Update iPhone without wifi

My wifi had been greyed out for a while and I need to update my Phone. Is there any possible way I could update my iPhone without Wifi?

Yes, you can connect it to iTunes on the computer you sync with and update it that way.
If you are updating the iOS, be sure to back it up first.

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    It maybe brought on DVD via Apple directly (Contact Apple ) or using any good online vendor like Amazon.
    Best of luck

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    Connect the devices to the computer and iTunes, update from there. Update the iOS software on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support

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    No, you can't do it that way. http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4356

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    Upgrading the software has nothing to do with whether it's locked or not. Contact the cellular provider. They are the only ones who can help you with a locked phone issue.

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    If there are multiple apps trying to download at once, only one can download at a time and the rest say "Waiting" until it is then their turn. Try this. Double tap the icon of the Waiting app, and it should resume the download.
    How to Solve the Problem of An iPad App Download Stuck on “Waiting”
    http://ipadacademy.com/2012/06/how-to-solve-the-problem-of-an-ipad-app-download- stuck-on-waiting
    Another thing to try - Turn the iPad Off & then back ON.
    If that doesn't work:
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    • Then press and hold the Home and Sleep buttons simultaneously and don't release them when it brings up the Turn Off screen; keep holding them until the Apple logo appears.
    • After restart, the Waiting should be gone.
     Cheers, Tom

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    Hope that will help you guys

    help pls!!

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    Sorry to hear about your macbook.
    Others have reported that if you have at least on contact and calendar entry on your new computer when you sync, then it will not erase you iphone, it will simply merge the two. While that makes perfect sense, I have not tried it myself.
    As for the texts, I don;t think you can get those back.
    Music can only be synced to one library at a time, so the music will be gone. However, in Itunes you can "transfer purchases," at least putting your itunes purchased music on your computer.
    It is always a good idea to have a backup. I use an external hard drive. Then you will have a complete backup if anything happens to your computer.
    Good luck. I hope it works out.

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