Unit Tester - How to Rollback After Test Runs?

Nevermind - I figured out my problem.
Edited by: user453545 on Jan 29, 2010 1:08 PM

- just so the answer is here if someone else looks at the thread ...
Common practice is to put the rollback in the tear down for the test.
Brian Jeffries
SQL Developer Team

Similar Messages

  • Deleting unit test run instances

    I've been running BPEL/SCA unit tests in WebLogic SOA Suite 11g. However I can't see any way to delete the instances. It's taken quiet a few tries to get my test to pass, and I'd like to clear out the old junk. Do I need to undeploy the SOA application, or is there an easier way to delete the unit test runs?

    JDeveloper version
    WebLogic version is
    I'm not quite sure how these correspond to R1 or PS1.
    Also, I can't easily get access to the raw database connection to run pl/sql procedures. Our DBAs like to guard those sorts of things. ;-) I'm more looking for something in the Enterprise Manager where I can delete test run instances, similarly to how I can delete process instances. (you know... check a check box and then click a "delete" button kind of thing).

  • Unit test runs perfectly fine with NUnit but fails when run from TestExplorer

    Hello all,
    I have a TestProject, Harmony.Tests. In there, I have a method AddApplicationEvent()
    which calls another method Send(InvokeRequestMessage requestMessage) which calls a webservice (OperationHandlerBrokerWebService). 
    The code snippet looks like this. This is not the complete code but a part where we are calling the web service. It fails on the underlined Italic line of code.
    OperationHandlerBrokerWebService brokerService = new OperationHandlerBrokerWebService();
    brokerService.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
    brokerService.Url = address;
    brokerService.Timeout = timeoutInMilliseconds;
    byte[] serializedResponseMessage = brokerService.InvokeOperationHandler(serializedRequestMessage);
    The same test works and passed fine when I ran it with NUnit, but failed with following exception when I tried to run it from TestExplorer. 
    Test Name: AddApplicationEvent
    Test FullName: N4S.Harmony.Tests.CaseManagement.HarmonyFacadeTests.AddApplicationEvent
    Test Source: d:\TFS\TMW\Dev\TMWOnline\Harmony\N4S.Harmony.Tests\CaseManagement\HarmonyFacadeTests.cs : line 665
    Test Outcome: Failed
    Test Duration: 0:00:00.296
    Result Message:
    SetUp : Message returned System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.ArgumentException: Invalid token for impersonation - it cannot be duplicated.
    at System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.CreateFromToken(IntPtr userToken)
    at System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity..ctor(SerializationInfo info)
    at System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity..ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at System.RuntimeMethodHandle._SerializationInvoke(Object target, SignatureStruct& declaringTypeSig, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
    at System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo.SerializationInvoke(Object target, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
    at System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectManager.CompleteISerializableObject(Object obj, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
    at System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectManager.FixupSpecialObject(ObjectHolder holder)
    at System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectManager.DoFixups()
    at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectReader.Deserialize(HeaderHandler handler, __BinaryParser serParser, Boolean fCheck, Boolean isCrossAppDomain, IMethodCallMessage methodCallMessage)
    at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Deserialize(Stream serializationStream, HeaderHandler handler, Boolean fCheck, Boolean isCrossAppDomain, IMethodCallMessage methodCallMessage)
    at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Deserialize(Stream serializationStream)
    at N4S.Forms.OperationHandlerBroker.AMessage.DeserializeMessage(Byte[] serializedMessage)
    at N4S.Forms.OperationHandlerBroker.WebServiceServer.BrokerService.InvokeOperationHandler(Byte[] serializedInvokeRequestMessage)
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    expected: <0>
    but was: <1>
    Result StackTrace:
    at N4S.Harmony.Tests.TestHelper.InvokeOperation(OperationHandler handler, OperationHandlerInput input, Boolean expectedToWork) in d:\TFS\TMW\Dev\TMWOnline\Harmony\N4S.Harmony.Tests\TestHelper.cs:line 136
    at N4S.Harmony.Tests.TestHelper.LoginAsUser(String username, String password) in d:\TFS\TMW\Dev\TMWOnline\Harmony\N4S.Harmony.Tests\TestHelper.cs:line 394
    at N4S.Harmony.Tests.TestHelper.Login(TestUserName requestedUser) in d:\TFS\TMW\Dev\TMWOnline\Harmony\N4S.Harmony.Tests\TestHelper.cs:line 377
    at N4S.Harmony.Tests.TestHelper.LoginAsAdvisor() in d:\TFS\TMW\Dev\TMWOnline\Harmony\N4S.Harmony.Tests\TestHelper.cs:line 230
    at N4S.Harmony.Tests.CaseManagement.HarmonyFacadeTests.Login() in d:\TFS\TMW\Dev\TMWOnline\Harmony\N4S.Harmony.Tests\CaseManagement\HarmonyFacadeTests.cs:line 76
    at N4S.Harmony.Tests.CaseManagement.HarmonyFacadeTests.SetupTest() in d:\TFS\TMW\Dev\TMWOnline\Harmony\N4S.Harmony.Tests\CaseManagement\HarmonyFacadeTests.cs:line 67
    I am not sure what causing the issue. I checked the Credentials, Windows Identity during both the test run and there is no difference. Please advise !!

    Hi Tina,
    Thanks for your reply. 
    I do have NUnit adapter installed. I even noticed that the test runs fine with NUnit GUI and also if I run it through Resharper Test Explorer window. 
    As you can see in the image above the same test is passed when I ran it from Resharper Unit Test Explorer window but fails when I ran it from Test Explorer window. I also captured the information on fiddler. 
    There was a significant difference in the Header Content length. Also under the User-Agent property the protocol versions are different. 
    Not sure why VSTest ExecutionEngine is picking a different version.
    The UnitTest in question is calling a webservice method which in turn calls a method from another referenced project. 
    Web Service class
    using System;
    using System.Web.Services;
    using N4S.Forms.OperationHandlerBroker.Server;
    using NLog;
    namespace N4S.Forms.OperationHandlerBroker.WebServiceServer
    /// <summary>
    /// The operaton-handler broker service.
    /// </summary>
    [WebService(Description = "The N4S Forms Operation-Handler Broker Web-Service.", Name = "OperationHandlerBrokerWebService",
    Namespace = "N4S.Forms.OperationHandlerBroker.WebServiceServer")]
    [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
    public class BrokerService : WebService
    { /// <summary>
    /// Calls <see cref="HandleRequest"/>. Updates performance-counters.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="serializedInvokeRequestMessage">the binary-serialized <see cref="InvokeRequestMessage"/></param>
    /// <returns>the binary-serialized response message</returns>
    [WebMethod(BufferResponse = true, CacheDuration = 0, Description = "Invokes the requested operation-handler and returns a binary-serialized response-message.", EnableSession = false)]
    public byte[] InvokeOperationHandler(byte[] serializedInvokeRequestMessage)
    InvokeRequestMessage requestMessage = (InvokeRequestMessage) AMessage.DeserializeMessage(serializedInvokeRequestMessage);
    InvokeResponseMessage responseMessage;
    responseMessage = HandleRequest(requestMessage);
    catch (Exception)
    return AMessage.SerializeMessage(responseMessage);
    UnitTest snippet
    OperationHandlerBrokerWebService brokerService = new OperationHandlerBrokerWebService();
    brokerService.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
    byte[] serializedResponseMessage = brokerService.InvokeOperationHandler(serializedRequestMessage);
    Please advise.

  • SSDT: Creation of localDB instances from project file - Sql Server Unit testing purposes

    I have a SqlServer Database Project in my solution (VS2013 Professional) which has a corresponding test project with some stored procedure unit tests. Currently I am using a LocalDB and as far as I understand a local database instance is created in C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Microsoft
    SQL Server Local DB\Instances\Projects and the specific .mdf file referenced in the SQL Server Object Explorer is in C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SSDT\[ProjectName]. The unit tests run fine on my local machine which I have developed
    the project on.
    My issue is we have a box which is configured to check out the project file from our version control, build the project using ms build commands and then run the unit tests using VSTest.Console. Usually with C# Test projects we reference the test project
    dll and the unit tests run fine. I have referenced the dll for the test project with the stored procedure unit tests in. 
    With the Stored Procedure unit tests however we get this exception: 
    Initialization method [project].[spTest].TestInitialize threw exception. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 50 - Local Database Runtime error occurred. The specified LocalDB instance does not exist.
    After some digging I have realised that the localdb instance seems to be created when the project itself is created in VS not when it is built. Specifically when the localdb is first used and if you look into the appData folder of the test machine there
    is no corresponding mdf file for the project.  
    The question is is there a way to set up a localDB instance on the new machine if all you have the project file? The only purpose of the project on the test machine is to run the unit tests, no other development purposes. VS2013 Professional is installed
    on the test machine but a solution only using config file changes or MSBuild/VSTest commands would be preferable.
    I realise you could change the connection string to an actual test database and run the unit tests of that but we quite like the localdb approach for the testing. I also realise that you could potentially transfer the mdf file (haven't tested this solution)
    as well, though I would prefer if there is a solution to my initial question. 
    I have been reading up on LocalDB and I assume a automatic LocalDB is created when you create a sql server database project (ie on localdb first use). I have tried adding the database creation to the test project config file but do not really know where
    to go from there. The second link does not really specify when the named localdb will be created if you add the config items and I am not even sure if that is an actual solution.  Here's my test project config file for reference
    <section name="system.data.localdb" type="System.Data.LocalDBConfigurationSection,System.Data,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=[PublicKeyToken]"/>
    <section name="SqlUnitTesting_VS2013" type="Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Sql.UnitTesting.Configuration.SqlUnitTestingSection, Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Sql.UnitTesting, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=[PublicKeyToken]" />
    <add name="SimpleUnitTestingDB" version="11.0" />
    <DatabaseDeployment DatabaseProjectFileName="..\..\..\SimpleUnitTestDB\SimpleUnitTestDB.sqlproj"
    Configuration="Release" />
    <DataGeneration ClearDatabase="true" />
    <ExecutionContext Provider="System.Data.SqlClient" ConnectionString="Data Source=(localdb)\Projects;Initial Catalog=SimpleUnitTestDB;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False;Connect Timeout=30"
    CommandTimeout="30" />
    <PrivilegedContext Provider="System.Data.SqlClient" ConnectionString="Data Source=(localdb)\Projects;Initial Catalog=SimpleUnitTestDB;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False;Connect Timeout=30"
    CommandTimeout="30" />
    Thanks in advance for any response. Sorry if there is any misunderstanding, while I have been using VS to develop from the start, this is the first time I have used a Sql Server Database Project. 

    Yes, you can create a LocalDB instance manually. You use the SqlLocalDb utility, see here:
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • Unit Test exports between different SQL Developer versions

    I am having problems with trying to export and import unit test suites between SQL Developer versions. I can't find any documentation in this area. We have a number of unit test suites exported as XML files from version, and below are combinations of things I have tried:
    - I have tried to import a unit test suite into version that was exported from version and get the error "Import failed. unexpected null value". I expect that this is probably an unsupported action due to repository changes between the two versions - should I be able to do this?
    - I have upgraded the repository with unit tests in it. The unit tests run perfectly well in the upgraded repository. However, if I try to export any suites or individual tests, I get an error "Export failed.". A XML file is created but with what looks like only the header part of it.
    - I have created a new unit test suite in version and this exports successfully.
    - I have gone into each test of a suite in the upgraded repository and made a change so that I can perform a commit. When I do an export, this does then work successfully.
    Therefore it appears that something is not carried out by default when the repository is upgraded, but this fixes itself if the test is amended and committed in the upgraded repository. Although this may be a workaround, we have 100's of tests and is not something I really want to do. Has anyone else experienced this and got any recommendations for this?
    Thanks, Pierre.

    I am having problems with trying to export and import unit test suites between SQL Developer versions. I can't find any documentation in this area. We have a number of unit test suites exported as XML files from version, and below are combinations of things I have tried:
    - I have tried to import a unit test suite into version that was exported from version and get the error "Import failed. unexpected null value". I expect that this is probably an unsupported action due to repository changes between the two versions - should I be able to do this?
    - I have upgraded the repository with unit tests in it. The unit tests run perfectly well in the upgraded repository. However, if I try to export any suites or individual tests, I get an error "Export failed.". A XML file is created but with what looks like only the header part of it.
    - I have created a new unit test suite in version and this exports successfully.
    - I have gone into each test of a suite in the upgraded repository and made a change so that I can perform a commit. When I do an export, this does then work successfully.
    Therefore it appears that something is not carried out by default when the repository is upgraded, but this fixes itself if the test is amended and committed in the upgraded repository. Although this may be a workaround, we have 100's of tests and is not something I really want to do. Has anyone else experienced this and got any recommendations for this?
    Thanks, Pierre.

  • Unit Tester: Manually Deleting Old Unit Test Results

    Oracle, as you know, there isn't currently a way to delete the results of previous unit test runs.
    Well, those previous test runs are giving us a very annoying slow response times in the Unit Tester GUI with some of our tests, because of the amount of time the interface is taking to load the results of previous tests.
    For example, one of our unit tests in particular took the interface 1 minute, 12 seconds to simply "bring up", even though we weren't on the Results tab. As time goes on (as a unit test has been run more and more), the interface goes slower and slower with that unit, because of the increasing number of unit test results.
    I know you're working on a long-term solution, but to assist us with working with these kind of tests now, can Oracle please provide us with the SQL statements necessary to delete all of a given unit test's test results from the unit tester repository, please? It would make my programmers so much less annoyed with working with these particular unit tests and the Unit Tester, in general.
    I'm guessing that if I go spelunking through the Unit Tester's repository tables, I could probably figure it out, but I'm looking for the "Oracle-sanctioned" way, I guess.

    here are the necessary commands to delete your tables:
    Make a backup of your tables(!)
    create table t_ut_test_impl_results as select * from ut_test_impl_results ;
    create table t_ut_test_impl_val_results as select * from ut_test_impl_val_results ;
    create table t_ut_test_results as select * from ut_test_results ;
    create table t_ut_suite_results as select * from ut_suite_results ;
    create table t_ut_suite_test_results as select * from ut_suite_test_results ;
    -- delete data from tests
    delete from ut_test_impl_val_results ;
    delete from ut_test_impl_results ;
    delete from ut_test_results ;
    -- delete suite results
    delete from ut_suite_test_results ;
    delete from ut_suite_results ;
    This scripts are not Oracle sanctioned.
    Use them on your on risk

  • Unit test: Want to run test case after async test function?

    On flash builder i decide to do unit test for my .as class. I did few unit test. Working fine. But now i want to write unit test for the following case:
    I wrote a [Test(async)]  function to find the loading class working fine or not.Its working fine.
    On load complete i am able to read the data and store the data on the test class variables.
    I want to run all other [Test] case function after completion of the xml load function.How to do that?

    On flash builder i decide to do unit test for my .as class. I did few unit test. Working fine. But now i want to write unit test for the following case:
    I wrote a [Test(async)]  function to find the loading class working fine or not.Its working fine.
    On load complete i am able to read the data and store the data on the test class variables.
    I want to run all other [Test] case function after completion of the xml load function.How to do that?

  • Unit test fails after upgrading to Kodo 4.0.0 from 4.0.0-EA4

    I have a group of 6 unit tests failing after upgrading to the new Kodo
    4.0.0 (with BEA) from Kodo-4.0.0-EA4 (with Solarmetric). I'm getting
    exceptions like the one at the bottom of this email. It seems to be an
    interaction with the PostgreSQL driver, though I can't be sure. I
    haven't changed my JDO configuration or the related classes in months
    since I've been focusing on using the objects that have already been
    defined. The .jdo, .jdoquery, and .java code are below the exception,
    just in case there's something wrong in there. Does anyone have advice
    as to how I might debug this?
    Testsuite: edu.ucsc.whisper.test.integration.UserManagerQueryIntegrationTest
    Tests run: 15, Failures: 0, Errors: 6, Time elapsed: 23.308 sec
    Caused an ERROR
    The column index is out of range: 2, number of columns: 1.
    <2|false|4.0.0> kodo.jdo.DataStoreException: The column index is out of
    range: 2, number of columns: 1.
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLExceptions.getStore(SQLExceptions.java:82)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLExceptions.getStore(SQLExceptions.java:66)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLExceptions.getStore(SQLExceptions.java:46)
    at kodo.kernel.QueryImpl.toResult(QueryImpl.java:1445)
    at kodo.kernel.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:1136)
    at kodo.kernel.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:901)
    at kodo.kernel.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:865)
    at kodo.kernel.DelegatingQuery.execute(DelegatingQuery.java:787)
    at kodo.jdo.QueryImpl.executeWithArray(QueryImpl.java:210)
    at kodo.jdo.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:137)
    org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The column index is out of range: 2,
    number of columns: 1.
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary.setInt(DBDictionary.java:980)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary.setUnknown(DBDictionary.java:1299)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer.setParameters(SQLBuffer.java:638)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer.prepareStatement(SQLBuffer.java:539)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer.prepareStatement(SQLBuffer.java:512)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.SelectImpl.execute(SelectImpl.java:332)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.SelectImpl.execute(SelectImpl.java:301)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.Union$UnionSelect.execute(Union.java:642)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.Union.execute(Union.java:326)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.Union.execute(Union.java:313)
    at kodo.kernel.QueryImpl.toResult(QueryImpl.java:1445)
    at kodo.kernel.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:1136)
    at kodo.kernel.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:901)
    at kodo.kernel.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:865)
    at kodo.kernel.DelegatingQuery.execute(DelegatingQuery.java:787)
    at kodo.jdo.QueryImpl.executeWithArray(QueryImpl.java:210)
    at kodo.jdo.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:137)
    --- DefaultUser.java -------------------------------------------------
    public class DefaultUser
    implements User
    /** The account username. */
    private String username;
    /** The account password. */
    private String password;
    /** A flag indicating whether or not the account is enabled. */
    private boolean enabled;
    /** The authorities granted to this account. */
    private Set<Authority> authorities;
    /** Information about the user, including their name and text that
    describes them. */
    private UserInfo userInfo;
    /** The set of organizations where this user works. */
    private Set<Organization> organizations;
    --- DefaultUser.jdo --------------------------------------------------
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Java Data Objects Metadata 2.0//EN"
    <package name="edu.ucsc.whisper.core">
    <sequence name="user_id_seq"
    <class name="DefaultUser" detachable="true"
    table="whisper_user" identity-type="datastore">
    <datastore-identity sequence="user_id_seq" column="userId"/>
    <field name="username">
    <column name="username" length="80" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
    <field name="password">
    <column name="password" length="40" jdbc-type="CHAR" />
    <field name="enabled">
    <column name="enabled" />
    <field name="userInfo" persistence-modifier="persistent"
    default-fetch-group="true" dependent="true">
    <extension vendor-name="jpox"
    value="edu.ucsc.whisper.core.DefaultUserInfo" />
    <extension vendor-name="kodo"
    value="edu.ucsc.whisper.core.DefaultUserInfo" />
    <field name="authorities" persistence-modifier="persistent"
    element-type="edu.ucsc.whisper.core.DefaultAuthority" />
    <join column="userId" delete-action="cascade"/>
    <element column="authorityId" delete-action="cascade"/>
    <field name="organizations" persistence-modifier="persistent"
    table="user_organizations" mapped-by="user"
    default-fetch-group="true" dependent="true">
    <join column="userId"/>
    <!--<element column="organizationId"/>-->
    --- DefaultUser.jdoquery ---------------------------------------------
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Java Data Objects Metadata 2.0//EN"
    <package name="edu.ucsc.whisper.core">
    <class name="DefaultUser">
    <query name="UserByUsername"
    SELECT UNIQUE FROM edu.ucsc.whisper.core.DefaultUser
    WHERE username==searchName
    PARAMETERS java.lang.String searchName
    <query name="DisabledUsers"
    SELECT FROM edu.ucsc.whisper.core.DefaultUser WHERE
    <query name="EnabledUsers"
    SELECT FROM edu.ucsc.whisper.core.DefaultUser WHERE
    <query name="CountUsers"
    SELECT count( this ) FROM edu.ucsc.whisper.core.DefaultUser

    I'm sorry, I have no idea. I suggest sending a test case that
    reproduces the problem to support.

  • I can't figure out how to set a breakpoint in a SenTestingKit unit test

    I'm learning Cocoa after decades of doing other languages. I'm trying to use SenTestingKit for unit tests. One of my unit tests doesn't work, and I want to set a breakpoint to figure out why. So far, I haven't figured out how to do this.
    I found Chris Hanson's instructions for how to do this, but he apparently wrote them for an earlier version of Xcode, and I don't know enough to adapt them.
    I am writing a tutorial document for writing a simple Cocoa App using Xcode 3.1, git, SenTestingKit, and OCMock. It's at http://xorandor.com/FirstCocoaApp. I've got it up to the point of trying to debug a unit test, and I'm stuck there.
    I also couldn't figure out how to have Xcode run the unit tests while building the application. Again, Chris' instructions didn't quite do it, and I don't know enough to figure out the rest.
    So, if you know how to do this, please give me some hints. I'll put those into my tutorial, so that the next people who need this can find it.

    I figured out more of my problem, but I haven't solved it yet.
    What happens is that, after I create a test case, I try to run it with a breakpoint. After I start the program, Xcode turns the breakpoint from blue (meaning active) to orange (meaning that it can't set the breakpoint).
    Several people have said to turn off the Lazy symbol loading preference. I did that, and that didn't fix the problem.
    I wrote up a detailed list of steps that I took at http://www.xorandor.com/DebugQuestion.txt
    I also put a copy of the project file at http://xorandor.com/MyProject.tar
    If anyone has any suggestions on what to try next, please let me know.

  • How can I perform performance runs of a set of tests and compare results across runs?

    I have automated some scenarios using VS unit test frame work for a desktop application. I can see when running I get timing for how long the test takes.
    What I'd like to do (using the test frame work or another tool) is run these scenarios before and after a performance fix and get an easy to read delta report on how much faster or slower each scenario got.
    How can I achieve this with Visual Studio?

    Hi Chris,
    Thank you for posting in the MSDN forum.
    If you want to collect the performance for the test code directly. Maybe the Profiler tool would be helpful for you.
    Like this MSDN document:
    To diagnose why a test method is taking too much time, select the method in Test Explorer and then choose Profile on the context menu. See
    Analyzing Application Performance by Using Profiling Tools.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Running unit tests on inline hardware custom device

    How to do unit tests for Inline Hardware Custom Devices?
    I get this error after creating a unit test.
    Possible reason(s):
    Cannot connect to the target. Please ensure that the VI Server setting is enabled and deployed to the target. Also, make sure that the port number is correct and that this machine is allowed to connect through VI Server.

    I have a few follow up questions for you to gain a better understanding of your application: 
    1). What are you using to do the unit test (NI’s unit test framework or VI tester from JKI)?
    2). What are you conducting the unit test on (RT Driver or something on the host machine)? 
    3). Are the unit test VIs under the target in the LabVIEW project? 
    4). Are you able to run a simple unit test? 
    Screenshots are always appreciated. 

  • SQLDEV gives ORA-904 on UT_TEST_RESULTS when running unit test

    Hi, I am trying to create and run my first unit test using sqldeveloper but it fails with followkng error:
    ----- Error Stack Dump -----
    ORA-00904: "TEST_USER_NAME": invalid identifier
    ----- Current SQL Statement for this session (sql_id=b9c4zd8fqmykv) -----
    select utr_id, name, status, message, run_date,coverage,test_user_name from ut_test_results where ut_id = :ID order by run_date desc
    table ut_test_results indeed does not have this column test_user_name:
    SYS@madlnlcs11/map SQL> DESC UT_SP5.UT_TEST_RESULTS
    Name Null? Type
    how come there's this mismatch? The Unitest repository was created by the same sqldeveloper !

    This seems to be coming from the repository being marked as Shared repository. Appearantly sqldeveloper is issueing a different query, referencing TEST_USER_NAME, in that case. After I did a DESELECT AS SHARED REPOSITORY and drop/recreate of the repository the error ORA-904 no longer occurs.

  • How  to genearte Unit Test reports  through  ANT/Command  line ?

    I am using sql developer unit test feature to test my database code. I am planning to execute and generate reports by running ant script.
    Is it possible to get the unit test results in any format (text,XML,HTML) after running the tests.
    How to integrate report generation tasks as part of Automated builds?
    Is there any command line utility do through can invoke through ant task?

    I, too, am looking to run our PL/SQL unit test suites through our automated ant build scripts. Currently, I've only been able to determine that there is a "UtUtil.bat" and "UtUtil.sh" command line utility for win and linux in /sqldeveloper/sqldeveloper/bin. However, it only take three switches:
    UtUtil -run ?
    UtUtil -imp ?
    UtUtil -exp ?
    While this does provide some limited value to us through automating the importing of our exported test suites and then running them as part of our builds, it doesn't help in running reports on the test runs and exporting the reports to something our build processes can consume (i.e. xml).
    Also, we want to be able to run our full db build on (almost) any of our development machines and we don't want to have to have a unit test repository already preconfigured on each development db. I haven't found a utility to automate the creation of the unit test repository user and the repository, and then whena all the test suite runs have finished and the reports run, delete the repository and repository user.
    We have used Quest's Code Tester product in the past and it had all of these great features that I am really hoping Oracle can either implement or expose to us.
    Regards and best of luck,
    Mike Sanchez

  • How to debug in dedicated unit test client

    We have a setup where we do all development in client 100, but have a separate client for unit tests. Since this is the client holding relevant test data, we would like to debug in this client.
    How can I achieve this in Eclipse, do I need to create two projects (one for each client) and open the object twice, or is it possible to setup using debug configurations or something similar?

    Hi Matthias,
    in Java you need OS privileges to debug Java code running on any Java application server (and additionally set up the Java VM in debug mode and stuff like that). And once you have OS privileges, you can of course debug all Java VM processes/threads on the machine, regardless which application context they are currently running for.
    In ABAP you do NOT need any kind of OS privileges in order to debug. All you need is a user in the system/client with debug privileges, which is big advantage in terms of privilege separation. ABAP debugging on customer systems for example, which is a quite normal thing, would be much harder to realize, if we require any kind of OS privileges.
    To cut a long story short:
    As a user is required with debugging privileges in any ABAP system/client for ABAP debugging, it is not possible to realize a remote debugging in ABAPinEclipse just by specifying SID/client of the remote ABAP system.
    So you need to logon to the ABAP system/client (and set breakpoints there) in order to debug. And as the system/client logon to the ABAP backend in ABAPinEclipse is conceptually linked to a project, you need to have an open project for those ABAP system/clients you want to debug in.
    Christoph Stoeck, ABAP Language

  • Run unit test in comand line

    Hello everybody,
    I try to run existing unit test in comand line:
    ututil -run -test -name ROW_COUNT -repo unit_test_repos -db finch
    ROW_COUNT - simple unit test
    unit_test_repos - unit test repository, which i create using tutorial (http://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/tutorials/obe/db/sqldev/r30/sqldev_unit_test/sqldev_unit_test_otn.htm)
    finch - owner of procedure, which i try to test
    after execution this command i receive this message:
    C:\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin>ututil -run -test -name ROW_COUNT -repo unit_test_repos -db finch
    SEVERE Error: No Repository was found on the selected connection, you need to create a repository. - oracle.dbtools.unit_test.UtRepositoryManager.openConnectionWithChecks(UtRepositoryManager.java:214)
    Unable to open repositoryafter that i try to execute command with another parametres (instead of finch i use sys-user), but receive equal result.
    what`s wrong?
    in Help document i find next:
    The following example runs a unit test named AWARD_BONUS in a Windows environment where SQL Developer is installed under Program Files. (Note that test and suite names are case sensitive for the command-line interface.) This example uses the repository connection for user unit_test_repos and runs the test as user fred.
    cd c:\Program Files\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin
    ututil -run -test -name AWARD_BONUS -repo unit_test_repos -db fred"
    fred is connection which exist in oracle sql developer interface? what kind of privilegies should fred has?
    In oracle sql deevloper exist several connection to another servers. i`t can be reason of error?
    I trying in oracle sql developer interface select finch as manager of unit tests (tools - unit_test - manage_users to the next i select in dropdown list "finch" and granted needed privilegies for him) , but result was`t changed.

    It looks like you need to spark up SQL Developer, create a repository connection and assign that in the Unit Test Menu. It will walk you through creating the repository and then you can refer to that from the command line.

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