Unresponsive mouse clicks

Since installing Snow Leopard I have used four different mice. All have responded poorly (as if clicks are weak) and often requires several clicks to get action . Occasionally the mouse click just does work at all and I have to give up. This did not happen in Leopard.

Works fine here with the mighty mouse. Since you didn't ID yours, there's only guessing left. BTW, close your duplicate post.

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    Try the following, after I reinstalled Mavericks (did not help), I stumbled upon this:
    System Preferences>Accessibility>Trackpad and Mouse>Trackpad Options>
    Uncheck "Enable Dragging" [without Drag lock]
    This was checked by default on my Macbook Pro 13" 2011.
    Good luck

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    download this the version u r using is far too old!

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    Uninstall CleanMyMac and do not reinstall it.
    CleanMyMac is one of a broad category of time- and money-wasters capable of causing system corruption that can only be rectified by reinstalling OS X, restoring from a backup, or completely erasing your system and rebuilding it from the ground up. Get rid of it and test your Mac for operation. If it does not perform normally, the possibility that Cleanmymac resulted in system corruption must be considered.
    The vast majority of Mac problems reported on this site are the direct result of having used garbage like that. Never install such junk on a Mac.

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    Hey shold14,
    These are some steps I found for troubleshooting a software issue in Mac OS X, specifically if the issue occurs in various applications, or in Mac OS X itself:
    The first and easiest test to try is to see if the issue affects a different user account on your Mac. Each user account has customized preferences and other items stored in its home directory. You'll first need to create an additional user if one does not already exist (follow steps a-h below). Then, log out of the current user and test the issue in the new user account.If this resolves the issue, there may be an issue with a file in the home directory of the original user account.
    From the Apple menu, choose System Preferences.
    From the View menu, choose Accounts (or choose Users if using Mac OS X v10.2 or earlier).
    Click "+" (or click New User if using Mac OS X v10.2 or earlier).
    Give the new user a name and short name.
    Mac OS X v10.3 or earlier only: Click the Password tab, and give the user a password.
    Mac OS X v10.3 or earlier only: Click Security.
    Select the checkbox for "Allow user to administer this computer". This makes the user account an administrator.
    Click OK, or quit System Preferences.
    If the issue does not appear to be related to preferences, a login item, or a kext file, and still persists in Safe Mode, there may be an issue with a cache file in your home folder:
    From the Finder's Go menu, choose Home.
    Open the Library folder.
    Drag the Caches folder to the desktop.
    Attempt to reproduce the issue.
    If issue is resolved, drag the Caches folder to the Trash.
    If issue persists, from the Finder's Go menu, choose Go To Folder.
    Go to this folder: /Library
    Drag the Caches folder to the desktop.
    Attempt to reproduce the issue.
    If issue is resolved, drag the Caches folder to the Trash.
    If issue persists, go to step 4.
    If the issue persists, there may be an issue with a third-party font file in your home folder.  See this article for information about using Font Book to enable or disable fonts in Mac OS X v10.3 or later.
    If the issue persists, perform other troubleshooting steps listed in this article.
    via: Mac OS X: How to troubleshoot a software issue
    Have a good one,

  • I am using FireFox 4. Where is the "Bookmark All Tabs-" feature. I would like to save my Tabs for a later session. The selection is not on the menu when I right-mouse click or go to the Bookmarks feature of the Menu.

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    What do you mean by Tabs sub-menu is it right-clicking on a tab ?
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    Tank you for your understanding !

  • How do I set my project to advance to next slide on mouse click vs just play?

    Captivate 6 on mac running OS 10.7.5 file format in question .htm (firefox)
    I'm brand new to Captivate 6 (never used it before) I have put together a mock presentation from scratch which has a few introductory slides then a quiz. When I publish it there is a "play" button which is NOT the behavior I want.
    I watched a training video from Lynda.com and the insstructor imported a PPT file, there was a dialog box which asked the how to advance slide, there was a drop down menu and one of two options was advance "on mouse click". This is the behavior I'm looking for.
    I've scoured the internet and forums etc to find a comparable option elsewhere in Captivate 6 when creating from scratch vs importing from PPT and cannot find one anywhere. I've also read that you can insert a click box object and that that would do what I'm looking for but that doesn't work either.
    Does any such option exist and if so where/ how do I get to it/ use it. Please see attachments below. First screen shot is the first slide I get which isn't the first slide either, what's up with that? Next one is simply to show how the project just "plays" instead of advancing slide by slide. Third is my publish dialog box. Bottom line I don't want a "play" button I want the user to mouse click next, next, next etc. How do I do this?
    Thank you for any help or suggestions!

    Maybe I understand something wrongly, but thought you also wanted to know how you can make slides advance on clicking the Next button instead of having it playing on automatically? And instead of using the playbar you want to have a Previous and Next button?
    The way imported PPT with advance on Mouse click works is because there is a click box added to each slide that pauses that slide at its end. The user has to click on the slide to advance.
    A click box is an 'interactive' object: this means that you can have it pausing the slide, that the user can interact with it and trigger an action like 'Go to Next Slide'.
    You added (from what I see on the last screenshot) another interactive object, but now I'm confused: the third screenshot has a Prev and Next arrow, I think those are shapes. You do not need to add a click box on top of them (what I see on the last screenshot), they can be converted themselves into buttons. I blogged a lot about those shape buttons. Anyway, both click box and shape button can pause the slide. This is the case by default for click boxes (at the end of their duration, their timeline), for shape buttons you have to tell them to pause in the Timing accordion. In your case I certainly would choose a shape button because they can be put on a master slide, or timed for the rest of the project whereas Click boxes need to be unique on each slide, you'l have a lot of copy/paste to do then. In the Action accordion, On Success you choose the action, I think in this case you want 'Go to Next Slide' for the Next 'thing'
    As for the first screenshot, Rod explained that you cannot get rid of the play button for pdf output, but you can have a poster image instead of the blank screen. There is a folder icon in Preferences, Project, Start and End when you deselect AuotPlay.
    Here is a link to an article where I explain shape buttons:
    There is an on-demand webinar as well on the Adobe site which I presented, only about shape buttons.

  • How can i open a link in new window (shift + Mouse Click) while not switching to the new window

    I want to open a new window (shift + Mouse Click) while not switching to the newly opened window. The focus should remain on the window from where i have opened the link.

    You can do that with tabs, but not with windows AFAIK.

  • Automator - How do I: Mouse Click, Move Windows, and more

    I am attempting to create my own Automator programs and for a while I had some that worked nicely. I have recently been tweaking my iMac so that it can "think" on its own (by automator of course) and do things for me. However, I've run across a block with Mavericks (I believe it's due to Mavericks).
    1. How can I get Automator to register a mouse click? "Watch me do" does not seem to want to work for me at all. I also would prefer if it would just be a registered mouse click, but not actually use the mouse (I know this is possible) so that if I'm doing something and it runs, it won't disturb my mouse and I can keep working.
    2. How can I register a keyboard stroke? Same as above
    3. How can I have automator move windows? I have two monitors and there are times when I may want it to move a window from one mintor to another
    The following is a list of all the things I'm attempting to accomplish at the moment (with other things when I think of them) with automator (either through applications, folder actions, or ical actions):
    1. Register a mouse click at a given area or on a given element in a safari page
    2. Register a keyboard stroke in a given program (be able to focus on a program and then do the keystroke)
    3. Move windows from one location to another
    4. Full-screen and Un-full-screen iTunes at certain times of day
    5. Download all purchased items on iTunes that aren't on the computer (sometimes iTunes doesn't download stuff if it was downloaded on my MacBook Pro first)
    6. Automatically voice read reminders (that I've set in Reminders) each day at a given time (I can use loop to repeat it to make sure I hear it all)
    I'll think of more of course, but the mouse click, keyboard stroke, and moving windows is the big thing I'm trying to figure out how to do. Can anyone help?
    Also, I am not a computer tech. I am tinkering with this because it's fun and helpful, but an answer of "just use applescript" or "just use java" will likely just give me a headache. I know that it's going to be one of those codes, but I'm hoping someone has a "base" code that can be copied and pasted that's just a standard click that I can adjust for where I need to click and what process I need to click on.
    If there is an Action Pack that includes a "Register Mouse Click" and/or "Register Keyboard Stroke", then that would work great, but the only action packs for automator I've seen that work with Mavericks is for photoshop.

    You're asking for a lot in one post.  It would be better to break your requests down a bit. 
    For example, to deal with mouse clicks, you can use the Automator Action Run Shell Script with this python script:
    import sys
    import time
    from Quartz.CoreGraphics import *
    def mouseEvent(type, posx, posy):
            theEvent = CGEventCreateMouseEvent(None, type, (posx,posy), kCGMouseButtonLeft)
            CGEventPost(kCGHIDEventTap, theEvent)
    def mousemove(posx,posy):
            mouseEvent(kCGEventMouseMoved, posx,posy);
    def mouseclick(posx,posy):
            mouseEvent(kCGEventLeftMouseDown, posx,posy);
            mouseEvent(kCGEventLeftMouseUp, posx,posy);
    ourEvent = CGEventCreate(None);
    # Save current mouse position
    # Click the "Apple"
    mouseclick(25, 5);  
    # 1 second delay       
    # Restore mouse position
    It will look like this in Automator:
    To drag something (i.e. a window, a file icon) from position 40,60 to 60,300:
    import time
    from Quartz.CoreGraphics import *
    def mouseEvent(type, posx, posy):
               theEvent = CGEventCreateMouseEvent(None, type, (posx,posy), kCGMouseButtonLeft)
               CGEventPost(kCGHIDEventTap, theEvent)
    def mousemove(posx,posy):
               mouseEvent(kCGEventMouseMoved, posx,posy);
    def mouseclickdn(posx,posy):
               mouseEvent(kCGEventLeftMouseDown, posx,posy);
    def mouseclickup(posx,posy):
               mouseEvent(kCGEventLeftMouseUp, posx,posy);
    def mousedrag(posx,posy):
               mouseEvent(kCGEventLeftMouseDragged, posx,posy);
    ourEvent = CGEventCreate(None);
    # Save current mouse position
    # move mouse to upper left of screen
    mouseclickdn(40, 60);
    # drag icon to new location
    mousedrag(60, 300);
    # release mouse
    mouseclickup(60, 300);
    # necessary delay
    # return mouse to start positon
    For keystokes in AppleScript (which can be added to Automator with the Run Applescript Action) see: http://dougscripts.com/itunes/itinfo/keycodes.php

  • Diable "open dialog box" on right mouse click so I can use l mouse to advance to next slide and r mouse click to "go back."  How in PP 2010 for mac????

    I do presentations in PP10.  I am new to macair, and used to Windows.  HOW DO I DISABLE THE "OPEN DIALOG BOX ON RIGHT CLICK"?  I would like to use L mouse to advance slide, and R mouse to go back.  The default is to use R mouse to open dialog box.  I can disable this by unchecking the box in "advanced" on the PC.  How do I do it with the Mac????

    Hi Rod,
    As originally stated in my opening post, the SWF is to be inserted into an Articulate '13 slide (what I called an aggregator originally - I tried not to bring them up since I don't want the chatter about "There's your problem - using Articulate"! ).
    Recall that posting this published file to our LMS did not allow right-mouse click functionality as the flash player menu just gets in the way.
    If I insert the captivate 6 files into Articulate as a Web Object (referencing the entire folder with html, htm and assets, and then posted to our LMS, and it DOES allow RM click operations in both IE and FF (although no sound on the Captivate slide in FF). But this is not what we want to do as this introduces 2 navigation controls (the Captivate one and the Articulate Player).
    Why must anything be posted to a web server for this functionality to work?
    I am able to go into the Captivate 6's published folder, and launch the Captivate demonstration by simply double clicking on the index.html file and this works great in both FF and IE after changing the security settings for flash.
    Again - I can not believe I am the only one out there trying to use the right-mouse click feature to do a software simulation by embedding the Captivate SWF into an Articulate '13 project.

  • Edit Spry Menu Bar using Mouse Click

    I created a Spry Menu Bar and it's working just fine. But on phones and Tablets the submenu doesn't work because it's a mouseover, is it possible to change it to a mouse click?

    Yes, but it needs a lot of JS coding to do so.
    A better solution is to use a jQuery or pure CSS menubar or visit http://www.projectseven.com/ for a commercial version

  • How can I (neatly) control mouse click events in a multi-dimensional array?

    Hello everyone!
         I have a question regarding the use of mouse clicks events in a multi-dimensional array (or a "2D" array as we refer to them in Java and C++).
         I have an array of objects each with a corresponding mouse click event. Each object is stored at a location ranging from [0][0] to [5][8] (hence a 9 x 6 grid) and has the specific column and row number associated with it as well (i.e. tile [2][4] has a row number of 2 and a column number of 4, even though it is on the third row, fifth column). Upon each mouse click, the tile that is selected is stored in a temporary array. The array is cleared if a tile is clicked that does not share a column or row value equal to, minus or plus 1 with the currently targeted tile (i.e. clicking tile [1][1] will clear the array if there aren't any tiles stored that have the row/column number
    [0][0], [0][1], [0][2],
    [1][0], [1][1], [1][2],
    [2][0], [2][1], [2][2]
    or any contiguous column/row with another tile stored in the array, meaning that the newly clicked tile only needs to be sharing a border with one of the tiles in the temp array but not necessarily with the last tile stored).
         What is a clean, tidy way of programming this in AS3? Here are a couple portions of my code (although the mouse click event isn't finished/working correctly):
      public function tileClick(e:MouseEvent):void
       var tile:Object = e.currentTarget;
       if (tile.select.visible == false)
        tile.select.visible = true;
        tile.select.visible = false;
       for (var i:uint = 0; i < selectArr.length; i++)
        if ((tile.rowN == selectArr[i].rowN - 1) ||
         (tile.rowN == selectArr[i].rowN) ||
         (tile.rowN == selectArr[i].rowN + 1))
         if ((tile.colN == selectArr[i].colN - 1) ||
         (tile.colN == selectArr[i].colN) ||
         (tile.colN == selectArr[i].colN + 1))
          trace("jackpot!" + i);
         for (var ii:uint = 0; ii < 1; ii++)
          for (var iii:uint = 0; iii < selectArr.length; iii++)
           selectArr[iii].select.visible = false;
          selectArr = [];

         So are you saying that if I, rather than assigning a uint to the column and row number for each tile, just assigned a string to each one in the form "#_#" then I could actually just assign the "adjacent" array directly to it instead of using a generic object to hold those values? In this case, my click event would simply check the indexes, one at a time, of all tiles currently stored in my "selectArr" array against the column/row string in the currently selected tile. Am I correct so far? If I am then let's say that "selectArr" is currently holding five tile coordinates (the user has clicked on five adjacent tiles thus far) and a sixth one is being evaluated now:
    Current "selectArr" values:
           1_1, 2_1, 3_1
    New tile clicked:
           1_1, 2_1, 3_1
    Coordinate search:
    0_0, 1_0, 2_0, 3_0
    0_1, 1_1, 2_1, 3_1, 4_1
           1_2, 2_2, 3_2
         Essentially what is happening here is that the new tile is checking all four coordinates/indexes belonging to each of the five tiles stored in the "selectArr" array as it tries to find a match for one of its own (which it does for the tile at coordinate 2_2). Thus the new tile at coordinate 2_3 would be marked as valid and added to the "selectArr" array as we wait for the next tile to be clicked and validated. Is this correct?

  • Recording keystrokes and mouse clicks?

    I need to be able to make scripts/macros by recording keystrokes and mouse clicks with location.
    Is this possible with Automator?
    Does anyone know of a way program to do this?
    It seems so simple.

    Keyboard shortcuts were often missed.  For example, I tried this sequence many times. 
    0: (setup:  text editor is scrolled to first line and cursor is at the beginning of the first line)
    1: Click on text editor window to focus it.
    2: press SHIFT-DownArrow to move cursor down one line and select the first line
    3: press CMD-X to cut the line.
    Automator never would capture those key strokes. 
    But today I has a break through.  This sequence does work:
    0: (setup:  text editor is scrolled to bottom of the file and the cursor is placed below the last line.)
    1: Click on text editor window to focus it.
    2: press SHIFT-UpArror to move cursor up one line and select the last line.
    3: press CMD-X to cut the line.
    about 70% of the time this did get recorded correctly (I did maybe 3 recordings and one failed to select).  Once it got recorded correctly it worked reliably. 
    So it seems to be able to capture some sequences but not others.  Both sequences work very reliably when I type them but automator can only capture the last sequence. 
    Thanks for the suggestions.  This tool is better than nothing but not anything I would recommend.

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