Updating an App purchased directly (not through AppStore)

Many years ago, I purchased Apple Remote Desktop from Apple. I paid for some upgrades, and got some via the software update mechanism.  The current version on my machine is 3.7.2, installed in March, 2014, and it seems to work fine, at least for the purposes for which I use it.
However, the newer App Store based version of software update keeps telling me that there is an update available, and identifies the program as Apple Remote Desktop, and then tells me that the new version is 3.7.2 (which is what I have now).  When I attempt to install this "update," I get a message that this is not possible -- not for the reason you might think (it's already installed), but rather
"This update is not available for this Apple ID either because it was bought by a different user or the item was refunded or cancelled."
I think this has something to do with the fact that the software was not originally purchased through the App Store, but is there any way to correct this situation, so that (a) it will stop telling me regularly about this update that it wants (but refuses) to install, and (b) real updates will be available in the future?

Remote Desktop Client perpetual update

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