Updated software - All files lost

I updated my ipod touch to the latest software. Before updating I right-clicked on the ipod icon and clicked "back up." After the software was installed I right-clicked the ipod icon and clicked "restore from backup." My music and media were never restored, although my notes and other files seem to be intact. How can I restore my media? If it's lost for good, what did I do wrong?

- iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iOS device or iPod to a computer
- For other media you need a third-party program like one of those discussed here:
newer copy

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    Please ignore the previous unrelated reply - I will deal with it separately.
    I must first say that this is a very puzzling problem, and that I have never heard of anything like it.  Apart from the missing desktop content, it also puzzles me that you state your Adobe Reader version as 9.34, when the latest Reader version is actually 9.3.2.
    Anyway, how to solve it?  Can I assume that you do not have a very recent backup, from where you can simply restore all the lost content?
    I do not know if your desktop content is really gone (deleted), or if it is somehow just not visible.  There are a few things we can try, but I strongly suggest that you make a full backup of your system before you try anything!
    Since I have never seen this before, I cannot make any definitive recommendations, but just suggest what I would do if that happened on my computer.  Again, not before making a full backup.
    Uninstall Adobe Reader.
    System Restore to a time before the problem started.
    Check the following registry keys, if they have a value 'NoDesktop', and what it is set to
    If you are on XP Pro, you can use gpedit.msc to check these settings (Configuration | Administrative Templates | Desktop ["Hide and disable all items on the desktop"]).
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    If they are not on the iPod or computer they are gone. However, iTunes purchases can be redownload by:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
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    You is using a DBLINK and that username/password is incorrect.
    if you don't know what DBLINK is using, you can query the DBA_DB_LINKS:
    SQL> desc dba_db_links;
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    OWNER                                     NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
    DB_LINK                                   NOT NULL VARCHAR2(128)
    USERNAME                                           VARCHAR2(30)
    HOST                                               VARCHAR2(2000)
    CREATED                                   NOT NULL DATE
    after that you need recreate it:
    conn / as sysdba
    create public database link <TARGET_DB_NAME> using '<TARGET_DB_NAME>';
    conn strmadmin/strmadmin@<SOURCE_DB_NAME>
    create database link <TARGET_DB_NAME> connect to strmadmin identified by strmadmin;

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    Sorry floydgene, if you lost the Hotsync files on the desktop computer, there is nothing left.
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    What this won't do, however, is re-associate your purchases and downloads.
    Message was edited by: yantubos
    Message was edited by: yantubos

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    To properly close an app that is not responding use:
    Command-OPtion-Escape keys
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    Something you either did ON the Mac, or a problem WITH the Mac caused you to lose the data a second time.
    1. Safeguard the data on the external backup,....do you know how to find the data on the TM backup?  If so do you have a second HD to copy photos and files to before going further?
    2. As to the Mac further information is needed for someone here to diagnose your Mac as to what you did, OR what is going on with same.
    After 1 and 2, in the future always always have 2 copies of your data, not just a time machine backup, which is an emergency backup, NOT an archive of data you DONT DARE LOSE.

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    See my response to your other post. In the future please post in only one forum.

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    THis is now the 5 th time I have written this !!!
    I have a iPhone  4s i did the software update ages ago and lost the camera roll .....then I did the update and all my photos returned ...now on Christmas eve they all dissapeared
    I now just albums .... All Photos  but that only has 77 photos ,  and that's it over 1000 photos have just gone ??
    PLease help me !!

    Why should we care how many times you've written this?  Are you making multiple threads?  Are they being deleted by the Hosts?
    Did you make a backup of your iPhone before you updated the iOS?
    Did you import the photos to your computer?
    Were the photos in the Camera Roll, Photo Stream or synced iTunes albums?

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    Apps are only tied to one account... You can set up two iTunes accounts on your computer, however, and let his iPad sync to his account. If he has never backed up his apps to a computer, however, he will have to redownload all the apps. Afterwards, he can backup to iCloud instead of your computer.

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    You calendar info should also be mirrored on your computer. Use the option to replace all events on the iPod with the info on your computer during the next sync. You can find this option in the info pane, Advanced section.
    You can also use the latest backup to restore from, it contains the calendar info as well: iTunes: About iOS backups

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    Hi shage
    Welcome to the Community
    Do have media card installed in your device, Please try this Open BBM - Press the Menu key -  Options - Scroll down to Backup Managment - Then Click Restore .If you have any previous Backup you will get your contacts back.
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