Unblock a GL code for posting

How do we unblock a Gl account code for postings??
Pls help

go to FS00 and give the blocked account numb and company co but do not enter any thing wait and in the same screen on menu bar select G/L accoun and in it select block
here sys will take you to other screen where you can unblock it(check box)
if it is not blocked in you co code then surely it might be blocked in 100 standard.

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    Best Regards

    Hi Raynaju,
    Business place is an organizational unit and  it below company code level that is primarily used for reporting taxes on sales/purchases.
    For that no need to go for validation.Go to the field status and give the Business place & Section Code as required fields.
    There is a option in SAP as Document change rules.There give the company code,field name and account type
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    May be this information is useful to you
    If you have any doubt feel free to ask
    Edited by: Aneesh kumarA on Jul 22, 2009 12:45 PM

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    The issue got resolved. We need to give in MM invoice number not the accounting document invoice number.
    Fi invoice number and MM invoice number are availiable in bkpf and MM invoice number will availible in BKPF-AWKEY field.

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    Hi Mithun,
    FS00 txn is used for blocking GL a/c for posting.
    You can block/unblock GL a/c based on GL A/c and Company code.
    Execute FS00 txn, Click GL account -> Block (in the menubar).
    Block/Unblock based in chart of accounts or in company code.
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    Please try FSS0! (I hope this is it...)
    (Accounting > Financial accounting > General ledger accounting > Master records > Individual processing > In Company Code)

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    MIRA is for Invoice Verification in the Background
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    When verifying invoices in the background, you enter only a small set of document header data, such as the invoice amount, the currency and the tax information. You also allocate the incoming invoice to a purchasing document or a vendor. The system saves the data and allocation criteria you enter.
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    Gregory Mathews

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    HI,  There is a possible solution for this scenario.
    1. Create 2 tax codes for VAT and SERVICE Tax at 12.5% and 12.36% respectively
    2. While posting the Invoice (TRX - FB60) following steps need to be followed.
    3. Amount has to be split into two line items
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    5. Similarly 2nd Line Item should have Service Tax amount + 30000/- and select relevant tax code that    
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    Hope this would meet your requirement. If the solution is okay, kindly indicate the points.
    K.Sanjai Babu

  • Here the SSCCE code for the prvious problem posted by me.

    Following is the SSCCE code for the program of search which is having the problem i have asked before.
    here when you run it will show a form which have a search button on it and when you press it a panel will shown below which have a table( it is just a bounded area without any column or row as i have removed the database functionality and we dont have to do with it).
    the problem is the same that firstly i want to make the panel invisible.
    (the blue and yellow colors are just to seperate the panel and the container) Secondly i want to remove the extra large space added below the last table and thirdly i want that on each press of the search button the scrollbar will focus on the new table added.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Temp extends JFrame implements ActionListener
         Container c;
         Toolkit tk;
         JLabel l1; int y=30;
         JPanel p1,p2,p3;     
         JRadioButton rbByName,rbBySirName,rbByID,rbByCity,rbByState;
         JButton btSearch,btView;
         ButtonGroup bgSearch;
         JTextField txtSearch; BoxLayout boxl;
         ImageIcon i1;JScrollPane sp1;JViewport vp;
         public Temp()
              super("Search-Address Management System");
         public void defineComponents()
              p1=new JPanel();
              p2=new JPanel();
              p3=new JPanel();
              boxl=new BoxLayout(p3,BoxLayout.Y_AXIS);
              rbByName=new JRadioButton("First Name");
              rbBySirName=new JRadioButton("Last Name");
              rbByState=new JRadioButton("State");
              rbByCity=new JRadioButton("City");
              rbByID=new JRadioButton("ID");
              btSearch=new JButton("Search");
              bgSearch=new ButtonGroup();
              txtSearch=new JTextField();
              btSearch=new JButton("Search");
              TitledBorder tb=new TitledBorder("Search Criteria");
              TitledBorder tb1=new TitledBorder("Search");
         public void settingBounds()
         public void addListeners()
         public void addComponents()
         public void drawtable()
              JTable t1=new JTable()
                  public Class getColumnClass(int column)
                    return getValueAt(0, column).getClass();
              if(y==30) //as temporay variable only to add the scrollpane once
                   sp1=new JScrollPane(p3,JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED,JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER);
              JScrollPane sp=new JScrollPane(t1);
              sp1.getViewport().setOpaque(false); // to make the scrollpane transparent but not worked
              sp.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(600,100));
              p3.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(600,20)));//  invisible filler to add space between two tables
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
         public static void main(String args[])
              new Temp();
    }Please reply with the code required to be added.

    the problem is the same that firstly i want to make the panel invisible.If I remember you other postings I think you mean to say transparent, which means the background of its parent component will be painted. If you make the panel invisible, then all the component added to the panel will also be invisible.
    You have a structure something like this:
    main panel
        - scroll pane
            - viewport
                - table panel
                    - table1
                    - table 2As you where told in one of you many other posting on this topic, if you want the background of the main panel to show through then you need to make all the component on top of the pane non-opaque, not just the viewport. So, the scroll pane and table panel also need to be changed.
    And don't forget to reply to all your other postings on this topic stating that those postings are "closed" so people don't waste time answering in those postings. Keep the conversation in one posting so everybody knows what has been suggested.

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    SBE Someone tell me why?

    Dont know if this will help but check for the posting periods..

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    There is a Tcode F110 for Payment proposals (Accounts Receivables, Accounts Payable, Treasury modules) for old GL posting.
    Now SAP had introduce a new T-Code for NEW GL (General Ledger) posting.
    Can any one Tell me the New T-code. It's Very Urgent.........

    Thanks for your reply..............
    The transaction f110s is there in 4.7 Version.
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    I need to create a BAPI for the T-code FBV0(Post Parking Document). Please help me with a sample code.

    Hello There.
    I would like to suggest my opinion,
    To know the Function module for a particular Transaction,
    1. Table TSTC gives the Program name for a particular transaction.
    There are includes which contain (say) "Global data" and "Function modules".
    2. To get BAPI function modules, Transaction BAPI is the most powerfull solution for any module.
    One more thing, to be kept in mind while creating a BAPI is to create a function module and make it RFC enabled.
    BAPIs are nothing but RFC enabled function modules.
    Hope that's usefull.
    Good Luck & Regards.
    Harsh Dave

  • What is the ok code for Save (to post a document)

    Hi all Technos
    How to post a document(Save it) in BDC In Tr Code F-02 after all entry? What is code for that.
    In simple what is the ok code for SAVE. For your kind infromation ENTER is not taking.
    Plz any body help me For that.
    Every usefull answer will be rewarded with points..
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Shovan,
    OK-code for save is =BU
    Check this recording..Award points if useful
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMF05A' '0100'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'BKPF-BLDAT'
    perform bdc_field       using 'BKPF-BLART'
    perform bdc_field       using 'BKPF-BUKRS'
    perform bdc_field       using 'BKPF-BUDAT'
    perform bdc_field       using 'BKPF-MONAT'
    perform bdc_field       using 'BKPF-WAERS'
    perform bdc_field       using 'FS006-DOCID'
    perform bdc_field       using 'RF05A-NEWBS'
    perform bdc_field       using 'RF05A-NEWKO'
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMF05A' '0300'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'BSEG-WRBTR'
    perform bdc_field       using 'BSEG-MWSKZ'
    perform bdc_field       using 'BSEG-TXJCD'
    perform bdc_field       using 'DKACB-FMORE'
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLKACB' '0002'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'COBL-KOSTL'
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMF05A' '0700'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'



    I understand that you want to check the cost center for the locks activated for various transactions. Go to transaction KS13 - give the cost center hierarchy for which you want to see the cost centers and execute.
    The report will be displayed showing the locks for the various postings.  This can be further controlled by changing the layout as desired.
    Good Luck!!!  Please assign points if useful!!!!!!!
    Thanks and Regards,

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