Unknown protocol: https

I have just coded a program which calls upon Web servcies, I have declared on my classpath the libraries: jcert.jar, jnet.jar, jsse.jar. :
but when I compile I have the following error :
java.net.MalformedURLException: unknown protocol: https
     at java.net.URL.<init>(URL.java:586)
     at java.net.URL.<init>(URL.java:476)
     at java.net.URL.<init>(URL.java:425)
     at DynamicInvoke.findImplURI(DynamicInvoke.java:77)
     at DynamicInvoke.run(DynamicInvoke.java:62)
     at DynamicInvoke.main(DynamicInvoke.java:57)
thanks in advance
My code is as follows :
import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import org.uddi4j.client.*;
import org.uddi4j.request.*;
import org.uddi4j.response.*;
import org.uddi4j.datatype.*;
import org.uddi4j.datatype.service.*;
import org.uddi4j.datatype.binding.*;
import org.uddi4j.datatype.tmodel.*;
import com.ibm.wsdl.factory.*;
import com.ibm.wsdl.*;
import javax.wsdl.*;
import javax.wsdl.factory.*;
import javax.wsdl.xml.*;
import org.apache.axis.wsdl.toJava.*;
import org.apache.axis.encoding.*;
import org.apache.axis.client.Call;
import com.sun.net.ssl.*;//
import sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection;//
public class DynamicInvoke {
private String uddiInquiryURL = "http://uddi.ibm.com/ubr/inquiryapi";
private String uddiPublishURL = "https://uddi.ibm.com/ubr/publishapi";
private String businessName = "Yap Tat Kwong";
private String serviceName = "Nanyang Polytechnic";
public static void main(String[] args) {
     DynamicInvoke di = new DynamicInvoke();
public void run() {
     String implURI = findImplURI();
     if(implURI == null) return;
     try {
     } catch(WSDLException wsdle) {
public String findImplURI() {
     try {
     // create a proxy to the UDDI
     UDDIProxy proxy = new UDDIProxy(new URL(uddiInquiryURL), new URL(uddiPublishURL));
     // we need to find the business in the UDDI
     // we must first create the Vector of business name
     Vector names = new Vector();
     names.add(new Name(businessName));
     // now get a list of all business matching our search criteria
     BusinessList businessList = proxy.find_business(names, null, null, null, null, null,10);
     // now we need to find the BusinessInfo object for our business
     Vector businessInfoVector = businessList.getBusinessInfos().getBusinessInfoVector();
     BusinessInfo businessInfo = null;
     for (int i = 0; i < businessInfoVector.size(); i++) {
          businessInfo = (BusinessInfo)businessInfoVector.elementAt(i);
          // make sure we have the right one
          if(businessName.equals(businessInfo.getNameString())) {
     // now find the service info
     Vector serviceInfoVector = businessInfo.getServiceInfos().getServiceInfoVector();
     ServiceInfo serviceInfo = null;
     for (int i = 0; i < serviceInfoVector.size(); i++) {
          serviceInfo = (ServiceInfo)serviceInfoVector.elementAt(i);
          // make sure we have the right one
     if(serviceName.equals(serviceInfo.getNameString())) {
     // we now need to get the business service object for our service
     // we do this by getting the ServiceDetail object first, and
     // getting the BusinessService objects through it
     ServiceDetail serviceDetail = proxy.get_serviceDetail(serviceInfo.getServiceKey());
     Vector businessServices = serviceDetail.getBusinessServiceVector();
     BusinessService businessService = null;
     for (int i = 0; i < businessServices.size(); i++) {
          businessService = (BusinessService)businessServices.elementAt(i);
          // make sure we have the right one
     if(serviceName.equals(businessService.getDefaultNameString())) {
     // ok, now we have the business service so we can get the binding template
     Vector bindingTemplateVector = businessService.getBindingTemplates().getBindingTemplateVector();
     AccessPoint accessPoint = null;
     BindingTemplate bindingTemplate = null;
     for(int i=0; i<bindingTemplateVector.size(); i++) {
          // find the binding template with an http access point
          bindingTemplate = (BindingTemplate)bindingTemplateVector.elementAt(i);
          accessPoint = bindingTemplate.getAccessPoint();
          if(accessPoint.getURLType().equals("http")) {
     // ok now we know which binding template we're dealing with
     // we can now find out the overview URL
     Vector tmodelInstanceInfoVector = bindingTemplate.getTModelInstanceDetails().getTModelInstanceInfoVector();
     String wsdlImplURI = null;
     for(int i=0; i<tmodelInstanceInfoVector.size(); i++) {
          TModelInstanceInfo instanceInfo = (TModelInstanceInfo)tmodelInstanceInfoVector.elementAt(i);
          InstanceDetails details = instanceInfo.getInstanceDetails();
          OverviewDoc wsdlImpl = details.getOverviewDoc();
          wsdlImplURI = wsdlImpl.getOverviewURLString();
          if(wsdlImplURI != null) break;
     return wsdlImplURI;
     } catch(Exception e) {
     return null;
public void parseWSDL(String implURI) throws WSDLException {
     Definition implDef = null;
     Definition interfaceDef = null;
     String targetNamespace = null;
     String serviceName = null;
     String portName = null;
     String operationName = null;
     Object[] inputParams = null;
     // first get the definition object got the WSDL impl
     try {
     WSDLFactory factory = new WSDLFactoryImpl();
     WSDLReader reader = factory.newWSDLReader();
     implDef = reader.readWSDL(implURI);
     } catch(WSDLException e) {
     if(implDef==null) {
     throw new WSDLException(WSDLException.OTHER_ERROR,"No WSDL impl definition found.");
     // now get the Definition object for the interface WSDL
     Map imports = implDef.getImports();
     Set s = imports.keySet();
     Iterator it = s.iterator();
     while(it.hasNext()) {
     Object o = it.next();
     Vector intDoc = (Vector)imports.get(o);
     // we want to get the ImportImpl object of it exists
     for(int i=0; i<intDoc.size(); i++) {
          Object obj = intDoc.elementAt(i);
          if(obj instanceof ImportImpl) {
          interfaceDef = ((ImportImpl)obj).getDefinition();
     if(interfaceDef == null) {
     throw new WSDLException(WSDLException.OTHER_ERROR,"No WSDL interface definition found.");
     // let's get the target namespace Axis will need from the WSDL impl
     targetNamespace = implDef.getTargetNamespace();
     // great we've got the WSDL definitions now we need to find the PortType so
     // we can find the methods we can invoke
     Vector allPorts = new Vector();
Map ports = interfaceDef.getPortTypes();
     s = ports.keySet();
     it = s.iterator();
     while(it.hasNext()) {
     Object o = it.next();
     Object obj = ports.get(o);
     if(obj instanceof PortType) {
     // now we've got a vector of all the port types - normally some logic would
     // go here to choose which port type we want to use but we'll just choose
     // the first one
     PortType port = (PortType)allPorts.elementAt(0);
     List operations = port.getOperations();
     // let's get the service in the WSDL impl which contains this port
     // to do this we must first find the QName of the binding with the port type
     // that corresponds to the port type of our chosen part
     QName bindingQName = null;
     Map bindings = interfaceDef.getBindings();
     s = bindings.keySet();
     it = s.iterator();
     while(it.hasNext()) {
     Binding binding = (Binding)bindings.get(it.next());
     if(binding.getPortType()==port) {
          // we've got our binding
          bindingQName = binding.getQName();
     if(bindingQName==null) {
     throw new WSDLException(WSDLException.OTHER_ERROR,"No binding found for chosen port type.");
     // now we can find the service in the WSDL impl which provides an endpoint
     // for the service we just found above
     Map implServices = implDef.getServices();
     s = implServices.keySet();
     it = s.iterator();
     while(it.hasNext()) {
     Service serv = (Service)implServices.get(it.next());
     Map m = serv.getPorts();
     Set set = m.keySet();
     Iterator iter = set.iterator();
     while(iter.hasNext()) {
          Port p = (Port)m.get(iter.next());
          if(p.getBinding().getQName().toString().equals(bindingQName.toString())) {
          // we've got our service store the port name and service name
          portName = serv.getQName().toString();
          serviceName = p.getName();
     if(portName != null) break;
     // ok now we got all the operations previously - normally we would have some logic here to
     // choose which operation, however, for the sake of simplicity we'll just
     // choose the first one
     Operation op = (Operation)operations.get(0);
     operationName = op.getName();
     // now let's get the Message object describing the XML for the input and output
     // we don't care about the specific type of the output as we'll just cast it to an Object
     Message inputs = op.getInput().getMessage();
     // let's find the input params
     Map inputParts = inputs.getParts();
     // create the object array which Axis will use to pass in the parameters
     inputParams = new Object[inputParts.size()];
     s = inputParts.keySet();
     it = s.iterator();
     int i=0;
     while(it.hasNext()) {
     Part part = (Part)inputParts.get(it.next());
     QName qname = part.getTypeName();
     // if it's not in the http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema namespace then
     // we don't know about it - throw an exception
     String namespace = qname.getNamespaceURI();
     if(!namespace.equals("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema")) {
          throw new WSDLException(WSDLException.OTHER_ERROR,"Namespace unrecognized");
     // now we can get the Java type which the the QName maps to - we do this
     // by using the Axis tools which map WSDL types to Java types in the wsdl2java tool
     String localPart = qname.getLocalPart();
     javax.xml.rpc.namespace.QName wsdlQName = new javax.xml.rpc.namespace.QName(namespace,localPart);
     TypeMapping tm = DefaultTypeMappingImpl.create();
     Class cl = tm.getClassForQName(wsdlQName);
     // if the Java type is a primitive, we need to wrap it in an object
     if(cl.isPrimitive()) {
          cl = wrapPrimitive(cl);
     // we could prompt the user to input the param here but we'll just
     // assume a random number between 1 and 10
     // first we need to find the constructor which takes a string representation of a number
     // if a complex type was required we would use reflection to break it down
     // and prompt the user to input values for each member variable in Object representing
     // the complex type
     try {
          Constructor cstr = cl.getConstructor(new Class[] { Class.forName("java.lang.String") });
          inputParams[i] = cstr.newInstance(new Object [] { ""+new Random().nextInt(10) });
     } catch(Exception e) {
          // shoudn't happen
     // great now we've built up all the paramters we need to invoke the Web service with Axis
     // now all we need to do is actually invoke it
     System.out.print("\nAxis parameters gathered:\nTargetNamespace = "+targetNamespace +"\n"+
     "Service Name = "+serviceName +"\n"+
     "Port Name = "+portName +"\n"+
     "Operation Name = "+operationName+"\n"+
     "Input Parameters = ");
     for(i=0; i<inputParams.length; i++) {
     if(inputParams.length != 0 && inputParams.length-1 > i) {
          System.out.print(", ");
     axisInvoke(targetNamespace, serviceName, portName, operationName, inputParams, implURI);
public Class wrapPrimitive(Class cl) throws WSDLException {
     String type = cl.getName();
     try {
     if(type.equals("byte")) {
          return Class.forName("java.lang.Byte");
     } else if(type.equals("char")) {
          return Class.forName("java.lang.Character");
     } else if(type.equals("short")) {
          return Class.forName("java.lang.Short");
     } else if(type.equals("int")) {
          return Class.forName("java.lang.Integer");
     } else if(type.equals("double")) {
          return Class.forName("java.lang.Double");
     } else if(type.equals("float")) {
          return Class.forName("java.lang.Float");
     } else if(type.equals("long")) {
          return Class.forName("java.lang.Long");
     } else {
          throw new WSDLException(WSDLException.OTHER_ERROR,"Unrecognized primitive type");
     } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
     // this should never happen
     return null;
public void axisInvoke(String targetNamespace, String serviceName, String portName,
               String operationName, Object[] inputParams, String implURI) {
     try {
     // first, due to a funny Axis idiosyncracy we must strip portName of
     // it's target namespace so we can pass it in as targetNamespace, localPart
     int index = portName.indexOf(":",portName.indexOf("http://")+new String("http://").length());
     String portNamespace = portName.substring(0,index);
     portName = portName.substring(index==0?index:index+1); // to strip the :
     javax.xml.rpc.namespace.QName serviceQN =
          new javax.xml.rpc.namespace.QName( portNamespace, portName );
     org.apache.axis.client.Service service =
          new org.apache.axis.client.Service(new URL(implURI), serviceQN);
     javax.xml.rpc.namespace.QName portQN =
          new javax.xml.rpc.namespace.QName( targetNamespace, serviceName );
     // This Call object will be used the invocation
     Call call = (Call) service.createCall();
     // Now make the call...
     System.out.println("Invoking service >> " + serviceName + " <<...");
     call.setOperation( portQN, operationName );
     Object ret = (Integer) call.invoke( inputParams );
     System.out.println("Result returned from call to "+serviceName+" -- "+ret);
     } catch(java.net.MalformedURLException e) {
     System.out.println("Error invoking service : "+e);
     } catch(javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException e2) {
     System.out.println("Error invoking service : "+e2);
     } catch(java.rmi.RemoteException e3) {
     System.out.println("Error invoking service : "+e3);

Try adding the following line to the java command,

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    You need to modify your weblogic.policy file to allow you to change the
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    John Salvo
    Michael Harrison wrote:
    thanks for the help dennis, but still get the "unknown protocol https".
    the URL object sees that the URLStreamHandler ==null and get the value for
    java.protocol.handler.pkgs (which should be
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    do you know anyway i can trouble shoot this.
    Dennis O'Neill <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:39d23c28$[email protected]..
    Https is an add-in so to speak. Try this before you create your url:
    System.setProperty ("java.protocol.handler.pkgs",
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    I have followed it step by step and I'm 99% sure that I didn't miss a thing when setting it up.
    However, I cannot login to my roundcube mail. It just times out.
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    this is the contents of /etc/authlib/authmysqlrc:
    ##VERSION: $Id: authmysqlrc,v 1.20 2007/10/07 02:50:45 mrsam Exp $
    # Copyright 2000-2007 Double Precision, Inc. See COPYING for
    # distribution information.
    # Do not alter lines that begin with ##, they are used when upgrading
    # this configuration.
    # authmysqlrc created from authmysqlrc.dist by sysconftool
    # DO NOT INSTALL THIS FILE with world read permissions. This file
    # might contain the MySQL admin password!
    # Each line in this file must follow the following format:
    # field[spaces|tabs]value
    # That is, the name of the field, followed by spaces or tabs, followed by
    # field value. Trailing spaces are prohibited.
    # The server name, userid, and password used to log in.
    MYSQL_SERVER localhost
    MYSQL_USERNAME postfix_user
    # The SSL information.
    # To use SSL-encrypted connections, define the following variables (available
    # in MySQL 4.0, or higher):
    # MYSQL_SSL_KEY /path/to/file
    # MYSQL_SSL_CERT /path/to/file
    # MYSQL_SSL_CACERT /path/to/file
    # MYSQL_SSL_CAPATH /path/to/file
    # MYSQL_SOCKET can be used with MySQL version 3.22 or later, it specifies the
    # filesystem pipe used for the connection
    # MYSQL_SOCKET /var/mysql/mysql.sock
    # MYSQL_PORT can be used with MySQL version 3.22 or later to specify a port to
    # connect to.
    MYSQL_PORT 3306
    # Leave MYSQL_OPT as 0, unless you know what you're doing.
    # The name of the MySQL database we will open:
    MYSQL_DATABASE postfix_db
    # This is optional. MYSQL_CHARACTER_SET installs a character set. This option
    # can be used with MySQL version 4.1 or later. MySQL supports 70+ collations
    # for 30+ character sets. See MySQL documentations for more detalis.
    # The name of the table containing your user data. See README.authmysqlrc
    # for the required fields in this table.
    MYSQL_USER_TABLE mailbox
    # Either MYSQL_CRYPT_PWFIELD or MYSQL_CLEAR_PWFIELD must be defined. Both
    # are OK too. crypted passwords go into MYSQL_CRYPT_PWFIELD, cleartext
    # passwords go into MYSQL_CLEAR_PWFIELD. Cleartext passwords allow
    # CRAM-MD5 authentication to be implemented.
    # If DEFAULT_DOMAIN is defined, and someone tries to log in as 'user',
    # we will look up 'user@DEFAULT_DOMAIN' instead.
    # DEFAULT_DOMAIN example.com
    # Other fields in the mysql table:
    # MYSQL_UID_FIELD - contains the numerical userid of the account
    # Numerical groupid of the account
    # The login id, default is id. Basically the query is:
    MYSQL_LOGIN_FIELD username
    MYSQL_HOME_FIELD "/home/vmail"
    # The user's name (optional)
    # This is an optional field, and can be used to specify an arbitrary
    # location of the maildir for the account, which normally defaults to
    # $HOME/Maildir (where $HOME is read from MYSQL_HOME_FIELD).
    # You still need to provide a MYSQL_HOME_FIELD, even if you uncomment this
    # out.
    # Courier mail server only: optional field specifies custom mail delivery
    # instructions for this account (if defined) -- essentially overrides
    # DEFAULTDELIVERY from ${sysconfdir}/courierd
    # MYSQL_DEFAULTDELIVERY defaultdelivery
    # Define MYSQL_QUOTA_FIELD to be the name of the field that can optionally
    # specify a maildir quota. See README.maildirquota for more information
    # Auxiliary options. The MYSQL_AUXOPTIONS field should be a char field that
    # contains a single string consisting of comma-separated "ATTRIBUTE=NAME"
    # pairs. These names are additional attributes that define various per-account
    # "options", as given in INSTALL's description of the "Account OPTIONS"
    # setting.
    # You might want to try something like this, if you'd like to use a bunch
    # of individual fields, instead of a single text blob:
    # MYSQL_AUXOPTIONS_FIELD CONCAT("disableimap=",disableimap,",disablepop3=",disablepop3,",disablewebmail=",disablewebmail,",sharedgroup=",sharedgroup)
    # This will let you define fields called "disableimap", etc, with the end result
    # being something that the OPTIONS parser understands.
    # This is optional, MYSQL_WHERE_CLAUSE can be basically set to an arbitrary
    # fixed string that is appended to the WHERE clause of our query
    # MYSQL_WHERE_CLAUSE server='mailhost.example.com'
    # This is optional, MYSQL_SELECT_CLAUSE can be set when you have a database,
    # which is structuraly different from proposed. The fixed string will
    # be used to do a SELECT operation on database, which should return fields
    # in order specified bellow:
    # username, cryptpw, clearpw, uid, gid, home, maildir, quota, fullname, options
    # The username field should include the domain (see example below).
    # Enabling this option causes ignorance of any other field-related
    # options, excluding default domain.
    # There are two variables, which you can use. Substitution will be made
    # for them, so you can put entered username (local part) and domain name
    # in the right place of your query. These variables are:
    # $(local_part), $(domain), $(service)
    # If a $(domain) is empty (not given by the remote user) the default domain
    # name is used in its place.
    # $(service) will expand out to the service being authenticated: imap, imaps,
    # pop3 or pop3s. Courier mail server only: service will also expand out to
    # "courier", when searching for local mail account's location. In this case,
    # if the "maildir" field is not empty it will be used in place of
    # DEFAULTDELIVERY. Courier mail server will also use esmtp when doing
    # authenticated ESMTP.
    # This example is a little bit modified adaptation of vmail-sql
    # database scheme:
    # MYSQL_SELECT_CLAUSE SELECT CONCAT(popbox.local_part, '@', popbox.domain_name), \
    # CONCAT('{MD5}', popbox.password_hash), \
    # popbox.clearpw, \
    # domain.uid, \
    # domain.gid, \
    # CONCAT(domain.path, '/', popbox.mbox_name), \
    # domain.quota, \
    # CONCAT("disableimap=",disableimap,",disablepop3=", \
    # disablepop3,",disablewebmail=",disablewebmail, \
    # ",sharedgroup=",sharedgroup) \
    # FROM popbox, domain \
    # WHERE popbox.local_part = '$(local_part)' \
    # AND popbox.domain_name = '$(domain)' \
    # AND popbox.domain_name = domain.domain_name
    # Optional custom SQL query used to enumerate accounts for authenumerate,
    # in order to compile a list of accounts for shared folders. The query
    # should return the following fields: name, uid, gid, homedir, maildir, options
    # Example:
    # MYSQL_ENUMERATE_CLAUSE SELECT CONCAT(popbox.local_part, '@', popbox.domain_name), \
    # domain.uid, \
    # domain.gid, \
    # CONCAT(domain.path, '/', popbox.mbox_name), \
    # CONCAT('sharedgroup=', sharedgroup) \
    # FROM popbox, domain \
    # WHERE popbox.local_part = '$(local_part)' \
    # AND popbox.domain_name = '$(domain)' \
    # AND popbox.domain_name = domain.domain_name
    # This is optional, MYSQL_CHPASS_CLAUSE can be set when you have a database,
    # which is structuraly different from proposed. The fixed string will
    # be used to do an UPDATE operation on database. In other words, it is
    # used, when changing password.
    # There are four variables, which you can use. Substitution will be made
    # for them, so you can put entered username (local part) and domain name
    # in the right place of your query. There variables are:
    # $(local_part) , $(domain) , $(newpass) , $(newpass_crypt)
    # If a $(domain) is empty (not given by the remote user) the default domain
    # name is used in its place.
    # $(newpass) contains plain password
    # $(newpass_crypt) contains its crypted form
    # SET clearpw='$(newpass)', \
    # password_hash='$(newpass_crypt)' \
    # WHERE local_part='$(local_part)' \
    # AND domain_name='$(domain)'
    I have been reading around about that error to no avail.
    i have extension=openssl.so uncommented in /etc/php/php.ini and round cube says my openssl is fine.
    Any help would be much appreciated!
    Last edited by kush (2012-01-05 16:49:18)

    Hey Kush I am having the same issue, did you ever get it working???

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <definitions name="AsyncBusiness"
              <xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://www.alsb.com/AsyncBusiness/"
                   <xsd:import namespace="http://www.alsb.com/order/"
                        schemaLocation="order.xsd" />
                   <xsd:element name="submitOrder" type="order:Order" />
         <message name="submitOrder">
              <part element="tns:submitOrder" name="submitOrder" />
         <portType name="AsyncBusiness">
              <operation name="submitAsyncOrder">
                   <input message="tns:submitOrder" />
         <binding name="AsyncBusinessSOAP" type="tns:AsyncBusiness">
              <soap:binding style="document"
                   transport="http://www.openuri.org/2002/04/soap/jms" />
              <operation name="submitAsyncOrder">
                        soapAction="http://www.alsb.com/AsyncBusiness/submitOrder" />
                        <soap:body parts="submitOrder" use="literal" />
         <service name="AsyncBusiness">
              <port binding="tns:AsyncBusinessSOAP" name="AsyncBusiness">
                        location="jms://" />
    the problem is when I generate web service based on that, error found: invalid soap address, unknown protocol jms. How can I make it work?
    I'm using workshop 10.3 for weblogic. Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards,
    Edited by: Bill Cao on May 20, 2009 11:13 AM

    Soap Address should always should be standard.
    But you can change the action type under the wls binding part
    for example I will provide one sample and it work perfectly at my end.
    <!-- ************************************************************* -->
    <!-- Web Service JMS Binding Definition -->
    <!-- ************************************************************* -->
    <wsdl:binding name="SampleJMSSoapBinding" type="invws:SamplePort">
    <soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/jms" />
    <wsdl:operation name="DeleteParty">
    <soap:operation soapAction="http://xmlns.oracle.com/communications/webservice/DeleteParty" />
    <soap:body use="literal" />
    <soap:body use="literal" />
    <wsdl:fault name="InventoryFault">
    <soap:fault name="InventoryFault" use="literal" />
    <wsdl:fault name="ValidationFault">
    <soap:fault name="ValidationFault" use="literal" />
    <!-- ************************************************************* -->
    <!-- Web Service Port Binding Definition -->
    <!-- ************************************************************* -->
    <wsdl:service name="Sample">
    <wsdl:port name="SampleHTTPPort" binding="invws:SampleHTTPSoapBinding">
    <soap:address location="http://localhost:7001/Sample/SampleHTTP" />
    <wsdl:port name="SampleJMSPort" binding="invws:SampleJMSSoapBinding">
    <soap:address location="jms://localhost:7001/Sample/SampleJMS?URI=inventoryWSQueue" />
    let me know whether this will help any where.

  • Help me! digester has error MalForme URL ".." unknown protocol: classloader

    I have used validator which link to digester and error occured like this..
    13-04-07 08:18:59.840 ERROR - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Malformed URL
    'classloader:/org/apache/commons/digester/xmlrules/digester-rules.dtd' : unknown protocol: classloader :(ValidatorOperator.java:71)[HttpRequestHandler-5984162]
    13-04-07 08:18:59.855 DEBUG - ******************************************* :(ValidatorOperator.java:72)[HttpRequestHandler-5984162]
    this line comes from new ValidatorResources(inputstream in)
    which I already checked that inputstream is not null
    Please help!!

    I just think that it's related to what an URL is and that whatever you provided there isn't a valid one because there is no such protocol as "classloader". Which the error message already said.
    From the URL API docs:
    Protocol handlers for the following protocols are guaranteed to exist on the search path :-
    http, https, ftp, file, and jar
    Protocol handlers for additional protocols may also be available.
    In other words, if there actually is a protocol named "classloader", you will have to have some JAR in the classpath that'll provide that information. Read the Digester docs to find out which one that might be.

  • Unknown protocol drops with AP2700

    We've been deploying some AP 2700 within our offices and been observing some "unknown protocol drops" on the switchports where the AP's are connected.
    The AP's are associated to a 7500 wireless controller, running code.  The AP's are in lightwight configuration with flexconnect configuration (4 vlans/SSID) associated. 
    On the switch port, the port has the following configuration :
     description Cisco AP
     switchport mode trunk
     load-interval 30
     spanning-tree portfast
    I also specified the allowed vlans, based on the vlans that were mapped on the Flexconnect group and I still get some unknown protocol drops on the AP ports. 
    Does anybody know what this could relate to ?

    See whether those are related to jumbo frames ?
    **** Pls rate all useful responses ****

  • Unknown protocol drops

    We started using Cisco 3850 switches. We are seeing unknown protocol drops on 10gb and 1gb uplinks. We have 3750x switches that have the same config. The 3750s are not showing these drops. What would cause these unknown protocol drops? It does not appear to be a fiber or SFP issue. And it does not seem to be affecting the normal traffic.
    Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

    Hello lindseye444,
    Please have a look at this bug:
    when a routing protocol packet (such as but not limited to EIGRP) is received on a 3850 configured as an L2 device, interfaces receiving these packets will increment "unknown protocol drops" 
    This is a cosmetic issue and will not affect the routing protocols involved.
    EIGRP or other routing protocol packets are received by a Catalyst 3850 that is configured as an Layer2 switch.
    Once an SVI (switch virtual interface: for example "interface vlan 10") with an IP address is configured on the 3850 for the vlan in question the "unknown protocol drops" counter stops incrementing
    Further Problem Description:
    L3 routing protocol packets might be punted to CPU received on a L2 switchport, if no SVI is presented, unknown protocol drops will increase on the physical interface.

  • Web.show_document gives FRM-92020 error unknown protocol

    Hi I am hoping someone can help.
    I am using web.show_document in forms 10g and get an FRM-92020 unknown protocol error. The URL I am passing starts fddl:// this is a legitimate call to an Electronic Document management system image search engine. The URL works 100% outside of Forms, i.e cut and paste into an internet Explorer address bar. The problem is with web.show_document parsing for 'known' protocols.
    Is there any way I can stop this validation from taking place. Incidentally I can HOST out and call iexplore with the URL and again that works (client Server), however we do not have webutil installed for me to do the webutil equivalent in our live environment!
    Any help will be great, thanks in advance.

    Hi Francois,
    thanks for replying.
    Yes I am using '_blank' as the second parameter.
    The URL I am passing is dynamically genreated and held in a variable. My call is:
    the url evaluates to something like below:
    l_url := 'fddl://fmhsqlserv/filedirector/...........................'
    I am struggling to find any documentation on web.show_document that will help with this scenario. It is frustrating as the url is 100% OK, its just the evaluation of it by the function call.
    Any help or ideas are welcome.

  • Web service invocation problem on host hostname and port 8000 protocol : http logical port name : LP_WS_SMDAGENT_MONITORING

    hello colleagues,
    In the phase Connect Diagnostics dont show the Agent available in SLD, but when go to SLD i have the agents,
    Connect Diagnostics Agent
    The table does not contain any data
    Agent availables in all SLD
    SOAP:1.007 SRT: Unupported xstream found: ("HTTP Code 401 : Unauthorized")
    Web service invocation problem on host hostname and port 8000 protocol : http logical port name : LP_WS_SMDAGENT_MONITORING

    OK, then pls follow below steps;
    - Go to step 'Create Users' in solman_setup System Preparation scenario and make sure the user SM_INTERN_WS has a green status. Use the 'Test Login' button to make sure the user is not locked and has correct credentials maintained in solman_setup
    - Immediately after checking the user status, navigate to Configure Connectivity->Enable Web Services and execute again the 'Create Logical Ports' automatic activity, in order to propagate the correct credentials to the Logical Port definitions.
    - If the above operation is not successful, repeat the two steps above, providing a different user Id in 'Create Users' step, eg SM_INTERN_W1. This will prevent situations where the user gets locked by Logical Ports using an obsolete password.
    Let me know the results.

  • Error 403--Forbidden- From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1

    I am getting the following error
    From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
    10.4.4 403 Forbidden
    The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated. If the request method was not HEAD and the server wishes to make public why the request has not been fulfilled, it SHOULD describe the reason for the refusal in the entity. This status code is commonly used when the server does not wish to reveal exactly why the request has been refused, or when no other response is applicable.
    It throws an error when I click on a button which in turn calls form authentication[edit.do] and it fails. LDAP server is configured for group- My Admin. We are using AMAgentFilter
    Its currently working in PRODUCTION WL8 with given configurations, please be noted that we have not changed anything in config files[web.xml/weblogic.xml]
    WEBLOGIC is configured for LDAP Server , i used same credetials to login , i am able to login to welcome screen, but when there is FORM AUTHENTICATION [edit.do], it fails.
    This edit button calls [edit.do]. It fails there. What we need to check for making it working . We are upgarding from WL 8 to WL 10. its working fine in WL8.
    Do we need to provide anything in WEBLOGIC server to configure the group name My Admin
         <!-- AM filter used for SSO -->
    <principal-name>My Admin</principal-name>
    please provide me the checklist to find out the reason for this error.
    1, weblogic server configuration checklist
    2. LDAP Server configuration checklist

    Hi Sandeep M.
    Thanks for your replay,
    Another place means Purchase order standard page is there in that "orders" and " aggriments"  two  tab's are there  under orders Tab  when user click on submitt button
    ex :Go
    when user click on Go button Destination URI=OA.jsp?page=/xxiff/oracle/apps/icx/webui/XXIFFUcmPG&pgType=OrderPG&param={@PoHeaderId}
    same as under aggriments tab
    when user click on  Go button
    Destination URI=OA.jsp?page=/xxiff/oracle/apps/icx/webui/XXIFFUcmPG&pgType=BlanketPG&param={@PoHeaderId}
    This custom page is being called using absolute page path and name not AOL funcation name

  • Error 403--Forbidden - From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.

    Hi, I have a problem with WebLogic Server:
    I need to set that anyone who sees my enterprise application can view the website but not how. I always displays an error.
    The error is:
    Error 403--Forbidden
    From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
    10.4.4 403 Forbidden
    The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated. If the request method was not HEAD and the server wishes to make public why the request has not been fulfilled, it SHOULD describe the reason for the refusal in the entity. This status code is commonly used when the server does not wish to reveal exactly why the request has been refused, or when no other response is applicable.
    Can you help me?

    When I'm working with web servers, and I've not worked with weblogic for quite a while, it has always been rights that have been the gotcha for the 403 error. You need to make sure that if you want everyone to be able to brouse the given folder, you need public read and execute rights on the contents.

  • Problem Connection protocol HTTPS Web Dispatcher

    Hi, I have problem logon in the portal my company with connection httpshttp://www.my_company/irj/portal/light/anonymous but no successfully, I can only connection protocol HTTP http://www.my_company/irj/portal/light/anonymous
    In the profile Webpdispatcher:
    wdisp/system_0 = SID=EP1, MSHOST=, MSPORT=8101, SRCSRV=www.my_company.com
    icm/server_port_0 = PROT=HTTP,PORT=80
    icm/server_port_1 = PORT=HTTPS,PORT=443
    icm/HTTP/redirect_0 = PREFIX=/, FROMPROT=http, PROT=https, TO=/irj/portal/light/anonymous
    Help please.

    icm/HTTP/redirect_0 = PREFIX=/, FROMPROT=http, PROT=https, TO=/irj/portal/light/anonymous
    The above one needs Host like the below example:
    icm/HTTP/redirect_0 = PREFIX=/, FROMPROT=https, PROT=http, TO=/irj/portal/light/anonymous, HOST=PORTALHOST, PORT=PORTAL HTTP 50000 PORT.
    This means HTTPS requests are terminated and redirected as HTTP Protocol.

  • Why i get 1356 unknown protocol drops on my 2951 router ?

    2951 router is giving a lot of drops when pinging and when i check the output of "sh inter"command  i only find 1356 unknown protocol drops.

    2951 router is giving a lot of drops when pinging and when i check the output of "sh inter"command  i only find 1356 unknown protocol drops.

  • *** WARNING: Could not start service 80 for protocol HTTP on host MyFQDN

    I m configuring an external Sap webdispatcher to point to an ICF service
    I need to install it on Windows Web server where others web sites are running.
    I configured a specific ip for that on the Web servers and enter the DNS name in our domain.
    On the the pfl file I define :
    icm/host_name_full =<MyFQDN>
    and specify icm/server_port_0 = PROT=HTTP,PORT=80
    Each time I m starting it I received *** WARNING: Could not start service 80 for protocol HTTP on host <MyFQDN> .........
    If I m using another port (Ex:86)no problem with my FQDN.But if I m doing servername:86 it s working also.
    It s seems that the webdispatcher don t care about my FQDN.
    How can I have the WEBDISPATCHER pointing to this specific FQDN and not all ?

    Hi Damien,
    You problem is perfectly logical : It's not possible to have 2 programs (IIS and web dispatcher) listening together on the same 80 HTTP port.
    There is no configuration that I know on the web dispatcher to tell him to listen only on one IP address.
    Summary : what you want to do is not possible.
    I had a similar request and I did the following.
    I use a Linux box with an Apache reverse proxy to select to distribute the HTTP requests on different web dispatchers. The rules depends from the called URLs.

  • SUM not working today:  "Unknown protocol" message

    Today, I cannot use SUM on Solaris 10 u8 x86. I get a message "Unknown protocol: defaultUpdateSource". This happens every time I click Check for Updates.
    Are the update servers down?

    Please remove all sensitive data out of the output path. Then run the attached suc script and let us see the output or better still open a support case if possible. However, we are aware that two days ago, the update servers had some maintenance window

Maybe you are looking for

  • How to show open sales orders

    hello All I want to show a report of all sales orders that has been converted to invoices. (the sales order and invoice document numbers) Also, if they have been partially converted to invoices(so still open), it must show these sales orders as well.

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  • Profit center posting.

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