Unwanted name in menu bar

After the 10.7.5 upgrad my name appers in the menu bar at the far right. It seems to be a choice between Demo and User, like when you first sign on. How can I get rid of it?

Go to system preferences-users & groups (click the padlock to unlock and make changes) Click login options, UNCHECK the box that says "show fast user switching menu as"  and that's it.

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    name from menu bar:
    the easy way: hold command and then drag the name icon out of the menu bar (just like how you remove stuff from the dock with the difference of pressing command while you do it).
    the less easy way: open system prfs -> Users and groups [press locket if locked] then click login options and uncheck fast user switching menu

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    Your Canon scanner icon may be there because it is set to open when you boot. System Preferences>Accounts>Startup Items. If it is there select it and hit the minus sign. What happens when you click on the icon? have you tried to darg the icon out of the menu bar when holding down the command key?

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    how did you uninstall that software? did you simply trash the application? that wasn't the proper way to do it since the app used an installer to install. there should be an uninstaller that came with that app. try using that. you might have to reinstall that software first. if that doesn't work then you have to search out what exactly that software installed. there could be login items. check those in system preferences->accounts. or there could be some launch daemons. check homedirectory/Library/Launchagents, /Library/launchagents and /Library/launchdaemons. but definitely try the uninstaller first.

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    Depends on where the stroke is applied. You can set a stroke & fill on the menu bar itself, or each menu item, or the text frame inside the menu item. Here's an example menu bar with a different stroke/fill on each of those things:
    The first click on the menu bar selects the menu bar, then you can change the fill stroke for the bar itself(brown & red in my example).
    If you click again, you should get a menu item selected, and you can change that stroke/fill(yellow & green in my example).
    If you click again on the text, you should get the text frame selected and you can change that stroke/fill(orange & blue-grey in my example).
    Hope that helps.

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    Thank you.

    The following is old but may still be valid with Yosemite (it addresses how to remove the name but indirectly also how to display it): http://osxdaily.com/2012/01/10/remove-user-name-from-menu-bar-os-x/

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    and Pro Tools LE....
    How do I open these apps and see the opening page of the app, rather that
    just the name of the app in the menu bar and the desktop...?
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    Only a very few Apps have the option/preference to do that in OSX, not sure if any MS APPs do or not.
    Maybe it would be closer to what you want though, to instead of opening the APP, drag say the Word® doc you want to the Word® icon in the Dock, which runs Word, opens the document, and skips the Open Dialog.

  • Menu Bar Widget - how to target li name="item_one"

    I am using CS5.
    I using spry widget menu bar ... simple layout and I want to target individuals element on li.
    Here is the code
    <ul id="MenuBar1" class="MenuBarVertical">
      <li name="item_one"><a href="#">Item 1</a>  </li>
      <li name="item_two"><a href="#">Item 2</a></li>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", {imgRight:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"});
    I want to target with CSS name="item_one" so I can change background image, etc.
    On CS3 there was a "inset menu bar" option then you could target individuals elements.
    I have a nav bar that each element has different backgrounds images.
    On the CSS I have the standard CSS that dreamweaver installs. But for example the ul.MenuBarVertical a targets every thin on the page.
    On the properties window (once you click on the individuals items you can assign names hence "item_one" and "item_two"
    and it call it CSS-P Element.
    Thank you in advance.

    Thank you for the link. On the vertical menu bar it shows
    .MenuBarVertical  .MenuItem {
         padding: 0px 4px 0px 0px;
         border-color: #ffffff #ffffff #cccccc #ffffff;
         border-style: solid none none none;
    .MenuBarVertical .MenuItemLast {
         border-style: solid none none none;
    .MenuBarVertical .MenuItem .MenuItemLabel{
         padding: 6px 22px 6px 19px;
    .MenuBarVertical .MenuItemHover {
         border-color: #ffffff #ffffff #cccccc #cccccc;
    Which there is a class .MenuItem
    When I turn Live Code on CS5 and hover over the item you get this
    <ul id="MenuBar1" class="MenuBarVertical">
      <li class="item_one"><a href="#" class="MenuBarItemHover"> </a>  </li>
      <li><a href="#" class="">Item 2</a></li>
    It is interesting that on the construction CS5 places a .MenuBarItem class. I placed the class="item_one" to be able to target (change background, etc)
    that specific item with this CSS
    ul.MenuBarVertical .item_one
    display: block;
    cursor: pointer;
    color: #333;
    text-decoration: none;
    background-image: url(../images/Home-UP.png);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    height: 6em;
    /* Menu items that have mouse over or focus have a blue background and white text */
    ul.MenuBarVertical .item_one a:hover ,ul.MenuBarVertical .item_one a:focus
    color: #000;
    background-image: url(../images/Home-OVER.png);
    Which in turn it gives the effect to change background image when hover.

  • Spotlight search in menu bar. Name only

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    I tried kind:name but this didn't work. Is there anything like this I could add to the beginning of a search?

    In Finder's Help menu, type search
    When I do that, one of the items is "Specifying criteria in the Spotligh…", and selecting will tell more about what you want to know.
    I believe what you are looking for (instead of kind:) is name:
    Note that there can not be any spaces around the colon (:), so a search for items with iPhone in the name would be name:iPhone without spaces, and a search for "something else" with spaces would be name:"something else".
    Kind is the type of object, such as image, movie, etc. It doesn't have anything to do with the type of search. If you start a search in the Finder (File -> Find…, or Cmd-F), a Finder window will open with an single search criteria set to the default of "Kind" is "Any". If you select the "Any" button then it will reveal the different options for Kind. Perhaps that will help.
    You can also get a similar window by choosing "Show All" from the Spotlight menu after you've typed something, except it doesn't start with any criteria. Either way, you can add as many conditions as you want with the plus button on the right side of the search criteria.
    The "Kind" button will reveal other types of criteria, such as Name and Contents. Note the window has "Filename" and "Contents" at the top since they are common criteria. Looking that over should give you some hints in the future.

  • How to eliminate unwanted menu bar icons?

    When I installed all the software for my new Canon MP640 printer-copier-scanner it put a "Canon IJ Network Scanner Selector" icon in the menu bar. It doesn't seem to do much - and I really don't want another nanometer of space taken-up by unwanted menubar icons... Does anyone know how to remove this?
    Best regards,
    Steve Schulte
    Sunday 30 May 2010

    OK the cmd-drag didn't work - I had tried that but appreciate the suggestion!
    As to your suggestion: In Accounts I find a Login program called *Canon IJ Network Scanner* (checked to be hidden) - and it is in /Library/Printers/Canon/IJScanner/Utilities/Canon IJNetwork Scanner Selection. OK but if I remove this from the login - will it remove just the menu bar icon or will I then lose the ability to use my MP640 as a scanner?
    When I open the program by double-clicking it, I get the same screen as when I choose it from the menu bar. I just don't want this menubar "icon" taking up real estate --
    The HELP says this: (The icon itself does not show in this paste so I just put in underlines__- it is the image of a printer with the top opened and an arrow indicating a scan direction or something.
    About Menu
    Click__in the menu bar to display the menu.
    Scan the images using the operation panel of the scanner
    You can select or deselect this option. Select this option to receive images from the scanners selected in the settings screen. Deselect this option to not to receive images from the scanners.
    When Scan the images using the operation panel of the scanner is not selected, the icon appears gray (__ ).
    About Canon IJ Network Scanner Selector
    Displays information on Canon IJ Network Scanner Selector.
    Open Settings...
    Opens the settings screen.
    Best regards,
    Steve Schulte
    Sunday 30 May 2010

  • Menu bar shows icon instead of application name

    For an unknown reason, my menu bar now shows an icon for the application in the open window instead of the name of the application.  For instance, when I switch to the Finder, the smiley face is in the menu bar next to the Apple menu.  How can I return to have the application name shown?

    If you are looking for tech help with a third party application contact the developer. These forums are for Apple hardware and software as per the
    Apple Support Communities Terms of Use.

  • Adding Custom tab name in VF02/VF03 Menu Bar

    Hello Gurus,
           I am working on one of the requirement in which i need to enhance the Billing transaction VF02/VF03. I had to add custom tab at header level. I have done that successfully. My problem is with adding the new custom tab in VF02/VF03 menu bar. I want to display my custom tab at VF02(after entering VF02 with Billing Document Number) -> GOTO -> Header ->  <Custsom tab name> which should lead to my custom tab. Please let me know the procedure we need to follow in acheiving this.
    Good Day,
    Thanks & Regards,
    Uday S.

    Hi Uday,
    I think there is no possibility to display it standard menu.

  • How do you remove unwanted non mac icons from menu bar? ie. mcafee

    how do you remove unwanted non mac icons from menu bar? ie. mcafee

    Yep. MacKeeper is a nasty program.
    See: http://applehelpwriter.com/2011/09/21/how-to-uninstall-mackeeper-malware/
    Phil Sokes' website.

  • How Do I Make My Name Disappear From Menu Bar?

    I use Mavericks OS X 10.9.3.  How do I make my name disappear from the Menu Bar?

    Or select to show the icon instead of your name in case you want to keep the ability to use FUS while gaining precious menu bar space.

  • Fast User names/menu disappear from menu bar

    When I activate fast user switching, the name in the menu bar seems to disappear. Then when I go to Prefs to reactivate it (by unchecking then checking it again) it displays over the top of the Airport and Volume icons, at which time if I click it then to use it, it disappears completely again. The only way I seem to eb able to use FSW is to go back to login window with user list displayed and do it that way (hassle).

    Hi Paul
    This could be a corrupt preference file, specifically 'systemuiserver.plist'. But there are potentially two of them, so ...
    In "/Users/<yourname>/Library/Preferences", delete com.apple.systemuiserver.plist
    In "/Users/<yourname>/Library/Preferences/ByHost", delete com.apple.systemuiserver.xxx.plist where 'xxx' is a 12 digit (hexadecimal) numeric string.
    Then log out and back in again. You may need to go to System Preferences to put back the menu items you need to display.
    If this alone doesn't work, you may need to delete your caches, so repeat the above and then:
    In "/Users/<yourname>/Library/Caches", delete everything
    Let us know if this helps.

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