Unbalanced Head Tag

I am trying to make a template of a page I have done in Dreamweaver CS4 and keep getting this error message: There is an error on line 3 – unbalanced head tag.
Has anybody got any ideas of how I solve this?
Code below:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
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<title>The Team at Barbury Castle Stables</title>
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Many thanks

Below is the code for the whole page – I think I have only one head tag, can’t seem to find another. What do you mean about “both bodys”?
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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<title>The Team at Barbury Castle Stables</title>
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              <p><a href="team.htm">The Team</a><a href="barbury.htm">       Barbury Castle       </a><a href="horses.htm">Horses in Training</a><a href="barbury.htm">       </a><a href="contact.htm">Contact</a><a href="barbury.htm">       </a><a href="index.htm">Home</a></p>
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                      <img src="_images/mug_kingy.jpg" alt="Alan King" width="100" height="140" />
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                      <!-- teamtext Content Starts Here -->
                      <h1> Alan King </h1>
                      <p>Born in 1966, Alan is a farmer’s son who has nurtured a passion for racing from an early age. As a teenager he went to work at David Nicholson’s Condicote yard, where he soon became Assistant, a position Alan would keep until the “Duke’s” retirement 15 years later.</p>
                      <p>I was then, in December 1999 that he took out his own licence at Jackdaws Castle, where he trained 31 winners in six months. These included Anzum, who won the Grade 1 Long Walk Hurdle at Ascot and Relkeel, winner of the Grade 2 Bonusprint Hurdle aat Cheltenham.</p>
                      <p>On 1 June 2000 Alan moved to Barbury Castle, which has since been improved and expanded in the quest for more winners. He have also made Barbury Castle into a home for his young family. Alan met his wife, Rachel, when they both worked for the “Duke” and we were married in Antigua in 1998. They now have a son Henry and a daughter Georgia.</p>
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                  <p> <a href="map.htm" target="_blank">HOW TO FIND US</a><a href="barbury.htm">       </a><a href="brochure.htm" target="_blank">2010-11  BROCHURE</a><a href="barbury.htm">       </a><a href="five.htm" target="_blank">FIVE TO FOLLOW</a></p>
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              <div class='cssLO akTeam_address_layout'>
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                  <p>  </p>
                    King Racing  <span class="yellowText">|</span>  Barbury Castle Stables  <span class="yellowText">|</span>  Wroughton SN4 0QZ<br />
                    Tel 01793 8150090    Fax 01789 845060    email <a href="mailto:[email protected]" target="_blank">[email protected] </a></p>
                  <p> </p>
                  <h3>Site designed by Wilderspin Marketing. Tel 01242 226558   www.wilderspinmarketing.co.uk</h3>
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                  <!-- sidenav Content Starts Here -->
                  <h1> Trainer</h1>
                  <h2><a href="team.htm">Alan King</a><br />
                  <h1>Assistant Trainers</h1>
                  <h2><a href="team/noelwilliams.htm">Noel WIlliams<br />
                  </a><a href="team/markweekes.htm">Mark Weekes</a><br />
<h1>Head Lads</h1>
                  <h2><a href="team/nigeltoal.htm">Nigel Toal<br />
                  </a><a href="team/paulduggan.htm">Paul Duggan</a><br />
<h1>Travelling Head Person</h1>
                  <h2><a href="team/matthowells.htm">Matt Howells</a><br />
                  <h2><a href="team/charlotteburke.htm">Charlotte Burke</a><br />
                  <h2><a href="team/robertthornton.htm">Robert Thornton<br />
                  </a><a href="team/waynehutchinson.htm">Wayne Hutchinson<br />
                  </a><a href="team/gerardtumelty.htm">Gerard Tumelty</a><br />
                  <a href="team/samthomas.htm">Sam Thomas<br />
                  </a><a href="team/christianwilliams.htm">Christian Williams</a><br />
                  <a href="team/jimmymccarthy.htm">Jimmy McCarthy</a><br />
<h1>Conditional Jockeys</h1>
                  <h2><a href="team/christimmons.htm">Chris Timmons<br />
                  </a><a href="team/charliehuxley.htm">Charlie Huxley<br />
                  </a><a href="team/peterhatton.htm">Peter Hatton </a><br />
<h1>Amateur Jockeys</h1>
                  <h2><a href="team/jamesbanks.htm">James Banks </a><a href="team/robertjarrett.htm"><br />
                  Robert Jarrett<br />
                  </a><a href="team/joshnewman.htm">Josh Newman</a><br />
                  <a href="team/danhorsford.htm">Dan Horsford<br />
                  </a><a href="team/philipprince.htm">Philip Prince </a><br />
                  <!-- sidenav Content Ends Here -->
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  • Need help with Template - unbalanced #EndEditable tag

    I am unable to use this template to create a new page and get the "unbalanced #EndEditable tag" error.
    If I open the file independently it looks great - otherwise I get the error.
    Code for internal_students.dwt
    There is an error at line 45, column 79 (absolute position 2188)
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    I need help with this as the site and templates were created 2/3 years before I arrived on the job.
    Thank you

    - This is on-line page  http://caite.cs.umass.edu/students/index.html
    If you want code from template here it is:
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                        <div id="internalBanner-print"> <h1>Commonwealth Alliance for Information Technology Education (CAITE)</h1></div>
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                                      <p>CAITE designs and carrys out comprehensive programs that address under-representation in information technology (IT).</p>
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                                  <h1>For Students</h1>
                                  <p>The University of Massachusetts Amherst is leading a Commonwealth Alliance for Information Technology Education (CAITE) to design and carry out comprehensive programs that address under representation in information technology (IT) education and the workforce. CAITE will focus on women and minorities in groups that are underrepresented in the Massachusetts innovation economy; that is, economically, academically, and socially disadvantaged residents.</p>
                                  <p>The project will pilot a series of outreach programs supported by educational pathways in three regions (one rural, one suburban, and one urban). The project will include work with high school teachers, staff, and counselors. CAITE will identify best practices and disseminate, deploy, extend and institutionalize these best practices statewide and nationally.</p>
                                  <p>Community colleges are the centerpiece of CAITE because of the central role they play in reaching out to underserved populations and in serving as a gateway to careers and further higher education.</p>
                                  <p>This project will build a broad alliance built on its leadership in and partnership with the Commonwealth Information Technology Initiative (CITI), the Boston Area Advanced Technological Education Center (BATEC), regional Louis Stokes Alliances and NSF EGEP programs, and other partnerships and initiatives focused on information technology education and STEM pipeline issues</p>
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    <p>Sponsored by CAITE an NSF CISE Broadening Participation in Computing Alliance<br />
    &copy; copyright 2008 <a href="http://www.umass.edu/" target="_blank">University of Massachusetts, Amherst</a></p>
    <font color="#666666"><br>
    <p><font color="#666666" size=2>  This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.s NSF-0634412 and NSF-0837739. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.</font> </p>
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  • Unbalanced InstanceBegin Tag.......please help

    I tried to put in a new advertisement in the coding and obviously I deleted or added something i don't know.  I honestly have little experience.  IF anyone can help me solve this problem it will be much appreciated.
    "There is an error at line 2 of......Unbalanced InstanceBegin Tag"
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        <p align="center"><strong><em><u>Video Of Day</u></em></strong></p>
        <p align="center"><object width="300" height="250"><param name="movie" value="http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/e/16711680/wshhH7UuC9kNN8dxJJNb"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/e/16711680/wshhH7UuC9kNN8dxJJNb" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" width="300" height="250"></embed></object> </p>
        <p align="center"><object width="300" height="250"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/IAioUkd1aSI&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/IAioUkd1aSI&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="300" height="250"></embed></object>  </p>
        <p align="center"><object width="300" height="250"><param name="movie" value="http://www.kyte.tv/f/ch/213069&tbid=k_5710&p=91"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" style="display:block;margin:0" width="300" height="250" src="http://www.kyte.tv/f/ch/213069&tbid=k_5710&p=91"></embed></object>
        <p align="center">   <strong><u>WORD???</u></strong></p>
        <p align="center"><strong><a href="5_30_09.html">Dr. Dre debuts 'Detox' in Dr, Pepper Ad!!!!!!</a></strong></p>
        <p align="left">It may just be a few seconds of music, but Dr. Dre fans will remember the new Dr   Pepper ad as the spot where they heard the first officially released beats from   the much-delayed &quot;Detox.&quot; <a href="5_30_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
        <p align="center"><strong><a href="5_29_09.html">Jay-Z &amp; Eminem Songs to be in DJ Hero</a></strong></p>
        <p align="left">Rap stars Jay-Z and Eminem will contribute their popular songs to DJ Hero and   will also contribute on a special branded version of the game. Their version   will include an “advanced version” of the game’s turntable controller, which   also has a metal traveling case that converts to a DJ-ready stand. If that   wasn’t enough, this version also includes two music CD compilations featuring   works from both artists.<a href="5_29_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
    <p align="left"><strong>John Legend Selling $32,000 Watch</strong></p>
    <p>This unique watch with an engraved picture and autograph of musician John Legend   is part of a limited edition itself, but is a one-of-a-kind piece. The Audemars   Piguet Millenary Pianoforte line of watches is limited to 500 pieces and is   itself musically themed to have the representation of piano keys on the dial of   the watch. The watch face base is mother of pearl. The Millenary line of watches   is stunning with a trick face that looks asymmetrical but actually is not, with   the dial being right in the center. The 45mm x 40mm wide watch is in solid 18k   white gold housing the in-house made Audemars Piguet Calibre 3120 automatic   mechanical movement with about 55 hours of power reserve.</p>
    <p>The John Legend special edition version of the Millenary Pianoforte watch is   currently up for auction to raise money for John’s “Show Me” Organization. The   estimated auction value of the watch is about $32,000 but the price is far lower   than that at this time. The auction closes on June 4th. For more information or   to bid, see the auction page here on CharityBuzz.com</p>
    <p align="left"><strong>RIP Dolla</strong> <a href="5_18_09.html">&lt;Full Story&gt;</a></p>
    <p align="left"><strong>Bubba Sparxxx arrested on felony narcotics charge</strong><br />
      <br />
      Rapper Bubba Sparxxx has been arrested on a felony narcotics   charge.<br />
      <br />
      Sparxxx, whose real name is Warren Anderson Mathis, was charged   with possession of a controlled substance after an incident Sunday evening in   which an off-duty officer in Clearwater saw another suspect hand him a narcotic,   Tranxene.<br />
      <br />
      Authorities say they found the items in his wallet after   agreeing to a search.<br />
      <br />
      The musician posted a $2,000 bond on Monday. He nor   his agents could be reached for comment.<br />
      <br />
      Sparxxx's single &quot;Ms. New Booty&quot;   rose through the charts in 2006</p>
    <p align="left"><strong>Eminem Admits Guest Verse From T.I. Song Was &quot;Horrible&quot;</strong></p>
    <p align="left">Reading this <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/24/arts/music/24pare.html?_r=2&amp;hp">New   York Times</a> article on Em and ran across this random revelation:<br />
      <br />
      In   the five years between his own albums, he worked as a producer, making beats for   other rappers, and occasionally showed up as a guest rapper; he now calls his   verse on “Touch Down,” with the Atlanta rapper T.I., “horrible.”<br />
      <br />
      Hey,   don't be so hard on yourself, Marshall.<br />
      <br />
      Plus: Dre admits Slim is a   stubborn mule when it comes to changing his words.<br />
      <br />
      “Once he makes a   painting, once he lays a lyric down, it’s impossible to get him to change it,”   Dr. Dre said. “If there’s a couple of lines he says on a record that’s not   relevant today, it’s, ‘No, that was that painting. That was for that moment.’ “ </p>
    <p align="left"><strong><a href="5_22_09.html">T.I. to only serve two months</a></strong></p>
    <p align="left">ITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Rapper T.I. will be coming to Arkansas — to   serve a federal prison sentence.<br />
      <br />
    T.I., whose real name is Clifford J.   Harris Jr., must report to Forrest City's low-security federal prison by noon on   May 26, according to court filings. There, Harris will join 1,500 other inmates   as he serves a year-and-one-day prison sentence after pleading guilty in March   to federal weapons charges in Atlanta. <a href="5_22_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
    <p align="left"><strong><a href="5_2_09.html">EMINEM BACKS OFF NICK CANNON TAUNTS, &quot;I HAD NO IDEA HE WAS GOING TO START   WILDIN' OUT ON ME</a></strong></p>
    <p align="left">Nearly two weeks after Nick Cannon's threats of ending Eminem's career, Slim   Shady has responded to the Nickelodeon star and explained the message behind his   initial diss song, &quot;Bagpipes From Baghdad.&quot; <a href="5_2_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
    <p align="left"><strong><a href="5_19_09.html">EMINEM'S &quot;RELAPSE&quot; MARKETING EXPOSED, &quot;WE PUSHED OURSELVES TO   CREATE A DIFFERENT EXPERIENCE&quot;</a></strong></p>
    <p align="left">NEW YORK -- Musicians from Q-Tip to Jimmy Eat World have discovered   Twitter as a DIY means of engaging their fans, using the conversational medium   to not only let people know they'll be in Tulsa this summer but make them feel   personally involved enough to actually show up. Now one of the best-selling   artists of the past decade is using it in a very different way -- and building   up substantial buzz for what may be the first album of the year to go   platinum. <strong><a href="5_19_09.html">&lt;Full Story&gt;</a></strong> (Good Read)<br />
    <p align="left"><strong><a href="5_17_09.html">Hip-Hop Beef – Soulja Boy: “Drake Needs to Step His High Yella Game   Up”</a></strong></p>
    <p align="left">&quot;What advice [would I give to Drake]? Just take it and run with it, man,” Soulja   said Wednesday in the MTV Newsroom. “I don’t know if I really had that type of   buzz around me coming into the game. I been hearing about Drake for a minute.   You just hear it, like when people be gossiping like, ‘Man, Drake the truth. He   goes harder than Wayne, man.’ I never really had that. Look what I did. With   people talking about him like that, just take it and run with it, man.”<strong><a href="5_17_09.html">&lt;Full Story&gt;</a></strong><br />
    <p align="center"><strong><a href="5_14_09.html">Joe Budden Vs Method Man Heats</a></strong></p>
    <p align="left">Lyrically, Joe Budden thinks that he’s Method Man’s   superior and the notion has taken on new heights as the New Jersey rapper   conducted an interview this morning. <br />
      <br />
    &quot;I will cut that dudes head off his   shoulders,” Budden said on the Ed Lover Morning Show. Budden wasn’t talking   physically, but his verbage spoke volumes about how he feels he ranks above his   Wu Tank counterpart. <a href="5_14_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><br />
    <p align="center"><strong>Pharrell Gets Tattoos Removed</strong></p>
    <p align="left">Pharrell Williams, the lead singer of N.E.R.D., is no longer enamored with his   tattoos and the artist has started to have his body art removed.<br />
      <br />
    The   rapper recently underwent laser surgery to have the tattoos burned out if his   skin. <a href="5_13_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong> (Pics)</p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="5_11_09.html">Nick Cannon Goes Off On Eminem</a></strong><a href="5_11_09.html">, <strong>Calls Him &quot;SLim Lamey.&quot;</strong></a></p>
        <p align="left">Well, well, well. Fresh off the plane with my wife from our second honeymoon on   the beautiful secluded islands of the Maldives and what do I find in my email   box? A mediocre (at best) Eminem record that sounds like it was written in 2001.   At first I thought it was old material that had been dug up from when dude   “fantasized” about having a pretend fling with Mariah. I was thinking to myself,   “Hey that was before me so it is really none of my business, so I’m going to   give him a pass.” <a href="5_11_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><br />
    <p align="left"><strong><a href="5_6_09.html">Scott Storch In Rehab For $30 Million Cocaine Habit</a></strong></p>
        <p itxtvisited="1">Producer <a href="http://www.starpulse.com/Music/Storch,_Scott/"><strong>Scott   Storch</strong></a> blew $30 million in just three years after becoming hooked   on cocaine.</p>
        <p itxtvisited="1">The Grammy-winning beat maker, who has worked with the likes   of <a href="http://www.starpulse.com/Music/50_Cent/">50 Cent</a>, <a href="http://www.starpulse.com/Music/Eminem/">Eminem</a>, <a href="http://www.starpulse.com/Music/Lil_Wayne/">Lil Wayne</a> and <a href="http://www.starpulse.com/Music/Aguilera,_Christina/">Christina   Aguilera</a>, has hit headlines in recent months after missing payments on his   Miami, Florida mansions, his luxury cars and child support obligations.Most   recently, he pleaded not guilty to grand theft auto after allegedly failing to   return a leased Bentley on time.<strong><a href="5_6_09.html">Full Story</a></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="5_4_09.html">Lloyd Banks Looks Beyond G-Unit &amp; Interscope, &quot;I'm A Grown Man Now&quot;</a></strong></p>
    <p align="left">As talk of Lloyd Banks leaving Interscope records increases, the G-Unit rapper   has revealed his recent collaborations outside of his rap group, including new   records with Jadakiss, Fabolous, Juelz Santana.<br />
            <br />
    Despite the tight-knit   association with his G-Unit camp, Banks has expressed his recent motivation to   work with other artists.<strong><a href="5_4_09.html">&lt;Full Story&gt;</a></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="4_30_09.html">Soulja Boy: ‘I Done Ended A Lot Of Niggas’ Careers’</a></strong></p>
        <p>It’s no secret Soulja Boy Tell’em has endured his fair share hate ever since he   hit broke into the mainstream with his hit single “Crank That.”</p>
        <p>Today, however, the 18-year-old rapper is laughing all the way to the bank,   especially after proving he isn’t gonna fade away into oblivion as a one-hit   wonder. No, his two most recent singles, “Kiss Me Thru The Phone” and “Turn My   Swag On,” even landed within the top positions of the Billboard charts, and   proved Soulja Boy is a force hip-hop critics can’t deny. <a href="4_30_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt; </strong></a><strong></strong></p>
        <p align="left"> </p>
        <p align="left"><strong>Eminem Speaks On Asher Roth.. &quot;I Think He's Dope&quot;</strong></p>
        <p align="left">XXL magazine’s latest issue features Eminem as the cover artist, who spoke on   the topic of Asher Roth in his interview.<br />
          <br />
          While stating he hasn’t really   gotten a chance to sit down and thoroughly listen to the Pennsylvania emcee, Em   did acknowledge the whispers of their supposed comparisons. “There was talk   about people saying he sounded like me, and he was doing this and that and, you   know, trying to take what I do and do it…The stuff that I've heard from him   honestly, which certainly isn't enough for me to make my own opinion and say,   'Yeah, he does sound like me' or 'No, he doesn't.' But the couple of songs I've   heard, I don't really think he does. You know what I mean?”<br />
          <br />
          Showing   admiration for the up-and-comer rapper, Eminem had nothing but love. “He's doing   his own thing. I can respect it, too, because at the end of the day, I think   he's dope.”<br />
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="4_22_09.html">Rick Ross Says He Might Go After Eminem</a></strong></p>
        <p align="left">Rick Ross says that his fued with 50 Cent is now boring him and he might have to   look toward Eminem as his next target. “50 you bore me, I might need to get at   Eminem now,” the Miami rapper boasted. “Eminem, I’m a big fan of yours but your   monkey, you’re pet monkey is boring me.” During an interview with DJ Envy, Rick   said that if he does go at Eminem it won’t be a traditional trade of jabs but   rather a battle over who’s making better music. <a href="4_22_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="4_13_09.html">Eminem to perform at MTV Movie Awards</a></strong></p>
        <p>Who wants their EmTV? Detroit rapper Eminem will perform at the 2009 MTV Movie   Awards, the music channel just announced.</p>
        <p>The show, which is MTV’s mostly humorous take on Hollywood’s big flicks, is   scheduled to air live at 9 p.m. May 31 from the Gibson Amphitheatre in Universal   City, Calif. <a href="4_13_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="4_11_09.html">Kanye West Responds to South Park Episode &quot;It's Pretty Funny&quot;</a> </strong></p>
    <p align="left">Many have tried, all have failed, but in the end it only took four animated   children from Colorado to topple Kanye West’s ego. South Park absolutely   eviscerated the 808s &amp; Heartbreak rapper in their episode last night, with   the show painting West as the most egocentric person in the world. The plot of   last night’s episode had something to do with Cartman starting a joke that   everyone deemed the funniest joke in the world, except West doesn’t “get” it.   There were also some gags about “fish dicks” and “gay fish,” as evidenced by the   excellent 808s &amp; Autotune rip-off track performed by “Kanye” at show’s end. <a href="4_11_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
        <p align="center">    <strong><a href="4_9_09.html">Jim Jones Arrested in NJ, Twitters During Arrest</a></strong></p>
    <p>Rapper Jim Jones was arrested Sunday night on an outstanding warrant in New   Jersey, and the hip hop star made sure all his fans were aware of the situation   on Twitter.</p>
        <p>The 32-year-old musician, whose real name is Joseph Guilermo Jones II, told   his fans via his Twitter page that he got pulled over by police in Teaneck   around 9:24 p.m.<strong><a href="4_9_09.html">&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;Full Story&gt; </a></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="4_6_09.html">Flesh-N-Bone Arrested on Gun and Drug Possession</a></strong></p>
    <p>Stanley Howse, better known as rapper Flesh-N-Bone, of the platinum-selling rap   group Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, was arrested after deputies said they found a gun,   ammunition and drugs in his Canyon Country home on Thursday.</p>
        <p>Santa Clarita Valley sheriff’s deputies pulled over Howse, 35, for an alleged   traffic violation at 5:30 p.m in the 27400 block of Lise Lane, Lt. Robert Lewis   said. <strong><a href="4_6_09.html">&lt;Full Story&gt;</a></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="4_4_09.html">Stalker Forces His Way Into Jamie Foxx’s Hotel Room</a></strong></p>
    <p align="left">A 49-year-old man allegedly barged into Foxx’s Philadelphia hotel room on March   22, reports Us Weekly. Saying he was Beyonce’s producer, the intruder attempted   to get inside the suite after Foxx opened the door. Foxx reportedly overpowered   the man, forced him out and slammed the door. The man then eluded cops and   escaped.<strong><a href="4_4_09.html">&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; &lt;Full Story&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;</a></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_Wd5mihX60&amp;eurl=http%3A//www.hiphopmusicdotcom.com/lil-wayne-sues-dj-drama.html&amp;feature=player_embedded">Lil Wayne Sues DJ Drama and Makin Moves Entertainment?</a></strong></p>
        <p align="left">Lil Wayne ****** up man...</p>
        <p align="left"><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_Wd5mihX60&amp;eurl=http%3A//www.hiphopmusicdotcom.com/lil-wayne-sues-dj-drama.html&amp;feature=player_embedded"><strong>WATCH VIDEO</strong></a></p>
        <p align="left"><a href="4_2_09.html"><strong>Andre 3000 Charged in Atlanta for Driving 109 MPH</strong></a></p>
        <p>Andre 3000 of the hip hop duo Outkast is free on bond after police charged him   with driving 109 mph on a highway in suburban Atlanta.</p>
        <p>Authorities say the entertainer was clocked speeding in his Porsche in a 65   mph zone south of Atlanta early Saturday. <a href="4_2_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="3_30_09.html">Flo Rida Denies Involvement in Animal Cruelty Scandal</a></strong></p>
    <p>Rapper Flo Rida has responded to reports connecting two members of his entourage   to an animal abuse scandal, insisting he’s “sickened” by what has been   written.</p>
        <p>Internet reports suggested that two men travelling with the Right Round   hitmaker were wanted for questioning by police in Kentucky after they were   spotted stepping off his tourbus and allegedly killing a rabbit on   Wednesday. <strong><a href="3_30_09.html">&lt;Full Story&gt;</a></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong>T-Pain Loses Four Teeth in Golfing Accident</strong></p>
    <p>A golf cart accident last Friday in Texas left T-Pain with several facial   bruises and four missing teeth, according to various reports.</p>
        <p>The accident led T-Pain to miss the San Jose stop on Lil Wayne’s I Am Music   tour. Fans at the HP Pavilion learned of the Pain’s absence after entering the   building.<br />
          <span id="more-4262"></span><br />
        T-Pain’s injuries also kept him away   from a video shoot for Lil Kim’s next single, “Download.”</p>
    <p>According to the Queen Bee, the show will go on—and T-Pain will be in the   video. “He’s gonna be in the video,” Lil Kim told Hip Hollywood. “We’ve gotta wait   until he heals and gets better.”</p>
    <p align="left"><strong><a href="3_27_9.html">T.I. Sentenced to 1 year and 1 day in Prison for gun violations</a></strong></p>
    <p>Atlanta rap artist T.I. will go to federal prison sometime after Mother’s Day   and serve a year and a day for crimes that might get anybody else about five   years in the slammer.</p>
        <p>In October 2007, Atlanta rapper T.I. was arrested by federal undercover   agents in a Midtown parking lot trying to buy machine guns, ammo and   silencers. <a href="3_27_9.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt; </strong></a><strong></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="3_25_9.html">Akon's Producer Robbed At Gunpoint By Suge Knight's Thugs</a></strong></p>
    <p>One of Akon’s peeps got a special visit last night - from robbers.</p>
        <p>According to TMZ, four to five “black males” - all brandishing firearms -   rolled to a Van Nuys home occupied by a man who works for Akon last night  <a href="3_25_9.html"><strong>&lt; Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong>Trick Daddy Reveals He Has Lupus Disease</strong></p>
    <p>Miami rapper Trick Daddy said today that he has been living for more than a   decade with Lupus, a disease in which the body’s immune system attacks its own   tissues and organs.</p>
        <p>Trick, born Maurice Young in Miami, went public with his condition on the   Rickey Smiley Morning Show radio program.</p>
        <p>Trick, 35, first gained notoriety as a guest voice on a track by another   Miamian, Luther “Uncle Luke” Campbell. He has carved out a durable solo career   telling “thug” tales about urban life in a deep, gruff voice. He records for his   newly formed Dunk Ryders label.<br />
          <span id="more-4166"></span><br />
          He told Smiley   that he’s got an autobiography coming out and also will be starring in a movie.</p>
        <p align="left"><a href="3_23_9.html"><strong>Lil Wayne forced to turn in Financial Records</strong></a></p>
    <p>A federal magistrate on Wednesday ordered rapper Lil Wayne to turn over   financial records for his Grammy-winning album, “Tha Carter III,” to a music   publisher accusing him of copyright infringement.</p>
        <p>A lawsuit filed in May 2008 claims Lil Wayne didn’t have permission to sample   folk singer Karma-Ann Swanepoel’s song “Once” in his track “I Feel Like   Dying.”    <strong><a href="3_23_9.html">&lt;Full Story&gt;</a></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="3_20_9.html">Rihanna Afraid Chris Brown Might Release Her Sextape</a></strong></p>
    <p>Rihanna and Chris Brown have reportedly made a sex tape.</p>
        <p>The ‘Umbrella’ singer and her 19-year-old boyfriend - who has been charged   with felony assault and making criminal threats following his alleged assault on   her last month - are said to have filmed themselves engaging in a series of   “kinky” acts...<a href="3_20_9.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="3_18_9.html">Lil Wayne Finishing “Rebirth”, Plans Young Money Group Album</a></strong></p>
    <p align="left">Lil Wayne is a busy dude these days, what with both rapping and rocking. And if   you want to be a part of his burgeoning empire, Young Money Entertainment, he   says all you have to do is be willing to follow his (relentlessly paced) lead. <a href="3_18_9.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="3_17_9.html">Jay-Z Was Beyonce's First Boyfriend</a></strong></p>
        <p align="left">In an interview with Los Angeles Confidential that just came out, Beyonce says   that Jay-Z “is my first relationship.” We were curious about whether she meant   he was the first guy she was serious about or if he’s the first guy she’s ever   been with, period, so we did a little investigating. According to an interview   last year, Beyonce had “one romance when I was 13 to 17, but we didn’t, you   know…” <a href="3_17_9.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="3_15_9.html">Jay-Z Thinks Hip-Hop Eradicates Racism</a></strong></p>
        <p>Jay-Z has credited hip-hop with improving race relations across America -   because white kids who idolise him and Snoop Dogg don’t become racists.</p>
        <p>The rapper insists there’s too much negativity about the musical genre and   its related culture - and few dwell on the good it’s done. <a href="3_15_9.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
    <p align="left"><strong><a href="3_13_9.html">50 Cent Plans Porn Release...With Rick Ross' Baby Mom</a></strong></p>
    <p align="left">The one-time nail-biting comical beef between rap stars Rick Ross and 50 Cent   has been on ice lately, thanks to Chrianna. But now, the mudslinging between the   Queens emcee and his Florida nemesis has resurfaced, and this time it’s taken on   a whole new level of sleaze. <strong><a href="3_13_9.html">&lt;Full Story&gt;</a></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="3_12_9.html">Chris Brown &amp; Rihanna recording Love Song together</a></strong></p>
        <p>Chris Brown and Rihanna are recording a duet together — said to be a love song —   despite prosecutors charging Brown with a violent attack on his girlfriend,   celebrity websites reported on Tuesday.</p>
        <p>While lawyers work behind the scenes on a possible plea deal that could allow   the 19-year-old R&amp;B singer to avoid jail time, Brown and Rihanna have been   in a Los Angeles area studio working on a love song, celebrity website TMZ.com   said. <strong><a href="3_12_9.html">&lt;Full Story&gt;</a></strong><br />
        <p align="left"><strong>T.I. Ends Beef with Shawty Lo</strong></p>
    <p>T.I. and Shawty Lo ended their beef recently when TIP invited the fellow Atlanta   rapper on stage so the two could perform together. T.I. was performing one of   his final shows before he goes to prison to serve his 1 year sentence when he   brought Shawty Lo on stage during “Big **** Popin” to publically end their beef.   “Eh my n*gga,” T.I. told Shawty. “Bankhead in this ************!” (March 11, 209)</p>
        <p><strong><a href="3_10_9.html">C-Murder Violates House Arrrest, Sent Back To Jail</a></strong></p>
        <p>Three years after he was placed under house arrest to await retrial on a murder   charge, rapper Corey &quot;C-Murder&quot; Miller was jailed on his birthday Monday for   allegedly leaving his residence for 10 minutes in violation of home   incarceration rules. </p>
        <p itxtvisited="1">Miller, 38, was booked into the Jefferson Parish Correctional   Center about midday and will remain there at least until Wednesday, when he will   appear before Judge Hans Liljeberg of the 24th Judicial District Court.   Liljeberg could keep Miller in jail until his trial, set to begin April 20, or   release him back into house arrest. <strong><a href="3_10_9.html">&lt; Full Story&gt;</a></strong></p>
        <p><strong>&quot;Relapse&quot; To Be Released on May 19</strong></p>
        <p>Yes yes, ladies and gentlemen! The official <a href="http://www.eminem.com/" target="_blank">Eminem.com</a> website has been updated with a release date for   Eminem's upcoming album, Relapse. It   will be out on May 19th. The first official single and video will be released on   April 7th.<br />
        <p><strong><a href="3_8_9.html">Rihanna and Chris Brown may co-author book about abuse</a></strong></p>
        <p>Chris Brown and Rihanna plan to co-author a book about abuse and go on a talk   show tour in a desperate bid to salvage his career, the Chicago Sun-Times   reported Saturday.</p>
        <p>Quoting sources close to Brown’s legal team, the paper said the R&amp;B   singer charged with brutalizing Rihanna even has a name for his rehabilitation   effort: “Project Mea Culpa.” <a href="3_8_9.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
    <p><strong><a href="3_6_09.html">Chris Brown Charged With Two Felonies; Details Emerge</a></strong><a href="3_6_09.html">...</a></p>
    <p>Details of Chris Brown’s alleged beating of Rihanna finally emerged as the   R&amp;B singer was arraigned today.</p>
        <p>Their Feb. 8 fight broke out after his pop star girlfriend Rihanna, 21, read   a three-page text message on Brown’s phone from a woman, according to the search   warrant and affidavit obtained by ABC News. An argument ensued and Brown, 19,   tried to force Rihanna out of the car but was unable to because she was wearing   her seat belt. <a href="3_6_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a></p>
        <p><strong><a href="3_7_9.html">Rihanna Will Testify Against Chris Brown If Required...</a></strong></p>
        <p>Rihanna’s lawyer Donald Etra tells Us Weekly that the 21-year-old singer will   testify against her boyfriend Chris Brown, if need be. “She is planning to do   everything that the law requires her to do,” Etra tells Us. “If she is required   to testify, she will do so.”</p>
        <p>Rihanna was not in court yesterday, but Etra was. He did not request a more   restrictive order that Brown stay away from her and says the singer just wants   to put everything behind her. “The fact is, Rihanna desires that it be quick and   expeditious,” he told Us. “She wants to get back to her life and her   career.” <a href="3_7_9.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
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      <h3 align="center"> <u>Quote Of The Day</u></h3>
    <p align="center">&quot;Hit Me Like A Ray Of Sun, Burning Through My Darkest Night&quot;</p>
        <p align="center">-Beyonce: Halo-</p>
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        <p align="center"><strong><em><u>Video Of Day</u></em></strong></p>
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        <p align="center">   <strong><u>WORD???</u></strong></p>
        <p align="center"><strong><a href="5_30_09.html">Dr. Dre debuts 'Detox' in Dr, Pepper Ad!!!!!!</a></strong></p>
        <p align="left">It may just be a few seconds of music, but Dr. Dre fans will remember the new Dr   Pepper ad as the spot where they heard the first officially released beats from   the much-delayed &quot;Detox.&quot; <a href="5_30_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
        <p align="center"><strong><a href="5_29_09.html">Jay-Z &amp; Eminem Songs to be in DJ Hero</a></strong></p>
        <p align="left">Rap stars Jay-Z and Eminem will contribute their popular songs to DJ Hero and   will also contribute on a special branded version of the game. Their version   will include an “advanced version” of the game’s turntable controller, which   also has a metal traveling case that converts to a DJ-ready stand. If that   wasn’t enough, this version also includes two music CD compilations featuring   works from both artists.<a href="5_29_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
    <p align="left"><strong>John Legend Selling $32,000 Watch</strong></p>
    <p>This unique watch with an engraved picture and autograph of musician John Legend   is part of a limited edition itself, but is a one-of-a-kind piece. The Audemars   Piguet Millenary Pianoforte line of watches is limited to 500 pieces and is   itself musically themed to have the representation of piano keys on the dial of   the watch. The watch face base is mother of pearl. The Millenary line of watches   is stunning with a trick face that looks asymmetrical but actually is not, with   the dial being right in the center. The 45mm x 40mm wide watch is in solid 18k   white gold housing the in-house made Audemars Piguet Calibre 3120 automatic   mechanical movement with about 55 hours of power reserve.</p>
    <p>The John Legend special edition version of the Millenary Pianoforte watch is   currently up for auction to raise money for John’s “Show Me” Organization. The   estimated auction value of the watch is about $32,000 but the price is far lower   than that at this time. The auction closes on June 4th. For more information or   to bid, see the auction page here on CharityBuzz.com</p>
    <p align="left"><strong>RIP Dolla</strong> <a href="5_18_09.html">&lt;Full Story&gt;</a></p>
    <p align="left"><strong>Bubba Sparxxx arrested on felony narcotics charge</strong><br />
      <br />
      Rapper Bubba Sparxxx has been arrested on a felony narcotics   charge.<br />
      <br />
      Sparxxx, whose real name is Warren Anderson Mathis, was charged   with possession of a controlled substance after an incident Sunday evening in   which an off-duty officer in Clearwater saw another suspect hand him a narcotic,   Tranxene.<br />
      <br />
      Authorities say they found the items in his wallet after   agreeing to a search.<br />
      <br />
      The musician posted a $2,000 bond on Monday. He nor   his agents could be reached for comment.<br />
      <br />
      Sparxxx's single &quot;Ms. New Booty&quot;   rose through the charts in 2006</p>
    <p align="left"><strong>Eminem Admits Guest Verse From T.I. Song Was &quot;Horrible&quot;</strong></p>
    <p align="left">Reading this <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/24/arts/music/24pare.html?_r=2&amp;hp">New   York Times</a> article on Em and ran across this random revelation:<br />
      <br />
      In   the five years between his own albums, he worked as a producer, making beats for   other rappers, and occasionally showed up as a guest rapper; he now calls his   verse on “Touch Down,” with the Atlanta rapper T.I., “horrible.”<br />
      <br />
      Hey,   don't be so hard on yourself, Marshall.<br />
      <br />
      Plus: Dre admits Slim is a   stubborn mule when it comes to changing his words.<br />
      <br />
      “Once he makes a   painting, once he lays a lyric down, it’s impossible to get him to change it,”   Dr. Dre said. “If there’s a couple of lines he says on a record that’s not   relevant today, it’s, ‘No, that was that painting. That was for that moment.’ “ </p>
    <p align="left"><strong><a href="5_22_09.html">T.I. to only serve two months</a></strong></p>
    <p align="left">ITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Rapper T.I. will be coming to Arkansas — to   serve a federal prison sentence.<br />
      <br />
    T.I., whose real name is Clifford J.   Harris Jr., must report to Forrest City's low-security federal prison by noon on   May 26, according to court filings. There, Harris will join 1,500 other inmates   as he serves a year-and-one-day prison sentence after pleading guilty in March   to federal weapons charges in Atlanta. <a href="5_22_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
    <p align="left"><strong><a href="5_2_09.html">EMINEM BACKS OFF NICK CANNON TAUNTS, &quot;I HAD NO IDEA HE WAS GOING TO START   WILDIN' OUT ON ME</a></strong></p>
    <p align="left">Nearly two weeks after Nick Cannon's threats of ending Eminem's career, Slim   Shady has responded to the Nickelodeon star and explained the message behind his   initial diss song, &quot;Bagpipes From Baghdad.&quot; <a href="5_2_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
    <p align="left"><strong><a href="5_19_09.html">EMINEM'S &quot;RELAPSE&quot; MARKETING EXPOSED, &quot;WE PUSHED OURSELVES TO   CREATE A DIFFERENT EXPERIENCE&quot;</a></strong></p>
    <p align="left">NEW YORK -- Musicians from Q-Tip to Jimmy Eat World have discovered   Twitter as a DIY means of engaging their fans, using the conversational medium   to not only let people know they'll be in Tulsa this summer but make them feel   personally involved enough to actually show up. Now one of the best-selling   artists of the past decade is using it in a very different way -- and building   up substantial buzz for what may be the first album of the year to go   platinum. <strong><a href="5_19_09.html">&lt;Full Story&gt;</a></strong> (Good Read)<br />
    <p align="left"><strong><a href="5_17_09.html">Hip-Hop Beef – Soulja Boy: “Drake Needs to Step His High Yella Game   Up”</a></strong></p>
    <p align="left">&quot;What advice [would I give to Drake]? Just take it and run with it, man,” Soulja   said Wednesday in the MTV Newsroom. “I don’t know if I really had that type of   buzz around me coming into the game. I been hearing about Drake for a minute.   You just hear it, like when people be gossiping like, ‘Man, Drake the truth. He   goes harder than Wayne, man.’ I never really had that. Look what I did. With   people talking about him like that, just take it and run with it, man.”<strong><a href="5_17_09.html">&lt;Full Story&gt;</a></strong><br />
    <p align="center"><strong><a href="5_14_09.html">Joe Budden Vs Method Man Heats</a></strong></p>
    <p align="left">Lyrically, Joe Budden thinks that he’s Method Man’s   superior and the notion has taken on new heights as the New Jersey rapper   conducted an interview this morning. <br />
      <br />
    &quot;I will cut that dudes head off his   shoulders,” Budden said on the Ed Lover Morning Show. Budden wasn’t talking   physically, but his verbage spoke volumes about how he feels he ranks above his   Wu Tank counterpart. <a href="5_14_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><br />
    <p align="center"><strong>Pharrell Gets Tattoos Removed</strong></p>
    <p align="left">Pharrell Williams, the lead singer of N.E.R.D., is no longer enamored with his   tattoos and the artist has started to have his body art removed.<br />
      <br />
    The   rapper recently underwent laser surgery to have the tattoos burned out if his   skin. <a href="5_13_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong> (Pics)</p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="5_11_09.html">Nick Cannon Goes Off On Eminem</a></strong><a href="5_11_09.html">, <strong>Calls Him &quot;SLim Lamey.&quot;</strong></a></p>
        <p align="left">Well, well, well. Fresh off the plane with my wife from our second honeymoon on   the beautiful secluded islands of the Maldives and what do I find in my email   box? A mediocre (at best) Eminem record that sounds like it was written in 2001.   At first I thought it was old material that had been dug up from when dude   “fantasized” about having a pretend fling with Mariah. I was thinking to myself,   “Hey that was before me so it is really none of my business, so I’m going to   give him a pass.” <a href="5_11_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><br />
    <p align="left"><strong><a href="5_6_09.html">Scott Storch In Rehab For $30 Million Cocaine Habit</a></strong></p>
        <p itxtvisited="1">Producer <a href="http://www.starpulse.com/Music/Storch,_Scott/"><strong>Scott   Storch</strong></a> blew $30 million in just three years after becoming hooked   on cocaine.</p>
        <p itxtvisited="1">The Grammy-winning beat maker, who has worked with the likes   of <a href="http://www.starpulse.com/Music/50_Cent/">50 Cent</a>, <a href="http://www.starpulse.com/Music/Eminem/">Eminem</a>, <a href="http://www.starpulse.com/Music/Lil_Wayne/">Lil Wayne</a> and <a href="http://www.starpulse.com/Music/Aguilera,_Christina/">Christina   Aguilera</a>, has hit headlines in recent months after missing payments on his   Miami, Florida mansions, his luxury cars and child support obligations.Most   recently, he pleaded not guilty to grand theft auto after allegedly failing to   return a leased Bentley on time.<strong><a href="5_6_09.html">Full Story</a></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="5_4_09.html">Lloyd Banks Looks Beyond G-Unit &amp; Interscope, &quot;I'm A Grown Man Now&quot;</a></strong></p>
    <p align="left">As talk of Lloyd Banks leaving Interscope records increases, the G-Unit rapper   has revealed his recent collaborations outside of his rap group, including new   records with Jadakiss, Fabolous, Juelz Santana.<br />
            <br />
    Despite the tight-knit   association with his G-Unit camp, Banks has expressed his recent motivation to   work with other artists.<strong><a href="5_4_09.html">&lt;Full Story&gt;</a></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="4_30_09.html">Soulja Boy: ‘I Done Ended A Lot Of Niggas’ Careers’</a></strong></p>
        <p>It’s no secret Soulja Boy Tell’em has endured his fair share hate ever since he   hit broke into the mainstream with his hit single “Crank That.”</p>
        <p>Today, however, the 18-year-old rapper is laughing all the way to the bank,   especially after proving he isn’t gonna fade away into oblivion as a one-hit   wonder. No, his two most recent singles, “Kiss Me Thru The Phone” and “Turn My   Swag On,” even landed within the top positions of the Billboard charts, and   proved Soulja Boy is a force hip-hop critics can’t deny. <a href="4_30_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt; </strong></a><strong></strong></p>
        <p align="left"> </p>
        <p align="left"><strong>Eminem Speaks On Asher Roth.. &quot;I Think He's Dope&quot;</strong></p>
        <p align="left">XXL magazine’s latest issue features Eminem as the cover artist, who spoke on   the topic of Asher Roth in his interview.<br />
          <br />
          While stating he hasn’t really   gotten a chance to sit down and thoroughly listen to the Pennsylvania emcee, Em   did acknowledge the whispers of their supposed comparisons. “There was talk   about people saying he sounded like me, and he was doing this and that and, you   know, trying to take what I do and do it…The stuff that I've heard from him   honestly, which certainly isn't enough for me to make my own opinion and say,   'Yeah, he does sound like me' or 'No, he doesn't.' But the couple of songs I've   heard, I don't really think he does. You know what I mean?”<br />
          <br />
          Showing   admiration for the up-and-comer rapper, Eminem had nothing but love. “He's doing   his own thing. I can respect it, too, because at the end of the day, I think   he's dope.”<br />
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="4_22_09.html">Rick Ross Says He Might Go After Eminem</a></strong></p>
        <p align="left">Rick Ross says that his fued with 50 Cent is now boring him and he might have to   look toward Eminem as his next target. “50 you bore me, I might need to get at   Eminem now,” the Miami rapper boasted. “Eminem, I’m a big fan of yours but your   monkey, you’re pet monkey is boring me.” During an interview with DJ Envy, Rick   said that if he does go at Eminem it won’t be a traditional trade of jabs but   rather a battle over who’s making better music. <a href="4_22_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="4_13_09.html">Eminem to perform at MTV Movie Awards</a></strong></p>
        <p>Who wants their EmTV? Detroit rapper Eminem will perform at the 2009 MTV Movie   Awards, the music channel just announced.</p>
        <p>The show, which is MTV’s mostly humorous take on Hollywood’s big flicks, is   scheduled to air live at 9 p.m. May 31 from the Gibson Amphitheatre in Universal   City, Calif. <a href="4_13_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="4_11_09.html">Kanye West Responds to South Park Episode &quot;It's Pretty Funny&quot;</a> </strong></p>
    <p align="left">Many have tried, all have failed, but in the end it only took four animated   children from Colorado to topple Kanye West’s ego. South Park absolutely   eviscerated the 808s &amp; Heartbreak rapper in their episode last night, with   the show painting West as the most egocentric person in the world. The plot of   last night’s episode had something to do with Cartman starting a joke that   everyone deemed the funniest joke in the world, except West doesn’t “get” it.   There were also some gags about “fish dicks” and “gay fish,” as evidenced by the   excellent 808s &amp; Autotune rip-off track performed by “Kanye” at show’s end. <a href="4_11_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
        <p align="center">    <strong><a href="4_9_09.html">Jim Jones Arrested in NJ, Twitters During Arrest</a></strong></p>
    <p>Rapper Jim Jones was arrested Sunday night on an outstanding warrant in New   Jersey, and the hip hop star made sure all his fans were aware of the situation   on Twitter.</p>
        <p>The 32-year-old musician, whose real name is Joseph Guilermo Jones II, told   his fans via his Twitter page that he got pulled over by police in Teaneck   around 9:24 p.m.<strong><a href="4_9_09.html">&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;Full Story&gt; </a></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="4_6_09.html">Flesh-N-Bone Arrested on Gun and Drug Possession</a></strong></p>
    <p>Stanley Howse, better known as rapper Flesh-N-Bone, of the platinum-selling rap   group Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, was arrested after deputies said they found a gun,   ammunition and drugs in his Canyon Country home on Thursday.</p>
        <p>Santa Clarita Valley sheriff’s deputies pulled over Howse, 35, for an alleged   traffic violation at 5:30 p.m in the 27400 block of Lise Lane, Lt. Robert Lewis   said. <strong><a href="4_6_09.html">&lt;Full Story&gt;</a></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="4_4_09.html">Stalker Forces His Way Into Jamie Foxx’s Hotel Room</a></strong></p>
    <p align="left">A 49-year-old man allegedly barged into Foxx’s Philadelphia hotel room on March   22, reports Us Weekly. Saying he was Beyonce’s producer, the intruder attempted   to get inside the suite after Foxx opened the door. Foxx reportedly overpowered   the man, forced him out and slammed the door. The man then eluded cops and   escaped.<strong><a href="4_4_09.html">&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; &lt;Full Story&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;</a></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_Wd5mihX60&amp;eurl=http%3A//www.hiphopmusicdotcom.com/lil-wayne-sues-dj-drama.html&amp;feature=player_embedded">Lil Wayne Sues DJ Drama and Makin Moves Entertainment?</a></strong></p>
        <p align="left">Lil Wayne ****** up man...</p>
        <p align="left"><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_Wd5mihX60&amp;eurl=http%3A//www.hiphopmusicdotcom.com/lil-wayne-sues-dj-drama.html&amp;feature=player_embedded"><strong>WATCH VIDEO</strong></a></p>
        <p align="left"><a href="4_2_09.html"><strong>Andre 3000 Charged in Atlanta for Driving 109 MPH</strong></a></p>
        <p>Andre 3000 of the hip hop duo Outkast is free on bond after police charged him   with driving 109 mph on a highway in suburban Atlanta.</p>
        <p>Authorities say the entertainer was clocked speeding in his Porsche in a 65   mph zone south of Atlanta early Saturday. <a href="4_2_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="3_30_09.html">Flo Rida Denies Involvement in Animal Cruelty Scandal</a></strong></p>
    <p>Rapper Flo Rida has responded to reports connecting two members of his entourage   to an animal abuse scandal, insisting he’s “sickened” by what has been   written.</p>
        <p>Internet reports suggested that two men travelling with the Right Round   hitmaker were wanted for questioning by police in Kentucky after they were   spotted stepping off his tourbus and allegedly killing a rabbit on   Wednesday. <strong><a href="3_30_09.html">&lt;Full Story&gt;</a></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong>T-Pain Loses Four Teeth in Golfing Accident</strong></p>
    <p>A golf cart accident last Friday in Texas left T-Pain with several facial   bruises and four missing teeth, according to various reports.</p>
        <p>The accident led T-Pain to miss the San Jose stop on Lil Wayne’s I Am Music   tour. Fans at the HP Pavilion learned of the Pain’s absence after entering the   building.<br />
          <span id="more-4262"></span><br />
        T-Pain’s injuries also kept him away   from a video shoot for Lil Kim’s next single, “Download.”</p>
    <p>According to the Queen Bee, the show will go on—and T-Pain will be in the   video. “He’s gonna be in the video,” Lil Kim told Hip Hollywood. “We’ve gotta wait   until he heals and gets better.”</p>
    <p align="left"><strong><a href="3_27_9.html">T.I. Sentenced to 1 year and 1 day in Prison for gun violations</a></strong></p>
    <p>Atlanta rap artist T.I. will go to federal prison sometime after Mother’s Day   and serve a year and a day for crimes that might get anybody else about five   years in the slammer.</p>
        <p>In October 2007, Atlanta rapper T.I. was arrested by federal undercover   agents in a Midtown parking lot trying to buy machine guns, ammo and   silencers. <a href="3_27_9.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt; </strong></a><strong></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="3_25_9.html">Akon's Producer Robbed At Gunpoint By Suge Knight's Thugs</a></strong></p>
    <p>One of Akon’s peeps got a special visit last night - from robbers.</p>
        <p>According to TMZ, four to five “black males” - all brandishing firearms -   rolled to a Van Nuys home occupied by a man who works for Akon last night  <a href="3_25_9.html"><strong>&lt; Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong>Trick Daddy Reveals He Has Lupus Disease</strong></p>
    <p>Miami rapper Trick Daddy said today that he has been living for more than a   decade with Lupus, a disease in which the body’s immune system attacks its own   tissues and organs.</p>
        <p>Trick, born Maurice Young in Miami, went public with his condition on the   Rickey Smiley Morning Show radio program.</p>
        <p>Trick, 35, first gained notoriety as a guest voice on a track by another   Miamian, Luther “Uncle Luke” Campbell. He has carved out a durable solo career   telling “thug” tales about urban life in a deep, gruff voice. He records for his   newly formed Dunk Ryders label.<br />
          <span id="more-4166"></span><br />
          He told Smiley   that he’s got an autobiography coming out and also will be starring in a movie.</p>
        <p align="left"><a href="3_23_9.html"><strong>Lil Wayne forced to turn in Financial Records</strong></a></p>
    <p>A federal magistrate on Wednesday ordered rapper Lil Wayne to turn over   financial records for his Grammy-winning album, “Tha Carter III,” to a music   publisher accusing him of copyright infringement.</p>
        <p>A lawsuit filed in May 2008 claims Lil Wayne didn’t have permission to sample   folk singer Karma-Ann Swanepoel’s song “Once” in his track “I Feel Like   Dying.”    <strong><a href="3_23_9.html">&lt;Full Story&gt;</a></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="3_20_9.html">Rihanna Afraid Chris Brown Might Release Her Sextape</a></strong></p>
    <p>Rihanna and Chris Brown have reportedly made a sex tape.</p>
        <p>The ‘Umbrella’ singer and her 19-year-old boyfriend - who has been charged   with felony assault and making criminal threats following his alleged assault on   her last month - are said to have filmed themselves engaging in a series of   “kinky” acts...<a href="3_20_9.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="3_18_9.html">Lil Wayne Finishing “Rebirth”, Plans Young Money Group Album</a></strong></p>
    <p align="left">Lil Wayne is a busy dude these days, what with both rapping and rocking. And if   you want to be a part of his burgeoning empire, Young Money Entertainment, he   says all you have to do is be willing to follow his (relentlessly paced) lead. <a href="3_18_9.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="3_17_9.html">Jay-Z Was Beyonce's First Boyfriend</a></strong></p>
        <p align="left">In an interview with Los Angeles Confidential that just came out, Beyonce says   that Jay-Z “is my first relationship.” We were curious about whether she meant   he was the first guy she was serious about or if he’s the first guy she’s ever   been with, period, so we did a little investigating. According to an interview   last year, Beyonce had “one romance when I was 13 to 17, but we didn’t, you   know…” <a href="3_17_9.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="3_15_9.html">Jay-Z Thinks Hip-Hop Eradicates Racism</a></strong></p>
        <p>Jay-Z has credited hip-hop with improving race relations across America -   because white kids who idolise him and Snoop Dogg don’t become racists.</p>
        <p>The rapper insists there’s too much negativity about the musical genre and   its related culture - and few dwell on the good it’s done. <a href="3_15_9.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
    <p align="left"><strong><a href="3_13_9.html">50 Cent Plans Porn Release...With Rick Ross' Baby Mom</a></strong></p>
    <p align="left">The one-time nail-biting comical beef between rap stars Rick Ross and 50 Cent   has been on ice lately, thanks to Chrianna. But now, the mudslinging between the   Queens emcee and his Florida nemesis has resurfaced, and this time it’s taken on   a whole new level of sleaze. <strong><a href="3_13_9.html">&lt;Full Story&gt;</a></strong></p>
        <p align="left"><strong><a href="3_12_9.html">Chris Brown &amp; Rihanna recording Love Song together</a></strong></p>
        <p>Chris Brown and Rihanna are recording a duet together — said to be a love song —   despite prosecutors charging Brown with a violent attack on his girlfriend,   celebrity websites reported on Tuesday.</p>
        <p>While lawyers work behind the scenes on a possible plea deal that could allow   the 19-year-old R&amp;B singer to avoid jail time, Brown and Rihanna have been   in a Los Angeles area studio working on a love song, celebrity website TMZ.com   said. <strong><a href="3_12_9.html">&lt;Full Story&gt;</a></strong><br />
        <p align="left"><strong>T.I. Ends Beef with Shawty Lo</strong></p>
    <p>T.I. and Shawty Lo ended their beef recently when TIP invited the fellow Atlanta   rapper on stage so the two could perform together. T.I. was performing one of   his final shows before he goes to prison to serve his 1 year sentence when he   brought Shawty Lo on stage during “Big **** Popin” to publically end their beef.   “Eh my n*gga,” T.I. told Shawty. “Bankhead in this ************!” (March 11, 209)</p>
        <p><strong><a href="3_10_9.html">C-Murder Violates House Arrrest, Sent Back To Jail</a></strong></p>
        <p>Three years after he was placed under house arrest to await retrial on a murder   charge, rapper Corey &quot;C-Murder&quot; Miller was jailed on his birthday Monday for   allegedly leaving his residence for 10 minutes in violation of home   incarceration rules. </p>
        <p itxtvisited="1">Miller, 38, was booked into the Jefferson Parish Correctional   Center about midday and will remain there at least until Wednesday, when he will   appear before Judge Hans Liljeberg of the 24th Judicial District Court.   Liljeberg could keep Miller in jail until his trial, set to begin April 20, or   release him back into house arrest. <strong><a href="3_10_9.html">&lt; Full Story&gt;</a></strong></p>
        <p><strong>&quot;Relapse&quot; To Be Released on May 19</strong></p>
        <p>Yes yes, ladies and gentlemen! The official <a href="http://www.eminem.com/" target="_blank">Eminem.com</a> website has been updated with a release date for   Eminem's upcoming album, Relapse. It   will be out on May 19th. The first official single and video will be released on   April 7th.<br />
        <p><strong><a href="3_8_9.html">Rihanna and Chris Brown may co-author book about abuse</a></strong></p>
        <p>Chris Brown and Rihanna plan to co-author a book about abuse and go on a talk   show tour in a desperate bid to salvage his career, the Chicago Sun-Times   reported Saturday.</p>
        <p>Quoting sources close to Brown’s legal team, the paper said the R&amp;B   singer charged with brutalizing Rihanna even has a name for his rehabilitation   effort: “Project Mea Culpa.” <a href="3_8_9.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
    <p><strong><a href="3_6_09.html">Chris Brown Charged With Two Felonies; Details Emerge</a></strong><a href="3_6_09.html">...</a></p>
    <p>Details of Chris Brown’s alleged beating of Rihanna finally emerged as the   R&amp;B singer was arraigned today.</p>
        <p>Their Feb. 8 fight broke out after his pop star girlfriend Rihanna, 21, read   a three-page text message on Brown’s phone from a woman, according to the search   warrant and affidavit obtained by ABC News. An argument ensued and Brown, 19,   tried to force Rihanna out of the car but was unable to because she was wearing   her seat belt. <a href="3_6_09.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a></p>
        <p><strong><a href="3_7_9.html">Rihanna Will Testify Against Chris Brown If Required...</a></strong></p>
        <p>Rihanna’s lawyer Donald Etra tells Us Weekly that the 21-year-old singer will   testify against her boyfriend Chris Brown, if need be. “She is planning to do   everything that the law requires her to do,” Etra tells Us. “If she is required   to testify, she will do so.”</p>
        <p>Rihanna was not in court yesterday, but Etra was. He did not request a more   restrictive order that Brown stay away from her and says the singer just wants   to put everything behind her. “The fact is, Rihanna desires that it be quick and   expeditious,” he told Us. “She wants to get back to her life and her   career.” <a href="3_7_9.html"><strong>&lt;Full Story&gt;</strong></a><strong></strong></p>
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                 <h1>Seamus Heaney at Hay Festival</h1>
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                  <p>Irish poet to speak about his poetry, life and lots of other jolly interesting things at Hay on Wye. Read more about this make believe stuff. </p>
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                   <h3>Government cuts are 'hitting poetry' say critics</h3></li>
                      <p>Calls for literature to be taken seriously.</p></li>
                      <h3>Caernarfon to hold three-day poetry festival</h3></li>
                      <p>Irish master just one of many to hit Wales.</p></li>
                      <h3>Review: Kathleen Jamie explores nature's spirit</h3></li>
                      <p>Another worthwhile journey into the wilderness.</p></li>
                      <h3>Picador signs up 15-year-old prodigy</h3></li>
                      <p>Cornish poet said to have a 'voice like thunder.'</p></li>
                      <h3>Picador signs up 15-year-old prodigy</h3></li>
                      <p>Cornish poet said to have a 'voice like thunder.'</p></li>
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            <h3>Benjamin launches latest volume</h3>
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            <p>Rasta poet is delighted to be able to explore new ground.</p>
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             <h3>Review: The latest Carol Ann Duffy</h3>
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       <p>Another  triumph from the pen of the British poet laureate.</p>
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                          <h3>Government cuts are 'hitting poetry' say critics</h3></li>
                          <p>Calls for literature to be taken seriously.</p></li>
                          <h3>Caernarfon to hold three-day poetry festival</h3></li>
                          <p>Irish master just one of many to hit Wales.</p></li>
                          <h3>Review: Kathleen Jamie explores nature's spirit</h3></li>
                          <p>Another worthwhile journey into the wilderness.</p></li>
                          <h3>Picador signs up 15-year-old prodigy</h3></li>
                          <p>Cornish poet said to have a 'voice like thunder.'</p></li>
                          <h3>Picador signs up 15-year-old prodigy</h3></li>
                          <p>Cornish poet said to have a 'voice like thunder.'</p></li>
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                <p>See our exclusive interview with Jo Shapcott. The poet discusses her own body of work and the creations of he contemporaries she  admires.</p>
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          <p>Hello, my name is Damon Duncan <img src="../Pictures/Damon-and-Melissa-Duncan.jpg" alt="Damon and Melissa Duncan" width="289" height="127" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" align="right" />and this is my personal website.  Throughout his website you will get a glimpse into the things that are most important in my life.  That list starts with my family, especially my wife Melissa Duncan.  Currently I am a third year law student at Elon University School of Law.  Melissa is also a member of the charter class at the law school. </p>
          <p>After completing law school Melissa and I will open Duncan Law in Greensboro, North Carolina. Duncan Law will be a satellite office of my father's law office in Charlotte, North Carolina. Although this site will obviously be limited in the details of my life I can assure you one thing - I am blessed.  I have a great family, great friends and truly enjoy every day of life.  That is the only way to live right?  Enjoy the website and don't hesitate to contact me if you need to.</p>
        <!-- TemplateEndEditable --></td>
        <td width="152" align="right" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><p><img src="../Logos/Follow-Me.jpg" width="150" height="60" alt="Follow Me Here:" /></p>
          <p><img src="../Logos/Facebook-Logo-Button.jpg" width="150" height="56" alt="Facebook Logo Button" /><br>     
            <img src="../Logos/LinkedIn-Logo.png" width="150" height="53" alt="LinkedIn Logo Button" /><br>   
            <img src="../Logos/Twitter-Logo-Button.jpg" width="150" height="41" alt="Twitter Logo Button" /><br>
        <img src="../Logos/YouTube-Logo-Button.jpg" width="150" height="56" alt="YouTube Logo Button" /></p></td>
        <td bgcolor="#000000"> </td>
        <td align="center" valign="baseline">Home || About Me || My Blog || Favorite Sites || Contact Me<br />
          <br />
    Copyright by Damon Duncan, All Rights Reserved</td>
        <td bgcolor="#000000"> </td>

    Disclaimer: I don't use Templates - you probably need to make these changes to your template file. Maybe some template experts will correct me, but here's my $.02.
    Then again
    <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="head" -->
    <!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
    both look like they're out of place to me.
    If that really is all of the code from your page, then you're missing at least the following:
    <title>Your Title Goes Here</title>
    Add the DOCTYPE by selecting File->Convert->HTML 4.01 Strict (Dreamweaver->Convert->... if on a Mac) from the menus.
    In Code View, just underneath the newly added DOCTYPE code, add:
    <title>Whatever you want</title>
    Now, just above your <body> tag, add:
    And at the very bottom of the page, add:
    Sidenote: Since you're already defining the body's background color with CSS, you can change this:
    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    to this:
    Mark "Cheers" Boyd
    Keep-On-Learnin' :-)

  • Unbalanced Body Tag on a line that doesn't exist

    I'm receiving an unbalanced body tag error on line 129 and
    line 194, however these two lines don't exist in the template
    ALSO, whenever I create new pages from the template it
    automatically tries to save the new pages as .dwt and places them
    in the templates folder instead of the chosen format of html.
    Please advise. (see code attached)

    > I'm receiving an unbalanced body tag error on line 129
    and line 194,
    > however
    > these two lines don't exist in the template
    This definitely means your page is scrambled.
    > ALSO, whenever I create new pages from the template it
    automatically tries
    > to
    > save the new pages as .dwt and places them in the
    templates folder instead
    > of
    > the chosen format of html.
    This REALLY definitely means your page is scrambled. Are you
    using FILE |
    New From Template when you create these new pages?
    Looking at the code below, I can see several anomalies.
    1. There is this unnecessary line - <!-- TemplateInfo
    codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->. Why is it there?
    2. There is NO editable region around the <title> tag.
    3. There is NO editable region in the head of the page in
    addition to #2,
    These last two are the sign of an improperly made template.
    Do this -
    Create a new page (Basic HTML).
    Use FILE | Save as Template....
    Look at the code in the head region of the page, particularly
    the editable
    region around the <title> tag, and the other editable
    region in the head
    called "head".
    Make your template file look like that.
    Always use FILE | Save as Template when you create your
    templates and you
    won't have this problem again.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Treasure" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > I'm receiving an unbalanced body tag error on line 129
    and line 194,
    > however
    > these two lines don't exist in the template
    > ALSO, whenever I create new pages from the template it
    automatically tries
    > to
    > save the new pages as .dwt and places them in the
    templates folder instead
    > of
    > the chosen format of html.
    > Please advise. (see code attached)
    > <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
    > "
    > <html xmlns="
    > <head>
    > <!-- TemplateInfo codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false"
    > <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    charset=iso-8859-1" />
    > <title>I AM's Temple Christian Academy,
    Plainfield, NJ 07060</title>
    > <style type="text/css">
    > <!--
    > body {background-image: url(../images/background.gif);
    > background-repeat: no-repeat;}
    > p {
    > font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    > font-size: 12px;
    > font-style: normal;
    > color: #000000;
    > background-color: #FFFFFF;
    > }
    > -->
    > </style>
    > <link href="../iatca.css" rel="stylesheet"
    type="text/css" />
    > <style type="text/css">
    > <!--
    > a:link {color: #990000;}
    > a:visited {color: #006699;}
    > .style1 {font-size: 9px}
    > .style9 {font-size: 12px;
    > color: #FFFFFF;
    > font-weight: bold;}
    > -->
    > </style>
    > </head>
    > <body>
    > <table width="1018" height="937" border="0">
    > <tr>
    > <td width="1012" height="933"
    valign="top"><table width="1002"
    > border="0"
    > cellpadding="16" cellspacing="0">
    > <tr>
    > <td height="17" colspan="3"> </td>
    > </tr>
    > <tr>
    > <td height="108" colspan="3"
    valign="middle"> </td>
    > </tr>
    > <tr>
    > <td width="17%" height="729"
    valign="top"><table width="100%"
    > border="0">
    > <tr>
    > <td><a
    > </tr>
    > <tr>
    > <td><a href="../about.htm">About
    > </tr>
    > <tr>
    > <td><a href="../schoolhours.htm">School
    Hours </a></td>
    > </tr>
    > <tr>
    > <td><a href="../history.htm">History of
    IATCA </a></td>
    > </tr>
    > <tr>
    > <td><a href="../calendar.htm">School
    Calendar </a></td>
    > </tr>
    > <tr>
    > <td><a
    > </tr>
    > <tr>
    > <td><a href="../accounting.htm">Accounting
    > </tr>
    > <tr>
    > <td><a
    > </tr>
    > <tr>
    > <td><a
    > </tr>
    > <tr>
    > <td><a
    > </tr>
    > <tr>
    > <td><a href="../dresscode.htm">Dress
    > </tr>
    > <tr>
    > <td height="19"><a
    > Guidelines</a> </td>
    > </tr>
    > <tr>
    > <td><a
    > </tr>
    > <tr>
    > <td><a
    > </tr>
    > <tr>
    > <td height="17"><a
    > Prayer</a>
    > </td>
    > </tr>
    > <tr>
    > <td><a href="../studentprayer.htm">Student
    Prayer </a></td>
    > </tr>
    > <tr>
    > <td><a href="../contact.htm">Contact
    > </tr>
    > </table></td>
    > <td width="62%" valign="top"><!--
    > name="body" -->
    > <p>content</p>
    > <!-- TemplateEndEditable --></td>
    > <td width="21%" valign="top"><!--
    > name="News" -->
    > <p>news</p>
    > <!-- TemplateEndEditable --></td>
    > </tr>
    > </table>
    > <p align="center" class="style1">For questions
    about this site,
    > contact <a
    > href="mailto: [email protected]">Melanie
    Waters</a> <a
    > href="
    > </tr>
    > </table>
    > </body>
    > </html>

  • I am running 10.6.8 and using iweb for my web site. After several SEO analysis they all indicate I need H1-6 header tags. After looking at the source code I see there are none in iweb. Is it necessary to add? If so, how do I add H Tags to iweb.

    I am running 10.6.8 and using iweb for my web site. After several SEO analysis they all indicate I need H1-6 header tags. After looking at the source code I see there are none in iweb. Are they necessary to add?  Why would one add these tags and how do I add H Tags to iweb? And are there examples to look at? I am slowly learning about simple web design and assumed that iweb was stand alone without having to write code. Is this one of the reasons iweb is no longer supported? Thanks for looking at this!

    A simple text page like this:
        sub heading
              text paragraph ....
    Is traditionally represented by html tags like:
         <h2>sub heading</h2>
              <p>text paragraph ... </p>
    I would guess that the use of h1-h6 tags helps search engines to understand the structure of a page as the tags imply a certain structure.
    This can be compared to more generic tags like <div> that could represent any kind of content - and may be what iWeb uses (you'll have to check yourself).
    I would generally recommend that you use some kind of up to date blog/site building tool, perhaps Wordpress or Squarespace (I haven't used either one myself) that support current web technologies - this should reduce your SEO issues and make it easier to properly support mobile/tablet users.

  • PLease Help: Does anyone know how to retain the Scope in the Header Tag when converting a table in

    I am trying to convert aa Word Document with Tables containing Data and Header Columns to retain the Scope="col" when it is converted to PDF.
    After the PDF is created, I check my Header Tags and everything looks fine however the Scope is null and I need to somehow retain scope=columes in order to certify this report is 508 compliant.
    For those who are interested; the html should be:
    <th scope="col"> Color </th>
    My html is coming across the PDF distiller is only <th >     </th>
    Maybe there is another piece of software that does this correctly? I tried OpenOffice - the same problem occurs.
    Thank you

    Please post in the Acrobat forum. This forum is for the Adobe Distiller SERVER product. Your question does not involve Distiller Server.

  • I'm getting error message ":Unbalanced InstanceBegin tag"

    When I try to update my files from template it wont upadate and gives me error at line 1 ":Unbalanced InstanceBegin tag" It just started doing this. I'm using dreamweaver 8. I tried unistalling and reinstalling and page still didn't work. This is a site with around 100 pages.

    <!-- TemplateEndEditable ><! TemplateBeginEditable name="meta" -->
    <!-- TemplateParam name="playstructures" type="boolean" value="true" ><!
    TemplateParam name="components" type="boolean" value="true" ><!
    TemplateParam name="free_standing" type="boolean" value="true" ><!
    TemplateParam name="play_options" type="boolean" value="true" -->
    <!-- TemplateParam name="planning" type="boolean" value="true" ><!
    TemplateParam name="why_choose_us" type="boolean" value="true" -->
    javascript:; ../play-structures.htm
    > PPG 1
    > PPG 2
    > PPG 3
    > PPG 4
    > PPG 5
    > PPG 6
    > PPG 7
    > PPG 8
    > PPG 9
    > PPG 10
    > PPG 11
    > PPG 12
    > PPG 13
    > PPG 14
    > PPG 15
    > PPG 16
    > PPG 17
    > PPG 18
    > PPG 19
    > PPG 20
    Totally Toddlers
    > PPG 21
    > PPG 22
    > PPG 23
    > PPG 24
    > PPG 25
    > PPG 26
    > PPG 27
    > Climbers
    > Crawl Tubes
    > Slides
    > Panels
    > Bridges
    > Swing Bays
    > Spring Riders
    > Free Standing Fun
    > Color Options
    > Safety & Surface
    > Parts
    > Hardware
    > Assembly
    > Helpful Advice
    > Fundraising & Grants
    > Safety
    > Wood or Metal
    > Ordering Info
    > Durability
    > Design Your Own
    > Build-As-You-Can-Plan
    > About Us
    Dealer and Franchising
    Contact Us
    View Online Catalog
    <!-- TemplateBeginEditable
    name="body" >body<! TemplateEndEditable -->
    190 Etowah Industrial Court, Canton, GA 30114
    Toll free: 1-800-882-0234 | Phone: 678-880-3324 | Fax: 678-880-3325
    Add Link | Sitemap | Contact Us
    /* Script by: www.jtricks.com
    Version: 20060314
    Latest version:
    // Moves the box object to be directly beneath an object.
    function move_box(an, box)
        var cleft = -200;
        var ctop = -150;
        var obj = an;
        while (obj.offsetParent)
            cleft += obj.offsetLeft;
            ctop += obj.offsetTop;
            obj = obj.offsetParent;
        box.style.left = cleft + 'px';
        ctop += an.offsetHeight + 8;
        // Handle Internet Explorer body margins,
        // which affect normal document, but not
        // absolute-positioned stuff.
        if (document.body.currentStyle &&
            ctop += parseInt(
        box.style.top = ctop + 'px';
    // Shows a box if it wasn't shown yet or is hidden
    // or hides it if it is curre
    function show_hide_box(an, width, height, borderStyle)
        var href = an.href;
        var boxdiv = document.getElementById(href);
        if (boxdiv != null)
            if (boxdiv.style.display=='none')
                // Show existing box, move it
                // if document changed layout
                move_box(an, boxdiv);
                // Hide currently shown box.
            return false;
        // Create box object through DOM
        boxdiv = document.createElement('div');
        // Assign id equalling to the document it will show
        boxdiv.setAttribute('id', href);
        boxdiv.style.display = 'block';
        boxdiv.style.position = 'absolute';
        boxdiv.style.width = width + 'px';
        boxdiv.style.height = height + 'px';
        boxdiv.style.border = borderStyle;
        boxdiv.style.textAlign = 'right';
        boxdiv.style.padding = '4px';
        boxdiv.style.background = '#FFFFFF';
        var offset = 0;
        // Remove the following code if 'Close' hyperlink
        // is not needed.
        var close_href = document.createElement('a');
        close_href.href = 'javascript:void(0);';
        close_href.onclick = function()
            { show_hide_box(an, width, height, borderStyle); }
        offset = close_href.offsetHeight;
        // End of 'Close' hyperlink code.
        var contents = document.createElement('iframe');
        contents.scrolling = 'no';
        contents.frameBorder = '0';
        contents.style.width = width + 'px';
        contents.style.height = (height - offset) + 'px';
        move_box(an, boxdiv);
        if (contents.contentWindow)
            contents.src = href;
        // The script has successfully shown the box,
        // prevent hyperlink navigation.
        return false;

  • How to print between head-Tags of a Portal component

    is it possible to print between the -Tags of the generated HTML-Code? I need to insert a JAVAScript between the tags.
    Currently i am simply using the Writer-Object in the doContent() to print out the HTML-Code. But i found nothing how to access the head?
    With best regards
    Edited by: Björn Karpenstein on Aug 19, 2008 9:12 AM

    One way of doing this is by creating a new Servlet Responce in doContent method. This way you can set the head tag by yourself.
    Here is the code:
    // get the reference to the ServletResponse (exclusivly) and set the content type to HTML                         
    ServletResponse sResponse = portalComponentRequest.getServletResponse(true);                                                    
    // get the reference to the PrintWriter                                                                         
      PrintWriter writer = sResponse.getWriter();                                                                               
    // write the HTML header                                                                               
    Check if this suites your requirement, if not let me know.
    Praveen Gudapati

  • How to remove the header tag in the XML data ?

    Hi All,
    I am sending an XML data from SFTP to Proxy, in that I want to remove the header tag (first tag) from the xml, while loading the data. how to do that ?

          It is not about the thing that, whether your source is XML or flat file. If you dont want some thing in your source file , dont consider it and dont map it with your target structure. think that, your not getting the header in your source.  What is the header here.
    <Emp_Id> Employee No </Emp_Id>
    <Emp_Name> Employee Name </Emp_Name>
    <Emp_Id> 1234 </Emp_Id>
    <Emp_Name> xxxx </Emp_Name>
    <Emp_Id> 5678 </Emp_Id>
    <Emp_Name> yyy </Emp_Name>
    you have two fields under node Emp_details. What do u want to avoid here?

  • Problem applying Spry tool tips to child pages because the head tag is in a locked region

    I’m new to DW and migrating a site from GoLive CS2 to DW CS5. The site uses templates created in GL CS2. I have stripped out as much GL stuff as possible.
    I want to use the SPRY tooltips as a way to show captions for graphics that are on some of the pages (I used to use an Open New Browser window for that but I don’t have as much control in DW as I did in GL). But when I try to apply SPRY tooltips (or any SPRY widget for that matter) I get the following message:
    “Required links could not be added to this file because the <head> tag is in a locked region. To insert this content, open the template file ‘xyz.dwt’ and either unlock the <head> tag or add this content to the template.”
    I am not sure how to go about solving this problem. In the template there is an editable region for adding graphics but in the template itself there are no graphics or anything else to apply a tooltip too. Also in the child pages there may be more than one place to use a tooltip. So that suggests to me that I should not add a tooltip to the template. That brings me to the other option.
    How would I go about unlocking the  <head> tag in the template, without messing everything up?
    Or, should I detach any page from the template when I want to add tooltips then reapply the template? I am planning to ditch the GL template anyway and apply a DW template to all the pages anyway.
    Any suggestions as to what I should do?
    Yours faithfully
    PS I’m using Mac with Snow Leopard.

    I found a solution.
    I just made a transparent PNG. Put it in an inconspicuous part of the template. On the child page I could make as many copies as I needed making sure I provided id tags for each use etc.

  • Div header tag - not displaying correctly

    I thought I had resolved an issue with a div header tag, but - as per a reply in my 'text as gif' thread, possibly not!
    The header contains three images; a logo, a banner (text), and a picture of a castle.  These should display in a  line.
    When I first set it up, I realised that the castle picture was normally ending up below the other two on smaller screens etc. 
    So I changed the dims for my div container from min 760px/max 1260px, to a set width (960px).  I then rejigged the three images so the widths were within 960px, with some to spare for the spacing (total widths of the three are 900: hspacing another 20 pixels).  There is no padding/borders defined.  Therefore the total should be well within the 960 width (?).
    It looks fine on my PC (widescreen); in 3 browsers, using the restore down menu command (ie to make it not full screen), and by  using the Dreamweaver multiscreen preview (phone, tablet, smaller desktop).  It wasn't ideal (as scrolling required), but at least meant the header (and the rest of the screen) displayed correctly, ie in a horizontal line (and then sidebar - content - sidebar).
    If I set my container width much smaller, most of the screen will be green (the body) in big screens.
    If I rejig the dimensions, it's all a bit hit and miss (and why don't the current dimensions work?).
    Do I need to define the width of the header (as well as the container)?
    Help!  Thank you

    Hi there, I started off using one big image, but it didn't look right with regards to size and placing (ie I wanted the logo on the left edge, the castle on the right edge, etc). When you say slice, what do you mean?  One image in from fireworks, and then ... ? Thanks again
    Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2011 01:37:10 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Div header tag - not displaying correctly
        Re: Div header tag - not displaying correctly
        created by osgood_ in Dreamweaver - View the full discussion
    Datafan55 wrote: I thought I had resolved an issue with a div header tag, but - as per a reply in my 'text as gif' thread, possibly not!  Why not just use one big image  then you wont have a problem of with the alignment. Certainly don't use 'vspace' and 'hspace' to position the images. If you want to use 3 seperate images start by setting them us as one complete image then slice it into 3 images. Then use the following css to position the images side by side. #header img If the total sum of the width of the images is the same or does not exceed 960px then the images should be in a nice row side by side. They will actually sit side by side without using 'float' but you'll get a small gap between them which will be added to the sum of the width which will exceed 960px causing the third image to drop onto the next line.
         Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page: http://forums.adobe.com/message/4068499#4068499
         To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at http://forums.adobe.com/message/4068499#4068499. In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
         Start a new discussion in Dreamweaver by email or at Adobe Forums
      For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to http://forums.adobe.com/message/2936746#2936746.

  • Access to the head tag in a portal generated page

    We have a situation where we need to put some javascript in the <head> tag of a page so that it can be accessed by a javascript portlet. Any ideas?

    This capability is not there in 3.0.6 and 3.0.7. In 3.0.8 (due out end of this month), we have added a template capability which allows you to assign an html template to a page. The template could contain the javascript.
    In the interim, others have created an html portlet that contains the javascript, placed it on the page and turned it off by default. This works, but any user with customization rights to the page could remove it, so the title should read something like 'Do Not Remove!'

  • Meta, keywords, description Head tags

    Hi all,
    Can someone define the difference between the head tags and how best to use them for improved SEO:
    And is there a difference between description and the title of a page?
    Thanks in advance

    Can someone define the difference between the head tags and how best to use them for improved SEO:
    And is there a difference between description and the title of a page?
    Yes, there is.  <title>unique page name here</title>
    Meta Description = a brief (8 -15 word) sentence about the page and what it contains.  Google uses your page title and meta description in search results pages so this is the very first impression people have of your site.
    Meta Keywords are ignored by search engines.  If adding them to your pages makes you sleep better at night, fine.  But it will have no impact on your ranking.
    What matters most is the content in your <h1>, <h2>, <h3> and <p> tags.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists 

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