Unauthorized characters

I faced an error for  Infoobject <b>LoadPoint-Char-25.</b>
Error is:
Value 'collected ' (Hex ' ') of char. UPLOADPNT contains unauthorized characters.
For record 0000149963 value is  <b>collected</b> in R/3 table.
1. please let me know what is the Inavlid char here?
2. I added ' quote in RSKC. No use.
3. I applied routine. No use.
4. Is it a lower case prob. ( unchecked - lower case - in object level)
Please help me.
Thanks in advance.

What is missed is the space ' '.
Not the quoted.
You can add it with a special procedure described in this blog:
or insert the string ALL_CAPITAL to avoid every problem of unauthorized characters.

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    Thanks in advance!

    Using regular expression you can do this.
    SQL> with t
      2  as
      3  (
      4  select 'I like foot-ball' str
      5    from dual
      6  )
      7  select str
      8       , regexp_replace(str, '[^a-z0-9[:space:]]', ' ', 1, 0, 'i') new_str
      9    from t;
    STR              NEW_STR
    I like foot-ball I like foot ball
    You can read more about regular expression from the document.
    Using Regular Expressions in Oracle Database
    Message was edited by: Karthick_Arp
    Edited the Pattern after seeing franks post.

  • RSKC is  in BW  special characters has had no effect

    HI All,
    We have problems while loading :
    Value 'SD009# ' (Hex ' ') ZSDEVT contains unauthorized characters
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    I don't think that the character is really the #. This is just how it is displayed. Check your source system for that record and you might get the right idea. In addition to rskc, you can allow lower case letters to be posted to your infoobject via checking the box in the infoobject maintenance. For some more ideas, check this: /people/siegfried.szameitat/blog/2005/07/18/text-infoobjects-part-1
    There is no need to goto cmod for defining datasources. Custom datasources are defined in rso2. Specially for texts there is normally no need for coding. Texts can be extracted from domains and/or text tables.

  • Allowing special characters in bw

    Hello Friendz,
    I have loaded transaction data in psa and infocube.
    For some values in R/3 its showing following error.
    <b>Value '0000cj1000 ' (Hex ' ') of char. 0REF_DOC_NO contains unauthorized characters.</b>
    I tried to solve this using rskc,but still i didn't get the solution.
    How can i get rid of this?
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    Make sure that Lower case letters are allowed for this infoobject. You can make it allow by selecting ckeck box of 'lower case letters' in Infoobject maintainance of 0REF_DOC_NO .
    Other wise .
    Convert value to upper case in transfer rule.
    With rgds,
    Anil Kumar Sharma .P
    Message was edited by: Anil Kumar Sharma

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    How can I achieve this in my templates? Can it be achieved at all?
    Thank you in advance.
    Kenneth Kristoffersen
    Edited by: Kenneth_ on May 19, 2009 1:30 AM

    Thank you for your reply.
    The problem is that the report is generating the output based on the users profile option nls_numeric_characters.
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    BR Kenneth

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    smercurio_fc wrote:
    Then it sounds to me like this other application is not decoding the attachment correctly, especially if you looked at the attachment yourself after you received it and verified it's correct.
    No, no, smercurio. This is charcter encoding here. In older versions of LabVIEW you could specify what character encoding to use when sending an email through the SMTP VIs. But that gave problems since people in certain locales used certain characters that where not transfered right when the wrong encoding was specified, and that encoding stuff is not understood by most people at all, so the wrong selected encoding was rather the rule than the exception. In newer versions of LabVIEW do the SMTP VIs handle the encoding automatically based on the currently used locale on the system.
    This change is documented in the Upgrade Notes of LabVIEW and probably happened around LabVIEW 7.1 or 8.0.
    A decent mail client will recognize the encoding and convert it back to whatever is necessary before presenting it to the user. The OPs posters server application obviously isn't a smart mail client but probably just some crude text file parser that has no notion of proper mail character encoding and how to deal with it.
    I would suppose that there is a chance to dig into the SMTP VIs itself and try to manipulate or disable that encoding altogether in there but that may open a whole can of worms somewhere else. The proper way would be to process the incoming mail by a character encoding aware mail client before passing it to the text parser. On Unix setting up something like this would be fairly trivial.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Message Edited by rolfk on 01-23-2008 10:21 AM
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

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    Maybe you check the NLS_LANGUAGE-settings on the client where you "edit" the reports-definition.

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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    Edited by: user10317098 on Jan 16, 2012 10:58 AM

    Check this links that might help you..
    Here the Exact solution from Oracle
    Click the administration..
    then Click HTML Output
    Then in the Base Image URI Give the url of your application for example
    And then
    Image File Directory give this as per your application setup
    Thanks & Regards

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    Digital Arts

    I too am having a related problem with Dreamweaver CS5 (running under Windows XP), having just upgraded from CS4 (which works fine for me) this week.
    In my case, I like to convert to typographic quotes etc. in my text editor, where I can use macros I've written to speed the conversion process. So my preferred method is to key in typographic letters & symbols by hand (using ALT + ASCII key codes typed in on the numeric keypad) in my text editor, and then I copy and paste my *plain* ASCII text (no formatting other than line feeds & carriage returns) into DW's DESIGN view. DW displays my high-ASCII characters just fine in DESIGN view, and writes the proper HTML code for the character into the source code (which is where I mostly work in DW).
    I've been doing it this way for years (first with GoLive, and then with DW CS4) and never encountered any problems until this week, when I upgraded to DW CS5.
    But the problem I'm having may be somewhat different than what others have complained of here.
    In my case, some high-ASCII (above 128) characters convert to HTML just fine, while others do not.
    E.g., en and em dashes in my cut-and-paste text show as such in DESIGN mode, and the right entries
    turn up in the source code. Same is true for the ampersand
    and the copyright symbol
    and for such foreign letters as the e with acute accent (ALT+0233)
    What does NOT display or code correctly are the typographic quotes. E.g., when I paste in (or special paste; it doesn't seem to make any difference which I use for this) text with typographic double quotes (ALT+0147 for open quote mark and ALT+0148 for close quote mark), which should appear in source code as
    DW strips out the ASCII encoding, displaying the inch marks in DESIGN mode, and putting this
    in my source code.
    The typographic apostrophe (ALT+0146) is treated differently still. The text I copy & paste into DW should appear as
    in the source code, but instead I get the foot mark (both in DESIGN and CODE views):
    I've tried adjusting the various DW settings for "encoding"
    and for fonts
    but switching from "Unicode (UTF-8)" to "Western European" hasn't solved the problem (probably because in my case many of the higher ASCII characters convert just fine). So I don't think it's the encoding scheme I use that's the problem.
    Whatever the problem is, it's caused me enough headaches and time lost troubleshooting that I'm planning to revert to CS4 as soon as I post this.

  • How do you stop unauthorized cookies from appearing in Safari?

    Hi ,
    I'm using Safari 5.1.10 and system 10.6.8.  I've gotten all the security downloads available, but I seem to having issues with unauthorized  cookies appearing. These seem to appear even though I've not visited their websites, and have Safari set to accept cookies from only sites I've visited.
    After going to Preferences:Privacy: remove all website data: then remove all cookies,
    If I just wait a few minutes, I get 72 website cookies restored to  my computer, without doing anything. These include cookies from google, alibaba, 2mdn.net, facebook, microsoft, oracle and many more.  Some of these  declare they are using local storage, others the catch, while others just declare themselves as cookies.
    These appear in spite of the fact that I have the preferences set to block cookies from third party advertizers, set Extensions to OFF, but have Javascript enabled, and allow Java, but deny all other plug-ins.
    If I unclick the allow Java button in Preferences:security, then  11 of these cookies sneek back in, but the others seem to be blocked. Those that come back include Alibaba, apple, google-analytics, "local documents on my computer", machine-seeker, wikipedia, and a few others.
    If I disable JavaScript in Preferences:Security, now I get only cookies from sites I've visited, as I'm supposed to, according to the settings in my Safari preferences.
    So it seems that some unscrupulous information collectors are collecting data  even when the Safari settings should prohibit it. Unfortunately, some of the sites I visit ( Like Apple support communities)  require that Javascript be enabled, so I don't know how to stop this. 
    The problem is that I've found these unwarrented cookies appear to slow down my internet connection speeds  by  ~ 95% ( Try removing them and disabling Javascript to see what happens) in addition to it being an invasion of my privacy. In addition, it really bothers me that some of these sites are storing local documents on my computer without permission.
    As I've said, I've already installed ALL the pertinent security updates.  Does anybody have any idea how to stop this from happening? I presume this is also happening on my iphone and ipad as well, but haven't checked.
    I see that Safari was sued by Apple in 2012 for doing just this same thing, but they appear to be up to their old tricks, as well as many other companies.

    I've investigated this phenomena  of UNauthorized Cookies a bit more  in the past few days and found their cause  and uses goes very deep down the internet rabbit hole.  While most browsers allow the user to delete cookies, or to block cookies from third parties, third parties may place cookies or "cookie equivalents" on your computer through a large variety of back doors. The most pernicious type  of such cookie is euphemistically  called a "Zombie Cookie"  or a "supercookie".
    These may reside in a number of places either in  your own computer or remotely on the web. Deleting zombie cookies or supercookies is generally ineffective, because they are reinstalled in your browser, or worse, just exchange information with your browser withouth leaving a trail of cookie crumbs, the next time you get online. Some of these zombie cookies are not browser specific, so they can be accessed through all browsers on your computer. 
    The reason that you may never have heard of supercookies, and the reason they are so hard to find and get rid of, is that their deployment is deliberately sneaky and designed to evade detection and deletion. This means that most people who think they have cleared their computers of tracking objects have likely not. The European Union has recently taken action to make illegal the emplacement of "non-essential" cookies  on your computer, but the United States, being less concerned about your personal privacy, and more concerned about  making it easy for companies (and the government) to eavesdrop, has not.
    The following is a list ( probably incomplete) where zombie cookies may be hiding on your computer:
    Standard HTTP cookies
    Storing cookies in and reading out web history
    Storing cookies in HTTP ETags
    Internet Explorer userData storage (starting IE9, userData is no longer supported)
    HTML5 Session Storage
    HTML5 Local Storage
    HTML5 Global Storage
    HTML5 Database Storage via SQLite
    Storing cookies in RGB values of auto-generated, force-cached PNGs using HTML5 Canvas tag to read pixels (cookies) back out
    Local Shared Objects
    Silverlight Isolated Storage
    Cookie syncing scripts that function as a cache cookie and respawn the MUID cookie[4]
    If a user is not able to remove the cookie from every one of these data stores then the cookie will be recreated to all of these stores on the next visit to the site that uses that particular cookie, or in some cases, just the next visit to the internet, even though you may have barred 3rd party cookies from being emplaced in your browser. Every company has their own implementation of zombie cookies and most are kept proprietary, although an open-source implementation of zombie cookies, called Evercookie,[5] is available and commonly used.
    One  such common type of supercookie is called Local shared objects (LSOs), or more commonly Flash cookies (due to their similarities with HTTP cookies), are pieces of data that websites which use Adobe Flash may store on a user's computer. Local shared objects are used by all versions of Adobe Flash Player and version 6 and above of Macromedia's now-obsolete Flash Player.[1]
    It is possible to see who is using Flash cookies on your computer, (and remove them) by going to the adobe website storage settings panel : (http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_man ager07.html).  This takes you to a settings manager  figure. This  Settings Manager figure that you see on this page is not an image; it is the actual Settings Manager for your computer. Click the tabs to see different panels, and click the options in the panels to change your Adobe Flash Player settings.
    So far, I have not been able to find a method of removing or inhibiting zombie cookies that use HTML5 local or global storage locations. Some browsers may provide such power, but Apple Safari apparently does not.
    For more information on supercookies see:
    There are some ways to reduce your load of unwanted cookies and local storage  type cookies using  extensions such as AdBlock or Disconnect,  But I've tried some of these and it doesn't seem to  stop very many of them, even though the Disconnect extension is said to block over 2000 of these types of  cookies.
    For those who are trying to ride under the radar by using some of these extensions or software blockers, be aware that use of these may actually make you more visible because of browser fingerprinting.  Whenever you visit a website your browser sends data to the server hosting that site. This data includes basic information, including the browser name, operating system, and exact version number of the browser. This information is known as passive browser fingerprint because it happens automatically. However websites when blocked, can also easily install other types of scripts that ask for additional information, such as a list of all installed fonts and plugins, supported data types (so-called MIME types), screen resolution, system colors and much more. Because this information has to be solicited from your browser, it is known as active fingerprinting. Taken altogether, the various fingerprint attributes can be almost instantly (it takes just a few milliseconds to run algorithms that compare millions of fingerprints) combined to create a unique fingerprint that can be used to very accurately identify an individual user, no matter if cookies have been deleted or IP address changed between website visits.
    For an article on browser fingerprinting, See : https://www.bestvpn.com/blog/8159/browsers-fingerprint-reduce/
    The bottom line is that if you use the internet, your browser history is being tracked by a myriad of companies and government agents, and it is likely not possible to stop this.  For those who work in science, industry or government and are working on sensitive topics or novel product development  that  another company or government may find interesting, there appears to be many ways to recreate  what you are working on by studying your browser history, or installing worms to view exactly what you are writing or reading.  It came as somewhat of a shock to me to see just how pervasive internet spying has become, and it's not just malicious or destrustive agents who are doing so. Google didn't become a $350 billion company by simply bringing nice toys to us to play with. The real value of the internet comes from the trade and sale of secretly obtained personal information from you and I and everyone else, and its sale to all who will pay for it.

  • Help - I need more than 1000 Notes of 4000 characters

    The 4000 character limitation of Notes and the limitation of 1000 Notes and the length of time it takes to load in Notes make using iPod notes very limiting. I've experimented with a few other options which I explain below, BUT MY QUESTION IS does anyone have any other suggestions on how to work around the 4000 character limitation?
    Here is what I have found to be alternative options:
    Split your notes into 4000 character blocks using the split command (open Terminal and type "man split" to read about the command)
    Install Linux on the iPod. This worked with my older iPod but there isn't a Linux for the newer iPod yet.
    Using Contacts "note"
    Summary: Uses a manually created Contacts file to store text of up to 243,185 characters in length. If creating files manually requires special formatting for linebreaks. Compatible with music playback and iTunes sync.
    Contacts are stored on the iPod according to the vCard standard. vCard stores contact entries in vcf files. A single vcf file can contain any number of vCard entries. The iPod firmware looks for the vcf files in the iPod Contacts folder. The Contacts folder can contain any number of vcf files and will load all of them into memory when viewing contacts.
    Contacts synchronized with iTunes are stored in the iSync.vcf file.
    You can paste your text content into an Address Book entry and sync it to the iPod via iTunes. There may be limits in the Address Book application regarding the amount of text it will allow.
    Using any text editor you can create your own vcf files and place them into the Contacts folder as well. Using the org and note attributes in the vCard entry in a vcf file you can create a contact that can display up to 243185 characters of text. A sample vcf file with a single vCard entry would look like this:
    org:Sample Note
    note:You can use Contact notes to get around the 4k limitation of iPod notes. Doing so requires some changes in the syntax of the text however because the vCard format is fairly restrictive.\nFor one thing any line breaks must be converted to a backslash followed by lower case n.\nFor another many symbolic characters must be escaped by preceding them with a backslash.
    The "org" attribute names the contact, and the "note" attribute contains the text, up to 243,185 characters of text. While a vCard entry can only have a single note attribute, you can have any number of vCard entries in a single vcf file.
    One requirement of this approach is that the text must be edited to a format compatible with the vCard standard. That means that all linebreaks in the text must be converted to a backslash "\" followed by "n", and any symbolic characters should be preceded with backslash.
    The negatives of this approach are that linebreaks must be altered and the notes are mixed in with your contacts. But to the positive they are still viewable while music is playing, and they are left alone by the iTunes synchronization process.
    This method does not interfere with listening to a song. This method is independent of synchronizing with iTunes.
    Using the Calendar "description"
    Summary: Uses a manually created Calendar file or Calendar entries in iCal to store text of up to 20,600 characters in length per calendar event. If creating files manually requires special formatting for linebreaks. Compatible with music playback. NOT compatible with iTunes sync if using a manually created file.
    The iPod supports the vCal standard for displaying calendar information. Version 1.0 of this standard uses vcs files; and version 2.0 of this standard uses ics files. Most calendar programs can export either vcs or ics files and there is plenty of information available online for how to convert data from a calendar application into one of these formats.
    The iPod firmware will display the contents of vcs and ics fles that are located in the iPod Calendars folder.
    Calendar events defined in the vCal standard have a description attribute. The iPod firmware displays the description attribute when displaying the calendar event. It is possible to create a calendar specifically for the purpose of storing text in description attributes. You could create a calendar in a calendar program such as iCal and sync it with the iPod via iTunes, or you could create your own calendar file manually. Unfortunately if you sync calendars using iTunes then iTunes will delete all files in the Calendars folder that it does not directly control, so maintaining any kind of external calendar file is not compatible with syncing calendars using iTunes.
    The iPod can read both vcs and ics calendar files, but for creating your own you should use vcs because vcs doesn't have a line length limit while ics does and requires special line-wrapping. The iPod will display only the first 20600 characters of the event description.
    A simple vcs file with a single fake event would look like this:
    X-WR-CALNAME:Notes Calendar
    SUMMARY:Sample note
    DESCRIPTION;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:=0D=0ALine breaks need to be converted to an equal sign followed by 0D followed by another equals sign followed by 0A. There is no line length limit, so the text can be as long as you need. There may be a reasonable limit imposed by the iPod calendar interface due to scrolling.
    Each Calendar in the file is demarcated by the BEGIN:VCALENDAR and END:VCALENDAR statements. The VERSION statement when set to 1.0 indicates a vcs file (2.0 should be used in an ics file). The X-WR-CALNAME statement can be used to indicate a name for the calendar. If no calendar name is specified the iPod uses "Other".
    Each Calendar event is demarcated by the BEGIN:VEVENT and END:VEVENT statements. Each event requires start and end times (DTSTART and DTEND, respectively), a SUMMARY which is the event title, and the DESCRIPTION which is the text you wish to read. Linebreaks in the description text must be converted to "=0D=0A".
    The negatives of this approach are that linebreaks must be altered and the notes are attached to specific dates in the calendar so to find them you would need to navigate to those dates. Of course you could put all notes on the same date, or use different dates or even different calendars (within the same vcs file or not) to organize them.
    This method does not interfere with listening to a song. This method is NOT compatible with syncing Calendars with iTunes if you are using a manually created file.
    Using Music Lyrics
    Summary: Uses the Lyrics section of fake songs to store text of up to 10,000 characters in length per song. Does not require special formatting of text. Incompatible with music playback. Requires the text to be stored in iTunes.
    iTunes allows the lyrics of a song to be attached to the ID3 tags of the song and viewed on the iPod while the song is playing. Technically lyrics can be up to 256 MB in length, but the iPod will only display the first 10000 characters.
    Using lyrics allows notes to be sorted into playlists just as songs are which could be helpful for organizing them. To attach lyrics though there must be a song as well. It is possible to create a very small MP3 that can be used just to attach lyrics to. The process for doing so is described in forum message 2331260, but the short story is:
    - In the iTunes main library window, select a track you want to chop up, and select "Get info". The track cannot be a protected AAC track such as those purchased from the Apple Music Store.
    - Go to the "Options" tab. Set "Start Time" and "Stop Time", corresponding to the start and finish of the chunk of song you want to chop out. Click "OK".
    - Right-click on the track again in the main library window and select "Convert selection to XXX". (The XXX will be whatever file format you happen to have set in your iTunes Importing preferences at the time.)
    - After a little while, iTunes will spit out a second, smaller copy of the track, containing just the music between the Start and Stop times you set in the original track. Rename the new track as you please. You can then use iTunes to paste the lyrics to this song clip.
    The negatives of this approach are that it requires synchronization with iTunes, requires storage of the text on your computer as well as your iPod, requires the creation of fake songs in your Library, and cannot be used while a song is playing (unless the song you are listening to is the song that has the text you want to read in its lyrics).
    Advantages are that this method does not require any editing of the text regarding linebreaks, and this method allows playlists to be used to organize the notes.
    While all of these methods work, none of them are completely ideal. If Contacts could be stored in hierarchical folders then that method would be pretty good.
    Are there any other alternatives that people have found to work well to work around this iPod limitation of 1000 max notes of 4000 max characters?

    The iPod shuffle is a music player. The iPods with screens have always been more than that. If the iPod didn't have a calendar, contacts, and notes I wouldn't have considered buying one. Music playing is nice, but I certainly didn't want to carry around multiple devices needlessly. The iPod and a simple cell phone are enough. When the iPhone comes out maybe I'll be down to one device.
    As for the Palm, having been a Newton user at the time I was never impressed with anything about Palm except its size. The same people who bought cheap PC's instead of Macs bought cheap Palms instead of Newtons. Quantity rather than quality won out.
    Apple learned from that and made the iPod a good size to begin with, otherwise it might have suffered a similar fate.
    The only PDA capability the iPod lacks is the ability to edit its content independently of the computer. That would be handy, but it turns out hasn't been a critical need for me. More often than not I need to look something up not change something while away from my office. There is a good side to this though, if I lost the iPod I would not have to worry a bit about losing any Contacts, Calendar events, or Music. Notes though, well that is a different matter, those I backup.
    I guess one person's music player is another person's PDA.

  • How can I get an unauthorized iTunes purchase refunded

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    Login to the iTunes Store.
    From the menu bar click Store > View My Account
    Click Purchase History from the Account Information window.

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    Kindly suggest me how to print arabic characters in BI Publisher.

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  • How to print Special Characters in Sap-Scripts

    How to print Special Characters in Sap-Scripts

    if u want print special characters we can use hot codes i.e '  '  (single inverted commas). in between these hot codes insert u r special characters.
    write    '    !@#$%^&*( )  '.
    for the above write statement output is
    output is   !@#$%^&*( )

  • 401:Unauthorized error while consuming a MOSS web service

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    java.io.FileNotFoundException: Response: '401: Unauthorized' for url: 'https://ts2amr.accenture.com/_vti_bin/Search.asmx?wsdl'.
    org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'spWSClient' defined in ServletContext resource [WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'spWebService' while setting bean property 'service'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'spWebService' defined in ServletContext resource [WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.springframework.remoting.RemoteLookupFailureException: Failed to initialize service for JAX-RPC port [{urn:Microsoft.Search}QueryServiceSoap]; nested exception is javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException: Error processing WSDL document:
    java.io.FileNotFoundException: Response: '401: Unauthorized' for url: 'https://ts2amr.accenture.com/_vti_bin/Search.asmx?wsdl'

    I can't speak for MOSS for sure, but other Microsoft services such as MapPoint used to require Digest Authentication, which isn't quite as pervasive as Basic Authentication. You should doublecheck with the MOSS administrator about the proper credentials and access. You might even try a utility like SoapUI to see if things work from a test client before trying it on the application server.

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    I have a strange problem. I have 2 Nokia 6131 (NFC enabled) phones in my hand .In the first phone I have an application(Midlet) which writes data to the internal mifare of the same phone. Now I brings the second phone closer to first one.I want secon

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    I am having problems getting my video format to stay the same when moving between these three applications. I have imported video from my Canon Elura100 (16:9 aspect ratio) into iMovie08. I then export the video using Quicktime. The default resolutio

  • Apple-ID im App-Store inaktiv, im iTunes aktiv???!!!

    Hallo Community! Der App-Store sagt, dass die Apple-ID meiner Mutter inaktiv ist, aber wenn Sie sich mit iTunes anmeldet steht dort, dass die Apple-ID aktiv ist. Nur im App-Store kann sie sich nicht anmelden. Weiss jemand an was das liegen kann? Viel

  • Can't install 6111 data suite

    I'm trying to install pc suite 6.7 which came with my 6111. I have windows XP home edition sp2 and I keep getting the following message: 'Windows Installer The windows installer service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running windows