Updating and charging problem...

When I updated my ipod mini everything went fine until when it said to connect to the wall charger after it uploaded the songs, etc. When it flashed the apple logo and the connect to wall graphic thing on the screen i did so and now it won't do anything else. I tried resetting it and it does the same thing. iTunes won't acknowledge the ipod and all it does when its being charged via the wall or computer is flash the apple logo and then the plug into wall logo. Please help. Thanks

Have you tried a hard reset??

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    We can't know. You have not provided any exact system info or other details like the install/ update logs. You can always run the cleaner and start from scratch.
    Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6
    Troubleshoot Creative Cloud download and install issues

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    Satellite A305-S6905 
    I could not get the sleep and charge feature to work.
    That may be a setting in the BIOS. Check it out.
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    (Apologies for barging in Steve.)
    These ones are typically caused by underlying problems on the PC that also often cause Windows Updates to fail to install. If we can fix the Windows Update trouble, we can usually get the iTunes trouble cleaned up en passant.
    Go into your Windows update and try to check for new updates. If updates install, stock up on the ones you're behind on, restarting the PC if requested to do so. After the restart, try installing iTunes again. Does it go through this time for you?
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    andrewgodin wrote:
    Here is what worked for me in dealing with this hot mess.
    Using iTunes, I went to each individual iPad and restored it to factory settings.  Takes about 5 minutes per iPad. 
    When it was done, I didn't set it up as a new iPad, I simply clicked the "eject" button so it no longer appeared in my list, which prevented me from restoring the same iPad twice and wasting time.
    Once all of them were done, which took an entire day, I opened up the updated version of configurator.  All of the iPads restored and installed the apps that I need and the problem was solved.
    Did this about five minutes ago.  Time will tell if it sticks, but for now, they are fixed.
    You could probably try to downgrade your iOS7 cart back to iOS6, that's what I ended up doing.

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    Hi kenyapithicus,
    Welcome to the forum! 
    For which phone model is this? You may check this link for information about software updates: Nokia Software Update By the way, can you give us more details about the WhatsApp issue? What connection are you referring to (Wi-Fi, mobile data, etc.)?
    We'll wait for your response. 

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    Huntr23 wrote:
    My Zen vsion M was baught from creative refurbished. It was working fine but stopped. I couldn't connect it to my computer because it wouldn't recognize that it was plugged in. There fore my battery couldn't charge and eventually ran out. If i plug it into my computer it has a black screen with the beattery charging symbol in the corner and the blue light under the power button blinks. Although it is plugged in it won't charge. I have had it plugged in to try and charge it for over 2 hours but it built up no charge. On any random occasion the Zen turns on and functions like it normally would only while being plugged it but it only functions as the player portion. It doesnt sync or recognize that its plugged in. What can i do to fix it's
    Are you still within the warranty ? If so send it back or buy a wall charger for it. The PSP (playstation portable) wall charger will work & is safe for the player using the Creative dongle .

  • IOS 7.1.1 update and restoring problem

    Hi there,
    So this morning I woke up and my iphone 4S came up with the 7.1.1 OS update. I decided to update it so i clicked install. Once i clicked install the verifying update message came up (which was expected) and i thought ill put it on our little black charger usb that plugs into the DVD box. I walked away and came back and I saw the apple logo come up like the phone was turning on. I automatically thought okay its almost done. So i left it for another ten minutes and went back. When i took it off it came up with a message saying i didnt have enough room. I began deleting a couple of photos and apps and clicked install again although i didnt put it on charge. After about ten minutes I looked back and my phone was off so i held the lock button to turn it on. It started with the apple logo coming up like it was starting up but then a charger plug came up pointing towards the Itunes logo above.
    It wouldnt let me do anything else. So i plugged in into the computer and a message came up saying something along the lines of "this phone needs to be restored".
    clicking okay there was an option saying restore phone. Realising it was the only the I could do I clicked the option with pain (knowing all my photos would most likely be deleted).
    A loading bar began saying 45 minutes so i left it for about 30. I then came back and an error came up saying it could not download, network connection lost or something.
    Does anyone know whats happened to my phone or know how to at least restore it? Even if you have any input or possiblities of what you think might be the problem please comment!
    Also if there is a way to save my photos please tell me

    Its an Iphone 4S

  • 10.4.7 update and USB problems

    I have been experiencing problems with my USB devices (other than my Apple mouse and keyboard) since updating to 10.4.7. I have a card reader, a Palm device, a USB midi keyboard and a digital camera dock connected to a USB hub connected to the back of my Studio Display.
    Randomly they start to beep like they do when the system boots or they are connected or reconnected without anything or anyone touching them. Sometimes they just beep, other times I lose functionality until I disconnect and reconnect the hub or device.
    I have disconnected all, and connected just one or another (without the hub as well) but no matter what is connected I still get the same issue of the system thinking the devices are connecting or disconnecting at random times. This is new with 10.4.7, as I have had the same hardware connected as far back as 10.2. Anyone else having this problem, loss of USB functionality or sollution for such since updating to 10.4.7?

    I too am having many of the same issues as all of you. I have my keyboard, mouse, and printer hooked up to a NEC USB 2.0 Manual Share Switch Hub. The hub is connected to a non-factory USB 2.0 card I installed in my PowerMac. Before the 10.4.7 update, I had none of these following problems.
    Everything works and has worked great until I put the computer to sleep. Upon waking, the USB hub refuses to acknowledge my computer. I also get two strange beeps as it is waking. And because my input devices are hooked up to the hub, I am unable to do anything but restart the computer, upon which all becomes well again with the usb hub.
    I defintely prefer to put my computer to sleep rather than restarting it everytime. Hopefully apple provides a fix soon; I really don't feel like messing with extensions. I could always revert back to 10.4.6, but I guess I was being optimistic that the fix would come soon. APPLE, get on it!
    PowerMac G4: Dual 500 mhz, 1 gig RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  
    PowerMac G4: Dual 500 mhz, 1 gig RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  
    PowerMac G4: Dual 500 mhz, 1 gig RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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    I updated iPad gen 4 to OS 8.1.3, left iPad to finish installing and came back to find screen with iTunes icon dead center with arrow then power cord symbol leading to power input. In checked charger and it is functioning. On/off Home just repeats cycle of Apple logo black screen then iTunes icon over and over. How do I get out of this mess?

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