Uninstall Customer Participation Program 13.0

Previously...3 times I have attempted to elicit an effective solution to the problem of being unable to remove Customer Participation Program 13.0 and two other utilities installed on my machine by HP.
Tried suggested fixes, responded regarding they failed. but then no further solution has then been proposed.  Is this problem beyond the technical competence or experience of the HP empire ?  Perhaps not, so I live in the hope my suspicions have no foundation ?
In addition to no resolution: can someone  stop (your system) dishing out reminders asking me to report how well your support has been. It has not done well and I am curious why you(your system) wants to be regularly reminded of that ?
I'm retired now, but in my profession dissatisfied clients were not good for business or ones self esteem and HP support was nigh on exemplary.  HP' current responses seem at odds to these simple aims ? Is failure now the new current norm ?
End of rant !
John Perreur-Lloyd

I have brought your issue to the attention of an appropriate team within HP. They will likely request information from you in order to look up your case details or product serial number. Please look for a private message from an identified HP contact. Additionally, keep in mind not to publicly post serial numbers and case details.
If you are unfamiliar with how the Forum's private message capability works, this post has instructions.
I work on behalf of HP
Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
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    Hello Kepi,
    When you begin installing the software, if you select a Custom installation, you can see the file size of each software component you're installing, and you can uncheck the ones you don't wish to install.  Customer Participation will be one of the options.
    Please let me know if this helps.
    Good luck!
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    Yes you should be able to remove the customer participation program as it just report statistics to hp ie: for market research.
    To save space you could also uninstall HP Update (some might disagree), Photosmart Essentials, Shop for Supplies etc)
    (Source: Link)
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    It is NOT a part of print driver. It provides customers an opportunity to participate in market research designed to improve HP products and experiences, and various programs with benefits such as special offers, awards and enhanced technical support. You can remove it if you think it is not necessary to you.
    Although I am an HP employee, I am speaking for myself and not for HP.

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    Edited by: user13294561 on 27-Sep-2010 00:22

    Define 2 concurrent program to format batch records and create payment file
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    Define 2 automatic payment format program
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    NL Domestic Payments Program
    Define 2 electronic payment formats,
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    NL Domestic Payments
    Select each of your payment format program in this setup
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    Payables Document
    Create 2 payables document
    Payment Format,
    Select the format programs
    Create Batch
    Hope this helps
    Bilal SARIOZ

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    You can post this thread in this
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    An AcroForm is the name given to the type of PDF form that you create in Acrobat. An XFA form is the type of form that you create in LiveCycle Designer. Although they are both PDF files, they are very different structurally and have significant;y different scripting models. So pay attention to the information on AcroForms and ignore anything about XFA. Be sure to get the sample PDF forms so you can look at how it works and where the scripts are placed.
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    report must be an ABAP program in ECC I guess...Why dont you look forward for generic extraction...
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    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/taglib" prefix="Kumar" %>
    <Kumar:hello name="Vijay">
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    import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
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    String name;
    public void setName(String c)
    public int doStartTag()
    public int doEndTag()
    JspWriter out=pageContext.getOut();
    out.print("Good Night "+name);
    catch(Exception e)
    return EVAL_PAGE;
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    With an [HTTP status code|http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html] of 500, the most helpful information for debugging the problem is usually in the server's log file. There should be a stack trace in the web or application server's log file that will contain the specific root cause of this. It is often a NullPointerException or ClassNotFoundException or other "common" exception.

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    yes you need to create your own print program. You need to catch printing information and to send data to your smartforms.
    To send data to your smartforms you need to use structure describe in the data dictionnary.
    This is a peace of code for sending information to a smartform that will be print used an external program (Esker)
      DATA: it_data       LIKE TABLE OF zssf_bl WITH HEADER LINE,
            w_formname TYPE tdsfname ,
            w_fm_name  TYPE rs38l_fnam ,
            is_output  TYPE ssfcompop ,
            is_control TYPE ssfctrlop ,
            is_job_out TYPE ssfcresop .
    *  Récupère le nom du module fonction.
      MOVE 'Z_BL_STT' TO w_formname.
          formname                 = w_formname
          fm_name                  = w_fm_name
          OTHERS                   = 3.
    * Prépare les paramètres d'impression.
      is_output-xsfcmode   = 'X'.
      is_output-xsf        = 'X'.
      is_output-xsfoutmode = 'S'.
      is_output-xsfoutdev  = 'DOCL'.
      is_output-xsfformat  = 'X'.
      is_output-tdnoprev   = 'X'.
      is_output-tdnoprint  = ' '.
      is_output-tddest     = 'DOCL'.
      is_output-tdprinter  = 'PLAIN'.
      is_output-tdnewid    = 'X'.
      is_output-tdimmed    = 'X'.
      is_output-tddelete   = 'X'.
      is_control-no_dialog = 'X'.
      is_control-preview   = ' '.
      is_control-no_open   = 'X'.
      is_control-no_close  = ' '.
    * Prepare le formulaire
          user_settings      = ' '
          output_options     = is_output
          control_parameters = is_control
          job_output_options = is_job_out
          OTHERS             = 5.
    * Appels du formulaire.
      CALL FUNCTION w_fm_name
          control_parameters = is_control
          output_options     = is_output
          is_bl              = zbl_soustrait
          it_data            = it_data
          OTHERS             = 5.
    You need to catch information from the NAST table maybe

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    Hello Exports,
    Can you pls tell me how to find last run date of custom concurrent program in oracle apps.( thr Backend query )
    Thanks in advance,
    Edited by: 981527 on Mar 7, 2013 3:01 AM

    try the below:
    select fcp.user_concurrent_program_name
    from fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fcp
    ,fnd_concurrent_requests fcr
    ,fnd_user fu
    where fcp.user_concurrent_program_name like 'Payroll Run'
    and fcp.concurrent_program_id = fcr.concurrent_program_id
    and fcr.requested_by = fu.user_id
    order by fcr.actual_completion_date desc

  • Customer loyalty program?

    I have been challenging Verizon WIreless lately for (in my view) their lack of a decent customer loyalty program. I have been with Verizon since 1999, and my bill/equipment has went from 2 voice-only phones for about $50 a month to my current 5 smartphones (two 4G/LTE, three 3G) for about $332/month. Every time I see a promotion, and I look into it, it is always for new customers only, or it is something I cannot use (like buy one get one free).
    I feel taken for granted, and I would like Verizon to "show some love" for long term loyal customers, and offer loyalty program awards that are not available to brand new customers. Potential examples include service discounts based on years of service, reduced fees for minutes/data overages, periodic bill credits for longevity on your contract, and reduced price upgrades after one year. (It is my experience, with three teenagers, that smartphones only last about 10-14 months, and the Assurion insurance plans add up when you have them on 5 lines...). I would also REALLY like my employee discount applied to my ENTIRE bill, not just the primary line:-)
    (I had a similar complaint with DirecTV, and they gave me a credit for 3 free PPV movies for sharing my thoughts with them.)

    Bill_Sugas wrote:
    I have been challenging Verizon WIreless lately for (in my view) their lack of a decent customer loyalty program. I have been with Verizon since 1999, and my bill/equipment has went from 2 voice-only phones for about $50 a month to my current 5 smartphones (two 4G/LTE, three 3G) for about $332/month. Every time I see a promotion, and I look into it, it is always for new customers only, or it is something I cannot use (like buy one get one free).
    you can use bogo IF you have 2 lines that are eligable
    I feel taken for granted, and I would like Verizon to "show some love" for long term loyal customers, and offer loyalty program awards that are not available to brand new customers. Potential examples include service discounts based on years of service, reduced fees for minutes/data overages, periodic bill credits for longevity on your contract, and reduced price upgrades after one year. they used to do this.  you can still do this after 2 years
    (It is my experience, with three teenagers, that smartphones only last about 10-14 months, and the Assurion insurance plans add up when you have them on 5 lines...). its thier responsibility to take care of the phone, not verizon to supply them with a new one all the time.  if they cant take care of it they dont need it.  get them a $20 pre paid until they learn to be responsible
    I would also REALLY like my employee discount applied to my ENTIRE bill, not just the primary line:-)
    this is often negotiated between verizon and your employer.  please contact them and ask them to trya nd get this for you
    (I had a similar complaint with DirecTV, and they gave me a credit for 3 free PPV movies for sharing my thoughts with them.)

  • How to put display-only condition in a custom include program

    hello everyone,
    I have to make a custom include program that will be used instead of the already available 'bdcrecx1'.
    I have a couple of questions and would appreciate your help.
    I need to create a parameter with a checkbox. When this checkbox is 'X' the following 2 fields need to be greyed out, otherwise user should be able to enter values in them. How can I grey out the fields?
    Using my include I should have just the following:
    1)parameter with checkbox
    (if 'X', session and user greyed out)
    2)Session Name
    3)User Name
    Also, is there a way I can avoid putting the following onto the screen:
    1)Keep session (this will always be defaulted to 'X'
    2)No Data
    <b>Note:</b> I made a copy of 'bdcrecx1'and i'm doing changes according to my requirement.
    Thanks in advance.

    For your first question.
    assign user command for checkbox say 'CLICK'..
    at selection-screen output.
    loop at screen.
    if screen-group3 = 'VALUE' and checkbox condition.
    screen-active = 0.
    screen-active = 1.
    To make sure that the user enters the data in fields if checkbox is not grayed,
    do it in event
    start-of selection.
    if field is initial.
    go back to previous screen.
    for removing 'keep session' , check out for exits..
    Please mark helpful answers
    Sorry about the previous error in reply.
    Message was edited by: Tanveer Shaikh

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