Undisclosed recipients

How do I send an email to undisclosed recipients?

Easy. What you want is to put the addresses to be hidden in a "Bcc" list (Blind Copy). How you do this depends on what email interface you are using. Assuming you are using the newest Verizon webmail interface, when you click Compose to start your email, then on the right side of the "To" field (far right), you should see the characters "Add Cc" and "Bcc". Just click on Bcc and a new field will appear to enter the addresses, just put the list in there. No one will who the email went to. You should probably put your own email address in the To field.
Hope this helps.
Verizon FiOS TV, Internet, and phone
QIP7232, IMG 1.8, Build 02.54
Keller, TX 76248

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    Hi Mike,
    Go to your Applications folder and open Address Book > at the bottom of the left side click on the + sign to add a Group > name the group > click on All Contacts > in the Name column, drag one name at a time into the group you created on the left side > when you have all the names you want in there, close Address Book > when you want to email everyone in that group, simply open a New Message in Mail > in the To field, type in the name of the group you created > type your message > hit Send and the message will be sent to everyone in that group.

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    I believe that the only way to do what you want is to put no email addresses in either the "TO" nor in the "CC" areas, and to put ALL your recipients email addresses in the "BCC" list. What the recipient sees when receiving such an email depends on the email client being used. Some will say what you want, "Undisclosed Recipients" and others will say "(Recipient list suppressed)" and others will say something different but similar. And some will indicate actually nothing about recipients, there will appear to be none to the reader of the email, the message will say whom it is from however.
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    when you address mail it can be sent TO CC or BCC, BCC appears a undisclosed recipients
    see https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/addressing-email

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    I have. Doesn't help. The "to" or "from" is still "undisclosed recipients". But only on Mac - on pad or phone the same messages have my email address.

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    Ok my mistake I followed the Mountain Lion instructions.  If anyone needs this on Mavericks here is the link (at the bottom):
    Thanks for the help!

  • How do you send an email to undisclosed recipients?

    do i put my recipients in the BCC field?
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    Yes, start spelling the contact name and it will present you with a few from your contact list. Tap on the one you want to add. Continue in the same manner.

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    Has anyone encountered this problem - and found a solution?

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    Prior to upgrading, the system was working, and when I mailed to a Group the To: field only showed "Undisclosed Recipients". I confirm that in Preferences the box for showing all addresses is de-selected. Always has been.
    Now all the Group Smart names appear in the To: field, and if you click the disclosure triangle on the name the whole address is displayed....bad for security.
    The only work-around at the moment seems to be to put the Group in the Bcc field, but this then leaves a blank in the To: field which looks suspiciously like a Spam message.
    I must be missing something that has changed. Any ideas please ??

    Mail Preferences, Composing, Addressing, When sending to a group, show all member addresses.
    Or, just BCC everyone.

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