    IMPORTANT: "MacKeeper" has what the developer calls an “encryption” feature. In my tests, I didn't try to verify what this feature really does. If you used it to “encrypt” any of your files, “decrypt” them before you uninstall, or (preferably) restore the files from backups made before they were “encrypted.” As the developer is not trustworthy, you should assume that the "decrypted" files are corrupt unless proven otherwise.
    In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Applications
    from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-A. The "MacKeeper" application is in the folder that opens. Quit it if it's running, then drag it to the Trash. You'll be prompted for your login password. Click the Uninstall MacKeeper button in the dialog that appears. All the functional components of the software will be deleted. Reboot.
    Failure to remove MacKeeper will result from neglecting any one of these points:
    Quit MacKeeper before dragging it to the Trash.
    Don't empty the Trash after dragging the application to it. Let MacKeeper delete itself.
    Don't try to drag the MacKeeper icon in the Dock to the Trash.
    Here are some general suggestions. If you want your computer to be usable, don't install crapware, such as “themes,” "haxies," “add-ons,” “toolbars,” “enhancers," “optimizers,” “accelerators,” "boosters," “extenders,” “cleaners,” "doctors," "tune-ups," “defragmenters,” “firewalls,” "barriers," “guardians,” “defenders,” “protectors,” most “plugins,” commercial "virus scanners,” "disk tools," or "utilities." With very few exceptions, this stuff is useless, or worse than useless.
    The more actively promoted the product, the more likely it is to be garbage. The most extreme example is the “MacKeeper” scam.
    The only software you should install is that which directly enables you to do the things you use a computer for — such as creating, communicating, and playing — and does not modify the way other software works. Never install any third-party software unless you know how to uninstall it.
    Step 2
    Restore from the last backup that predates the unwanted changes.

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    how can i manually put these files back where they belong?
    i know i should have used time machine but i have not set it up and its too late for that now
    i have been researching and racking my brain on how to put these folders and contents of them back to where they once were all of the contents of the folder are still in tact AND i have not emptied my trash,my programmes and some of my apps are not working properly now...i use my computer alot for making music and things are jumbled up now...
    is there anyone out there who knows the answer to my prayers on how to go about putting these folders/files back to where they came from to restore functionality to my mac..Yes and thank u if u were going to tell me i HAVE un installed mackeeper...A very sad and upset Mac user!! Cheers Shane

    hello there thank u so much for ur reply!! ok i uninstalled mackeeper now and the put back option is still in grey im so confused...i tried restarting my computer like u said and put back still in grey??!! the files that are in my trash are everything from Accounts,address book plug-ins,address book,adobe,aim.........then stuff like apple,Audio,....to caches color pickers,colors,com.apple.TCC,to DVD player to facebook,google to ilifemedia browser to itunes to keychains to movie effects,preferences printers to skype...my Native instruments files BUT not all of them my garage band but not all of it...it seriously looks like my whole library is in the trash i tried to put things back where i THINK they belong and it just added the item or folder under where i thought it went and didnt restore functionality to for instance google chrome and all my book marks are there....they seem to be only certain things from my library that would have added some functionality to apps and programmes like my garageband is missing stuff photobooth wont work so on.......kinda looks a bit like this thats only the half of it!! Cheers shane!!!

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