Unsupported Image File????? iphone videos???? Aperture????

I have only ever imported video files to aperture from my iphone 4.
So I havent changed the video format on the phone, it should just be a straight forward import and as apple have made the hardware & the software????
If you cant view the videos in aperture, whats the point of being able to import them to aperture in the first place??????
Is there anyway around this stupid error ???
Any ideas would be wonderful
Lisa. xx

Not sure if you are still suffering from this problem, but I had a similar issue, and tracked it down to the files being imported from a shared folder. If the shared folder has any Access control list set up, or the permissions aren't quite right (including some that you can only change yourself in Terminal like permission to Execute), then the video will import but appears to be unsupported.
An easy work around is to move the file to one of your personal directories into a library also in your private directory. If you are actually looking to share your library, then I had to set up a new partition and set it to 'Ignore permissions'. It then worked absolutely fine - also resolved some corruption issues I sometimes got with the shared library.
Hope this helps, and let me know if you need more details.  Note that other posts fixed this by removing 3ivx libraries from Quicktime : https://discussions.apple.com/message/15714152#15714152.

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    hi, sazer01
    sazer01 wrote:
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    léonie wrote:
    Has the rebuilding created a "recovered" project? Search the Library Inspector panel. If versions have lost the connection to the originals, Aperture will collect them in a special project for lost+found image files.
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    The screen shot got messed up so its hard to tell what part you're asking about. But if you're asking about this part of the window:
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    Message was edited by: drathquark

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    PowerMac G5 Quad Mac OS X (10.4.8) 4Gb Ram, 3x1Tb HD ext drives

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    You're image didn't display.
    What this all means is you have a messed up installation. If you imported as you say you did (in their current location) and you can see the masters in the finder OUTSIDE of the Aperture library package but Aperture shows you no images if you search for referenced images then something is seriously messed up beyond having to delete files twice.
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    Have you run the Basic trouble shooting steps? That would be a good place to start. Also make sure you have a working backup.
    good luck
    Message was edited by: Frank Caggiano - It's visible now

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    Suggestions appreciated!

    Hi David-- thanks for your advice. I have been looking into it further and it just gets more confusing. I am able to open all of these DNG files in Photoshop so the problem seems to be with some combination of the K-X, OS 10.6.4 and Aperture 2. I have gone so far as to purchase Aperture 3 but haven't opened the package yet. After hearing about your experience (not to mention the thousands of other complaints about Ap 3 performance I've seen) I think I'll take it back and make the switch to Lightroom 3. Lightroom's features may not be quite as good, but at least it seems to be stable and I imagine it will be able to read the DNGs since Photoshop does. I just don't have the energy to be constantly patrolling the state of my photo management program!
    I'll keep you posted on my experiments with Lightroom.
    Thanks again.

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    Would it help to buy a separate external hard drive for Aperture?
    That would be by far the best solution. And it would make the backup easier. You could include the "Aperture" drive in your Time Machine backup. With the original files stored on your Time Machine volume there is no way that Time Machine could back them up.
    Use Disk Utility to format the new drive "MacOS X Extended (Journaled)".
    Set the "Ignore Ownership on this Volume" flag. (select the drive in the Finder, use "File > Get Info ⌘I)
    In the "Get Info" panel your drive should look like this:

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    similarly, the little "pdf" or "xlsx" or "docx" text overlay on these previews is so small and non-color coded as to be useless for quick-glance recognition of which filetype
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    Here are some possible solutions which I hope somebody knows how to do:
    globally enable or disable icon previews by filetype (preferred)
    stipulate adding overlayed mini icons to certain filetypes
    example: if it's a pdf, show the icon preview, but overlayed on that would be the red Adobe pdf icon/logo roughly a quarter of the size of the file icon (like is possible in Windows 7).
    this way image and video previews can be seen at a glance, but having a big red or green or blue logo makes for immediate recognition of filetype
    (least prefered but could help) ...somehow change the font color and increase the font size of the overlayed "pdf" "xlsx" "doc" "pptx"currently standard on these filetypes while showing icon preview but ALL are miniscule black text no matter which filetype
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    Would love it to hear of a solution for this. Thanks all.

    Put all of your separate flash movies into one move, and then
    use flash to
    load the movies into a top section of the flash document.
    Your site (this page) sounds like it would be best viewed
    entirely in Flash
    (at least easiest w/o reloading).
    "zachmundy" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:earmgn$q95$[email protected]..
    >I have a bunch of flash videos that i've created
    thumbnails for. I have
    > big cell on the top of the page that displays a video
    and a bunch of small
    > cells below that hold the thumbnails and descriptions of
    other videos.
    > When a
    > user clicks on one of the videos, I want it to load that
    video into the
    > large
    > cell on the top of the page all without
    regenerating/refreshing the page.
    > Is
    > this possible in dreamweaver? What do I need to code the
    > buttons to
    > do in order to make this happen?
    > Thanks

Maybe you are looking for