Updating Cons Group in BW

Dear All,
In ECCS (client 800), some changes were made to the consolidation structure.  This change has not updated into BW overnight as expected.  Can someone tell me how to update this into BW ?
In RSRT, there is a sub-menu called "Productive process chains: metachains", and in there is a chain called "Masterdata: Z_CONS"... i'm guessing this is the correct chain, but would appreciate your comment if possible.
Many thanks,

As per document  https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/90836e30-1582-2910-03a6-86671428d994 in page no 23 It says:
For InfoCube and DataStore Object a Data Object can be defined by either
semantically by selecting a subset of characteristics or technically by a certain size
limit. In the first case data records are retrieved from the InfoProvider sorted by the
selected characteristics (tab "semantic group" of the Data Archiving Process
maintenance). For each distinct combination of values for those characteristics a new
Data Object is created. If no characteristics are chosen for a semantic grouping data
will be retrieved unsorted and will be split into Data Object by a technically size limit.
Thank you,

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    It is suggested you read the SAP BCS help for cons group changes.
    In most cases the cons units should not be removed from the "divesting" cons group when adding it to another cons group. The cons group master data for the "divesting" cons group should simply be updated for these units with a period/year of divestiture - the period of change.
    Additionally the cons group changes tasks move the balance sheet items from the "divesting" cons group to the "acquiring" group with posting level 02. 12 and 22 records to allow for reporting of pre- and post- change reporting on these cons groups.

  • Change of Company code from one Cons Group to another Cons Group.

    Dear All,
    Please advise on change of company code from one Cons Group to another Cons Group , we have Cons Structure - at present few companies are in one cons group and as a policy we have to move the companies to another cons group. So please advise me what will be the case if we move int he following senarios:
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    The changes are not complicated but company A must be placed in cons group BB as of period 12 2008 and in the master data of the cons group it should be indicated that the first consolidation is at the end of the period (EOP). Likewise in cons group AA must continue to include company A but in the cons group master data it must be indicated that the period of divestiture is 12 2008 EOP.
    The cons group changes tasks must be executed to move the balances in period 12 2008.
    If there is not data for company A in the totals infocube you may simply drag-and-drop company A from cons group AA to cons group BB without any concerns.
    The affect in each scenario is different because if there is data that is to be reported as part of cons group AA company A must be included in cons group AA.

  • Update purchasing group in scheduling agreements

    Hi gurus,
    I'm trying to update purchasing group field in scheduling agreements, which are time-independent (EKKO-STAKO = ' ').
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    I'd be grateful about any hint. Thanks in advance!

    In case it is useful for anyone else, I have solved the problem using:
    Thanks anyway!

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    I'm searching a BAPI for F-53.
    then i found your thread.
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    awaiting your reply.

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    Thanks in advance.

    Cons group is only actually stored for posting level 02, 12,, 22 and 30 documents.
    For all other records, the system derives the cons group during the query execution via the BCS virtual infocube's function module, which is pre-programmed with consolidations logic.
    Therefore when the drilldown occurs, the system logic from the totals list is ignored for the document details.

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    As per My Knowledge,Wht ever currency is assigned as company code currency , tht will only be updated in Material Master as Per standard.
    Currect me if Iam worng.

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    As per My Knowledge,Wht ever currency is assigned as company code currency , tht will only be updated in Material Master as Per standard.

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    Cons Group A
         Cons unit A
         Cons group B
              Cons unit B
              Cons unit C
              Cons unit D
    Company B is sold, along with its subsidiaries C and D. In periods previous to the divestiture, there are intercompany transactions between B, C and D, for which eliminations are recorded at posting level 20. For standard reporting these eliminations are ignored for both cons groups A and B due to C and D using equity method.
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    Has anyone dealt with this and if so how?
    Am I missing something?
    Thanks for any experiences relating to this and/or suggestions!

    Just extending the same point,
    system will generate the 22 PL records where in both
    consolidation unit  and partner unit of the group participating
    in eliminations follow purchase method.
    In your case  B (parent company ) is following purchase
    method and investee are following equity method.
    so 22 PL records are not expected.
    since it happened other way , some wild idea may be to check
    whether there is any method change during consolidation

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    "Cant update the group belonging for NameDomain\user"
    As result I cant change local grants for the user. I cant change his status from administrator to user of that machine.
    Can anybody tell me how can I solve this issue?
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks for your feedback. Did you mean that the issue exists after you removed
    DameWare tools?
    Please make sure that you have more than one administrator account on your computer, or you can't change it to a standard account since Windows requires at least one administrator account on a computer.
    If you have another administrator account, you can try to use it to change the user’s account type.
    Best regards,

  • Cons Group & Unit Display in Monitor

    With the upgrade to EP3 the cons groups and units name displayed in the monitor are the short description instead of the long description as was previously the case.
    It would be most appreciated if you would please suggest ways to change the names display from the short description to the long description.

    HI Dan,
    The display in Monitor works on standard future, and there is no customization involed in that as of now to display wither Short or Long description.
    Else, you can keep the short description as same as Long description, I know this may not solve your problem if the length of Long Description is grater than short.
    Also try contacting OSS help...
    or in R/3 normally if we want any changes in the standard display, we will do the by copying the standard and make changes.  So try using ABAP help, creating Own transaction code by copying the standard "UCMON" and apply necessary changes.
    Give this as last preference, as this includes only technical work.

  • How to update People Group KFF Segments in Assignment Form

    Hi Gurus,
    Please help me on how to update people group KFF individual segments on assignment form.
    Please provide sample code/reference.

    Hi Vignesh,
    I have tried the api using below code. But im getting the error like below:
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.HR_ASSIGNMENT_API", line 16616
    ORA-06512: at line 22
    l_people_group_id number;
    l_special_ceiling_step_id number;
    l_ovn number;
    l_soft_coding_keyflex_id number;
    l_group_name varchar2(9000);
    l_effective_start_date date;
    l_effective_end_date date;
    l_org_now_no_manager_warning boolean;
    l_other_manager_warning boolean;
    l_spp_delete_warning boolean;
    l_entries_changed_warning varchar2(9000);
    l_tax_district_changed_warning boolean;
    l_concatenated_segments varchar2(9000);
    l_gsp_post_process_warning varchar2(9000);
    (p_effective_date =>TO_DATE('08-SEP-2012')
    ,p_datetrack_update_mode =>'CORRECTION'
    ,p_validate =>FALSE
    ,p_assignment_id =>37325
    --,p_segment1 =>'Local Government Conditions (Green book)'
    --,p_segment2 =>'R'
    ,p_segment3 =>'None'
    ,p_object_version_number =>l_ovn
    ,p_special_ceiling_step_id =>l_special_ceiling_step_id
    ,p_people_group_id =>l_people_group_id
    ,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id =>l_soft_coding_keyflex_id
    ,p_group_name =>l_group_name
    ,p_effective_start_date =>l_effective_start_date
    ,p_effective_end_date =>l_effective_end_date
    ,p_org_now_no_manager_warning =>l_org_now_no_manager_warning
    ,p_other_manager_warning =>l_other_manager_warning
    ,p_spp_delete_warning =>l_spp_delete_warning
    ,p_entries_changed_warning =>l_entries_changed_warning
    ,p_tax_district_changed_warning =>l_tax_district_changed_warning
    ,p_concatenated_segments =>l_concatenated_segments
    ,p_gsp_post_process_warning =>l_gsp_post_process_warning
    Please help me on how to update the individual segment.

  • Update AD groups via resourceObjectUpdate?

    Hello idm experts,
    I need to update to update an object in AD - move in into a different container, update some attributes and add AD security groups.
    Is that possible to do all at once via updateResourceObject com.waveset.provision.WorkflowServices call?
    Trying to do it - rename (move to different OU) is correct, modifying attributes is correct. Group membership gets completely wiped out.
    Here is the user object I'm passing:
    <Attribute name='user'>
    <Attribute name='attributes'>
    <Attribute name='description' value='xxxx111'/>
    <Attribute name='groups'>
    <String>CN=na_approver,OU=FWD Groups,OU=Ldap Data,OU=INT,DC=msqa,DC=qa,DC=ms,DC=com</String>
    <String>CN=NA_BranchAdmin1,OU=Common Groups,OU=ISG,OU=INT,DC=msqa,DC=qa,DC=ms,DC=com</String>
    <Attribute name='objectGUID' value='106d443e62585a469d0ddf6dfdbaacfe'/>
    <Attribute name='sAMAccountName' value='xxxxxtest09'/>
    <Attribute name='ws_newAccountId' value='cn=paveltest0909,ou=gwm,ou=exchange,ou=isg,ou=int,dc=msqa,dc=qa,dc=ms,dc=com'/>
    <Attribute name='objectId' value='CN=xxxxxtest0909,OU=GWM,OU=Exchange,OU=ISG,OU=INT,DC=msqa,DC=qa,DC=ms,DC=com'/>
    <Attribute name='objectType' value='User'/>
    <Attribute name='resourceId' value='#ID#Resource:AD'/>
    And here is the call:
    <Action name='Update User' application='com.waveset.provision.WorkflowServices'>
    <Argument name='op' value='updateResourceObject'/>
    <Argument name='objectId' value='$(iden)'/>
    <Argument name='objectType' value='User'/>
    <Argument name='object' value='$(ldapObject.user)'/>
    <Argument name='resourceId' value='#ID#Resource:AD'/>
    <Argument name='action' value='update'/>
    <Return from='applicationError' to='applicationError'/>
    Update seems to be OK, the object is moved, attributes are updated, but group membership is wiped out.
    WavesetResult contains this:
    <ResultItem type='result' status='UI_MSG_SEVERITY_OK'>
    <ResultItem type='ACCOUNT_RENAMED'>
    <ResultItem type='message' status='UI_MSG_SEVERITY_OK'>
    What happened with group membership? Is there something I'm missing in object parameters or WorkflowServices parameters?

    You can "nest" an AD group in a SharePoint group and that will work just fine. What does not work is if you add users to an AD group, then nest that group in another AD group, and apply that second AD group to SharePoint. SharePoint is unable to crack open
    the nested group to parse the users.
    What do you mean by Site Collection Web Policy? Policies are applied at the Web Application level (in Central Administration).
    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

  • Update Purchasing group in MM42

    I have requirement to update purchasing group for article master in basic view and purchasing view.
    I did have look at IDOC ARTMAS and BAPI BAPI_MATERIAL_MAINTAINDATA_RT.They have purchasing group
    field but it seems for basic view not purchasing view as they don't have any field for vendor.
    Is there any f.M or bapi or idoc to update data in purchasing view.

    Hi Narendra,
    BAPI_MAINTAINDATA_RT will upload purchasing group in mm42 but it will be in basic view.If we want to upload purchasing group for vendors in purchasing view then we don't have any field related to this in the BAPI.

  • SEM-BCS: Cons Group Field Required for Inter-Unit Elimination

    I need help.
    I need to use document type for manual postings that allows me to indicate the cons group field.
    I understand the PL10 is cons unit dependent only and not cons group.
    I know that PL12 allows cons group posting.
    But from what I understand PL12 is not captured in the inter-unit elimation task.
    Is there other way?
    Appreciate response.

    Hi Adam and Eugene,
    Thanks for the helpful response.
    However I want my manual entries related to inter-unit elimination to reflect in one cons group only,  considering that we have different hierarchies in our system.
    The manual entries related to I/U elimation is basically an adjustment to the intercompany accounts. The purpose of my manual entries is to minimize the value of the difference of my intercompany accounts.
    for example: (before interunit elimination)
    Company A has intercompany accounts receivable of 100 USD with trading partner Company B
    However, Company B recorded 50 USD intercompany payable with trading partner Company A. Company B has understated figure of 50 USd
    To manually adjust in the BCS system,  I'll post in Company B debit inventory and credit intercompany payable 50 with trading partner Company A.
    Question is I want my adjusting entries to relfect only at the top hierarchy (one cons  group) and not at the other cons group
    Is there a way?
    Please advice.
    Thank you so much

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