Update iTunes Feed w/Domain Name

Does anyone know if it is possible to change the web address for my podcast in my RSS feed to iTunes? The feed was approved and while waiting for them to show up in the store, I looked at the link. When I click on the website link, it takes me to my long iWeb/.Mac url instead of my forwarded domain name. Is this possible to update?

In your feed's XML file towards the top, there is a line that says <link> that has a URL. You can put just about any web address in there...that will be the link that iTunes will send people when they click on "website" on the podcast's iTunes podcast directory page.

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    I use third party hosting to mean a company other than Apple's .Mac. I also use godaddy to host my sites and it is very simple. They will provide an address of the ftp site name for your domain. I publish from iWeb to a folder, then use Cyberduck (any FTP program will do) to upload. You don't even need the ftp program because godaddy has their own simple ftp built in to the service. They also have excellent and free technical service. You can look at my site at: http://bandb.holage.com.

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    Try deleting the iPod Photo Cache from the nominated folder that you have set up to sync photos to the devices.
    See iTunes: Understanding the iPod Photo Cache folder for more info.

  • ITunes not updating RSS feed.

    I am hoping someone will be able to help me figure this out:
    After a hiatus of several months, I have started releasing new podcast episodes. The last episode in the iTunes store directory was Nov. 14, 2012.
    In the last week I have released 2 new episodes, but since the content was time sensitive I backdated them. I changed the Nov. 14 podcast to July 20 and then added a September 15 and a February 22, 2013 episode.
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    https://itunes.apple.com/jp/podcast/down-to-business-english-business/id36626569 7?l=en&mt=2
    Thank you.

    Hi Roger,
    I contacted Apple and received this confusing reply (cut and paste below). It is confusing on 2 counts; 1) My feed validates just fine and 2) within minutes of receiving it, iTunes updated my feed to show 2 missing episodes.
    Still, the artwork is not showing and I posted another (backdated) episode over a week ago and it still hasn't shown up in the store yet either.
    I am wondering if I should resubmit my feed as the Apple support email suggests but do not want to loose my current subscribers.
    Any thoughts?
    This is the email I received from Apple:
    Dear Malcolm,
    Welcome to iTunes Store Customer Support. My name is Abdul and I will be happy to assist you.
    I'm sorry to hear that you have been unable to get your podcast listed on the iTunes Store. Addressing your concern is important to me.
    Malcolm, it appears that your podcast's RSS feed is not validating. To help find the problem, you may want to use a feed validator, such as this one:
    You can get help with many specific issues, learn how to test a feed, and view a sample feed in the iTunes Making a Podcast page:
    If you can successfully subscribe to your podcast and listen to each of the episodes, try resubmitting the feed to the iTunes Store. If you receive a message that the feed has already been submitted, the iTunes Store is detecting that the podcast is a duplicate. Please follow these steps to resubmit the podcast:
    1) Change the title and link fields of your RSS feed to something other than what they are now.
    2) Resubmit the podcast feed via iTunes.
    3) Once you have successfully submitted the podcast, you can change the title and link fields back to what they were.
    If you're still having trouble, consider consulting the Apple Discussions forums, which have a wealth of information about specific issues. Click Producing Podcasts in the Pro Digital Production area of this page: http://discussions.apple.com
    I hope the above information will help you.
    If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to assist you.
    Have a nice day!
    iTunes Store Customer Support

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    Apps are only tied to one account... You can set up two iTunes accounts on your computer, however, and let his iPad sync to his account. If he has never backed up his apps to a computer, however, he will have to redownload all the apps. Afterwards, he can backup to iCloud instead of your computer.

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    The feed for the first podcast you list is at
    There is a line at the very top of the feed which reads
    Notice: Undefined index: feed_redirect_url in /hermes/bosnaweb03a/b2043/ipw.certifiedpcdoctor2/public_html/GandTshow/wp-conte nt/plugins/powerpress/powerpress.php on line 1377
    Its presence renders the feed unreadable; when subscribing it shows up blank, and the iTunes Store is showing a cached version from the last time it could read the feed.
    The feed for the second podcast is at
    There appear to be no errors in this feed, but it is showing up empty when subscribing. It did take a long time to load in Firefox, so it's possible that it may be timing out in iTunes and the Store.

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    This my sound too simple, but I just kept clikning on the arrow next to the selected music and it finally "Kicked" in.
    I live in Europe ,So Be persistent and don't give up !  Aug. 2013

  • Feedburner w/itunes feed details not updating

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    So Feedburner is not updating the info from the feed. As I understand it, what is in Feedburner in the 'itunes:subtitle'  'itunes:summary' and 'itunes:image' tags is what was there originally? - and subsequently you changed the subtitle and summary to the entries with the first sentence in capitals, and presumably must have changed the image?
    Did you do this before or after adding the latgst episode? - the question being whether Feedburner is updating from the feed, just not those particular tags, or whether it's not updating at all.
    I can't see why it shouldn't update - the only thing odd about the feed is the absence ot the xml declaration in the first line:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    which Feedburner adds - presumably this has always been missing anyway? - and the feed validates in FeedValidator and can be subscribed to in iTunes so this shouldn't be a problem.
    If you made the changes after adding the latest episode (not at the same time) then I suppose it's possible that FeedBurner might not see the changes until the next time you add an episode - iTunes is liable to do that but I dono't know about FeedBurner.
    You could also look round Feedburner and see whether there is somewhere you can over-ride the contents of these tags; I don't know whether this is possible.

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    (so users with firefox installed will be able to automatically have their updates applied)
    I've googled every search term I can think of but haven't found a solution.
    Running an in house firefox update server is overkill for this small office and it's also a windows only shop.
    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Try using mozilla.com and, maybe, mozilla.org
    Using specific IP blocks is impossible as Mozilla uses servers around the globe to spread the load.
    <br />
    <br />
    '''You need to update the following.''' The Plugin version(s) shown below was/were submitted with your question and is/are out of date. You should update to avoid known security issues with the version(s) you have installed. Click on "More system info..." to the right of your question to see what was included with your question.
    *Next Generation Java Plug-in 1.6.0_24 for Mozilla browsers
    #'''''Check your plugin versions''''' on either of the following links':
    #*'''Note: plugin check page does not have information on all plugin versions'''
    #*There are plugin specific testing links available from this page:
    #'''Update the [[Java]] plugin''' to the latest version.
    #*Download site: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html (Java Platform: Download JRE)
    #**'''''Be sure to <u>un-check the Yahoo Toolbar</u> option during the install if you do not want it installed.
    #*Also see "Manual Update" in this article to update from the Java Control Panel in Windows Control Panel: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using+the+Java+plugin+with+Firefox#Updates
    #* Removing old versions (if needed): http://www.java.com/en/download/faq/remove_olderversions.xml
    #* Remove multiple Java Console extensions (if needed): http://kb.mozillazine.org/Firefox_:_FAQs_:_Install_Java#Multiple_Java_Console_extensions
    #*Java Test: http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml

  • When syncing iTunes reports "The iPod "name" cannot be synced. A duplicate file name was specified. ". the music is updated but all the sleeve imagary is not including deleting the existing images. How do I solve please?

    When syncing iTunes reports "The iPod “name” cannot be synced. A duplicate file name was specified. ". The music is updated but all the sleeve imagery is not including deleting the existing images. How do I solve please?

    Hello WGT52,
    It sounds like this error message is preventing you from syncing your content to the iPod. I would recommend the troubleshooting steps in the following article:
    iTunes: Troubleshooting issues with third-party iTunes plug-ins
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Take care,

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    ive just updated itunes and now i cant view any items in the itunes store, all that appears are the names of the songs or films under blue boxes, any ideas would be greatly appreciated thanks

    are you signed in? do you have an account setup with itunes store?
    did you authorize the computer?

  • Update email domain name

    Hi i have OIM 9.1.0 environment.
    Any one please help me, because this very high importance task.
    I want update email domain name using task scheduler in oim User form.
    Ex: i have three users in OIM USR table with email id's:
    1. [email protected]
    2. [email protected]
    3. [email protected]
    I want update whose mail id domain is "@hotmail.com" with @gmail.com
    I want display out put like:
    1. [email protected]
    2. [email protected]
    3. [email protected]
    for that you can use API's or what ever. Finally we run the scheduler at that time domain will update with new value in User form (USR_Table).

    Hi Pandey,
                     Really thank U for your responses. I want to do this task, through schedule task using java code. So could you please help me for write java code.
    write a java code:
      - Retrieve all users in a tcresultset.
      - Iterate through each record.
      - Extract email, chain domain, form new email.
      - Extract user login and using tcuseroperationsintf change email for that login.
      - End iteration.
    Could you please send me the code ASAP. Send me the total java code, because i am not expert in java.

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    I can't figure out what is wrong and I need some help. Thanks!

    With rapidly reloaded pages, sometimes the browser will show you information from its cache in order to deliver the information to you as fast as possible. Unfortunately, with frequently updated pages, this browser caching strategy doesn't work so well.
    To make sure that you are seeing the most up-to-date version of your website, try emptying your browser cache. In Safari, look under the Safari menu and select "Empty Cache". You can also try to add a "?" after your URL to tell Safari to ignore whatever is in its cache.
    I have just checked your website and all the links look to be functional. So I am 100% sure that it is a caching issue for you.
    As far as the iWeb hit counter goes, you are using domain forwarding with masking to hide the .Mac address. This masking feature prevents the hit counter from displaying correctly or at all. Disable masking and you will see your hit counter as normal. Even if it is not displayed, it will still be counting.

  • HT204406 I purchased an album from itunes, and put it in a playlist. icloud status lists all the songs as purchased, and when I click on "Update itunes Match", this playlist will not update. There is a cloud to the right of the playlist name.

    I purchased an album from the itunes store, and put it in a playlist. icloud status listed all the songs as purchased, instead of the usual "Waiting". When I clicked on "Update itunes Match", everything updated except this playlist. There is a cloud to the right of the playlist name. This has never happened before.
    Any ideas?

    I deleted the songs from my desktop (iMac), then I used itunes match to reload the songs back on my desktop from my laptop. When they reappeared on my desktop, then I right-clicked on the songs and clicked on the option to add to icloud. This however did not work, and they just duplicated into icloud, but they were "greyed out" and unuseable. I hope I'm explaining myself clearly? In other words, the songs seem to be trying to go into the cloud, but they are greyed out in my library and cannot download. It is as if they are ghosts? My songs do play fine when I transfer them via itunes match, and everything appears normal. They just won't transfer via the cloud. As I said before, every other song in my library always work fine via the could, but only the songs off this one album that I bought from itunes in 07' will not work???

  • Customer used IP address instead of domain name

    A customer of mine used the IP address in his XML feed instead of the domain name. I recently moved servers not knowing that he had done this and the old server is gone. How can I help him fix this? I have already gone into his xml and changed every one of the IP addresses to reflect the NEW address, but I am not certain that this will help.

    That's a good start. Problem is that when he submitted his podcast he probably used the IP address there as well. iTunes is probably still looking at the IP address URL. Changing the URL that iTunes has on file for a podcast is tricky. There are only two ways to do it. Either by using a 301 redirect on the old server which will point iTunes in the direction of the new server and feed or by using the <itunes:new-feed-url> tag in the OLD XML file on the old server to point it in the correct direction. By either method, iTunes needs to be able to access the old location in order to update it to the new one. If the IP address and server no longer exist and can't be recreated the only other solution, removing and re-submitting the feed may be the only option.

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