UPDATE Statement with subquerry and join

I have 2 tables (say, employee and dept). employee.empno and dept.empno.
These tables are not joined.
I want to update the first name (fname) in employee WHERE employee.empno = dept.empno
My query is :
UPDATE emp SET fname='jack' WHERE exists(select * from emp,dept where emp.empno = dept.empno)
But this query updates all the records.... even where there is no corresponding record in dept
For example, emp has empno values of 10,20,30,40 and dept has empno values of 10 and 20 only,
yet all records in emp are updated.
Can someone help me ???

That is because an UPDATE statemente without a WHERE clause will update all of the rows.
There are three parts to an UPDATE
UPDATE tablename
SET columnlist
The UPDATE clause specifies the table to update.
The SET clause specifies the columns to update and the values to use to update them.
The WHERE clause specified which records in the table to update.
No WHERE clause means update all rows.
The correlated subquery in the SET clause has nothing to do with the WHERE clause that determines which rows get updated. You have to be very careful to also include a WHERE clause (that often duplicates the WHERE clause in the subquery) or you will set columns to NULL that don't get values returned from the subquery.
Alias the emp table being updated and do not include the emp table in the subquery.
Also I suggest you use 'X' (or any constant that is not actually in the table) in the EXISTS test.
UPDATE emp e SET fname='jack' WHERE exists(select 'x' from dept where e.empno = dept.empno)
WHERE exists (select 'x' from dept where e.empno = dept.empno

Similar Messages

  • Error in UPDATE statement with SET and JOIN

    UPDATE lms_assessment_student QS JOIN lms_assessment_student_ans QA ON QS.pk_Assessment_Stud_Id = QA.fk_Assessment_Stud_Id SET QA.Mark = 1, QA.Comment_Field = 1 WHERE QS.pk_Assessment_Stud_Id = 1 AND QA.Question_Id = 1;
    The above statement when executing is showing ORA-00971: missing SET keyword. so i changed it to
    UPDATE lms_assessment_student QS SET QA.Mark = 1, QA.Comment_Field = 1 WHERE QS.pk_Assessment_Stud_Id = 1 AND QA.Question_Id = 1 JOIN lms_assessment_student_ans QA ON QS.pk_Assessment_Stud_Id = QA.fk_Assessment_Stud_Id ;
    and it showing ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended.So can anyone help me in solving this problem
    Thanking you in advance

    Hi ,
    So many errors
    UPDATE lms_assessment_student QS SET QA.Mark = 1, QA.Comment_Field = 1 WHERE QS.pk_Assessment_Stud_Id = 1 AND QA.Question_Id = 1 JOIN lms_assessment_student_ans QA ON QS.pk_Assessment_Stud_Id = QA.fk_Assessment_Stud_Id ;
    and it showing ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended.So can anyone help me in solving this problem
    first thing u want to update qa and u write update QS ??
    Second y do u want to join??? just put the condition
    UPDATE lms_assessment_student_ans
    SET lms_assessment_student_ans.Mark = 1,
    lms_assessment_student_ans.Comment_Field = 1
    WHERE lms_assessment_student.pk_Assessment_Stud_Id = 1
    AND lms_assessment_student.pk_Assessment_Stud_Id = QA.fk_Assessment_Stud_Id
    Hope it works for u..

  • Update statement with CASE and banding

    Hello Folks,
    I am stuck and am going nowhere.
    I have two tables
    MinuteCategoryId (surrogate key)
    Sample from Minute Lookup table ..
    1 1
    15 <15 min
    2 16
    30 <30 min
    3 31
    45 <45 min
    4 46
    60 <60 minutes
    5 61
    75 <1 hour 15 minutes
    I am trying to update the MinuteCategory column in the MinuteCategory table using the MinuteLookup table.
    For example if the minute = 33 then the corresponding lookup value would be 3 (from the lookup table), because the 
    33rd minute falls in between 31 min and 45 min and the corresponding surrogate key is 3
    Is this possible with an Update statement in SQL? The only thing i can think of is use case statement as the join key between
    the two tables but i don't think it's going to work :(
    SET MinuteCategory = ml.MinuteCategoryId
    FROM MinuteCategory mc join MinuteLookup ml on mc.Minute = 
    CASE WHEN mc.Minute between ml.MinuteLow and ml.MinuteHigh THEN ml.MinuteCategoryId ELSE NULL
    Would appreciate any help.

    Please post DDL, so that people do not have to guess what the keys, constraints, Declarative Referential Integrity, data types, etc. in your schema are. Learn how to follow ISO-11179 data element naming conventions and formatting rules. Temporal data should
    use ISO-8601 formats. Code should be in Standard SQL as much as possible and not local dialect. 
    This is minimal polite behavior on SQL forums. 
    >> I have two tables <<
    Have you read any book on data, so you have some idea what a “<something>_category” means? THINK!! A minute is unit of temporal measurement. By definition, it cannot be a category. 
    There is no such thing as a “<something>_category_id”; a data element is a “<something>_category” or a “<something>_id”, as per basic data modeling. 
    Use a table of time slots set to one more decimal second of precision than your data. You can now use temporal math to add it to a DATE to TIME(1) get a full DATETIME2(0). Here is the basic skeleton. 
    CREATE TABLE Timeslots
    (slot_start_time TIME(1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
     slot_end_time TIME(1) NOT NULL,
     CHECK (start_time < end_time));
    INSERT INTO Timeslots  --15 min intervals
    VALUES ('00:00:00.0', '00:14:59.9'),
    ('00:15:00.0', '00:29:59.9'),
    ('00:30:00.0', '00:44:59.9'),
    ('00:45:00.0', '01:00:59.9'), 
    ('23:45:00.0', '23:59:59.9'); 
    Here is the basic query for rounding down to a time slot. 
    SELECT CAST (@in_timestamp AS DATE), T.start_time
      FROM Timeslots AS T
     WHERE CAST (@in_timestamp AS TIME)
           BETWEEN T.slot_start_time 
               AND T.slot_end_time;
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
    in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

  • Update Statement With Decode and Business Dates

    Hello everyone,
    I need to write a UPDATE statement using business date rule. In general, the due date is 30 days from the checkout date. If the due date falls on a Saturday or Sunday then the loan period is 32 days.
    I know that to test for a weekday, I'd need to use the to_char function in Oracle with the format of ‘D’. I did some research and found that to test which weekday November 12, 2007 falls on, I'd need to use the expression to_char(’12-NOV-2007’,’D’). This function returns a number between 1 and 7. 1 represents Sunday, 2 Monday, …,7 Saturday.
    What I really would need to do is write one UPDATE statement using an expression with the Decode function and the to_Char function:
    UPDATE book_trans SET due_dte = expression
    These are the transactions that will need to be updated:
    ISBN 0-07-225790-3 checked out on 15-NOV-2007 by employee 101(book_trans_id=1)
    ISBN 0-07-225790-3 checked out on 12-NOV-2007 by employee 151(book_trans_id=2)
    ISBN 0-201-69471-9 checked out on 14-NOV-2007 by employee 175(book_trans_id=3)
    ISBN 0-12-369379-9 checked out on 16-NOV-2007 by employee 201(book_trans_id=4)
    I manually calculated the due-dte and wrote update statement for each book_trans_id:
    UPDATE book_trans SET due_dte = '17-dec-07' WHERE book_trans_id = 1;
    UPDATE book_trans SET due_dte = '12-dec-07' WHERE book_trans_id = 2;
    UPDATE book_trans SET due_dte = '14-dec-07' WHERE book_trans_id = 3;
    UPDATE book_trans SET due_dte = '18-dec-07' WHERE book_trans_id = 4;
    As you can see, it's very cumbersome and I'd just like to know how to incorporate everything in one Update statement:
    UPDATE book_trans SET due_dte = expression
    so that if due date falls on Saturday or Sunday, the loan period is 32 days; weekday, loan period is 30 days.
    Any tips or help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    882300 wrote:
    Hello everyone,
    I need to write a UPDATE statement using business date rule. In general, the due date is 30 days from the checkout date. If the due date falls on a Saturday or Sunday then the loan period is 32 days. That's equivalent to saying that the due date is normally 30 days after the checkout date, but if the checkout date falls on a Thursday or Friday, then the due date is 32 days after the checkout date. I used this equivalent in the statement below.
    I know that to test for a weekday, I'd need to use the to_char function in Oracle with the format of ‘D’. I did some research and found that to test which weekday November 12, 2007 falls on, I'd need to use the expression to_char(’12-NOV-2007’,’D’). This function returns a number between 1 and 7. 1 represents Sunday, 2 Monday, …,7 Saturday.That's just one way to find out the weekday, and it's error-prone because it depends on your NLS_TERRITORY setting. A more reliable way is to use 'DY' or 'DAY' as the 2nd argument to TO_CHAR. That depends on NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE, but you can explicitly set the language in the optional 3rd argument to TO_CHAR, which means your code will work the same no matter what the NLS settings happen to be. It's also easier to debug: you may have to think whether '1' means Sunday or Monday, but it's easy to remember that 'SUN' means Sunday.
    What I really would need to do is write one UPDATE statement using an expression with the Decode function and the to_Char function:
    UPDATE book_trans SET due_dte = expressionHere's one way:
    UPDATE  book_trans
    SET     due_dte = checkout_dte + CASE
                                      WHEN  TO_CHAR ( checkout_dte
                                             , 'fmDAY'
                                     , 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=ENGLISH'
                                     ) IN ('THURSDAY', 'FRIDAY')
                             THEN  32
                             ELSE  30
    WHERE   book_trans_id      IN (1, 2, 3, 4)
    ;This assumes that checkout date is a column in the same table.

  • Update Statement with left outer join

    i have to update a column in table "a" from table "b" and both of them joined with left outer join
    How can I do this
    Thanks in Advance

    Please consider the following when you post a question. This would help us help you better
    1. New features keep coming in every oracle version so please provide Your Oracle DB Version to get the best possible answer.
    You can use the following query and do a copy past of the output.
    select * from v$version 2. This forum has a very good Search Feature. Please use that before posting your question. Because for most of the questions
    that are asked the answer is already there.
    3. We dont know your DB structure or How your Data is. So you need to let us know. The best way would be to give some sample data like this.
    I have the following table called sales
    with sales
          select 1 sales_id, 1 prod_id, 1001 inv_num, 120 qty from dual
          union all
          select 2 sales_id, 1 prod_id, 1002 inv_num, 25 qty from dual
    select *
      from sales 4. Rather than telling what you want in words its more easier when you give your expected output.
    For example in the above sales table, I want to know the total quantity and number of invoice for each product.
    The output should look like this
    Prod_id   sum_qty   count_inv
    1         145       2 5. When ever you get an error message post the entire error message. With the Error Number, The message and the Line number.
    6. Next thing is a very important thing to remember. Please post only well formatted code. Unformatted code is very hard to read.
    Your code format gets lost when you post it in the Oracle Forum. So in order to preserve it you need to
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    7. If you are posting a *Performance Related Question*. Please read
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  • Update statement with inner join

    Hello everyone. I am am trying to do an update statement with an inner join. I have found several examples of SQL statements that work with Sql server and mysql but they don't work in Oracle. Does anyone know the proper way in Oracle 10G? I am trying to update all fields in one table from fields in another table.
    for example:
    UPDATE table3
    TL3.name = TL2.name,
    TL3.status = TL2.status,
    TL3.date = TL2.date
    FROM table3 TL3 JOIN table2 TL2
    ON (TL3.unique_id = TL2.unique_id);
    any help will be appreciated.

    You can also use MERGE, like this:
    MERGE INTO  table3     dst
    USING   (
             SELECT  unique_id
             ,         name
             ,         status
             ,         dt          -- DATE is not a good column name
             FROM    table2
         )          src
    ON     (dst.unique_id     = src.unique_id)
    SET     dst.name     = src.name
    ,     dst.status     = src.status
    ,     dst.dt          = src.dt
    ;Unlike UPDATE, this lets you avoid essentially doing the same sub-query twice: once in the SET clause and then again in the WHERE clause.
    Like UPDATE, you don't acutally join the table being changed (table3 in this case) to the other table(s); that is, the FROM clause of the suib-query does not include table3.
    Riedelme is right; you'll get better response to SQL questions like this in the SQL and PL/SQL forum:

  • Update statement with joining other tables

    Hi ,
    I have two table one is containing xml file , basically i need to read from those xml file then update to another table based on some condition.
      case when xbrl.isconsolidatedacc='Y' and EXTRACTVALUE(XBRL.XBRLFILE,'//PROFIT ', 'xmlns:acra="..."') is not null
      THEN EXTRACTVALUE(XBRL.XBRLFILE,'//PROFIT ', 'xmlns:acra="..."')
      THEN extractValue(XBRL.xbrlfile,'//PROFIT ', 'xmlns:acra=".."')
      case when xbrl.isconsolidatedacc='Y' and EXTRACTVALUE(XBRL.XBRLFILE,'//REVENUE', 'xmlns:acra="..."') is not null
      THEN EXTRACTVALUE(XBRL.XBRLFILE,'//REVENUE.', 'xmlns:acra="..."')
      THEN extractValue(XBRL.xbrlfile,'//REVENUE', 'xmlns:acra="REVENUE"')
      ... (around 100 columns)
    WHERE STG.XBRL_ID = XBRL.XBRL_ID Number of columns are around 100 , please anyone suggest how to use update statement with joining two tables.

    If all the values needed to update a given row of table_x are coming from the same row of table_y (or from the same row of a result set of a query involving any number of tables), then you can do something like this:
    UPDATE  table_x  x
    SET     (col1, col2, col3, ...)
    =     (
             SELECT  NVL (y.col1, x.col1)
             ,         NVL (y.col2, x.col2)
             ,         NVL (y.col3, x.col3)
             FROM    table_y  y
             WHERE   x.pkey   = y.expr
             AND         ...
    WHERE   ...
    ;If the WHERE clause depends on the same row of table_y, then it will probably be simpler and more efficient to use MERGE instead of UPDATE.
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all the tables involved, and the results you want from that data.
    In the case of a DML operation (such as UPDATE) the sample data should show what the tables are like before the DML, and the results will be the contents of the changed table(s) after the DML.
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get those results from that data.
    Always say what version of Oracle you're using (e.g.
    See the forum FAQ {message:id=9360002}

  • Customer Statement with opening and closing balances

    Dear Forum,
    The users want to generate the Customer Statement with opening and closing balances like the traditional one. The statement now generated gives the list of all open items as on date, but the users want the statement with opening balances as on the date of the begining of the range specified and the closing balance at the end of the period for which the statement is generated. Is there a way to generate the same from the system.
    Thanks for the help.

    SPRO> Financial Accounting (New) > Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable > Customer Accounts > Line Items > Correspondence > Make and Check Settings for Correspondence
    You can use the program RFKORD10 with correspondance type SAP06 for your company code
    This program prints account statements and open items lists for customers and vendors in letter form. For account statements, all postings between two key dates, as well as the opening and closing balance, are listed.

  • Update statement with inner join issues

    I have searched for the answer on this and not really 100%....so figured I would ask...be nice :)
    what have I done wrong? Or am I just going about this the wrong way? I have looked at the oracle docs and I can't find an example showing me this. I do see where you SET values based on the select query results. I want to update the result of a query based on the join with static values....
    UPDATE table.a
    SET table.a_STATUS=9,table.a.INDEX = 'N'
    WHERE (SELECT table.a INNER JOIN table.b ON (table.a.COMPANY = table.b.COMPANY) AND (table.a.PO_NUMBER =table.b.PO_NUMBER) AND (table.a.PO_RELEASE =table.b.PO_RELEASE) AND (table.a.PO_CODE =table.b.PO_CODE) AND (table.a_STATUS=1) AND (table.b.CLOSED_FL = 'Y'));

    Welcome to the forum!
    user11360811 wrote:
    I have searched for the answer on this and not really 100%....so figured I would ask...be nice :)
    what have I done wrong? Or am I just going about this the wrong way? I have looked at the oracle docs and I can't find an example showing me this. I do see where you SET values based on the select query results. I want to update the result of a query based on the join with static values....
    UPDATE table.aThat's updating a table called A in a schema called TABLE (which is not a good name for any user-named object). Are those really your table and schema names? Perhaps you meant to have an underscore instead of a dot:
    UPDATE  table_ais much, much more reasonable. It means the table name is TABLE_A (a perfectly good name) in the current schema.
    SET table.a_STATUS=9,table.a.INDEX = 'N'
    WHERE ( ...There's a syntax error. You can't just say
    "WHERE (sub-query)"; it has to be
    "WHERE EXISTS (sub-suery)" or
    "WHERE (sub-query) = some_value" or
    "WHERE some_value IN (sub_query)", or something similar. WHERE can never be used without some kind of comparison operator, such as EXISTS, = or IN.
    SELECT table.a INNER JOIN table.b ON ...Here are some more syntax errors. The correct syntax for any query is
    SELECT  column_list
    FROM    table_name ...If table.a is your (first) table name, then you're missing the list of columns to SELECT, and the mandatory keyword FROM.
    (table.a.COMPANY = table.b.COMPANY) AND (table.a.PO_NUMBER =table.b.PO_NUMBER) AND (table.a.PO_RELEASE =table.b.PO_RELEASE) AND (table.a.PO_CODE =table.b.PO_CODE) AND (table.a_STATUS=1) AND (table.b.CLOSED_FL = 'Y'));Some general advice about UPDATE:
    If it's not obvious how to use UPDATE to do what you want, then there's a good chance that UPDATE is the wrong tool for the job. MERGE might be much simpler, and more efficient as well. This is especially likely if you need to join the table that's being updated to some other table.
    Whenever you have a problem, please post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) from all tables involved. That way, the people who want to help you can re-create the problem and test their ideas.
    Also post the results you want from that data, and an explanation of how you get those results from that data, with specific examples.
    Simplify the problem as much as possible. Remove all tables and columns that play no role in this problem.
    If you're asking about a DML statement, such as UPDATE, the CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements should re-create the tables as they are before the DML, and the results will be the contents of the changed table(s) when everything is finished.
    Always say which version of Oracle you're using (for example,
    See the forum FAQ {message:id=9360002}
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Jan 17, 2013 4:58 PM

  • Need help to write a query for Update statement with  join

    Hi there,
    The following update statement gives me error as the given table in set statement is invalid. But its the right table .
    Is the statement correct? Please help .
    update (
           select distinct(vpproadside.VEHICLE_CRED_OVERRIDE.vin)            
             from vpproadside.VEHICLE_CRED_OVERRIDE
             join vpproadside.vpp_vehicle
               on vpproadside.vpp_vehicle.vin = vpproadside.VEHICLE_CRED_OVERRIDE.vin
            where VPP_CARRIER_SEQ_NUMBER = 90
              and EXPIRY_DATE = '17-MAR-10'
       set vpproadside.VEHICLE_CRED_OVERRIDE.EXPIRY_DATE = '15-SEP-10';Edited by: Indhu Ram on Mar 12, 2010 1:00 PM
    Edited by: Indhu Ram on Mar 12, 2010 1:22 PM
    Edited by: Indhu Ram on Mar 12, 2010 2:35 PM
    Edited by: Indhu Ram on Mar 15, 2010 8:04 AM
    Edited by: Indhu Ram on Mar 15, 2010 8:06 AM
    Edited by: Indhu Ram on Mar 15, 2010 8:28 AM

    Ask Tom has very good discussion about this, if UPDATE does not work for PK issue, you can use MERGE

  • Update statement with joins

    Hi all, consider the tables and data below
    INSERT INTO table1 VALUES(111,2,0);
    INSERT INTO table1 VALUES(111,1,2);
    INSERT INTO table1 VALUES(111,1,3);
    INSERT INTO table1 VALUES(222,1,3);
    INSERT INTO table2 VALUES(111,5,8);
    INSERT INTO table2 VALUES(222,6,7);
    what i want to do is write a UPDATE STATEMENT that joins the two tables BY id
    and update table1 rows. i want to include the following CASE statement
    UPDATE COLUMN a intable1 according to this logic
    WHEN b >0
    THEN nvl(c,b)
    so table1 after the update should look like this
    id    a   b
    111   8   0
    111   5   2
    111   5   3
    222   6   3can somebody help write a update statement that update table1 according to case statement and joins both tables to get the values necessary? thanks

    Hooray for sample tables!
    SQL> alter table table2 add constraint table2_pk primary key (id);
    Table altered.
    SQL> update
      2     (select t1.a
      3            ,case when t1.b > 0 then nvl(t2.c, t1.b)
      4                  else t2.d
      5             end new_value
      6      from   table1 t1
      7      join   table2 t2
      8             on t1.id = t2.id
      9     )
    10  set a = new_value;
    4 rows updated.
    SQL> select * from table1;
                      ID                    A                    B
                     111                    8                    0
                     111                    5                    2
                     111                    5                    3
                     222                    6                    3

  • Update statement with nested selects and alias usage

    Hello, we are trying to build an update statement like this...
    update table1 t1
    set attr1 = ( select someattr
    from (nested select 1) as aux1
    (nested select 2 (nested select 2.1 + nested select 2.2)) ) as aux2
    where some_join_clauses
    where t1.attr2 = 123
    and t1.attr3 = 'abc'
    Alias t1 shound be known at the level of nested select 1,2 and 2.1, 2.2? We are receiving an error message saying that t1.someattr is an invalid identifier. Can you help? Thanks!

    mauramos wrote:
    Hello, we are trying to build an update statement like this...
    update table1 t1
    set attr1 = ( select someattr
    from (nested select 1) as aux1
    (nested select 2 (nested select 2.1 + nested select 2.2)) ) as aux2
    where some_join_clauses
    where t1.attr2 = 123
    and t1.attr3 = 'abc'
    Alias t1 shound be known at the level of nested select 1,2 and 2.1, 2.2? We are receiving an error message saying that t1.someattr is an invalid identifier. Can you help? Thanks!You can only reference elements nested 1 level deeper in a correlated update statement.
    I'd suggest you try with the MERGE statement, or alternatively, post some sample data (insert statements) and table DDL (create statements), with an 'expected output' description and we can try to help you build a suitable statement.

  • Dynamic UPDATE statement with parameters for column names.

    On this* website I read "The SQL string can contain placeholders for bind arguments, but bind values cannot be used to pass in the names of schema objects (table or column names). You may pass in numeric, date, and string expressions, but not a BOOLEAN or NULL literal value"
    On the other hand, in this Re: execute immediate with dynamic column name update and many other
    posts people use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to create a dynamic UPDATE statement.
    dynSQL:='UPDATE CO_STAT2 CO SET CO.'||P_ENT_B_G_NAME||' = '||P_ENT_E_G_WE||'
    '||P_ST||' = CO.ST AND
    CO.'||P_ENT_E_G_NAME||' > '||P_ENT_E_G_WE||' AND
    CO.'||P_ENT_B_G_NAME||' < '||P_ENT_E_G_WE||');';
    Since this statement is part of a Stored Procedure, I wont see the exact error but just get a ORA-06512.
    The compiling works fine and I use Oracle 11g.

    OK I extracted from all of your posts so far that I have to use "bind-variables with :"
    From all the other tuorials and forums posts, I assume using the pipe is correct so I added those as well into the script:
    set serveroutput on format wraped;
    dynSQL VARCHAR2(5000);
    P_ENT_E_G_NAME VARCHAR2 (100) :='test1'; P_ENT_E_G_WE VARCHAR2 (100) :='01.02.2012'; P_ENT_B_G_NAME VARCHAR2 (100) :='01.01.2012';
    P_ST                VARCHAR2 (100) :='32132';
    dynSQL:= 'UPDATE CO_STAT2 CO SET CO.'||:P_ENT_B_G_NAME||' = '||:P_ENT_E_G_WE||'
                  '||:P_ST||'                           = CO.ST                  AND
                  CO.'||:P_ENT_E_G_NAME||'     > '||:P_ENT_E_G_WE||' AND
    < '||:P_ENT_E_G_WE||')';
    --this is somehow missing after the last < '||:P_ENT_E_G_WE||')';
    END;Problem:I think I figured it out, the dates that I parse into the query need additional '

  • Update statement with Case

    I need to construct an SQL Update statement that uses a case statement.
    I was able to construct one:
    UPDATE tableB
    SET col1 = CASE WHEN (0, 0) = (SELECT col1, col2
    FROM tableA
    WHERE <tableA constraints> )
    THEN "this value"
    ELSE "that value"
    WHERE <tableB constraints>;
    But what I need to do now is to have some comparison inside the CASE WHEN statement, like:
    UPDATE tableB
    SET col1 = CASE WHEN (SELECT col1 from tableA WHERE <tableA constraints> > 0
    SELECT col2 from tableA WHERE <tableA constraints> > 0
    THEN "this value"
    ELSE "that value"
    WHERE <tableB constraints>;
    Basically, the case would need to pass two (or more) constraints before updating the valuefor tableB.
    By the way, I was able to do this with just one constraint inside the case statement, but I need to pass more than one constraint inside the case.
    Your inputs would be highly appreciated. Thanks.
    Edited by: BatutaBunsing on Jul 22, 2009 6:42 PM

    Example Test
    UPDATE emp
    SET    ename = CASE
                     WHEN (SELECT 1
                           FROM   dual
                           WHERE  1 = 1) > 0 --// condition TRUE
                          AND (SELECT 1
                               FROM   dual
                               WHERE  1 = 1) > 0  --// condition TRUE
                     THEN 'this value'
                     ELSE 'that value'
    WHERE  empno = 7369
    1 row updated.
    SQL> select * from emp ;
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
          7369 this value CLERK           7902 17-DEC-80        800                    99
          7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN        7698 20-FEB-81       1600        300         30
    UPDATE emp
    SET    ename = CASE
                      WHEN (SELECT 1
                            FROM   dual
                            WHERE  1 = 2) > 0 --// condition FALSE
                           AND (SELECT 1
                                FROM   dual
                                WHERE  1 = 1) > 0 --// condition TRUE
                      THEN 'this value'
                      ELSE 'that value'
    WHERE  empno = 7369
    1 row updated.
    SQL> select * from emp ;
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
          7369 that value CLERK           7902 17-DEC-80        800                    99
          7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN        7698 20-FEB-81       1600        300         30
          7521 WARD       SALESMAN        7698 22-FEB-81       1250        500         30

  • FI Customer Account Statement with Debit and Credit Columns

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